ptg 326 Chapter 13 This technique is great for creating three-dimensional text on any image. For example, you could use this technique to create the raised text on a plastic credit card, or words chiseled in marble. The tech- nique is simple, but the results are impressive. Using the Bevel and Emboss layer style creates the effect by darkening the upper left por- tions of the selection, while lightening the lower right portions. This creates the illusion of a light source falling across a convex or chiseled surface. Creating Chiseled Type with a Type Mask Create Chiseled Type Open a document containing the image you want to use for the chisel effect. Select the Layers panel, and then select the layer containing the image. Select the Horizontal Type Mask tool on the toolbox. Click in the document window to place an insertion point, and then type. As you type, Photoshop creates a mask in the size and shape of the current font. Use the editing tools on the mask to change its font, style, and size. IMPORTANT You'll need a thick sans serif font, like Arial Black, or Impact. Select the Marquee tool on the toolbox, and then position the mask directly over the portion of the image where you want the words to appear. Press Ctrl+J (Win) or A+J (Mac). Photoshop creates a copy of the image pixels inside the type mask, and then places them in a layer directly above the active layer. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 Typ e Mask From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg Chapter 13 Getting Creative with Type 327 Click the layer containing the copied image pixels. Click the Add Layer Style button, and then click Bevel and Emboss. Select from the following options that will give the text the appearance of being chiseled: ◆ Style. Inner Bevel ◆ Technique. Chisel Hard ◆ Depth. ~150% ◆ Direction. Down Click OK. 11 10 9 8 Chisel Type 11 10 8 See Also See Chapter 12, “Working with Layer Styles,” on page 285 for more informa- tion on using layer styles. From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 328 Chapter 13 Using Type masks to generate unique fills or three-dimensional text are great features. However, the shape of the text is always predictable. The mask created with the Type Mask tool will always follow the curve and shape of the font used to create the mask, but not if you combine a Type Mask with a Layer Mask. For example, you create a marketing piece where you are using the word RADICAL, and you want the edges of the word to be more dramatic. You've looked at some of Photoshop's Brush Stroke filters, but you don't want to apply the filter to the image, just to the edges of the word. That's where Type masks and Layer masks do their magic. By combining a Type and Layer mask, you can achieve exactly what you want using an image to fill type, and modify- ing the edges of the type without distorting the image. Using Masks to Generate Special Effects Use Masks for Special Effects Open a document containing the image you want to use for the type effect. Select the Layers panel, and then select the layer containing the image. Select the Horizontal Type Mask tool on the toolbox. Click in the document window to place an insertion point, and then type. As you type, Photoshop creates a mask in the size and shape of the current font. Use the editing tools on the mask to change its font, style, and size. IMPORTANT Sans serif fonts, like Impact, always work best when you're using images to mask text; however, experiment with different fonts. 5 4 3 2 1 1 4 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg Chapter 13 Getting Creative with Type 329 Select the Marquee tool on the toolbox, and then position the mask directly over the portion of the image you want inside the text. Select the Layers panel. Click the Add Layer Mask button. Photoshop creates a layer mask from the type mask, and then selects the layer mask. IMPORTANT The Background cannot hold a layer mask. If the layer designated as the masking layer is Background, move into the Layers panel and double-click on the Background thumbnail, give it a new name, and then click OK. Click the Filters menu, point to Brush Strokes, and then click Spatter. Modify the Brush Stroke options until you are happy with the results. ◆ Spray Radius (from 0-25) ◆ Smoothness (from 1-15) Click OK. 11 10 9 8 7 6 Layer Mask Sprayed filter applied to layer mask 8 7 From the Library of Wow! eBook ptg 330 Chapter 13 Using the type options, you can enter type that flows along the edge of a work path created by the Pen or Shape tool. When you enter type along a path, it flows in the direction in which anchor points were added to the path. For example, creating horizontal type on a path cre- ates type that is perpendicular to the baseline, while creating vertical type on a path creates type parallel to the baseline. Once the type is created, selecting the Direct Selection tool allows you to reshape the path, and the type will change to fit the new form of the path. Creating and Modifying Text on a Path Create and Modify Text on a Path Select a Pen or Shape tool on the toolbox, and then create a path. Select a typing tool (horizontal, vertical, or mask type tools) on the toolbox. Position the pointer directly over the path, and then click once. The path now has an insertion point added to the line. Type the text you want. As you type, the words flow along the curve of the path. Select the Direct Selection tool on the toolbox to access and modify the path by controlling the position and shape of the anchor points. Select the Path Selection tool and click at the front of the text to move the text forward and backward on the path. 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 6 1 3 4 Created path Printing Type on a Path The path does not appear when the document is printed. If you want to see how the image will appear without the path, click the View menu, point to Show, and then click to uncheck the Target Path. To view the path, recheck the Target Path option. For Your Information 5 From the Library of Wow! eBook . simple, but the results are impressive. Using the Bevel and Emboss layer style creates the effect by darkening the upper left por- tions of the selection, while lightening the lower right portions toolbox. Click in the document window to place an insertion point, and then type. As you type, Photoshop creates a mask in the size and shape of the current font. Use the editing tools on the. the portion of the image where you want the words to appear. Press Ctrl+J (Win) or A+J (Mac). Photoshop creates a copy of the image pixels inside the type mask, and then places them in a layer