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Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 562 23-9-2008 #7 562 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation algorithmenhancements,it is shown how to choosetechnologyconstants, how to trade offwirelength and slack, and how to deal with blockages, congestion, and high fanout nets. Experimental results demonstrate that generated trees areof good quality andthat the algorithm execution time isextremely small (one million trees are computed in less than a minute; note that if a robust buffer insertion is needed, additional CPU time may be required for postprocess buffering). 27.3 SIMULTANEOUS TREE CONSTRUCTION AND BUFFER INSERTION In this section, some of the methods that combine buffer insertion and topology construction are presented. Most of them belong to the P-Tree class of algorithms. The work started with the first version of the P-Tree algorithm [8] that was designed to construct timing-driven routing tree and it has seen a d ecade long evolution of various improvements and extensions that were building on the original ideas. These algorithms are designed to handle a variety of challenges seen in modern designs. Simultaneous tree construction and repeater insertion (with multiple buffers and inverters in the library) while being able to optimize multiple objectives, again, sim ultaneously (delay, cost, congestion, wirelength) are achieved through the core optimization engine. Practical issues such as obstacles (i.e., placement and routing blockages), multilayer routing and vias, and nonorthogonal routing are handled by the capability of the algorithm s to work on g eneral graph mode ls as rout- ing targets. Spatial, temporal, and polarity localities (all of them independently) are captured and exploited by implicit specification o f the set of tree topologies that will be searched. In the following subsections, we give an overview of the mentioned contributions in chronological order. 27.3.1 P-TREE ALGORITHM The work in Ref. [8] presents an algorithm that constructs rectilinear Steine r trees while explicitly optimizing both delay and wire area. Contrary to the methods presented in the previous section, it introduces the paradigm of finding an optimal solution in the constrained solution space; in other words, the solution search space is defined in advance, and then the algorithm finds an optimal solution in this constrained space. The P-Tree algorithm simultaneously optimizes over topologies and their embeddings. To illus- trate the degreesof freedom in embedding a particulartopology consider Figure27.6. Thedriveris the root, leaves represent sinks, and internal nodes represent Steiner or branching points. However, the branching points do not have defined placement locations. As an example, topology in Figure 27.6a can yield very different embedded solutions as shown in Figure 27.6b and c. Notice that sinks A and B when the topology is embedded (Figure 27.6b and c) are always in the same subtree, as specified by the topology (Figure 27.6a). Thus, how one embeds a particular topology can be of great importance. But what about the topology itself? The P-Tree algorithm does not limit itself to a single topology. Instead, it optimizes (a) (b) (c) C D A A B B C D A B C D FIGURE 27.6 Routing tree topology (a) can have different embedded solutions (b) and (c). Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 563 23-9-2008 #8 Generalized Buffer Insertion 563 (a) (b) (c) C C A A B B DBD D C A FIGURE 27.7 Topologies (a) and (b) satisfy permutation BDAC while topology (c) does not. over all topologies induced by a sink permutation (a set exponential in size). These topology trees are simultaneously explored and embedded to the routing domain. The routing topologies that are produced are permutation-constrainedroutingtrees (giving rise to the name P-Tree). Given an ordering of sinks (i.e., permutation) a topology satisfies the permutation constraint if some depth-first traversal of the topology tree produces the same sink o rdering. As an example, given the permutation BDAC, trees in Fig ure 27.7a and b satisfy the permutation while the one in Figure 27.7c does not. The method proposed to find a high-quality permutation consists of three steps. The first step constructsa minimum spanning tree (MST) on all pins (both driver and sinks). The next step converts the MST into topologyby reorientingMST such that the driver is at theroot and binarizing it such that each internal node has exactly two outgoing edges. The last step is toapply the dynamicprogramming algorithm to optimize the induced permutation further. The proposed approach is to optimize the tour length of the permutation (in the sense of a traveling salesman problem (TSP)). The intuition is that TSP provides good clustering information (i.e., sinks that are close in the placement should be close in the topology as well). In addition, because the