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The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics Part 135 ppsx

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Grammaticalization. See also Degrammaticalization; specific individuals adpositions and, 738–42, 745n4 as automatization, 969 conceptual shifts in, 742–43 conceptual sources for, 968–69 diachronic linguistics and, 946, 964–69 general patterns of, 966–67 gesture and, in sign languages, 1128f–1130f image schemas, semantic change and, 222–23 loss of constituent structure in, 972–73 metaphors and, 740–42, 876, 977 metonymy and, 236–37, 255 paths of change and synchronic patterns with, 967–68 properties of, 964–65 reanalysis in, 973–74 of relational grams, 738–44 semantic change in, 975–79 Great Chain of Being, 1228f Greenberg, Joseph, 395–96, 407, 414n3, 678, 960 Gregoris, Rosario Lo ´ pez, 1191 Grice, H. Paul, 248–49, 321 Gries, Stefan, 17, 127, 1006, 1173 Grinevald, Collette, 678–79, 681, 683–85, 693n6 Grondelaers, Stefan empirical methods and, 17 on entrenchment, 119, 125–27 on grammar, 16, 1006 on Ko ¨ vecses and anger metaphor, 43 on onomasiology, 1001–6 referential analysis and, 159 on salience, 934 on syntax, 127, 935 Grosz, Barbara, 922 Ground. See also Figure/Ground fictive spaces, post-Whorfian relativity and, 1061–62 as sector, 425 similarity as, 191 Grounding. See also specific individuals abstraction, deconstruction, validity and, 1258–61 constructional, 1096, 1103 general, perspectivization and, 63–65 of meaning, 27, 559n17 modality and, 309, 876–79, 882, 884n19, 885n20, 885n24 specific, perspectivization and, 65–66 Groupe de Lie ` ge (Groupe c¸), 238 Gruber, Jeffrey S., 302 Grundy, Peter, 1230–31 Grzega, Joachim, 997 Guillaume, Gustave, 598, 602 Guo, Jiansheng, 928 Hage ` ge, Claude, 403 Haiman, John on dictionaries, 1163 on grammaticalization, 975 on iconicity, 394–96, 398–401, 405, 1145 on voice, 859, 861 Hale, Christopher R., 556 Halle, Morris, 613 Halliday, Michael K., 14, 919, 1223 Hamilton, Craig, 1176 Hanauer, David, 1178–79 Handshape, 1114 Hanks, Patrick, 1166 Hanks, William F., 1013, 1028 Happiness, 67, 78n10 Harder, Peter, 7, 807–8 Hardin, C. L., 1022, 1030 Hare, Mary, 963–64 Haspelmath, Martin, 741, 973–74 Haugen, Einar, 1234 Haviland, John C., 1061–62 Hawkins, Bruce, 16, 1227–29 Hayes, Bruce, 614 Head, 442 of relational constructions, 730–31, 738, 745n1 Head proximity, adjacency and, 409 Head, Sir Henry, 1271, 1288n7 Headache network caffeine, 388f–390f caused, 388f Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG), 14 Construction Grammar and, 479, 490, 504nn1–2, 545 Functional Linguistics and, 558n2 Headship, schemas and, 82, 106, 109, 115n32 Heath, Peter, 1014 Hebb, 575 Heider, Eleanor R., 1030 Heine, Bernd on adjacency, 409–10 on EVENT schemas, 1083 on grammaticalization, 739, 741–42, 968–69, 972–73, 976, 978, 1078, 1086n2 on modality, 884n11 Hemingway, Ernest, 1182 Herbert, George, 1188 Hering, Ewald, color theory of, 1030 Herrera, Honesto, 1225 Herskovits, Annette, 734 Hickok, Gregory, 1036 Highlighting, 242, 272 Hill, Jane and Kenneth, 1013, 1033 Hiraga, Masako, 205, 1188 Historical linguistics, 159, 988, 1077–78 Hjelmslev, 601 1310 index Hobbs, Jerry R., 934 Hockett, Charles, 1117 Hofbauer, Gottfried, 1233 Hoffmeyer, Jesper, 1233–34 Hogan, Patrick Holm, 1193 Holistic Spatial Semantics, 339, 340f Holland, Dorothy, 1204–5, 1207 Holm, Nanna, 1192 Holophrase, 1093, 1269 Homonymy, 510f onomasiology and, 997–98 polysemy and, 139, 141–42, 144, 152–54, 159n1, 162n15, 342 Homunculus problem, 620 Hopper, Paul, 14, 255, 742, 764, 817, 818–19 Horie, Kaoru, 787–90, 794–95 House, Juliane, 1025 Hoxon Symposium of 1955, 1288n1 HPSG. See Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Humanness, with iconicity, 404 Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 1014, 1066, 1203–4, 1205f Humor, 1190–91. See also Jokes Hunn, Eugene S., 150, 1016 Hu ¨ nnemeyer, Friederike, 741–42, 968–69, 972–73, 976, 978 Hunt, Earl, 1013–14 Hurch, Bernhard, 617 Hustinx, Lettica, 923 Hutchins, Edward, 1286 Hyperbolic idioms, 700 Hyponymy, entailment and, 241 ICLA. See International