p175 QC Preflight Point 3 rd 33 Job no : 76098 Title : The Fundamentals Of Sonic Art Client : AVA Scn : # 150 Size : 200(w)230(h)mm Co : M3 C0 (All To Spot)(Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 16.02.07 (Job no:76098C4 D/O : 12.04.07 Co: CM11) 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 4/12/07 4:25 PM Page 175 p175 3 rd (Job no:76098C4 D/O : 12.04.07 Co: CM11) 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 4/12/07 4:25 PM Page 175 p175 3 rd (Job no:76098C4 D/O : 12.04.07 Co: CM11) 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 4/12/07 4:25 PM Page 175 175174 p175 3 rd (Job no:76098C4 D/O : 12.04.07 Co: CM11) A book like this may have only one acknowledged author but, in truth, it stems from and is made possible by the efforts and contributions of many people: those who inspire by their works and especially those who give of their time and knowledge either directly or through providing information, making themselves available for chats and by acting as sounding boards for ideas. In a very real sense, this book is every bit as much theirs as it is mine. Many people contributed in many ways to help make this book possible and I’m hugely grateful to every one of them. So, in no particular order, the biggest of all possible thank yous to: My brilliant colleagues at Middlesex University: John Dack, Salomé Voegelin, Martin Robinson, Nic Sandiland, Nye Parry, Andrew Deakin, Matt Abrey and the late and much-missed Hugh Davies for many helpful suggestions and hours of inspiring and informative conversations; Stephen Boyd Davis and Huw Jones of the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts for support and encouragement; our outstanding students past and present (including Nathan Mann and Dani Joss to whom special thanks for pictures of their work); the management of Middlesex University who unwittingly made the whole project possible; our ‘guest artists’: Vicki Bennett, Max Eastley, Janek Schaefer, Simon Emmerson and Knut Aufermann for taking the time to talk about and provide pictures of their work; Hannah Gibbs for interview transcription; Humphrey and Ollie for workstation breaks and John and Sally Mitchell for invaluable hospitality. Particular thanks to Karen Wilks for graphic design and layout and to Caroline Walmsley and Leafy Robinson, my editors at AVA, for guiding the whole project. Thanks also to Lucy Bryan, Sanaz Nazemi, Martin Blain and Amy Morgan. Index compiled by INDEXING SPECIALISTS (UK) Ltd, Indexing House, 306A Portland Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 5LP.Tel: 01273 416777. email: richardr@indexing.co.uk Website: www.indexing.co.uk None of this would have been possible without the support and frequent forgiveness of the rest of the household especially my long-suffering wife Louise: this is for her with thanks and love. CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Acknowledgements 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 4/12/07 4:25 PM Page 175 QC Preflight Point 1 st 33 p176 Job no : 76098 Title : The Fundamentals Of Sonic Art Client : AVA Scn : # 150 Size : 200(w)230(h)mm Co : M3 C0 (All To Spot)(Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 16.02.07 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.07 Co: CM0) 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 3/24/07 6:42 AM Page 176 1 st p176 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 3/24/07 6:42 AM Page 176 1 st p176 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 3/24/07 6:42 AM Page 176 1 st p176 Notes 76098_CTP_158-176.qxd 3/24/07 6:42 AM Page 176 JKT UK QC Preflight Point F The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound Design another in the ava series Tony Gibbs Other titles of interest in AVA’s Academia range include: The Fundamentals of Creative Design The Fundamentals of Photography The Fundamentals of Illustration The Fundamentals of Animation The Fundamentals of Fashion Design The Fundamentals of Creative Advertising The Fundamentals of Architecture The Fundamentals of Interior Architecture The Fundamentals of Digital Art The Fundamentals of Typography The Fundamentals of Film Making The Fundamentals of Marketing The Fundamentals of Product Design ava publishing sa sales@avabooks.ch www.avabooks.ch Tony is presently leader of the BA Sonic Arts programme at Middlesex University. Launched in 1995, this unique programme is one of the first interdisciplinary degree courses in sonic arts. In addition to programme leadership and teaching, he has been responsible for the development of the technical resources of the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts, where he is currently involved in a range of activities including the development of an interactive 3D audiovisual system for use by composers, performers and other artists. A fan of Maurice Escher, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Steely Dan and William Gibson, Tony rides a bicycle, is married to a headteacher, has two daughters and a variable number of cats and lives in deepest rural Hertfordshire. The application of sound to other media (such as film or video) is well known – we call it sound design – and the idea of sound as a medium in its own right (such as radio) is widely accepted. However, the idea that sound could also be a distinct art form by itself is less well established and often misunderstood. The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound Design sets out to introduce, describe and begin the process of defining this new subject and to provide a starting point for anyone who has an interest in the creative uses of sound. In this book we explore the worlds of sonic art and sound design through their history and development as distinct subjects.We look at the present state of these extraordinarily diverse genres through the works and words of established artists and through an examination of the wide range of practices that currently come under the heading of ‘sonic arts’. We examine the technologies used and the impact that these have on works of sonic art; consider new and radical approaches to sound recording, performance, installation works and exhibition and visit the worlds of the sonic artist and the sound designer. Any new subject can be difficult to approach so,as well as showing newcomers the scope and possibilities that sonic art can offer, this book helps provide useful resources for further study and practice. The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound Design Tony Gibbs Job no : 76098-2 Title : The Fundamentals Of Sonic Art & Sound Design Client : AVA Scn : # 175 Size : 588.5(w)230(h)mm Co : M3 C0 (Coagl) Dept : DTP D/O : 14.02.07 (Job no: 76098C2 D/O : 13.03.07 Co: CM3) 2 nd 33 76098-2_CTP_sonic_UK_US_cvr.qxd 3/24/07 5:21 AM Page 1 . accepted. However, the idea that sound could also be a distinct art form by itself is less well established and often misunderstood. The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound Design sets out to introduce,. have on works of sonic art; consider new and radical approaches to sound recording, performance, installation works and exhibition and visit the worlds of the sonic artist and the sound designer. Any. newcomers the scope and possibilities that sonic art can offer, this book helps provide useful resources for further study and practice. The Fundamentals of Sonic Art & Sound Design Tony Gibbs Job no