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Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P33 potx

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Index 303 LAN port 186 MAN port 186 RS: RS-232 189, 239 RS-485 189 Satellites 255–61 advanced communications technology satellite (ACTS) 255 advantages, satellite networks 258–9 applications, satellite systems 259 bulk information broadcasting 260 full-duplex-based protocol 264 GEO satellites 256 geo synchronous earth orbit (GEO) 255 geostationary earth orbit (GEO) 256 GLOBALSTAR 256 information retrieval 260 IRIDIUM 256 LEO satellites 256 methods of optimizing, TCP/IP over satellite channels 266 avoidance techniques 267 congestion avoidance 267 large window extension (TCP-LW) 266– 7 random early detection (RED) 267 selective acknowledgment (TCP-SACK) 266 MobileLEO 256 point-to-multi-point link 255 remote control and login 259 satellite-to-satellite linking 256 spoofing 267 telecommunications 256 three-way handshake 264, 266 very small aperture terminal (VSAT) 255 video conferencing 259 Security considerations 216 6-bit pseudo-random code 219 access control lists (ACLs) 220 authentication 219, 229 hackers 216–8 information security policies 225–6 network security policies 233 network-sniffing device 217 PIN number 219 secure ID tag 219 security advisory services 226 security breaches 218 Servers: embedded web servers 237 network time servers 190 print servers 188 first-come first-served basis 188 serial and parallel printers 188 remote access servers 189 global positioning system (GPS) 190 PPP or SLIP 189 Radius, Kerberos or secureID 189 stand-alone devices 190 terminal servers 188 connect multiple 188 serial devices 188 thin servers 189, 239, 242 DIN rail package 189 Ethernet LANs 239 port redirector 189 signal-channel terminal servers 189 thin server applications 239 universal thin servers 239 Session layer 26, 29 network connection 26 Shannon, formula 7 Shannon-Hartley law 7 Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) 77, 133, 154 client 155 data command 155 processes 154 quit command 155 server 154–5 SMTP commands 155 TELNET connection 155, 195 Simple network management protocol (SNMP) 150–1, 153–4, 176, 210–1, 220, 241 basic commands 151 basic components 151 GetBulk operation 153 GetNest operation 153 Inform operation 153 interoperability 154 protocol data unit (PDU) 154 proxy agents 154 management information base (MIB) 151 hierarchy 152 object 151 standards organizations 152 304 Index network-management systems (NMSs) 151–4 set operation 153 SNMP security 153 masquerading 153 modification of information 153 security threats 153 trap operation 153 Simplex 8 transmission 8 Sockets 124, 131 Stop bit 10 Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 234, 241–2 Ethernet compatible SCADA systems 241 factory automation systems 236 java-based SCADA 241 stand-alone SCADA systems 234 TCP/IP based factory automation 242 TCP/IP Ethernet-based systems 234–5 web compatible SCADA systems 242 Switches 182–3, 236, 238, 251 cut-through vs store-and-forward 183 packet destination address 183 packet errors 183 full-duplex switches 183 Ethernet NIC 183 full-duplex Ethernet 183 layer 2 switches vs layer 3 switches 183 data link layer 183, 186 node to switch 65 non-buffered switches 70 switch applications 183 standard Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 185 VLAN ID number 186 VLANs and deterministic Ethernet 185 switch-to-switch, full-duplex 65 Synchronous 3, 11, 14, 31, 33 data frame 14 synchronous data link control (SDLC) 3 synchronous optic network (SONET) 33 transmission 11 block 11 post-amble 11 TCP/IP 30, 74–5, 80, 91, 116–7, 107, 133, 146, 149–50, 154, 158–59, 167, 170–1, 186, 191, 201, 203, 205, 207, 216, 220, 222, 224, 234–7, 241, 244, 246, 249–50, 255, 258–61, 263, 265–67 host-to-host layer 76, 122 initial sequence number (ISN) 124, 129 IP and TCP headers 128 major drawback 131 non-connection-oriented protocol 131 PHS bit 128 positive acknowledgment 125–6 pseudo-random sequence number 127 