Cognitive Linguistics Association ICLC. See International Cognitive Linguistics Conference ICMs. See Idealized Cognitive Models Iconicity, 4, 394 –418. See also Cognitive iconicity; specific individuals acoustic, 402 adjacency and, 409–10 arbitrariness and, 394, 396 in causatives, 406–7, 414nn12–13 closeness in time and, 407–8 closeness to speaker and, 408–9 definiteness with, 403–4 diagrammatic, 395, 398–400, 402–13 of distance, (or closeness) in syntactic patterns, 405–7 economy and, 401–2, 405 embodiment and neurology, in literary form and affect, 1187–89 of form and meaning, 1187–88 form-meaning, word-formation and, 656–58 gender with, 404 in grammatical relations, 407 humanness with, 404 isomorphism and, 395, 397–400, 414n3, 657–58 language awareness and, 1145–46 linguistics and, 395–97 markedness and, 396, 400–401, 413, 414n7, 641–42 motivation and, 395, 398–400, 402–3, 414n6 onomatopoeia and, 394–95, 397–98, 402 on phonic, morphological and syntactic level, 402–13 prototypical speaker and, 400–401, 408, 413, 414n9 sign languages and, 1117–22, 1188 symbolic and, 397, 414n5 word-order, 407–13, 415nn14–16 Icons face, 398f metaphor, diagram and imagic, 397–98 as signs, 395, 397–98 Idealized Cognitive Models (ICMs), 49, 175–81. See also specific individuals/models anger, 179, 180 closing points on, 180–81 culture and, 180–81 domains, frames and, 170–87 Gestalts and, 175–76 image schemas and, 178–79, 218–19 of inflectional morphology, 635, 637 mental spaces and, 180–81 metaphors and, 178, 179, 181, 184 metonymy and, 178, 179–80 prefixation, diminutives and, 659–60 propositional, 177–78 storytelling, 181 symbolic, 180 Identification Principle, 353 Identity deafness as cultural, 1113 idioms and, 702 metaphor and, 16 Ideology covert, of alienation and sexism in grammar, 1229–32 Critical Discourse Analysis and, 16, 1222–40 metaphor, economics and, 1224–26 overt, politics and, 1226–29 science and, 1232–33, 1234f, 1235 Idiom(s), 582–83. See also specific individuals analyzability and, 706–12, 721 conceptual basis of, 717–20 in Construction Grammar, 466–71 description of, 698–701 as fixed expressions, 704–5, 713 formulaic language and, 697–725 lexical flexibility of, 709–11 index 1311 Idiom(s) (continued) metaphors and, 697, 699, 701, 704– 7, 715, 717–21 reasons for, 701–4 schemas, 712–16 syntactic behavior of, 707–9 Ifaluk emotion theory, 1207–8, 1217 I-Heuristic (I stands for Informativeness), 248–49 Illocutionary metonymy, 238, 247 Image(s) icons, metaphor, diagram and, 397–98 image schemas, schemas and, 215–17 metaphors, 193 Image schemas, 214–35. See also specific individuals applied linguistics and, 1149, 1156n2 in CL, 218–24 cognitive development, language acquisition and, 214, 225–27 computational models and, 214, 227–29 embodiment and, 26, 35–36 force dynamics and, 306, 308 ICMs and, 178–79, 218–19 images, schemas and, 215–17 issues of general theoretical importance for, 229–32 literary and textual analysis with, 223–24 metaphors and, 26, 35–36, 740 multiplex to mass, 217–18 path focus to end-point focus, 217 –18 plus-minus parameter with, 230 poetics and, 214, 223–24 preliminary distinctions with, 215–18 psychological considerations with, 224–29 schemas, images and, 215–17 semantic change, grammaticalization and, 222– 23 spatial semantics and, 326, 330, 336 superimposition, 217–18 trajectory, 217–18, 225, 230 transformations of, 217–18, 323, 343n2 word meanings and, 1094–96 Imagery, 4, 36–38, 1272, 1273f Imaging systems, 294. See also Schematic systems Imperialism, CL and rebellion against, 1247–49 Implicatures, 241, 248–49, 321 Indexes in Construction Grammar, 485 symbol, icon and, 397 Indexicality, metonymy and, 242 Indirect objects, datives, ditransitive clauses and, 772–74, 778nn12–13 Inductivity, 831, 832 Inference(s) conventionalization of, 75–76 pragmatic strengthening or, 976–77 schemas, 248–49 Inferencing, pragmatic, metonymy, discourse functions and, 248–51 Inflectional morphemes categories represented by, 642–43 concatenative v. nonconcatenative, 639 form of, 638–39 form-meaning and, 638–42 markedness of, 641–42 meaning of, 639–41 Metaphors in, 642–43 