43.1 SYMBOLS AND UNITS A area of heat transfer Bi Biot number, hL/k, dimensionless C circumference, m, constant defined in text Cp specific heat under constant pressure, J/kg • K D diameter, m e emissive power, W/m2 / drag coefficient, dimensionless F cross flow correction factor, dimensionless Ff_j configuration factor from surface i to surface j, dimensionless Fo Fourier number, atA2/V2, dimensionless FO-\T radiation function, dimensionless G irradiation, W/m2; mass velocity, kg/m2 • sec g local gravitational acceleration, 9.8 m/sec2 gc proportionality constant, 1 kg • m/N • sec2 Gr Grashof number, gL3/3Ar/f2, dimensionless h convection heat transfer coefficient, equals q/AAT, W/m2 • K hfg heat of vaporization, J/kg J radiocity, W/m2 k thermal conductivity, W/m • K Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, 2nd ed., Edited by Myer Kutz. ISBN 0-471-13007-9 © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CHAPTER 43 HEAT TRANSFER FUNDAMENTALS G. P. "Bud" Peterson Executive Associate Dean and Associate Vice Chancellor of Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 43.1 SYMBOLS AND UNITS 1367 43.2 CONDUCTION HEAT TRANSFER 1369 43.2.1 Thermal Conductivity 1370 43.2.2 One-Dimensional Steady- State Heat Conduction 1375 43.2.3 Two-Dimensional Steady- State Heat Conduction 1377 43.2.4 Heat Conduction with Convection Heat Transfer on the Boundaries 1381 43.2.5 Transient Heat Conduction 1383 43.3 CONVECTION HEAT TRANSFER 1385 43.3.1 Forced Convection — Internal Flow 1385 43.3.2 Forced Convection — External Flow 1393 43.3.3 Free Convection 1397 43.3.4 The Log Mean Temperature Difference 1400 43.4 RADIATION HEAT TRANSFER 1400 43.4.1 Black-Body Radiation 1400 43.4.2 Radiation Properties 1404 43.4.3 Configuration Factor 1407 43 A A Radiative Exchange among Diffuse-Gray Surfaces in an Enclosure 1410 43.4.5 Thermal Radiation Properties of Gases 1415 43.5 BOILING AND CONDENSATION HEAT TRANSFER 1417 43.5.1 Boiling 1420 43.5.2 Condensation 1423 43.5.3 Heat Pipes 1424 K wick permeability, m2 L length, m Ma Mach number, dimensionless N screen mesh number, m"1 Nu Nusselt number, NuL = hL/k, NuD = hDlk, dimensionless Nu Nusselt number averaged over length, dimensionless P pressure, N/m2, perimeter, m Pe Peclet number, RePr, dimensionless Pr Prandtl number, Cpjjilk, dimensionless q rate of heat transfer, W cf' rate of heat transfer per unit area, W/m2 R distance, m; thermal resistance, K/W r radial coordinate, m; recovery factor, dimensionless Ra Rayleigh number, GrPr; RaL = GrLPr, dimensionless Re Reynolds number, ReL = pVLI /n, Re^, = pVDI /a, dimensionless S conduction shape factor, m T temperature, K or °C t time, sec Tas adiabatic surface temperature, K Tsat saturation temperature, K Tb fluid bulk temperature or base temperature of fins, K Te excessive temperature, Ts — Tsan K or °C Tf film temperature, (Tx + Ts)/2, K T. initial temperature; at t = 0, K T0 stagnation temperature, K Ts surface temperature, K ^ free stream fluid temperature, K U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 • K V fluid velocity, m/sec; volume, m3 w groove width, m; or wire spacing, m We Weber number, dimensionless x one of the axes of Cartesian reference frame, m Greek Symbols a thermal diffusivity, kl pCp, m2/sec; absorptivity, dimensionless (3 coefficient of volume expansion, 1/K r mass flow rate of condensate per unit width, kg/m • sec y specific heat ratio, dimensionless A7 temperature difference, K 8 thickness of cavity space, groove depth, m e