sequence number 124–5, 127 sliding window 125–6 streaming audio 131 streaming video 131 synchronization parameters 131 TCP connection phase 126 unreliable protocol 131 satellite see Satellite simple mail transfer protocol see Simple mail transfer protocol system components 174 modern network devices 175 TCP/IP protocol suite Vs ARPA model 75 firmware 75 network interface layer 75 serial line internet protocol (SLIP) 76 switched multimegabit data service (SMDS) 76 TCP/IP stack 77 troubleshooting see Troubleshooting user data protocol see User data protocol user datagram protocol (UDP) 131 Telecommunications network (TELNET) 77, 134, 136, 140–3, 154–5, 195, 205, 220 carriage-return character 140 concurrent connections 140 IAC-IP (or 255-244) 141 interpret as command (IAC) 141 network virtual terminal (NVT) 140 Token 40 active monitor (AM) 41 data packet see Packet network architectures 41 node to node 40–1 probabilistic access method 41 standby monitors (SMs) 41 token ring network 41 Topology 33–4, 41, 115, 177–8 broadcast point-to-point topologies 33 broadcast topologies 33 bus topology 35, 39, 41 advantages 35 Index 305 disadvantages 35 point-to-point system 35, 37 component topologies 35 hybrid topologies 35 logical and physical topologies 34–6 logical bus topology 48 media-access methods 34 mesh topology 39 network topologies 33 nodes see Node physical topology 48 point-to-point topologies 34 ring topology 36, 37 advantages 37 disadvantages 37 star topology 36, 39, 49 advantages 36 disadvantages 36 star-wired ring topology 38 advantages 38 disadvantages 38 multistation access units (MAUs) 38 tree topology 39 advantages 39 daisy-chained 39 disadvantages 39 distributed bus 39 hybrid physical topology 39 Transmitter 2–3, 8, 18 to convert 2 Transport layer 26 distributed star topology 38 outgoing packets 26 protocols see Protocols subnet layers 26 subnet service classes 26 upper layer 26 utilities see Utilities Troubleshooting 249–50 bridges or switches 251 CPU utilization 250 CRC/alignments 250 CSMA/CD Ethernet system 251 disk I/O 250 errors/second 250 Ethernet card 251 frame check sequence (FCS) 251 jabbers 250 kilobytes/second 249 memory usage 250 network congestion 253 ping command 253 packets/second 249 percentage utilization 249 with TCP/IP utilities 251 hardware problems 253 intermittent problems 253 netstat-i 253 queue field 253 spray command 253 Unconfirmed connection oriented service (UOS) 31 UNIX operating systems 140 User data protocol (UDP) 76, 96, 122, 131–2, 137, 156, 137–8, 150, 159, 167, 264–5 checksum procedure 132 datagram 131 frame format 131 pseudo header 132 zero transmitted checksum 132 Utilities: DOS ping command 165 HOSTS file 173 windows hosts file 173 ICMP echo 162 IPCONFIG 168 host 168, 172–3 multi-homes host 168 PCMCIA 168 PPP adapter 168 NBTSTAT 167 netstat options 167 protocol statistics 167 packet internet groper (ping) 162 ping utility 163 ROUTE 172 time to live (TTL) 164 TJPingPro 165, 171 TRACE Rou Te 170 user-friendliest option 171 WINIPCFG 169 windows IP configuration 169 Virtual private network (VPN) 20 encryption techniques 20 packet switched links 20 Wide area network 17–20, 30, 120, 163, 186, 188, 202–4, 212 306 Index WINS 149–50, 158 IP address mapping 149 name registration 150 name resolution 150 client 150 database 150 proxy agents 150 TCP/IP configuration 149, 168 WINS server 149 World wide web 193, 196–7, 212–3, 266 . Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 234, 241–2 Ethernet compatible SCADA systems 241 factory automation systems 236 java-based SCADA 241 stand-alone SCADA systems 234 TCP/IP based. mail transfer protocol (SMTP) 77, 133, 154 client 155 data command 155 processes 154 quit command 155 server 154–5 SMTP commands 155 TELNET connection 155, 195 Simple network management. TCP/IP based factory automation 242 TCP/IP Ethernet- based systems 234–5 web compatible SCADA systems 242 Switches 182–3, 236, 238, 251 cut-through vs store -and- forward 183 packet destination

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 20:20