Inflectional morphology, 632–49 as bound, 635 characteristics of, 634–37 as closed-class, 635–36 description of, 633–34 in diachrony, 645–47 future directions for research in, 647 as general, 636 as obligatory, 636 paradigms and, 643–46 as semantically abstract, 636–37 variations in expressions of, 637–38 Word Grammar and, 524f, 525 Information Processing theory, 1267, 1274 Inheritance model, complete/normal, 484, 488–89 Innis, Robert, 1280 Integration Principle, 382 International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA), 7–8, 558n3, 592 International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC), 7–8, 10, 127, 592, 1190 Interpretive Semantics, 12, 421 Intersubjectification, 78n13 Intersubjectivity, 323, 343n2 Intonation, 426 Introspection, intuition and, 16, 18, 343n2 Intuitions introspection and, 16, 18, 343n2 language and, 322–24, 343n2 philosophy and, 1244, 1247, 1248–49 Invariance Hypothesis, 153, 238 Invariance principle, with mapping, 191 Invisible hand process, 996, 1007n1 Irandoust, Hengameh, 1182 Irrealis, 821 ‘‘Isa,’’ 515–16, 518–19, 535, 536 Isomorphism iconicity and, 395, 397–400, 414n3, 657–58 motivation and, 244, 398–400, 402–3, 414n3, 414n6 polysemy, prototypicality and, 399 schematicity and, 400, 414n4 Israel, Michael, 502–3, 1102–3 Italian Sign Language (LIS), 1115, 1121–23 Itkonen, Esa, 322, 1246, 1257 Iverson, Paul, 617 1312 index Jackendoff, Ray on constructions, 467 on force dynamics, 295, 301–5 Generative Linguistics, 572 on idioms, 582–83 on image schemas, 231 on metaphors, 197–98 on spatial semantics, 323, 325, 328, 330, 336–37, 734 Jaeger, Jeri, 623 Ja ´ kel, Olaf, 597, 1232 Jakobson, Roman, 600–601 on iconicity, 395–96, 401, 407 on inflectional morphology, 637–38 on markedness, 396, 400–401, 959 on metaphors v. metonymy, 238, 598, 601 on phonemes, 1280 on voiceless consonants, 622 James, Henry, 1185 Jameson, Kimberly, 1031 Janda, Laura, 7, 149, 155 Janssen, Theo A. J. M., 65–66, 810–11, 822n12 Janzen, Terry, 1129 Japanese, English, French and, 786–95, 798, 798nn2–6, 799nn7–8 Jensen de Lo ´ pez, Kristine, 30, 31, 226–27, 1060–61, 1098 Jespersen, Otto, 836 Jiang, Yan, 1230–31 Johnson, Christopher, 194, 207, 1096, 1102–3 Johnson, Jacqueline S., 1210 Johnson, Marcia, 1272 Johnson, Mark, 7 on Cognitive Grammar, 627 on domains, 181 on embodiment, 28, 30, 32–33, 34, 37–39, 1210 on force dynamics and modality, 883n7, 884nn8–9 on image schemas, 35–36, 178–79, 184n2, 214–15, 217, 226, 229, 306, 308, 452n19, 602, 1094, 1209 on metaphors, 188–89, 191–92, 197, 200, 205, 301, 354, 591, 595, 596, 740, 998, 1143, 1183, 1211, 1217, 1224 on metonymy, 179, 238, 244–45, 257 modal meanings analyses by, 305–6, 314n14, 314nn10–11 philosophy and, 1248, 1250–56, 1261 on polysemy, 152 Johnson-Laird, Phillip N., 334, 734 Johnston, Trevor, 1115 Jokes, 140, 160n3 Josephs, Lewis, 790 Joshi, Aravind K., 922 Journals, on CL, 8 Jurado, Francisco Garcı ´ a, 1191 Just, Marcel Adam, 925 Kahr, Joan Casper, 738–39 Kant, Immanuel, 199, 215–16, 602, 1270, 1288n5 Kardela, Anna and Henryk, 1181 Karmiloff-Smith, Annette, 1273 Katz, Jerrold J., 150, 177, 399 Kay, Paul on basic levels, 122–23, 145, 994, 998 on color, 122–23, 145, 1030–31, 1087n5 on Construction Grammar, 479–85, 505n2, 545 on idioms, 466–68, 715–16 on language, 1207 on linguistic relativity, 1017, 1024, 1029, 1030–31 Kayne, Richard, 1078 Kearney, Lydia R., 1187 Keenan, Edward L., 755 Keesing, Roger, 1062, 1208–9 Kehler, Andrew, 934 Keller, Rudi, 996 Kemmer, Suzanne, 7 on blends, 668–70, 671, 672nn9–10 on CL, 1172, 1251 on force dynamics, 312–13 on voice, 854–56, 859, 860f Kempton, Willett, 1024, 1029, 1030 Kendon, Adam, 1125–27 Kilgarriff, Adam, 1166 Kimmel, Michael, 1184 KineGrams, 1156 King, Barbara, 1126 Kinship color and, 182, 1047, 1066n3 metaphor and, 1214–16, 1217 Kinsui, Satoshi, 371 Kiparsky, Paul, 613, 959 Kirchner, Robert, 614 Kita, Sotaro, 339 Kittay, Eva Feder, 1183, 1186 Kleiber, Georges, 147, 157, 396–97, 399, 414n 4 , 414n6 Klima, Edward, 1036, 1118, 1120 Knowledge declarative, 514–15 as encyclopedic, 182, 432, 434, 600, 1046–47 frames of, 49, 529 innate, 628n3 language and, 