permutation is consistent with the MST, it guarantees that the minimum area solution induced by this permutation can be at most 50 percent larger than the optimal Steiner tree. A more detailed description of the algorithm can be also found in Ref. [17]. Once the permutation is obtained, thus defining all topologies to be explored, the algorithm proceeds to topology embedding. The routing target is specified by a Hanan grid (note that in Ref. [10] this step of the flow is redesigned to handle general g raph model, giving the capability to account for blockages and congestion). Instead of embedding topologies one at a time, algorithm exploits the structure of permutation constrained topologies and achieves polynomial computational complexity while exploring an exponential search space. For example, topologies in Figure 27.7a and b have identical subtree containing sinks B and D, and there is no need to compute solution for this subtree more than once. The dynamic programming approach proceeds in a bottom-up fashion computing the following solution sets: S(v, i, j) contains signatures ∗ of the solutions over all permutation-induced topologies driving sinks from i to j in the permutation that are rooted at the vertex v in the target routing graph. Set S b (v, i, j) contains signatures of the solutions over all permutation-induced topologies driving sinks from i to j in the permutation that ar e rooted at the vertex v with a constraint that vertex v is also a branching point. The top-level view of the P-Tree algorithm is given in Figure 27.8. Depending onthe solutionsignature,the algorithmcan optimize manyobjectives. Inthe P– Tree A mode, solution signature contains only one parameter: total wire capacitance c. This mode is used to optimize wire a rea. In the P –Tree AT mode, both timing and area are optimized simultaneously. ∗ Solution signature is described in the following paragraph. Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 564 23-9-2008 #9 564 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation P-Tree Algorithm a1 Compute S ( v, i, i ) a2 for I = 1 to n − 2 do a3 for i = 1 to n − 1 − I do a4 j = i + I a5 Compute S b ( v, i, j ) a6 Compute S ( v, i, j ) a7 endfor a8 endfor a9 return S ( v d , 1 ,n − 1) FIGURE 27.8 P-Tree algorithmic framework. Instead of one single final solution, algorithm produces a family of nondominated solutions with area/delay trade-off. In this mode, solution signature is specified by an ordered pair (c , q),wherec represents total downstream capacitance, while q represents signal required arrival time. Under the Elmore delay model [2], managing these primitives is done in a way similar to Ref. [1], as explained in Chapter 26. Just as a reminder the primitives include joining, augmenting, merging, and pruning solutions. In the followup work, P – Tree A and P – Tree AT modes are referred to as one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) modes because the algorithm optimizes only one parameter in the 1D mode, and simultaneously optimizes two parameters in the 2D mode. Details about computing S and S b sets can be found in Ref. [8]. As a side note, computation of the set S is done by performing four sweeps of the routing grid (once in each direction). This step is very efficient under assumption that the routing target is a Hanan grid, bu t it cannot handle obstacles. Once the set S is computed at the top level S(v d ,1,n −1), the actual topology embeddings can be obtained by backtracking through the data structure containing these solution signatures. In Ref. [7], the original algorithm is extended to perform simultaneous route construction and buffer insertion. The general flow of the algorithm is almost identical to Ref. [8], except that each internal vertex in the topology is also considered as a buffer insertion candidate location. However, some adjustments had to be made to the solution signature and, because of that, to all primitives that operate on them as well. Because inserting a buffer decouples downstream load, and effectively resets the load visible from the parent vertex to the input capacitance of the inserted buffer, the load value cannot be used for cost estimation (but remains necessary for delay estimation). Thus, a third parameter that represents solution cost (e.g., area, power, congestion, or any composite function of those) is added to the solutions signature. The solution signature now becomes a triple (p, c, q). More details about the three-dimensional (3D) (simultaneously optimizing three parameters) version of the primitives can be found in Ref. [12]. Also, methods from Ref. [12] can be applied here to extend the algorithm to support multiple buffers and inverters in the library. Although the algorithm’s computational complexity is O (n 5 ) in the 1D mode, and pseudopoly- nomially bounded in the 2D mode, it produces solutions of very high quality in terms of both cost and delay. The algorithm may not be suitable for optimizing every single net in the design, but using this approach to optimize a smaller number of highly critical nets can be very beneficial, especially when one considers that the algorithm producesa family of solutions with delay/cost trade-offgiving more choices in the overall design optimization process. Experimental results support these claims. A detailed description of the algorithm and its extensions that were summarized above can be also found in Ref. [17]. 