emissivity, dimensionless e wick porosity, dimensionless A wavelength, /nm T]f fin efficiency, dimensionless jji viscosity, kg/m • sec v kinematic viscosity, m2/sec p reflectivity, dimensionless; density, kg/m3 or surface tension, N/m; Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 5.729 X 10~8 W/m2 • K4 T transmissivity, dimensionless, shear stress, N/m2 M* angle of inclination, degrees or radians Subscripts a adiabatic section, air b boiling, black body c convection, capillary, capillary limitation, condenser e entrainment, evaporator section eff effective / fin / inner / liquid m mean, maximum n nucleation o outer 0 stagnation condition P PiPe r radiation s surface, sonic or sphere w wire spacing, wick v vapor A spectral oo free stream — axial hydrostatic pressure + normal hydrostatic pressure The science or study of heat transfer is that subset of the larger field of transport phenomena that focuses on the energy transfer occurring as a result of a temperature gradient. This energy transfer can manifest itself in several forms, including conduction, which focuses on the transfer of energy through the direct impact of molecules; convection, which results from the energy transferred through the motion of a fluid; and radiation, which focuses on the transmission of energy through electro- magnetic waves. In the following review, as is the case with most texts on heat transfer, phase change heat transfer, that is, boiling and condensation, will be treated as a subset of convection heat transfer. 43.2 CONDUCTION HEAT TRANSFER The exchange of energy or heat resulting from the kinetic energy transferred through the direct impact of molecules is referred to as conduction and takes place from a region of high energy (or temper- ature) to a region of lower energy (or temperature). The fundamental relationship that governs this form of heat transfer is Fourier's law of heat conduction, which states that in a one-dimensional system with no fluid motion, the rate of heat flow in a given direction is proportional to the product of the temperature gradient in that direction and the area normal to the direction of heat flow. For conduction heat transfer in the ^-direction this expression takes the form ,A dT qx = -kA — ** dx where qx is the heat transfer in the ^-direction, A is the area normal to the heat flow, dT/dx is the temperature gradient, and k is the thermal conductivity of the substance. Writing an energy balance for a three-dimensional body, and utilizing Fourier's law of heat con- duction, yields an expression for the transient diffusion occurring within a body or substance. d / dT\ d / dT\ d / df\ d dT —Ik —} + —[k — \ +—\k — } + q = pcv dx\ dx/ dy\ dy/ dz\ dz/ p dx dt This expression, usually referred to as the heat diffusion equation or heat equation, provides a basis for most types of heat conduction analysis. Specialized cases of this equation, such as the case where the thermal conductivity is a constant tfT <PT #T q = pCpdT dx2 + dy2 + dz2 + k ~ k dt steady-state with heat generation d (, dT\ d /, dT\ d f, dT\ —Ik — + —Ik — + —\k — + q = 0 dx\ dx/ dy\ dy/ dz\ dz/ steady-state, one-dimensional heat transfer with heat transfer to a heat sink (i.e., a fin) -iprW'-o dx\dx/ k or one-dimensional heat transfer with no internal heat generation Ji(?I\ = №p?L dx\dx) k dt can be utilized to solve many steady-state or transient problems. In the following sections, this equation will be utilized for several specific cases. However, in general, for a