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Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems- P12 potx

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  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Introduction

  • Contributors

  • Part I: Real-Time and Performance Analysis in Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 1. Performance Prediction of Distributed Platforms

    • Chapter 2. SystemC-Based Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 3. Formal Performance Analysis for Real-Time Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 4. Model-Based Framework for Schedulability Analysis Using UPPAAL 4.1

    • Chapter 5. Modeling and Analysis Framework for Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 6. TrueTime: Simulation Tool for Performance Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems

  • Part II: Design Tools and Methodology for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip

    • Chapter 7. MPSoC Platform Mapping Tools for Data-Dominated Applications

    • Chapter 8. Retargetable, Embedded Software Design Methodology for Multiprocessor-Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 9. Programmig Models for MPSoC

    • Chapter 10. Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: Meteropolis and Metro II

    • Chapter 11. Reconfigurable Multicore Architectures for Streaming Applications

    • Chapter 12. FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems

  • Part III: Design Tools and Methodology for Multidomain Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 13. Modeling, Verification, and Testing Using Timed and Hybrid Automata

    • Chapter 14. Semantics of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

    • Chapter 15. Multi-Viewpoint State Machines for Rich Component Models

    • Chapter 16. Generic Methodology for the Design of Continuous/Discrete Co-Simulation Tools

    • Chapter 17. Modeling and Simulation of Mixed Continuous and Discrete Systems

    • Chapter 18. Design Refinement of Embedded Mixed-Signal Systems

    • Chapter 19. Platform for Model-Based Design of Integrated Multi-Technology Systems

    • Chapter 20. CAD Tools for Multi-Domain Systems on Chips

    • Chapter 21. Smart Sensors Modeling Using VHDL-AMS for Microinstrument Implementation with a Distributed Architecture