5–7, 15, 322–23 linguistic, 424, 428 Knowledge of Language (Chomsky), 569 Koch, Peter, 255, 999 Kochanska, Agata, 817 Koerner, Konrad, 1013 Ko ¨ hler, Wolfgang, 1278–80, 1289n11 Koller, Veronika, 1225 Ko ¨ nig, Ekkehard, 742, 929, 976–77 Kosslyn, Stephen, 38 index 1313 Ko ¨ vecses, Zolta ´ n on agency and emotion language, 1050–52 on cultural studies, 1207 on metaphors, 43, 205, 595, 999, 1144, 1184, 1206–7, 1211, 1214–15, 1217 on metonymy, 238, 239–41, 243, 1214–15 on universalism and bodily experience, 1208 Kreitzer, Anatol, 230–31, 736 Krishnamurti, Bh., 952 Kristiansen, Gitte, 16, 1006 Kristoffersen, Kristian Emil, 736 Kronasser, Heinz, 997 Krug, Manfred, 14–15 Krzeszowski, Tomasz P., 230, 1254 Kucera, Henry, 953 Kuhl, Patricia, 617 Kuiken, Don, 1182, 1188–89 Kumashiro, Fumiko, 444 Kuno, Susumu, 765, 790 Kurtyka, Andrzej, 1144, 1154 Kurylowicz, Jerzy, 738, 739–40, 959–60 Kuteva, Tanya, 339, 737, 742 Kyratzis, Amy, 928 La Me ´ taphore Vive (Ricoeur), 596 Labels, uniqueness and, 520–21 Labov, William, 954, 1006 Lacy, 364 LAD. See Language Acquisition Device Lakoff, George, 7, 9 on CL, 568, 571, 584n2, 591, 1093 on Cognitive Grammar, 627 on Construction Grammar, 467, 485–89 on domains, 181, 1046, 1232 on embodiment, 28, 30, 32–33, 34–35, 37–39, 1210 on experientialism, 34–35 on Figure/Ground, 128, 180 on ICMs, 149–50, 173, 175–77, 179–81, 239, 1178, 1271 on ideology, 1224, 1229 on image schemas, 84–85, 111n4, 153, 179, 184n2, 214, 217–18, 226, 231–32, 452n19, 655, 1209 on language, 3, 16 on metaphors, 188–89, 191–93, 197, 200, 202, 204–5, 301, 354, 591, 595, 740, 998, 1045–46, 1143, 1150, 1183, 1185, 1206, 1211, 1217, 1229, 1236, 1258 on metonymy, 238–39, 241, 243–44, 248–49, 257 Neural Theory of Language and, 227 on Patient subjects, 176 philosophy and, 1248–49, 1250, 1253–54, 1255–56, 1258–59 on phonology, 616, 617 on polysemy, 148–49, 152–53, 161n9, 451n16 on prototypes and radial categories, 90, 1149 radial sets and, 155, 452n16, 616 on spatial semantics, 323, 326, 336, 734 on transitivity, 764 on universalism and bodily experience, 1208–9 on Whorf, 598 Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things, 569, 598, 677, 1014 Lalonde, Christopher, 1275 Lamb, Sydney M., 520, 574, 599, 601–2 Lambrecht, Knud, 467, 576 Lampert, Gu ¨ nther and Martina, 308, 314n14, 869 Landau, Barbara, 325 Landmark, 327–28, 729–32, 737–38, 742. See also Trajector/landmark alignment Lang, Ewald, 924 Langacker, Ron, 7 on accessibility, 893 on active zones, 280, 796 on adjacency, 410 on archetypes, 132, 578, 753 on clause structure and transitivity, 759, 761, 763, 769, 771, 774–76 Cognitive Grammar and, 9, 119, 135n4, 174, 184n2, 218, 354, 489–94, 556, 568, 569, 575, 580, 591, 652–55, 755, 890, 933, 1082 on complements, 793 on conceptual subordination, 783–84 on conjunctions, 414n10 on construal, 49, 53–61, 77n1, 77n5, 78n15, 877, 1097, 1121, 1147, 1181, 1191 on domains, 104, 181–83 on energy transfer, 295 on entrenchment, 118–19 on Figure/Ground, 131–33, 135n6, 664 on force dynamics, 309–13, 774, 874–75 on grammar, 471, 478, 580, 946, 1139, 1143 on grounding, 793, 1226 iconicity and, 396–97, 400, 408, 413, 414n6, 415n20, 656 on idioms, 582 on image schemas, 214, 218, 230 , 1094–95 on landmark and trajector, 327–28, 652, 654f, 729, 765, 768, 884n17, 1054, 1067 n9 on languages, 3, 184, 830, 1045, 1047, 1094, 1147 on linguistic relativity, 1028–29 on metaphors, 198 on metonymy, 239, 253 on modality, 874, 877–78, 879f–880f, 884n9, 884n19, 885nn20–23 philosophy and, 1248 phonology and, 624–25 on polysemy, 142, 161n13, 872 on profile and base, 173, 182–83, 272, 901 on profiling, 272, 776, 1225 on prototypes, 1148 on raising, 578 1314 index on reference points, 133–34, 907 on relational constructions, 734 on schemas, 83–85, 87, 93–94, 97 , 111n2, 112n5, 112n12, 113n17, 624, 641, 663, 665, 666–67, 1099 on schematic network model, 153, 156, 1179 on semantic categories, 337 on subjectification, 26–27, 74, 559n15, 874, 877–78, 879f–880f, 884n19 on subjectivity v. objectivity, 414n9 on tense and aspect, 810, 815–17, 822n10 on topicality, 135n5 on voice, 834, 837–39, 842, 853 Langer, Susanne