419 introduction to, 81−82 output, 81 security systems home, 99 power connections, 88 tamper detection, 85 Security systems tamper detection, 84 security/automatic sensors basics, 84−87 home security system, 99 instructions assemble four-channel alarm sensor shield, 87−88, 90−92 load test program, 95−98 PIR placement, 98 intructions install end-of-line resistors, 92, 94−95 LEDs, 90−92 multiple buttons on one input, 99 parts required, 82−83 schematic, 84 sensor resistance, 86−87 shield connections, 95 variations, 98−99 visual display, 98 voltage levels, 87 Seeed Studio Ethernet Shield, 103, 108 semiconductor switches, 389 −393 sendWebPage() function, 229, 231, 233 sensor outputs common ground connections, 89 ser2net, 265 ser2net utility, 35 serial communications, 296 serial connections , 311 Serial.available() function, 287 Serial.print(), 340, 375 Serial.println() function, 182 , 375 serialEvent() function, 129 serproxy utility, 35 setup() function, 46, 129, 197, 199, 345 SHIFT key, 74 shift register, 169 shift registers as inputs, 395 as outputs, 393−395 SI Prefixes, 2 SI Units, 2 sinking current, 245 smoothing capacitor, 244 socket connections, 35 SoftSerial Arduino library, 116 SoftwareSerial library, 151 −152, 277, 287, 297 soldering, 14 solid state relays (SSRs), 389, 393 sourcing current, 245 SparkFun breakout board, 127 SparkFun prototyping shield, 90, 247 SpeakJet chip, 139, 142,143, 144, See also speech syntheziser allophones, 154, 157 buffers, 147, 160 commands, 153−154 PWM audio output, 144 reading status, 160−161 sound effects and tones, 157, 160 status outputs, 145−146 SpeakJet chiup reading status, 160 speech output signal, 142−143 speech synthesizer, 139, 161 creating messages, 153−154, 157, 160 instructions, 142 audio output, 144 beginning assembly, 143−144 fit status indicators, 145, 147 making line-level output cable, 148−149 on-board amplifier, 149−151 quick test, 145 speech output signal, 142−143 parts required, 140 −141 schematic, 141 software, 151−153 variations, 160−161 SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), 324 420 SPO256A-AL2 Allophone Speech Processor, 139 SPST (single-pole, single-throw) relay, 279 squelch control, 253 stack pointer, 365 static variables, 365 status bytes, 77−78 status indicators for speech synthesizer, 145, 147 status LEDs for vehicle telemetry platform, 331 −332 strcmp function, 290 structures, 344 successive approximation ADC, 194 −197 supply bypass capacitors, 13 switching devices, 389−393 switching frequency, 388 T tagValue array, 287, 289 takePhoto() function, 46, 49 tankLevel variable, 228 temperature sensors, 101, 103, 106 −108, 118 test_buttons() function, 348, 361−363 text processing, 112 time-lapse camera controller instructions assemble prototyping shield, 39 calculate photo interval, 44 check memory capacity, 48 configure and load sketch, 44−48 configure camera, 44 connect camera shutter release, 39−43 process images, 48−49 set up shoot, 48 light-level sensor, 49 parts required, 37− 38 power source for, 44 schematic, 39 variations, 49−50 time-lapse camera controller, 37, 50 TinyGPS library, 339, 342, 348 tools, 13−14 touch control panel instructions, 123, 126 calibrate hot zones, 134−137 connection test, 126, 128 construct hardware for home automation, 131−133 controlling Processing program, 128−131 parts required, 122 schematic, 123 workings of, 123−126 Touch control panel, 121, 137 instructions TouchScreen library, 128 touch screens, 121 connection test, 126, 128 workings of resistive, 123−126 TouchCube program, 129, 131 TouchScreen library, 128, 135 transistors, 389 bipolar, 391−392 transitor arrays, 392 Twitter weather updates, 265, 266 two-pole low-pass filter, 147 U UART interface, 274 ULN2003, 392 units of measure, 2 unlock() function, 290 update() function, 58 USART (universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter), 116 USART (Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter) channels, 296 USB HID to PS/2 scan code translation table, 59 USB keyboards, 63−64 421 USB memory stick, 324−335 USB power, 9 USB/OBD-II adapter, 302−303 internals, 309 preparing, 308−313 testing, 303 UsbKeyboard library, 53−54, 56−58 V Vacuum-Flourescent Display (VFD), 328 variable resistor, 397 VDIP.pde, 371−372 VDIP1 module, 324−327, 344, 349, 371 mounting, 334−335 VDIP2 module, 325, 371 