  • Index

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Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 306 2009-10-2 306 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems are different ways in which the cost may be calculated. Steps 6–7 in Figure 10.12 illustrate two different types of processing elements that may be used, and the interface to inform them which processing rou- tine they should compute a cost for. The type of the processing element may be changed easily to provide the necessary balance between the speed of simulation and the required pre-simulation effort. Mapped System Table 10.4 describes the 48 mappings investigated. These vary from 11 PEs to 1 PE. Partitions are broken down by the Rx, the Tx, the RLC, and the MAC functionalities. Each is categorized into one of nine separate classes based on the number of processing elements and the mix of pre-profiled and runtime processing elements. Mappings are further categorized as purely runtime processing (RTP) elements, purely profiled processing (PP) elements, or a mix (MIX). Results Results relating to the design effort, the processing time, the framework sim- ulation time, and the event processing are analyzed. Five different models were used: a timed SystemC UMTS model [55], a timed M ETRO II UMTS model, an untimed M ETRO II UMTS model, a SystemC runtime processing model, and a M ETRO II architectural model. In specific configurations, METRO II constraints were used as opposed to explicit synchronization. The selection of constraints, functional model configuration, architectural model parame- ters, and mapping assignment is all achieved through small changes to the top-level netlist. All results are gathered on a 1.8 GHz Pentium M laptop running Windows XP with 1GB of RAM. Figure 10.13 shows the UMTS estimated execution times (cycles) along with the average processing-element utilization. Utilization is calculated as the percentage of simulation rounds that an architectural processing element has enabled outstanding functional model event requests for its services. Low utilization indicates that a processing element is idle despite available, outstanding requests. The x-axis (mapping #) is ordered by increasing execu- tion times. The data is collected for each of the three scheduling algorithms. For round-robin scheduling, the lowest and highest execution times are obtained with mapping #1 (11 Sparcs) and mapping #46 (1 μBlaze), respec- tively. Mapping #1 is 2167% faster than mapping #46. This shows a large range in potential performances across mappings. It is interesting to note that there are 23 different mappings that offer better performance than the 11 μBlaze or 11 ARM7 cores (mappings #2 and #3). This illustrates that inter- processor communication is a bottleneck for many designs, and despite hav- ing more concurrency those designs cannot keep pace with smaller, more heavily-loaded mappings. Among all four processor systems, mapping #14 has the lowest execution time (two ARM9s used for the receiver and two Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 307 2009-10-2 Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: METROPOLIS and METRO II 307 TABLE 10.4 Mapping Scenarios for the UMTS Case Study # Type Partition # Type Partition # Type Partition 1 1: RTP 11 Sp 17 6: PP 2 μB (2), 2 A9 (3) 33 7: MIX A7 (4), Sp (5), μB (6), A9 (7) 22:PP 11μB 18 6: PP 2 A9 (2), 2 μB (3) 34 7: MIX A7 (4), Sp (5), A9 (6), μB(7) 3 2: PP 11 A7 19 6: PP 2 A7 (2), 2 A9 (3) 35 7: MIX A7 (4), μB (5), Sp (6), A9 (7) 4 2: PP 11 A9 20 6: PP 2 A9 (2), 2 A7 (3) 36 7: MIX A7 (4), μB (5), A9 (6), Sp (7) 5 3: RTP 4 Sp (1) 21 7: MIX Sp (4), μB (5), A7 (6), A9 (7) 37 7: MIX A7 (4), A9 (5), μB (6), Sp (7) 64:PP 4μB (1) 22 7: MIX Sp (4), μB (5), A9 (6), A7 (7) 38 7: MIX A7 (4), A9 (5), Sp (6), μB(7) 7 4: PP 4 A7 (1) 23 7: MIX Sp (4), A7 (5), μB (6), A9 (7) 39 7: MIX A9 (4), Sp (5), μB (6), A7 (7) 8 4: PP 4 A9 (1) 24 7: MIX Sp (4), A7 (5), A9 (6), μB(7) 40 7: MIX A9 (4), Sp (5), A7 (6), μB(7) 95:MIX2Sp(2),2μB (3) 25 7: MIX Sp (4), A9 (5), A7 (6), μB (7) 41 7: MIX A9 (4), μB (5), Sp (6), A7 (7) 10 5: MIX 2 μB (2), 2 Sp (3) 26 7: MIX Sp (4), A9 (5), μB (6), A7 (7) 42 7: MIX A9 (4), μB (5), A7 (6), Sp (7) 11 5: MIX 2 Sp (2), 2 A7 (3) 27 7: MIX μB (4), Sp (5), A7 (6), A9 (7) 43 7: MIX A9 (4), A7 (5), μB (6), Sp (7) 12 5: MIX 2 A7 (2), 2 Sp (3) 28 7: MIX μB (4), Sp (5), A9 (6), A7 (7) 44 7: MIX A9 (4), A7 (5), Sp (6), μB(7) 13 5: MIX 2 Sp (2), 2 A9 (3) 29 7: MIX μB (4), A7 (5), Sp (6), A9 (7) 45 8: RTP 1 Sp 14 5: MIX 2 A9 (2), 2 Sp (3) 30 7: MIX μB (4), A7 (5), A9 (6), Sp (7) 46 9: PP 1 μB 15 6: PP 2 μB (2), 2 A7 (3) 31 7: MIX μB (4), A9 (5), A7 (6), Sp (7) 47 9: PP 1 A7 16 6: PP 2 A7 (2), 2 μB (3) 32 7: MIX μB (4), A9 (5), Sp (6), A7 (7) 48 9: PP 1 A9 (1=RxMAC,TxMAC,RxRLC,TxRLC),(2=RxMAC,RxRLC),(3=TxMAC,TxRLC) (4 = Rx MAC), (5)(Rx RLC), (6)(Tx MAC), (7 = Tx RLC) (Sp = Sparc, μB = Microblaze, A7 = ARM7, A9 = ARM9) Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 308 2009-10-2 308 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 0.0E + 00 1 4 14 31 37 26 27 33 13 5 8 45 48 12 24 29 30 43 19 35 10 21 36 42 17 2 22 28 39 41 32 25 34 44 20 23 38 11 15 18 40 3 7 9 16 6 47 46 1.0E + 07 2.0E + 07 3.0E + 07 4.0E + 07 5.0E + 07 6.0E + 07 Mapping Execution cycles 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% Percentage utilization per PE RR Ex PR Ex FCFS Ex RR Util PR Util FCFS Util UMTS estimated execution time and utilization for various OS scheduling policies FIGURE 10.13 The UMTS estimated execution time vs. utilization for various OS scheduling policies. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 309 2009-10-2 Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: METROPOLIS and METRO II 309 Sparcs used for the transmitter). Mapping #31 has a similar execution time with four different processors (Rx MAC on μBlaze, Rx RLC on ARM9, Tx MAC on ARM7, and Tx RLC on Sparc). Many of the execution times are similar and the graph shows that there are essentially four performance groupings. The lowest utilization values for round robin occur in the 11 processor setups (an average of 15%). The highest is 100% for all single processor setups. The max utilization before 100% is 39%. This gap points to ineffi- ciency in the round-robin scheduler. It may be a goal of the other scheduling algorithms to close this gap. Also notice that for similar execution times, uti- lization can vary as much as 28% (mappings #41 and #32, for example). The priority-based scheduling keeps the same relative ordering amongst the execution times but reduces them on average by 13%. The highest is an 18% reduction (mapping #22, for example) and the smallest reduction is 9% (mapping #8, for example). The utilization numbers are actually reduced as well by an average of 2%. The largest reduction was 7% (in mapping #6, for example) and the smallest was 1% (in mapping #31, for example). As expected there was no change in the utilization or execution times for mappings involving either eleven processing elements (fully concurrent) or those with one element (no scheduling options). The utilization drop results from high-priority, data-dependent jobs running before low-priority, data- independent jobs. The FCFS scheduling also does not change the relative ordering of execu- tion times but is not as successful at reducing them. The average reduction is only 7%. The maximum reduction is 11% (in mapping #24, for example) and the minimum reduction is 4% (in mapping #5, for example). However, utilization is increased by 27%. The max increase was 45% (in mapping #31, for example) and the minimum improvement was 20% (in mapping #5, for example). The FCFS increases utilization due to the fact that many jobs that would be low priority often request processing in the same round as high-priority jobs. While technically they are both “first,” the priority would negate this fact. The FCFS’s round-robin tie-breaking scheme helps smaller jobs in this case. The analysis of execution and utilization for the UMTS shows that high utilization is difficult to obtain due to the data dependencies in the applica- tion. Also, some of the partitions explored do not balance computation well amongst the different processing elements in the architecture. Many of the coarser mappings only make this problem worse. A solution is to further refine the functional model to extract more concurrency. From an execution- time standpoint, scheduling can improve the overall execution time but not as much as is needed to make a large majority of these mappings desirable for an actual implementation. An accuracy comparison was performed with mappings #2, #6, and #46 (pure μBlaze mappings). These designs were created on the Xilinx ML310 development board. For mappings #2 and #46, there was only a 3.1% and Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 310 2009-10-2 310 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems a 2% increase, respectively, in execution times in the actual designs. For mapping #6 (when scheduling affects the outcome), the increase was 16.2% (RR), 18% (PR), and 15% (FCFS). Mapping #46 inaccuracy is due to the start- up code and IO operations not captured by the model. Mapping #2 suffers from a slightly oversimplified point-to-point communication scheme in the model as compared to the FSL links used by the MicroBlazes. Finally, map- ping #6 requires a more refined OS model to more closely match the schedul- ing overhead of the actual OS used. This comparison shows that M ETRO II simulation can closely (within 5%) reflect actual implementations, and in the cases where the differences are greater, a trade-off between the mod- eling detail, the simulation performance, and the accuracy can be quickly analyzed. The untimed M ETRO II UMTS functional model contains 12 processes while the architectural model may contain up to 26 processes. This is a large design, spread across 85 files and 8,300 lines of code. The changing of a map- ping is trivial however, which requires only changing a few macros and recompiling two files (2.3% of total; <20 s). All 48 mappings can be done in less than 16 min. The conversion of the SystemC timed functional model to an untimed M ETRO II functional model removes 1081 lines of code (related to scheduling and timing—both of which are in the architecture model). M ETRO II mapping removes much of the overhead associated with the SystemC model synchro- nization. M ETRO II constraints for the read/write semantics of a FIFO only require 60 lines of code, which is 1.4% of the total code cost. The average difference of the entire conversion to M ETRO II was only 1% per file. More than half of these lines (58%) have to do with registering the constraints with the solvers. The conversion of a SystemC runtime processing model (the Sparc pro- cessing element) to M ETRO II only requires 92 additional lines. This was a mere 3.4% increase (2773 lines to 2681 lines). This includes adding sup- port for loading a new code at runtime, returning the cost of operation to the netlist, and exposing events for mapping. This result is encouraging for importing code. Figure 10.14 illustrates the percentage of the actual simulation runtime spent in each of M ETRO II’s simulation phases for the nine classes of map- pings. The SystemC entry indicates the time spent in the SystemC simulation infrastructure upon which M ETRO II is built. On an average, 61% of the time is spent in Phase 1 (lowest section on the bar graph), 5% in Phase 2 (second section), and 17% in Phase 3 (third section). For models with only runtime processing elements (R), the aver- ages are 93%, 0.9%, and 3%, respectively. This indicates that in runtime processing, the M ETRO II activities of annotation and scheduling are negli- gible in the runtime picture. For pure profiled (P) mappings, they are 21%, 7%, and 26%. In this case, one can see that M ETRO II now accounts for a greater percentage of runtime. (Phase 1 alone is the representative of other Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 311 2009-10-2 Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: METROPOLIS and METRO II 311 Runtime spent in different phases 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Mix avg Avg.PP avgRTP avg 987654321 Class Percentage runtime System C Phase 3 