K., 1186, 1193 Language(s). See also specific individuals/languages as behavior, 323–24 in brain, 325–26 classifier, 680–92, 693n2, 693nn8–9 as conceptual network, 509–10 culture and, 148–49, 1007 culture, thought and, 1203–4 development, in children, 73, 140, 1034–35 developmental disorders of, 30 emotion, agency and, 1049–52 epistemological role of, 5–6 ergative and accusative, 830, 831t, 832 formulaic, idioms and, 697–725 games, jokes and, 140, 160n3 independent evidence for cognition and, 1019–20 intuitions and, 322–24, 343n2 knowledge and, 5–7, 15, 322–23 as mental representation, 324–25 as prime model, 1017 recent use of, 1026 RIM, 413 satellite-framed, 52, 324, 333, 335, 1081 serializing and equipollently-framed, 335 social aspects of, 11–13, 15–16, 184n1 structural, functional and interactional views of, 1146–47 structural phenomena, 550, 559n14 structures of, 3, 6 theoretical conceptions of grammar and, with Functional Linguistics, 554–57, 559nn21–24 thought and, 4, 1036, 1208–9 variation within and between, 10, 15–16, 1017–18 verb-framed, 52, 324, 335, 1081 world and, 5–7, 598–99, 677–78, 1013 Language acquisition, 10, 578–79, 1092–1112. See also specific individuals children and, 26, 501–2, 504, 536, 615, 617, 619–20, 928, 1060–61, 1092–1108, 1095f, 1097f, 1105f, 1209, 1210f cognitive development and, 214, 225–27 Construction Grammar and, 500–502, 504 developmental studies and, 324, 1034–35, 1285–86 genetics and, 6, 11–12, 14 image schemas and, 214, 225–27 metonymy in language production, comprehension and, 256 research/studies on, 30, 174 second-, 43, 324, 341, 1024, 1140–42, 1150, 1151 Universal Grammar, Generative Linguistics and, 573–74 Language Acquisition Device (LAD), 727, 1209 Language awareness, iconicity and, 1145–46 Language change, 14–15, 255, 979–80, 1087n3. See also Diachronic linguistics Language Cognition Group, 728, 733 Language levels, 322–26, 343n1 FoR and, 324, 325, 343n1 frames of reference and, 324, 343n1 individual-psychological, 324–25 neural, 325, 343n1 (nonobservable) normative, 322–23, 340 observable social, 323–24 Lapata, Maria, 159 Lardiere, Donna, 1032 Laurence, Stephen, 143 Lazar, Gillian, 1144, 1146 Learnability, 1107 Learning context- and usage-based, 1146–47 cross-cultural, 1151–52 through insight in motivation, 1145–46 prototypes and schematicity in, 1148–51 Word Grammar and, 536 Least effort principle, 402 Lectures in Government and Binding (Chomsky), 569 Lee, Dong, 567 Lee, Penny, 599, 1013, 1014 Lefe ` vre, Nathalie, 926 Lehmann, Christian, 739–40 Lehrer, Adrienne, 161n9 Leibniz, 358–59, 1251 Lenneberg, Eric, 1030, 1209, 1210 Lennon, Paul, 1155 Lentz, Ella Mae, 1123, 1188 Leveling, 646. See also Analogical leveling Levelt, Willem J. M., 328 Levin, Beth, 662, 666 Levinson, Stephen C. on causal directionality, 1028 on metonymy, 248–49 on reference frames, 329, 339, 1033–34, 1053–54, 1067n13 relational constructions and, 728, 733, 745 on spatiocultural orientation, 1053–54, 1059, 1067n13 index 1315 Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk, Barbara, 7 Lewinsky, Monica, 199–201 Lexical blends, 668–69, 670f, 671 Lexical change direction of, 140 lexical variation and, 988–1011 Lexical cue phrases, 919, 924 Lexical diffusion of constructions, 970–71, 980 of sound change, 952, 953t, 954 Lexical gap, 451n7 Lexical semantics, 529, 530f lexicography and, 1160–62 Lexical-Functional Grammar, 14, 574, 575 Lexicogenetic and sociolexicological mechanisms, 995–96 Lexicographical linearization problem, 1168 Lexicography, 1160–74 Lexicon definition of, 427 grammar, constructions and, 521–22 meaning, semantics and, 12–15 syntax and, 14–15, 471f, 1281 Li, Charles, 739 Li, Peggy, 1028, 1033–34, 1037n5 Liddell, Scott K., 363–64, 1125 Lieven, Elena V. M., 502, 1102, 1106 Lindner, Susan, 128 Lindstromberg, Seth, 1144, 1149–50 Linear order, 898, 906–11 Ling-Ling Wu, 1279 Linguistic(s). See also specific fields analysis, 5, 16–18 computational, 159, 202 corpus, 16 description, cross-linguistic generalizations and, 334–36 determinism, 1012 experiential, 175 history of, 9, 569–71, 589–607 iconicity and, 395–97 primitives or atoms, 111n4 