Ebook Photoshop Easy-Hard part 156 pps

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Ebook Photoshop Easy-Hard part 156 pps

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Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Cones Creating cone shapes in Photoshop By Colin Smith www.ministryimage.com Make a selection on a new layer with the rectangular marquee tool (M) Press the "G" key to select the gradient tool. Select linear gradient and the copper preset. Click and drag from left to right in the image window. TIP Hold down the Shift key to constrain to perfect horizontal line CMD/CTRL+T brings up the free transform tool. PC: left click/Mac: CMD Click - select Perspective. Drag the top corner into the middle. Click Enter/Return and you have a cone. This is also a great method to produce a triangle. Now for the rounded bottom to make it look more realistic. make a selection with the elliptic selection tool. TIP: Hold down the space bar while drawing to move a selection. Now add a retangular selection by holding down the shift key. you will see a + which means you are adding to a selection. Press CMD/CTRL+Shift+I to invert the selection. Press the Delete key, and you have your finished cone Here is the finished cone with a drop shadow added. This is the same method I used to make the nose of my Rocketship. To produce tenticles, just create a tall thin cone and then go to filter>Distort>shear Drag the line into a curve and hit OK! Go to the samples page for a larger version of the rocket. Discuss techniques in our forum Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php CREATING A CD IN PHOTOSHOP By Colin Smith This week we are going to look at how to draw a CD in Photoshop 7. We will be using the new opacity options on the layer palette. We will also be using the fade fill command. Not too many people even know about this incredibly useful tool. So without further adieu lets make a CD!Create a new document 5" X 5" at 72 dpi in RGB mode. Use the guides to define the center of the page. Choose the elliptical marquee tool and holding down the Shift and alt/option key draw a circle from the center. Create a new layer. Choose the rainbow conical gradient tool. Begin at the center and drag the gradient tool to the outside to create the fill. Now choose a greenish color and fill right over the top of the gradient. Press Edit>fade fill I Selected color mode and lowered the opacity to 73%. Experiment to see what works best for you. You should have something that looks similar to this. Now make a smaller selection with the elliptical marquee tool. Press the delete key to cut a hole in the CD. Don’t deselect. Create a new layer and Fill with white. Make a smaller circle and delete the center. Your CD should now resemble the picture here. Using the layer styles, add a bevel to the small ring. Lower the fill opacity to 6%. Notice how the layer style remains and the fill is reduced. Merge the 2 cd layers together. Apply a beval and a drop shadow to the layer. Here is our final CD! I hope this little tutorial showed you how to use some handy Photoshop tools as well as give you a fun little image to play with. Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Creating a composite Layer in Photoshop This is a really cool tip. It is one of the coolest tips I learned at Photoshop World 2001. So I have to give credit to Jack Davis of the WOW Book Series for this one. By Colin Smith www.photoshopcafe.com You have an image composed of several layers and you want to create a new layer that has the entire image merged, while still maintaining all the seperate layers . Create a new layer and make it active. Link all the layers together, by clicking to the left of the thumbnails, you will see the little chain, indicating that the layers are linked. Now while holding down the Alt/Option key, click Merge Linked from the layers "fly-out" menu. The image part with relationship ID rId8 was not found in the And ZAP! You now have a new layer with the info from all the layers combined into it without merging the the layers. I don't know about you, but I think that is pretty slick! Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php CREATING AN ANIMATED BANNER WITH IMAGEREADY 7 By Colin Smith This week I am going to show you how to create a simple animated web banner with ImageReady 7. The last couple of release of Photoshop/ImageReady have been injected with some nice features to make it easy to create web elements. Create a new document. The first thing you will notice I a new feature in IR 7. Preset doc sizes. Choose Web Banner and click ok. Add some text. Now, to animate it. Using the move tool, drag the text all the way to the right and off of the page. Hold down the shift key to constrain the baseline. In the animation palette, Click duplicate frame. With frame 2 selected, drag the text into its ending position, the center of the document. You will now see the 2 frames. We now need to generate the in between frames showing different stages of the animation. The good news is that Image Ready can create the in between frames automatically, there are called tween frames. Open the drop down in the animation palette by clicking on the little arrow at the top right and choose tween. Choose Previous and add 5 frames. See how IR has created all the frames for us. Press the play button to preview the animation. The only problem is that we would like it to pause at the end of the animation for a little while so the viewer can read the . Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php CREATING A CD IN PHOTOSHOP By Colin Smith This week we are going to look at how to draw a CD in Photoshop 7. We will be using the new opacity options. use some handy Photoshop tools as well as give you a fun little image to play with. Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Creating a composite Layer in Photoshop This. one of the coolest tips I learned at Photoshop World 2001. So I have to give credit to Jack Davis of the WOW Book Series for this one. By Colin Smith www.photoshopcafe.com You have

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 03:20