27.3.2 S-TREE ALGORITHM The work in Ref. [11] adopts the overall philosophy of P-Tree while improving runtime and scalabil- ity, introducinga generalstrategy (stitching) for incorporatingmultiple m easures of locality between Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 565 23-9-2008 #10 Generalized Buffer Insertion 565 sinks and subtrees (e.g., temporal, polarity),and finally adopting a generalgraph model as the routing target enabling natural solutions for obstacles, multilayer routing, etc. Although the P-Tree topology space is very large and has a very good ability to capture spatial sink locality, it may create solutions of higher cost in certain scenarios tha t include, for example, highly critical sinks physically located among noncritical sinks. To address this issue, the S-Tree defines its topology search set using a topology tree and a sink partition. Sink partition specifies which sinks can break the o riginal topology tree and b e stitched to any other part of the topology while maintaining the order within its own p artition set. The topology set is then composed of all valid stitching trees (thus, giving the name S-Tree). In Figure 27.9, given the topologyon the left and a sink partition {{A , C, D, F}, {B, E}}, one can find all possible topologies that satisfy the stitching requirement. Assuming that sinks B and E are critical, note how they are allowed to break away from noncritical sinks and climb toward the root. The fact that these topologies are in the solution space guarantees only that they will be explored but whether they will be chosen at the end depends on the cost and quality of the emb edded trees. In the extreme cases, if all sinks belong to a sing le partition, S-Tree is equivalent to a single topology tree embedding. The other extreme case is if each sink belongs to its own partition, which explores all possible tree topologies in a way similar to Ref. [9]. The initial topology is obtained as in P-Tree, using the first two steps only: construct an MST and convert it to a topology tree by reorientation and binarization. The sink partitions can be determined based on estimated timing criticality, input signal polarity requirements, or any other criteria. Once the topology set is d efined, the algorithm proceeds with the dynamic programming algorithm that performs topology set embedding. In the embedding process, no sink (nor a group of sinks) receives any special treatment. Modifications to the topology embedding algorithm include support of a general g raph model for a routing target. Propagation of candidate solutions through the routing graph is performed using timing-driven maze routing approach with simultaneous buffer insertion as in Ref. [14]. Note that solution quality depends a lot on the routing target graph. Careful graph construction is a key to A S CD F E B A C D S E F B S E F AADC C DF S B S B E B CADF E FIGURE 27.9 S-Tree topology space example. The initial topology tree on the left and a sink partition {{A, C, D, F}, {B , E}} define a set of fiv e different topologies that will be explored simultaneously. Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 566 23-9-2008 #11 566 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation the high-quality solution, but one should have in mind that the size of the graph has a large impact on the execution time. Some suggestions how to construct the routing target graph can be found in Refs. [9–11,14]; however, the algorithm itself is designed to work on general graph model, thus, the routing target graph may be constructed by any other means. Optimization m odes include all three modes seen in the P-Tree algorithm (1D, 2D, and 3D). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach in identifying solutions with very good timing and low cost. Also, the algorithm has very good predictability characteristics. 