usage-based, 17 Linguistic forms (Lf), 337 Linguistic relativity, 10, 1012–44. See also Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis within CL, 1028–29, 1037n6 colors and, 1029–31 construal and, 52 experiments/studies/research and, 325, 733, 1017–28, 1029–36 formulations of, 1016 future directions in, 1036 history/modern formulations of, 1014–16 spatial semantics and, 319 time and, 1034 Linguistic system, 424, 428, 430 Linguistic typology, 1074–91 CL and, 1080–86 description of, 1075–80 Links ‘‘based on,’’ 488 in Construction Grammar, 465f, 472–76, 486–88, 498 instance, 486 meronomic, 486 metonymic, 242, 248–49 polysemy, 487–88 subpart, 486 Lipka, Leonhard, 162n15 LIS. See Italian Sign Language Literacy, 1015, 1027, 1037n2 Literary studies, 1175–1202 blends and metaphors in, 1182–86 metaphors and, 206, 207, 223–24 Literary translations, 1191–92 Ljungberg, Christina, 1188 Llosa, Mario Vargas, 1190 Location of perspective point, 294 Loftus, Elizabeth F., 1017 Logical test, for polysemy, 141–42 Logic-gators, meaning of, 301 Longley, Michael, 1189 Losonsky, Michael, 1014 Louwerse, Max, 928 Low, Graham D., 1144 Lowenstein, Jeffrey, 1035 Lubart, Todd I., 1189 Lucas, Ceil, 1117–18 Lucy, John, 1013, 1019, 1026, 1031, 1035, 1036 Luria, Aleksandr Romanovich, 1015 LUs (lexical units), 1170–71 Lutz, Catherine, 1050, 1207–8, 1214 Lyons, C., 66 Lyons, John, 1248 Maasen, Sabine, 1233 Macaulay, Monica, 742, 1029, 1030 MAC/FAC (Many Are Called, Few Are Chosen), 203 MacLaury’s, Robert E., 158, 1030 MacNeilage, Peter F., 622 Macro-maps, 1053, 1057–58, 1060 MacWhinney, Brian, 161n14, 1100 Maddieson, Ian, 617 Maffi, Luisa, 1022, 1030 Mahon, James Edwin, 595 Maldonado, Ricardo, 7, 774 Malt, Barbara C., 1034 Manchester, Martin L., 1014 Manczak, Witold, 960 1316 index Mandel, Mark A., 1117, 1121 Mandler, Jean, 214, 225, 230–32, 337, 1094, 1095f, 1276 Manipulative Activity Scene, 1099 Mann, William C., 547, 558n9 Manney, Linda Joyce, 860–61 Mannheim, Bruce, 1013 Mapping, 208n2. See also Macro-maps; Object maps; Pitch maps; Semantic maps; View maps with CMT, 190–91, 208n4 cross-space, 378, 380 form-meaning, within Holistic Spatial Semantics, 339, 340f Margolis, Eric, 143 Markedness, 177, 959 iconicity and, 396, 400–401, 413, 414n7, 641–42 of inflectional morphemes, 641–42 prototypical speaker and, 400–401, 413 Martinet, Andre ´ , 590 Mathematics, 207, 214 Matsumoto, Yo, 223, 744 Matthew, David A., 1186 Matthiesen, Christian, 910 Maturana, Humberto, 1252 Mauthner, Fritz, 599 Max Planck Institute, 325, 547, 550, 553, 1212 Maxim of Quantity, second, 249 Mayerthaler, Willy, 414n9 McAlister, Sean, 1189 McClelland, James L., 1270–72 McDaniel, Chad, 122–23, 1030 McKenzie, Robin, 1062 McNeill, David, 195, 1125–27, 1272, 1276 Mead, George Herbert, 1267, 1286 Meaning(s), 5. See also Form-meaning of clauses, 760–64 conceptualization and, 14, 1028–29, 1093–98, 1095f, 1097f deontic and epistemic, metaphorical nature of relation between, 308 in different languages, 25–26 embodiment, society and, 1275–76 encyclopedic view/nature of, 5, 172 in Generative Grammar, 12–14 grounding of, 27, 559n17 modal, analyses of, 300, 305–6, 314nn9–16 naming v., 989 polysemy tests and flexibility of, 141–44 referential and nonreferential types of, 994–95 root, 305, 314n10 semantics and, 12–15, 25–27 shift or coercion, 252 word, image schemas and, 1094–96 Measure terms, 679 Meier, Richard, 1119 Mejı ´ as-Bikandi, Errapel, 371 Meltzoff, Andrew, 35 Memory, 117, 119, 122, 351–52, 1274–75 Mendelsohn, Everett, 1233 Mental representation, 919 Mental scanning, 433, 438 Mental spaces, 9, 320, 351–76. See also specific individuals ASL and, 363–64, 392 blends and, 109, 111, 199, 377–82, 384, 452n26, 1125 conceptual integration and, 377–82, 384 deixis and, 1182 discourse and, 355–58, 365–71, 366f–368f, 930, 931f discovering, 353–54 future perspectives and research programs for, 373 generic, 378 grammatical devices for cognitive construction and, 371–73 ICMs and, 180–81 modality, sign languages and, 354, 363–65 negation and, 67–68, 72 referential opacity and, 358–63 sign languages, blends and, 1125 tense, mood and, 365–71, 