three-dimensional body of constant thermal properties without heat generation under steady-state heat conduction, the tem- perature field satisfies the expression v2r= o 43.2.1 Thermal Conductivity The ability of a substance to transfer heat through conduction can be represented by the constant of proportionality k, referred to as the thermal conductivity. Figures 43.la, b, and c illustrate the char- acteristics of the thermal conductivity as a function of temperature for several solids, liquids and gases, respectively. As shown, the thermal conductivity of solids is higher than liquids, and liquids higher than gases. Metals typically have higher thermal conductivities than nonmetals, with pure metals having thermal conductivities that decrease with increasing temperature, while the thermal conductivities of nonmetallic solids generally increase with increasing temperature and density. The addition of other metals to create alloys, or the presence of impurities, usually decreases the thermal conductivity of a pure metal. In general, the thermal conductivities of liquids decrease with increasing temperature. Alterna- tively, the thermal conductivities of gases and vapors, while lower, increase with increasing temper- ature and decrease with increasing molecular weight. The thermal conductivities of a number of commonly used metals and nonmetals are tabulated in Tables 43.1 and 43.2, respectively. Insulating materials, which are used to prevent or reduce the transfer of heat between two substances or a substance and the surroundings are listed in Tables 43.3 and 43.4, along with the thermal properties. The thermal conductivities for liquids, molten metals, and gases are given in Tables 43.5, 43.6 and 43.7, respectively. Fig. 43.1 a Temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of selected solids. Fig. 43.1 b Selected nonmetallic liquids under saturated conditions. Fig. 43.1 c Selected gases at normal pressures.1 Table 43.1 Thermal Properties of Metallic Solids3 Properties at Various Temperatures (K) /c(W/m-K);Cp(J/kg-K) 100 600 1200 Properties at 300 K P (kg/m3) Cp (J/kg • K) k (W/m • K) a x 106 (m2/sec) Melting Point (K) Composition 339; 480 255; 155 28.3; 609 105; 308 76.2; 594 82.6; 157 25.7; 967 361; 292 22.0; 620 113; 152 231; 1033 379; 417 298; 135 54.7; 574 31.4; 142 149; 1170 126; 275 65.6; 592 73.2; 141 61.9; 867 412; 250 19.4; 591 137; 142 103; 436 302; 482 482; 252 327; 109 134; 216 39.7; 118 169; 649 179; 141 164; 232 77.5; 100 884; 259 444; 187 85.2; 188 30.5; 300 208; 87 117; 297 97.1 117 127 23.1 24.1 87.6 53.7 23.0 25.1 89.2 174 40.1 9.32 68.3 41.8 237 401 317 80.2 35.3 156 138 90.7 71.6 148 429 66.6 21.9 174 116 903 385 129 447 129 1024 251 444 133 712 235 227 522 132 389 2702 8933 19300 7870 11340 1740 10240 8900 21450 2330 10500 7310 4500 19300 7140 933 1358 1336 1810 601 923 2894 1728 2045 1685 1235 505 1953 3660 693 Aluminum Copper Gold Iron Lead Magnesium Molybdenum Nickel Platinum Silicon Silver Tin Titanium Tungsten Zinc "Adapted from F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat Transfer. © 1981 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission. Description / Composition Building boards Plywood Acoustic tile Hardboard, siding Woods Hardwoods (oak, maple) Softwoods (fir, pine) Masonry materials Cement mortar Brick, common Plastering materials Cement plaster, sand aggregate Gypsum plaster, sand aggregate Blanket and batt Glass fiber, paper faced Glass fiber, coated; duct liner Board and slab Cellular glass