27.3.3 SP-TREE ALGORITHM The SP-Tree algorithm [10], as the name suggests (the stitching permutation constrained trees), combines the topology tree spaces of P-Tree and S-Tree. After obtaining the sink permutation and constructing a set of topology trees, sink partitions are specified and the entire set of topology trees is expanded by the stitching operation, producing a new larger set of tree topologies. The SP-Tree topology set contains both the P-Tree and the S-Tree topologies in addition to some new topologies that are not contained in either P-Tree or S-Tree. The topology set embedding algorithm is identical to that of the S-Tree with the main difference in the construction of the topology tree set that is provided as an input to the embedder. More details about both algorithmscan be found in Ref. [18], while executable solvers and examples can be found at Ref. [19]. Algorithms like buffered P-Tree, S-Tree, and SP-Tree, based on a general graph model as a routing target, provide high-quality solutions and have large flexibility with different optimization objectives. As expected, experimental results demonstrate that SP-Tree flow produces solutions that are always better o r equal to those of both S-Tree and P-Tree, usually with a smaller cost, but at a runtime penalty. 27.3.4 COMPLETE TREE TOPOLOGY EXPLORATION For the experimental purposes, one can construct a tree topology set that contains all possible tree topologies. This is similar to topology decomposition from Ref. [20]. One can achieve that either by using the S-Tree and requesting that each sink belongs to its own partition, or by using a specific approach as in Ref. [9]. Embedded routing trees obtained in this fashion are indeed optimal, but the computational complexity prevents any practical applications, although they are valuable for research purposes and evaluation of other heuristic approaches. REFERENCES 1. L. P. P. P. van Ginneken, Buffer placement in distributed RC-T ree networks for minimal elmore delay, in Pr oceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, New Orleans, LA, May 1990, pp. 865–868. 2. W. C. Elmore, The t ransient response of damped linear networks with particular regard to wideband amplifiers, Journal of Applied Physics, 19: 55–63, Jan. 1948. 3. C. J. Alpert, G. Gandham, M. Hrki´c, J. Hu, A. B. Kahng, J. Lillis, B. Liu, S. T. Quay, S. S. Sapatnekar , and A. J. Sullivan, Buffered Steiner trees for dif ficult instances, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 21(1): 3–14, Jan. 2002. 4. C. J. Alpert, G. Gandham, M. Hrki´c, J. Hu, and S. T. 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Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 568 23-9-2008 #13 Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C028 Finals Page 569 30-9-2008 #2 28 Buffering in the Layout Environment JiangHuandCliffC.N.Sze CONTENTS 28.1 Introduction 569 28.2 Placement and Routing Blockages 569 28.3 Buffered Path with Blockage Avoidance 571 28.3.1 Dynamic Programming-Based Method 571 28.3.2 Graph-Based Approach 572 28.4 Buffered Tree with Blockage Avoidance 574 28.4.1 Tree Adjustment Technique 574 28.4.2 Simultaneous Tree Construction and Buffer Insertion 574 Dynamic Programming-Based Method 575 Graph-Based Technique 575 28.5 Layout Environment Aware Buffered Steiner Tree 577 28.5.1 Measurement of Placement and Routing Congestion 577 28.5.2 Plate-Based Tree Adjustment 578 Dynamic Programming-Based Adjustment 578 Hybrid Approach for Tree Adjustment 579 28.5.3 Layout Navigation 581 28.5.4 Relating Buffering Candidate Locations to Layout Environment 582 References 583 28.1 INTRODUCTION Chapters 26 and 27 presented buffering algorithms where the buffering problem was isolated from the general problem of timin g closure. The m ain prob lem with this extraction is that there are no necessarily resources available to put the buffers or wires in their desired locations. One way to manage this flow is to put the buffers in their ideal locations and allow a legalization procedure to move them to actual locations. The problem with this approach is that buffers may be moved quite far from their ideal locations, which could completely corrupt the quality of the solutio n. It is much better to place the buffers in regions where there appear to be sufficient space, so that legalization would move the buffers by at most 10–20 routing tracks, which would preserve the original solution. To do this, one must certainly take into account the blockages and preferably local placement and routing congestion. In this chapter, we explore techniques that consider these factors. 28.2 PLACEMENT AND ROUTING BLOCKAGES In realistic chip designs, some regions may be occupied by IP blocks, memory arrays, and macros. Such regions allow wires to pass through but have no room for buffer insertion. Therefore, buffer insertion has to be performed with con sideration of these buffer blockages. If a wire path has large 569 Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C028 Finals Page 570 30-9-2008 #3 570 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation (a) (b) (c) FIGURE 28.1 (a) The wire path has large overlap with the buffer blockage, which is the shaded region, and there is no feasible buffering solution. (b) Rerouting the wire to completely avoid the blockage may result in large wire detour. (c) Ideally, the wire path should largely avoid the blockage with limited detour. overlap with blockages as in Figure 28.1a, no feasible buffering solution can be found. However, avoiding buffer blockages completely