photographs using the Microsoft Outlook Express email program. After you’ve initially configured the external email button on the 5370C, it uses these default settings each time you press the scan button. You can reopen the dialog box and reset these specifications if you are, for example, scanning another type of document or using a different email program. FIGURE 17-2 The dialog box used to configure the external email button on a Hewlett-Packard ScanJet 5370C scanner Perform the scan. After you’ve configured the default settings for your scanner software, you scan the image you want to send. The 5370C displays a status message, as shown in Figure 17-3, telling you the scanning process is in progress and the finished scan will be sent to the particular utility within the software that handles email. In this case, the email utility is called eFax Messenger Plus. Send the email. After the scanning process is complete, your scanner software automatically opens your email program and creates an email message document to send the scanned image, as shown in Figure 17-4. Simply enter a text message, and identify a recipient for the message as shown. If you’re using the 5370C, you go to the File menu and select the Send To option. Type of photo Email program used Type of file sent 324 How To Do Everything with Your Scanner Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. FIGURE 17-3 After configuring the external email button, scan the image you want to send. FIGURE 17-4 Your scanner software might open your email software and attach the image to an email message. Attachment containing scanned image Enter name of recipient. CHAPTER 17: Adding Scanned Images to Your Web Pages and Email 325 17 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Sending Email Directly from Your Image-Editing Program After you finish editing an image or creating a project such as a greeting card, you might be able to open your email program from within your image-editing program. Both PhotoSuite 4 and PhotoDeluxe have this convenient feature. Emailing Your Project from PhotoSuite 4 If you’re working in PhotoSuite 4 and want to email one of your editing projects, follow these steps: 1. With the project file open on your work area, click the Share button, located directly below the Menu bar. 2. Click the Send E-mail button on the Activity panel that appears, or select Send via E-mail from the File menu. 3. Click the Return button from this Activity panel, then click Send Now or one of the other options. 4. Indicate whether you want to send your scanning project in its current format, or change it to the JPEG format. 5. Your email application/service is automatically launched, as shown in Figure 17-5, creating an email with your editing project as an attachment. The email includes a standard greeting, which you may include, or you may type your own. Enter the email address of the person you want to send your project to. 6. Click Send to send the message with your scanned and edited project as an attachment, then click Return. Sending an Email Message from PhotoDeluxe When you work with PhotoDeluxe, it’s easy to email your completed editing project to a friend. Just follow these steps to open your email program directly from PhotoDeluxe: 1. Click the Share button, then the Email button. An Email Information dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 17-6. 326 How To Do Everything with Your Scanner Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. FIGURE 17-5 Open your email program directly from PhotoSuite, as shown here. 2. Type complete email addresses in the Send To and From text fields. You can add multiple addresses, using a maximum of 255 characters per field, including commas and spaces. 3. Complete the information in the Subject and Message fields. 4. Click Attach File, browse for the PhotoDeluxe project you want to email, then click OK. Attaching a File to an Email Message It’s not always convenient to send your photo directly from your scanning or image- editing software. If you’re sending multiple image files, you might need to open your email program and browse for the files you want to attach. Email option dialog box Project attached to email CHAPTER 17: Adding Scanned Images to Your Web Pages and Email 327 17 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. FIGURE 17-6 Email a scanned image directly from within PhotoDeluxe. Attaching a File to a Microsoft Outlook Email Message If you’re working in Microsoft Outlook, follow these steps to attach a file: 1. Click the paper clip icon, as shown in Figure 17-7. A dialog box opens. 2. Browse for the file you want to attach, and select it. Click the Email button. Browse for project to attach. 328 How To Do Everything with Your Scanner Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. . message as shown. If you’re using the 5370C, you go to the File menu and select the Send To option. Type of photo Email program used Type of file sent 324 How To Do Everything with Your Scanner Please. button, then the Email button. An Email Information dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 17-6. 326 How To Do Everything with Your Scanner Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to. Message from PhotoDeluxe When you work with PhotoDeluxe, it’s easy to email your completed editing project to a friend. Just follow these steps to open your email program directly from PhotoDeluxe: 1.