Wood, shredded /cemented Cork Loose fill Glass fiber, poured or blown Vermiculite, flakes Density (kg/m3) 545 290 640 720 510 1860 1920 1860 1680 16 32 145 350 120 16 80 Thermal Conductivity k (W/m-K) 0.12 0.058 0.094 0.16 0.12 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.22 0.046 0.038 0.058 0.087 0.039 0.043 0.068 Specific Heat Cp (J/kg-K) 1215 1340 1170 1255 1380 780 835 1085 835 1000 1590 1800 835 835 a X 106 (m2/sec) 0.181 0.149 0.126 0.177 0.171 0.496 0.449 0.121 1.422 0.400 0.156 0.181 3.219 1.018 fl Adapted from F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat Transfer. © 1981 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission. Description / Composition Bakelite Brick, refractory Carborundum Chrome-brick Fire clay brick Clay Coal, anthracite Concrete (stone mix) Cotton Glass, window Rock, limestone Rubber, hard Soil, dry Teflon Temperature (K) 300 872 473 478 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 Density (kg/m3) 1300 3010 2645 1460 1350 2300 80 2700 2320 1190 2050 2200 Thermal Conductivity k (W/m • K) 0.232 18.5 2.32 1.0 1.3 0.26 1.4 0.059 0.78 2.15 0.160 0.52 0.35 0.45 Specific Heat Cp (J/kg-K) 1465 835 960 880 1260 880 1300 840 810 1840 a X 106 (m2/sec) 0.122 0.915 0.394 1.01 0.153 0.692 0.567 0.344 1.14 0.138 Table 43.3 Thermal Properties of Building and Insulating Materials (at 300K)a Table 43.2 Thermal Properties of Nonmetals Table 43.4 Thermal Conductivities for Some Industrial Insulating Materials9 Typical Thermal Conductivity, k (W/m - K), at Various Temperatures (K) 200 300 420 645 Typical Density (kg/m3) Maximum Service Temperature (K) Description /Composition 0.048 0.033 0.105 0.038 0.063 0.051 0.087 0.078 0.063 0.089 0.023 0.027 0.026 0.040 0.032 0.088 0.123 0.123 0.039 0.036 0.053 0.068 10 48 48 50-125 120 190 190 56 16 70 430 560 45 105 122 450 1530 480 920 420 920 350 350 340 1255 922 Blankets Blanket, mineral fiber, glass; fine fiber organic bonded Blanket, alumina-silica fiber Felt, semirigid; organic bonded Felt, laminated; no binder Blocks, boards, and pipe insulations Asbestos paper, laminated and corrugated, 4-ply Calcium silicate Polystyrene, rigid Extruded (R-12) Molded beads Rubber, rigid foamed Insulating cement Mineral fiber (rock, slag, or glass) With clay binder With hydraulic setting binder Loose fill Cellulose, wood or paper pulp Perlite, expanded Vermiculite, expanded "Adapted from F. P. Incropera and D. P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat Transfer. © 1981 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission. "Adapted from Ref. 2. See Table 43.23 for H2O. 43.2.2 One-Dimensional Steady-State Heat Conduction The rate of heat transfer for steady-state heat conduction through a homogeneous material can be expressed as q = A77/?, where A7 is the temperature difference and R is the thermal resistance. This thermal resistance, is the reciprocal of the thermal conductance (C = \IK) and is related to the thermal conductivity by the cross-sectional area. Expressions for the thermal resistance, the temper- ature distribution, and the rate of heat transfer are given in Table 43.8 for a plane wall, a cylinder, and a sphere. For the plane wall, the heat transfer is assumed to be one-dimensional (i.e., conducted only in the ^-direction) and for the cylinder and sphere, only in the radial direction. In addition to the heat transfer in these simple geometric configurations, another common problem encountered in practice is the heat transfer through a layered or