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Ebook Photoshop Easy-Hard part 9 pdf

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Cuối cùng là kết quả của tui khi dùng thêm chế độ blend mode là vivid light ( b ằng cách duplicate layer background lên và tại layer đó chọn blend mode là vivid light nhớ giảm opacity xuống còn 25% ) Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Background collage secrets Part 2: shapes and text Click to download Wallpaper As promised here is part 2. Part 1 was very popular, in fact last week was a record with 4,000 new visitors in 1 week. This week we are going to be adding text and the Hexagon shapes. 6-week Curriculum 1: BG Prep Grids, Blur and scanlines 2: shapes and text 3: blended clouds 4: 3D text 5: High Tech Shapes 6: Tiny Paragraph text Do you like this idea of Super Tutorials? Or do you prefer quick tutorials? Tell us at the cafe By Colin Smith www.photoshopcafe.com Add some white type with the text tool. Some good fonts are available from www.1001freefonts.com I use Gunship and courier. The next thing I did was to make some huge letters using Futura medium condensed. To give a neat effect change the blending mode to Overlay and drop the opacity to 33%. Notice how it interacts with the background? Drop the opacity of all the fonts and experiment with different blending modes. Now I will show you how I created my Hexagons. Select the shape tool. In the drop down menu, select the Polygon tool. On the top tool bar, choose these settings: For sides, choose 6. The default is a five sided Pentagon. Select the 3rd option on the far left. This will draw a filled shape rather than a path. Create a new layer. Set the foreground color to white. Draw the shape. As soon as you release the mouse it will be filled. Change to overlay mode and 26% opacity. Now we want a solid white outline. Create a new layer. (Layer 5) Ctrl/Cmd+Click on the thumbnail of the hexagon layer. (Layer 4) The selection will load. Make sure that the new layer (layer 5) is active as shown. Edit>stroke Choose white, 1 pixel and center. Press OK. Now you have a semi transparent hexagon, with a solid white outline. I really like this shape. Link the shape and the outline.(Layers 4 and 5) together. Select merge linked. Now the shape and the outline are merged onto 1 layer. To duplicate the shape press Alt/Option Click on the shape and drag out a copy. Do this as often as you want to keep duplicating the shapes. Tip: Holding down the shift key will keep the bases aligned. (Alt\Option+Shift) Keep playing around with the shapes until you have something that resembles this. Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Background collage secrets Part 3: blended clouds Click to download Wallpaper This week we are going to add some depth and interest to our collage using the clouds filter and blending. 6-week Curriculum 1: BG Prep Grids, Blur and scanlines 2: shapes and text 3: blended clouds 4: 3D text 5: High Tech Shapes 6: Tiny Paragraph text Do you like this idea of Super Tutorials? Or do you prefer quick tutorials? Tell us at the cafe By Colin Smith www.photoshopcafe.com The image part with relationship ID rId20 was not found in the file. . http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Background collage secrets Part 2: shapes and text Click to download Wallpaper As promised here is part 2. Part 1 was very popular, in fact last week was a record. Tutorials? Or do you prefer quick tutorials? Tell us at the cafe By Colin Smith www.photoshopcafe.com The image part with relationship ID rId20 was not found in the file. . this. Technical Support Forum : http://vietdown.org/vbb/index.php Background collage secrets Part 3: blended clouds Click to download Wallpaper This week we are going to add some depth and

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 02:20

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