as Figure 28.1b may cause unnecessary wire detour as well as delay degradation. Hence, it is important to have algorithmic techniques that can find a proper routing topology (as Figure 28.1c) together with the buffer insertion solution. Another more intuitive example was previously described in Figure 27.4. To find the b est buffered interconnect solution, the routing must consider feasible buffer insertion locations. A similar problemis bufferinsertion consideringplacement androuting congestions. Ifa bufferis inserted in a crowded place as in Figure28.2a, it m ight be moved far away later during cell placement legalization. Thus, such insertion is not favorable although it is feasible, i.e., buffers are preferred to be inserted in relatively sparse regions like Figure 28.2b. Similarly, buffer insertion in a routing congested region may intensify the wire routability problem.Hence, buffer insertion algorithms need to be aware of layout environment and be able to handle the trade off between timing performance and congestion avoidance. Section 28.3 introduces algorithms on blockage avoidance for two-pin nets, i.e., buffered paths. Blockage buffered Steiner tree methods for multipin nets are described in Section 28.4. In Section 28.5, techniques for handling congestions are discussed. (a) (b) FIGURE 28.2 (a) If a buffer is placed in a crowded region, it may be moved by placement legalizer far away from its preferred location. (b) If the buffer is placed in a sparse region, its location will not be significantly changed by placement legalization. Alpert/Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C028 Finals Page 571 30-9-2008 #4 Buffering in the Layout Environment 571 28.3 BUFFERED PATH WITH BLOCKAGE AVOIDANCE For two-pin nets, the problem is to find a buffered path with the minimum delay under the blockage constraints. In the literature, there exists two major approaches: (1) dynamic programming and (2) graph-based algorithm. Both are based on the Elmore d elay model. It has not been showed that these approaches are fast enough to be practical for general optimization cases, but they can be very useful to a handful of the most critical nets. 28.3.1 DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING-BASED METHOD The dynamic programming-based method [1,2] propagates partial solutions from the sink node t through a routing graph G = (V , E) and picks the optimal solution at the source node s. The routing graph can be either a uniform grid reflecting routing tracks (Figure 28.3a) or an extended Hanan grid, which is obtained by drawing vertical and horizontal lines through the given pins and blockage boundaries (Figure 28.3b). For each edge (u, v) ∈ E , R(u, v) and C(u, v) are the edge resistance and capacitance, respectively. For each node v ∈ V , there is a label p(v) ∈{0, 1}whichisequalto0 if it overlaps with a buffer blockage and equal to 1, otherwise. Besides the routing graph, the driver resistance R d , sink capacitance C t , and a buffer library B are assumed to b e given. Each buffer type b ∈ B is modeled by its input capacitance C(b), intrinsic delay K(b), and output resistance R(b). A partial solution at a node v is characterized by a quadruple α = (c, d, m, v),wherec is the current input capacitance seen at v, d is the d elay from v to the sink t,andm is a labeling for the buffered path from v to t. The label of m(v) = b indicates that buffer b ∈ B is inserted at node v and m(v) = 0 implies that no buffer is inserted there. The solution α 1 = (c 1 , d 1 , m 1 , v) is inferior to solution α 2 = (c 2 , d 2 , m 2 , v) if c 1 ≥ c 2 and d 1 ≥ d 2 . The partial solutions are maintained in a priority queue Q in itialized with the solution (C t ,0,0,t) at the sink t. Each time, the top solution in Q, which has the minimum delay, is extracted for expansion. A solution (c, d, m, u) is expanded to its neighbor node v if there is an edge (u, v) ∈ E. The expanded solution is (c +C(u, v), d +R(u, v) ·(c +C(u, v)/2), m, v) where the d elay increase is based on the Elmore delay model. If a solution (c, d, m, v) is at node v where m(v) = 0andp(v) = 1, buffers of each type are inserted there to generate new partial solutions. If the buffer type is b ∈ B, its corresponding buffered solution is (C(b), d + R(b) · c +K(b), m, v) s t (a) (b) FIGURE 28.3 Routing graph. . Alpert /Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 562 23-9-2008 #7 562 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation algorithmenhancements,it. following paragraph. Alpert /Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C027 Finals Page 564 23-9-2008 #9 564 Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation P-Tree Algorithm a1. performed with con sideration of these buffer blockages. If a wire path has large 569 Alpert /Handbook of Algorithms for Physical Design Automation AU7242_C028 Finals Page 570 30-9-2008 #3 570 Handbook

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