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PSZ l9:16 (Ptnd. l/07) NOTES : * lf the thesis is CONFIDENTIAL or RESTRICTED, pleose ottoch with the lefter from lhe orgonisotion with pedod ond reosons for confidentiolity or restriction. U NIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI TI,IAIAYSIA DECTARAIIOT{ OI THESIS / UNDERGRADI'ATI PROJECT PAPER AI{D COFYRIGHI Author's full nome Dote of birth Iitle MOMFARIIAN BIN ABDI'L RAIIIM 30MAY 1986 FOWER FTI)W ANALYS TOR IhITERCOI{NECIEI) FOWER SYSTEM USING MATI"AB 20(nr:lfr)!l Acodemic Session: ldeclore thot this thesis is clossified os : n coNFrDENnAt {Contoins confidenliol informotion under the Otficiol Secret Act 1?721* {Contoins restdcted informotion os specified by ihe orgonisotion where reseorch wos done)* I ogree thot my thesis to be published os online open occess |-] Rs$rilcrtD E oPEN AccEs:t {fulltexi) I ocknowledged thoi UniversitiTeknologi Moloysio reseryes the right os follows : l. The thesis is the properly of UniversitiTeknologi Moloysio. 2. The Librory of UnivenitiTeknologi Moloyaio hos lhe right to moke copies for the purpose of reseorch only. 3. The Librory hos the right to moke copies of the ihesis for ocodemic exchonge. SIGNATURE 86053&,29-5249 (NEW rC NO. /PASSPOnT NO.) Dote:1MAY200!| NAIAE OF SUPERVISOR Dote: 5 MAY 20S) I{-ATUNE OF SUFERVISOR "I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering" Signature Name of Supervisor Date : ALIAS B. MOHD YUSOF : 5 MAY 2009 fi I POWER FLOW ANALYSIS FOR INTERCONNECTED POWER SYSTEM USING MATLAB MOHD FARHAN BIN ABDUL RAHIM A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MAY 2009 I declare that this thesis entitled uPotser Flow Analysisfor Interconnected Power System Using IIATIaIR'is the results of my own research except as citied in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently candidate of any degree. Author's nam€ : MOHD FARHAN BIN ABDUL RAHIM Date :1May2009 iii To my beloved father Abdul Rahim Bin Abdul Rahim To my beloved mother Narini Binti Zakaria To my beloved brother Mohd Faiz Bin Abdul Rahim For your love, perseverance and sacrifices Thank you so much iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to express his gratitude and thanks to his project supervisor, En. Alias B. Mohd Yusof. Thanks for his invaluable guidance and advice towards completing this project. En. Alias B. Mohd Yusof had always been there to explain and answer most of the doubts regarding this project. He had been very supporting and understanding throughout the course of this project. The author’s gratitude also goes to all those who contributed directly or indirectly towards the successful of this project. The author also thanks Ganesan A/L Kalianan who writes the thesis that is became major guidance for completed this project. Last but not the least; the author would like to thank his beloved family members, who gave their full support, financial backings and motivation when he needed it most. v ABSTRACT Power flow solutions are needed in both for planning and operation studies. Power flow studies for three phases balanced power system can be carried out using very efficient methods. Power flow analysis for certain type of power system network can be carried on by using several software that already been develop without manual calculation on this time. One of the software is MATLAB with its toolbox: Power System Analysis Toolbox. This software also uses numerical methods to do power flow analysis like Newton-Raphson and its modified form, Fast Decoupled Method. This thesis reports on performances of each numerical method for power flow studies in term of convergence, CPU times for MATLAB calculation and power mismatch. Numerical methods that discussed in this thesis are Newton- Raphson, XB Fast Decoupled and BX Fast Decoupled. The test system that was used is 9, 14, 30 and 57 bus. The thesis is organized such that the requirement and specifications for power flow are first introduced. These relate both to the power system modelling as well as the operational for each method that need to be accounted for during the solution. The results and detail of the implementation of the MATLAB are presented successfully. Simulation results are included and followed by the conclusions that will end the report. vi ABSTRAK Analisis aliran beban untuk sistem kuasa tiga fasa seimbang diperlukan pada ketika tahap perancangan serta pembangunan sesuatu rangkaian sistem kuasa. Analisis aliran beban sistem stabil merupakan kaedah yang digunakan secara meluas. Pada zaman kini, kiraan secara manual untuk menganalisis aliran beban secara manual tidak diperlukan lagi kerana terdapat pelbagai peisian untuk analisis sistem kuasa. Salah satu daripadanya adalah perisian MATLAB bersama Power System Analysis Toolbox. Perisian ini menggunakan kaedah berangka untuk menyelesaikan analisis aliran beban seperti kaedah Newton-Raphson dan kaedah terubahsuainya iaitu kaedah Fast Decoupled. Tesis ini memperkenalkan setiap kaedah berangka iaitu Newton-Raphson, XB Fast Decoupled dan BX Fast Decoupled dari segi pencapahan, masa diambil oleh MATLAB untuk kiraan dan selisihan kuasa. Rangkaian sistem kuasa yang digunakan adalah terdiri daripada 9, 14, 30 dan 57 bus. Tesis ini disusun supaya spesifikasi yang diperlukan untuk analisis aliran beban dapat ditonjolkan. Ini termasuklah perkaitan di antara permodelan sistem kuasa dan bagaimana setiap kaedah beroperasi untuk menyelesaikan analisis aliran beban. Keputusan dan implikasi perisian MATLAB ditonjolkan dengan jayanya. Keputusan simulasi aliran beban setiap rangkaian sistem kuasa dipersembahkan diikuti dengan rumusan yang mengakhiri laporan tesis ini. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF TABLES x LIST OF FIGURES xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv LIST OF APPENDICES xv 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Overview 1 1.1 Background of Problem 2 1.2 Objective 2 1.3 Scope of Project 3 1.4 Methodology 3 1.5 Thesis Outline 4 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Three Phase System 6 2.1.1 Requirement of a Balanced Three Phase 6 System viii 2.2 Interconnected Power System 8 2.3 Power Flow Analysis 8 2.4 Power Flow Problem Formulation 10 2.5 Solution Technique 11 2.5.1 Newton-Raphson 12 2.5.2 Fast Decoupled 13 3 INTRODUCTION TO MATLAB AND PSAT 15 3.0 Introduction 15 3.1 MATLAB Software 15 3.2 Power System Analysis Toolbox 16 4 MODELLING AND SIMULATION 18 4.0 Introduction 18 4.1 Modelling of Bus Test System 18 4.2 Simulation of Test System 23 5 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 26 5.0 Introduction 26 5.1 Normal kW Loads 26 5.1.1 Effect of Different Convergence 27 Tolerance 5.1.2 CPU Times in Seconds 28 5.1.3 Maximum Power Mismatch 29 5.2 Different kW Loads 30 5.2.1 Effect of Different kW Loads to 30 Number of Iterations 5.2.2 CPU Times in Seconds for Different 31 kW Loads [...]... simulating dynamic systems such as signal processing and communications [1] 3.2 Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) PSAT is a MATLAB toolbox for electric power system analysis and control PSAT stands for Power System Analysis Toolbox The command line version of PSAT is also GNU Octave compatible PSAT includes power flow, continuation power flow, optimal power flow, and small signal stability analysis and... phase phasors Interconnected Power System Figure 2.3 below showed typical power system network In this project it project, only focused on interconnected power system for power flow analysis (b) (a) Figure 2.3 Power system network (a) Radial distribution network 2.3 , (b) Interconnected power system Power Flow Analysis From Hadi Saadat (1999) review that power flow is the analysis to determine ower the... software MATLAB and it toolbox for power system called Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) This 5 chapter also discusses role played by MATLAB and PSAT in developing power system analysis for interconnected power system Chapter 4 gives the readers about modelling and simulation It starts from modelling bus test system to simulation of all bus test system by doing power flow analysis Chapter 5 discussed... for each bus test was using MATLAB software with Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) This chapter is purposely to explain the application of MATLAB and PSAT package in this work PSAT is the MATLAB toolboxes for power system analysis Furthermore the test system was modelling with PSAT 3.1 MATLAB Software Power flow analysis for interconnected power system is developed with the aid of MATLAB program... Bus [3] 2.5 Solution Technique Power flow analysis was design by using numerical analysis or methods to solve the problem for interconnected power system For this project all simulation had done actually using numerical analysis to do power flow analysis for bus test system MATLAB via PSAT also had no exception to do power flow analysis by using several type of numerical analysis or methods There are... simulation of each bus test system is needed for power flow analysis to know the performances of all methods like NewtonRaphson, XB Fast Decoupled and BX Fast Decoupled This chapter is purposely to give details how the application of Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) interfaced via MATLAB for power flow analysis in this project PSAT is the MATLAB toolboxes for power system analysis Description of related... (b) Interconnected power system 8 4.1 Graphical user interface of PSAT 19 4.2 Icon of PSAT Simulink Modelling of bus test system can be done by clicking that icon 19 4.3 Library of PSAT Simlink 20 4.4 Figured showed where the place for modelling bus test system in PSAT 20 4.5 9 bus test system 21 4.6 14 IEEE bus test system 21 4.7 30 IEEE bus test system 22 4.8 57 IEEE bus test system 22 4.9 Figured... which one is the best method for power flow study without manual calculations So because of that the title for this project’s will be: POWER FLOW ANALYSIS FOR INTERCONNECTED POWER SYSTEM USING MATLAB” 1.2 Objective In power engineering, the power flow study is an important tool involving numerical analysis applied to a power system Unlike traditional circuit analysis, a power flow study usually uses... Fast Decoupled and BX Fast Decoupled), PSAT will do the power flow analysis But different numerical methods it will use, different performance of these methods to power flow analysis results in term of convergence (related to iteration that needed to complete analysis) This project will focus on using MATLAB via PSAT do power flow analysis for interconnected power system by using different numerical methods... is to model an interconnected power system with several buses (3 phases balanced – 9, 14, 30, and 57 buses) by using MATLAB via PSAT to do power flow analysis (simulation) by different numerical methods to look the effect of numerical method to the power flow analysis by changing power flow tolerance, added new demand by increasing power of loads in the bus test system, power mismatch for each method . Introduction 6 2.1 Three Phase System 6 2.1.1 Requirement of a Balanced Three Phase 6 System viii 2.2 Interconnected Power System 8 2.3 Power Flow Analysis 8 2.4 Power Flow Problem Formulation. 2.3 Power system network 8 (a) Radial distribution network (b) Interconnected power system 4.1 Graphical user interface of PSAT 19 4.2 Icon of PSAT Simulink. Modelling of bus test system. is the backbone of power system analysis. They are necessary for planning, operation, economic scheduling and exchange of power system utilities. In addition, power flow analysis is required

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 11:20