composite wall consisting of N layers where the thickness of each layer is represented by Axn and the thermal conductivity by kn for n = 1, 2, . . . , N. Assuming that the interfacial resistance is negligible (i.e., there is no thermal resistance at the contacting surfaces), the overall thermal resistance can be expressed as £ t^n *-SM Similarly, for conduction heat transfer in the radial direction through N concentric cylinders with negligible interfacial resistance, the overall thermal resistance can be expressed as _ £ ln(rn+1/rn) R ~ £ ~^T where rl = inner radius rN+l = outer radius For N concentric spheres with negligible interfacial resistance, the thermal resistance can be expressed as «-!£-£)/" where r\ = inner radius r^+1 = outer radius Table 43.5 Thermal Properties of Saturated Liquids3 T P Cp (K) (kg/m3) (kJ/kg-K) Ammonia, Nh3 223 703.7 4.463 323 564.3 5.116 Carbon Dioxide, CO2 223 1,156.3 1.84 303 597.8 36.4 Engine OH (Unused) 273 899.1 1.796 430 806.5 2.471 Ethylene Glycol, C2H4(OH)2 273 1,130.8 2.294 373 1,058.5 2.742 Clycerin, C3H5(OH)3 273 1,276.0 2.261 320 1,247.2 2.564 Freon (Refrigerant- 12), CC/2F2 230 1,528.4 0.8816 320 1,228.6 1.0155 v x 106 kx 103 (m2/sec) (W/m • K) 0.435 547 0.330 476 0.119 85.5 0.080 70.3 4,280 147 5.83 132 57.6 242 2.03 263 8,310 282 168 287 0.299 68 0.190 68 a X 107 (m2/sec) 1.742 1.654 0.402 0.028 0.910 0.662 0.933 0.906 0.977 0.897 0.505 0.545 Pr 2.60 1.99 2.96 28.7 47,000 88 617.0 22.4 85,000 1,870 5.9 3.5 /3 X 103 (K-1) 2.45 2.45 14.0 14.0 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.65 0.47 0.50 1.85 3.50 Table 43.6 Thermal Properties of Liquid Metals3 Pr a X 105 (m2/sec) k (W/m-K) v x 107 (m2/sec) CP (kJ/kg-K) (kg/m3) T(K) Melting Point (K) Composition 0.0142 0.0083 0.024 0.017 0.0290 0.0103 0.0066 0.0029 0.011 0.0037 0.026 0.0058 0.189 0.138 1.001 1.084 1.223 0.429 0.688 6.99 6.55 6.71 6.12 2.55 3.74 0.586 0.790 16.4 15.6 16.1 15.6 8.180 11.95 45.0 33.1 86.2 59.7 25.6 28.9 9.05 11.86 1.617 0.8343 2.276 1.849 1.240 0.711 4.608 1.905 7.516 2.285 6.522 2.174 1.496 0.1444 0.1645 0.159 0.155 0.140 0.136 0.80 0.75 1.38 1.26 1.130 1.043 0.147 0.147 10,011 9,467 10,540 10,412 13,595 12,809 807.3 674.4 929.1 778.5 887.4 740.1 10,524 10,236 589 1033 644 755 273 600 422 977 366 977 366 977 422 644 544 600 234 337 371 292 398 Bismuth Lead Mercury Potassium Sodium NaK (56% 744%) PbBi (44.5%/55.5%) "Adapted from Liquid Metals Handbook, The Atomic Energy Commission, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC, 1952. . heat of vaporization, J/kg J radiocity, W/m2 k thermal conductivity, W/m • K Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, 2nd ed., Edited by Myer Kutz. ISBN 0-471-13007-9 © 1998 John . Point (K) Composition 0.0142 0.0083 0.024 0.017 0.0290 0.0103 0.0066 0.0029 0.011 0.0037 0.026 0.0058 0.189 0.138 1.001 1.084 1.223 0.429 0.688 6.99 6.55 6.71 6.12 2.55 3.74 0.586 0.790 16.4 15.6 16.1 15.6 8.180 11.95 45.0 33.1 86.2 59.7 25.6 28.9 9.05 11.86 1.617 0.8343 2.276 1.849 1.240 0.711 4.608 1.905 7.516 2.285 6.522 2.174 1.496 0.1444 0.1645 0.159 0.155 0.140 0.136 0.80 0.75 1.38 1.26 1.130 1.043 0.147 0.147 10,011 9,467 10,540 10,412 13,595 12,809 807.3 674.4 929.1 778.5 887.4 740.1 10,524 10,236 589 1033 644 755 273 600 422 977 366 977 366 977 422 644 544 600 234 337 371 292 398 Bismuth Lead Mercury Potassium Sodium NaK (56% 744%) PbBi (44.5%/55.5%) "Adapted from Liquid Metals Handbook, The Atomic Energy Commission, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC, 1952. 43.2.3