VdipBuffer() function, 373 vehicle telemetry platform generate charts of parameters, 380 generate Google Earth track, 380 instructions assemble OBD-II cable, 313−314 assemble power supply on shield, 319−323 check vehicle interface, 301 −302 fit serial connections on shield, 323, 324 LCD module, 328−331 logging control button and status LEDs, 331−332 mount sub-assemblies in case, 332−335, 337− 338 OBD-II modes and parameters, 304−305, 307−308 obtain USB/OBD-II or RS-232 adapter, 302− 303 prepare GPS module, 314, 316 −319 prepare USB/OBD-II adapter, 308−313 prepare VDIP1 module, 324 −327 test USB/OBD-II adapter, 303 menu buttons, 376 −378 modular structure of, 300 mounting in car, 338 OBDuino Mega sketch, 338 −347, 349, 351−356, 358−378, 380 parts required, 298 −300 project overview, 295−297 resources, 382 running logging, 378−379 schematics HD44780-compatible display module, 328 logging control button and status power supply, 320 LED connections, 332 VDIP1 connections, 327 variations, 380 3D accelerometer, 381 alarm status, 381 battery condition check, 382 digital compass, 381 mobile Internet connection, 381 speech synthesizer output, 381 vehicle control, 381 vehicle telemetry platform, 295, 382 Vinculum chip, 349, 371, 373 Vinculum Disk And Peripheral (VDAP) firmware, 325 Vinculum VNC1L, 324 virtual USB keyboard instructions compile and upload sketch, 57, 59−60 populate prototyping shield, 53 −55 prepare the UsbKeyboard library, 56 parts required, 51−52 schematic, 52 variations, 61 virtual USB keyboard, 51, 61 VNC1L module, 325 volatile variables, 176−177 voltage, 2, 388 voltage dividers, 99, 396−397 voltage regulators, 383−384 volts (V), 2 422 W wall warts, 11 Watch My Thing, 184 water depth tank sensor instructions load tank-level sketch, 227−231 water flow gauge,163, 184 instructions, 165 determine scaling factor, 174−175 fit Arduino in case, 173−174 fit LCD to case, 171−172 hardware interrupts, 175−176 install flow sensor, 183 prepare LCD module, 168−171 prepare prototyping shield, 166 −167 replace sensor connector, 165 volatile variables, 176−177 multiple sensors, 184 online logging, 184 parts required, 164 schematic, 165 sketch, 178−183 variations, 184 water pressure, 209 water tank depth sensor animated visualization of tank level, 233 control pumps or irrigation, 236 instructions, 212−213 assemble Arduino housing, 223−225 assemble sensor housing, 219−−223 assemble shield, 213−215 calibrating empty tank level, 234−235 calibrating full tank level, 236 determine sensor installation method, 215−218 install sensor and Arduino, 235 −236 install WiShield Library and driver, 226−227 local level display, 237 parts required, 210 −211 reading multiple tanks, 237 schematic, 211 upload data to Pachube, 236 variations, 236 web interface, 231 −234 water tank depth sensor, 209, 237 watts (W), 2 weather station receiver, 239, 267 instructions assemble receiver shield, 246−250 test and install weather station, 243 understanding the circuit, 243 −246 parts required, 241 −242 scematic, 242 sensor IDs, 256−258 software program, 250−264 Twitter weather updates, 265−266 variations, 267 weather stations, 239−240 identifiers, 256 private online, 267 testing and installing, 243 WeatherStationReceiver.h file, 250, 252 WeatherStationReceiver.pde, 252 Wiegand effect, 270 Wiegand interface, 274 WiFi, 228 Windows image processing, 48 WINE, 316 wire choosing, 8 WIRELESS_MODE_ADHOC, 228 WIRELESS_MODE_INFRA, 228 WiServer network security modes, 228 WiServer object, 230 WiServer.init() function, 229 WiServer.server_task() method, 229 WiShield, 265 WiShield Driver, 226 WiShield library, 226−227 WProgram.h file, 403 WRF (WRite File) command, 349 WSR_RESET() function, 259 423 Z ZD-series sensors, 166 Zener diodes, 54−55, 323, 397 ZeroG Wireless, 226 . static variables, 365 status bytes, 77−78 status indicators for speech synthesizer, 145, 147 status LEDs for vehicle telemetry platform, 331 −332 strcmp function, 290 structures, 344 successive. process images, 48−49 set up shoot, 48 light-level sensor, 49 parts required, 37− 38 power source for, 44 schematic, 39 variations, 49−50 time-lapse camera controller, 37, 50 TinyGPS library,. SI Units, 2 sinking current, 245 smoothing capacitor, 244 socket connections, 35 SoftSerial Arduino library, 116 SoftwareSerial library, 151 −152, 277, 287, 297 soldering, 14 solid state