372 Mental Spaces (Fauconnier), 354, 925, 930 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 598, 602 Metacognition, affect, consciousness and, 1272–73 Metaphor(s), 4, 9, 188–213. See also Conceptual metaphor theory; Conceptual metaphors; Metonymy, metaphors and; specific individuals FoR and, 343n1 abstractionist position of, 197 anger, 43–44, 179, 204, 243, 705– 6, 717–19, 1211 attested data and, 205–6 blends and, 198–201, 208n13, 599–600, 1182–86, 1226 boundaries of, 206–7 building-block, 107–9 children and, 194, 207, 1096 in cognitive science theoretical framework, 40, 41t–42t computational models of, 194, 202–3 content, 113n18 creative and conventional, 1184–85 cultural model of marriage and, 1205– 7 culture and, 16, 203–5, 209n15 dead, 32, 259n5, 697, 704–5, 721 diagram, imagic icons and, 397–98 directionality of, 28, 32–35, 191, 193, 208n5 embodiment and, 28, 30–36, 38–44 for emotions, 191–93, 205, 243 Event Structure, 202 index 1317 Metaphor(s) (continued) extended, literary effects of, 1183–84 in foreign languages, 204–5 frames of reference and, 343n1 genesis, 207 grammaticalization and, 740–42, 876, 977 ICMs and, 178, 179, 181, 184 identity and, 16 ideology, economics and, 1224–26 idioms and, 697, 699, 701, 704–7, 715, 717–21 image, 193 image schemas and, 26, 35–36, 740 in inflectional morphemes, 642–43 linguistic or literary, 32 linguistic schemas and, 1277–78 literal language v., 194, 197–98, 206–7 literary studies and, 206, 207, 223–24 as mechanism of change, 975–76 metonymy and, 51, 102, 103f, 183, 216, 238–39, 243–45, 556, 560nn23–24, 592–97, 598, 601, 875–76, 946, 977–79, 1053, 1214–16 N 400 effects and, 206, 209n18 nation/ship, 190, 193 neuroscience and, 206, 209n18 polysemy and, 592–97, 740 primary, 192–94, 204, 208nn4–7, 245, 257, 1096 research, 205–7, 595–97 scaffolding, 109 science and, 1232–35 semantic change and, 222–23 sign languages and, 1122–23 similarity and, 191–92 source and target domains with, 181, 190–91, 199, 202–3, 596, 642–43, 718–19 synesthesia and, 207 time and, 195–96, 204–5, 642–43, 736, 1123 Metaphorical extensions, 298–301, 1150 Metaphorical transfer, force dynamics and, 295, 298, 307–8 Metaphorics, 195 Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff/Johnson, M.), 189, 591, 1143 Metaphtonymy, 243 Metaphysics (Aristotle), 143 Metonymic focus, 665–66 Metonymic links, 242, 248–49 Metonymic systems, 257–58 Metonymy, 9, 236–63. See also specific individuals association and, 237 in CL, 238–40 conceptual, 240–42, 247, 251 constraints on, 256–57 contiguity and, 183, 237, 240–41 coreference and, 251 cross-functional, 247 defeasibility, 240–42, 248–49 discourse-pragmatic functions of, 250 explicature and, 249 future research areas of, 256–58 grammar and, 251–54 grammaticalization and, 236–37, 255 ICMs and, 179–80 idioms and, 700, 714 illocutionary, 238, 247 implicature and, 241, 248–49 indexicality and, 242 in inflectional morphemes, 643 language change and, 255 in language production, comprehension and acquisition, 256 across languages, 254 linguistic, 240 metaphors and, 51, 102, 103f, 183, 216, 238–39, 243–45, 556, 560nn23–24, 592–97, 598, 601, 875–76, 946, 977–79, 1053, 1214–16 polysemy and, 592–97 pragmatic inferencing, discourse functions and, 248–51 predicational, 238, 246, 247, 251 profile within conceptional base and, 452n26 propositional, 246 referential, 238, 246, 247 rhetorical tradition of, 237–38 semantic change and, 236–37, 255 sign languages and, 1124 specialization, generalization and, 241 speech act functions and, 246–47 substitution theory of, 237–38 synecdoche and, 238, 248, 258n1 target and source domains with, 239, 240–42, 243, 251 taxonomy of EFFECT FOR CAUSE, 257f, 258 Mettinger, Arthur, 659, 672n6 Metzler, Jacqueline, 36–37, 1272 Meyer, Jim, 1177–78 Miall, David S., 1182, 1188–89 Michaelis, Laura A., 467, 811, 816 Midgette, Sally, 817 Miller, George A., 334, 734 Millis, Keith K., 916, 925 Mind common and mediated, 322 developing, situated, embodied, representation and, 1284–87 philosophy of, conceptual structures and, 1249–52 Mithun, Marianne, 769, 771 Mittelberg, Irene, 16 Miura, Irene T., 1032 Modal(s). See also specific individuals auxiliaries, meanings of, 245, 559n17 core and honorary, 300, 314n5 1318 index force and barrier, 310, 314n15 force dynamics and, 300, 305–11, 873–75, 878–79, 883n7, 884nn8–15 meanings, analyses of, 300, 305–6, 314nn9–16 verbs, 871–80 Modality, 869–89. See also specific individuals aspect/tense interaction with, 820–21 grounding and, 309, 876–79, 882, 884 n19, 885n20, 885n24 mental spaces, sign languages and, 354, 363–65 notion of/questions about, 869–71, 883nn1–4 root and epistemic, 870–72, 875–76, 883 nn5–6, 884n11, 884n14, 884n16 speech act, 314n9, 872 subjectification and, 870, 874–80, 876–80, 882–83, 884n19 Moder, Carol Lynn, 623 Modifiers, 906–10 Modularity, 205, 231, 514, 559n13, 572–73 Mompean, Jose, 620–21 Monosemy, polysemy and, 152–54, 161n8, 161n10, 161n12, 432, 871, 872f, 873 Montague Grammar, 504n1 Montaigne, Michel de, 1176 Mood, 880–82, 885nn28–31, 886n32 mental spaces and, 365–71, 372 Moon, Rosamund, 713–14 Morais, Jose ´ , 1015 Moral Politics (Lakoff), 205 ‘‘More form, more meaning,’’ 400, 414n7 More Than Cool Reason (Lakoff/Turner), 197 Moretti, Franco, 1188 Morphemes. See also Factors; Inflectional morphemes; Inflectional morphology componential properties of (Ab), 269–71 compositional properties with (Bb), 276 degree of category membership with, 273 derivational, 633, 634, 635–36, 638, 673n11 direct reference of, associated concepts v., 271–73 ensemble v. individual component in meaning of, 269–70 formal properties of (Aa), 268–69 frame and prototype properties of (Ac), 271–73 grammatical and constructional properties with (Ba), 274–75 lexical, 633, 635, 638, 673n11 phonological properties and, 282 polysemy and, 273–74 presence v. absence of, in particular concept, 288 solo v. joint expression of component in, 269 synthetic, 640–41 weighting among components in meaning of, 270–71 zero, 639 Morphological level, 403–5, 523 Morphology. See also Inflectional morphology cat analyzed on four linguistic levels and, 523f, 524–25 derivational, 525–26 Natural, 590 of sign language, 1115–16 syntax and, 10, 274–76, 470–71 Word Grammar and, 522, 523f–526f Morphophonemics, 626, 645 Morphosyntactic change, 945, 970–74 Morris, Desmond, 1126 Motion animate, self-propelled, inanimate and caused, 231–32 events, 1034, 1081, 1087n4 fictive, 267, 744 image schemas and, 231–32 in spatial semantics, 333–35, 734 subjective, 744 Motivation iconicity and, 395, 398–400, 414n6 isomorphism and, 244, 398–400, 414n3, 414n6 learning through insight in, 1145–46 semantic categories as emergent from interaction of convention and, 338 Mouton de Gruyter, 8 Mowrey, Richard, 946–49, 951–52 Multimedia art forms, 1189–90 Munsell color system, 1031 Myklebust, Helmer, 1113 N 400 effects, 206, 209n18 Names and descriptions, 325, 371–72 Narayan, Shweta, 1189 Narayanan, Srini, 202–3, 208n4, 228 Nathan, Geoffrey, 581, 617, 623 Naturalness, 4 Nature, culture v., 33 Naumann, Bernd, 1233 Necessity, epitemic, situational or inferential, 1083–84, 1087n7 Negation, 67–69, 72 Neisser, Ulrich, 1274 Neoclassical Theories, 158 Nerlich, Brigitte, 160n3, 256, 1234 Nesset, Tore, 1231–32 Network(s). See also Schematic networks conceptual distance and activation with, 512–13 conceptual, language as, 509–10 declarative knowledge and, 514–15 entrenchment and, 513–14 illustrating notation of Word Grammar, 512f illustrating polysemy, homonymy, synonymy and variability, 510f model, 433, 452n16 index 1319 . See International Cognitive Linguistics Association ICLC. See International Cognitive Linguistics Conference ICMs. See Idealized Cognitive Models Iconicity, 4, 394 –418. See also Cognitive iconicity; specific. and, 273–74 presence v. absence of, in particular concept, 288 solo v. joint expression of component in, 269 synthetic, 640–41 weighting among components in meaning of, 270–71 zero, 639 Morphological. nonconcatenative, 639 form of, 638–39 form-meaning and, 638–42 markedness of, 641–42 meaning of, 639–41 Metaphors in, 642–43 Inflectional morphology, 632–49 as bound, 635 characteristics of, 634–37 as closed-class,

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 01:20