Phase 2 Phase 1 FIGURE 10.14 M ETRO II phase runtime analysis. simulation environments.) For mixed classes, the numbers are 82%, 2.6% and 7.6%. Again the runtime processing elements dominate. It should be noted that while Ps have higher averages, the average runtime toprocess 7000 bytes of data was 54 seconds. The Phase 1 runtime and the SystemC overhead are the main contributors to overall runtime. If we consider the SystemC timed functional model, the M ETRO II timed functional model, and the M ETRO II untimed functional model mapped to an architecture, the M ETRO II timed functional model had an average increase of 7.4% in runtime for the nine classes while the mapped version had a 54.8% reduction. This reduction is due to the fact that M ETRO II Phases 2 and 3 have significantly less overheads than the timer- and scheduler-based sys- tem required by the SystemC timed functional model. Table 10.5 shows the average number of event state changes per phase and the average number of phases an event waits. On an average, only 0.14 events are annotated or scheduled per round. Because of the architectural model integration with the UMTS functional model, there are a limited number of synchronization points (which satisfy a rendezvous constraint, and, hence, an event state change). As shown in Fig- ure 10.14, Phases 2 and 3 do not account for a large portion of the runtime, so, while the event state change activity is low, it does not translate to increased runtime. Runtime is not increased directly by changing an event’s state, but rather by the total number of events in Phases 2 and 3. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 312 2009-10-2 312 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems TABLE 10.5 METRO II Phase Event Analysis Class Event/Ph. Comp. % Comm. % Coord. % Avg Wait 1 0.091 0.083 0.083 0.833 3839.240 2 0.091 0.083 0.083 0.833 3839.240 3 0.169 0.125 0.042 0.833 6276.190 4 0.169 0.125 0.042 0.833 6276.190 5 0.131 0.170 0.114 0.716 5117.003 6 0.169 0.170 0.114 0.716 6276.190 7 0.150 0.101 0.088 0.811 5691.130 8 0.176 0.319 0.043 0.638 6718.550 9 0.176 0.319 0.043 0.638 6718.550 Avg 0.147 0.166 0.072 0.761 5639.143 Events in Classes 1 and 2 on average wait 42% less than the worse case. These classes are precisely those that provide maximum concurrency (11 processing elements). The worst is in Classes 8 and 9 (single processing ele- ments). As one would expect, when the scheduling overhead is lower and more processing elements are available, events wait much less for resource availability. Finally, it should be noted that runtime processing vs. pre-profiled pro- cessing does not impact this aspect of simulation. Comparing Classes 1 with 2 or 3 with 4 confirms this. This contrasts heavily with the runtime of the simulation (in which the PE type is a key factor). The runtime processing in the microarchitectural model is treated as a black box by M ETRO II such that the internal events are unseen and do not trigger phase changes. This indi- cates that SystemC components can be imported quite easily into M ETRO II without affecting the three-phase execution semantics. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th columns of Table 10.5 categorize the events in Phase 1. Computational events request processing-element services directly. Communication events transfer data between FIFOs, and coordination events maintain correct simulation semantics and operation. The table indi- cates that events in the system are heavily related to coordination. Classes 8 and 9 have the lowest percentage of coordination events (64%), since these are single-PE systems. Conclusions We illustrated how an event-based design framework, M ETRO II, may be used to carry out architectural modeling and design-space exploration. Experi- mental results show that M ETRO II is capable of capturing functional mod- eling, architectural modeling, and mapping for a UMTS case study with limited overhead as compared with a baseline SystemC model. We showed that the design effort involved in carrying out 48 separate mappings with a variety of architectural models is minimal. Within the framework, we detail Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 313 2009-10-2 Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: METROPOLIS and METRO II 313 the runtime spent in the three different M ETRO II execution phases and pro- vide an idea of how events move throughout the system. Future work involves identifying and removing events not relevant for annotation or scheduling from M ETRO II’s second and third phases, support for a wider variety of declarative constraints, and the analysis of other appli- cations that may be mapped onto similar architectural platforms. 10.6.2 Intelligent Buildings: Indoor Air Quality The construction of future energy-efficient commercial buildings will make use of sophisticated control architectures that are able to sense several phys- ical quantities, compute control laws, and apply control actions through actuators. Sensors, actuators, and computation units are physically dis- tributed over the buildings. The control algorithm can be run on either distributed controllers or a central controller. The control performance is crit- ically affected by both computation and communication delays that need to be within precise bounds in order to guarantee energy savings while main- taining the comfort level. Thus, a major challenge in designing such systems is to balance the computation and communication efforts. In particular, a designer needs to decide how to map the control algorithm on a set of con- trollers and needs to find an optimal communication network, meaning the communication medium and the network topology. The goal of this case study is to model and simulate the control of the temperature in the rooms of a building at a high level of abstraction. The simulation results will be used to partition the sensor–actuator delay into computation and communication latency requirements. The communication latency requirements are then passed to an optimization tool that finds the best communication network that supports the gathering of data from the sensors and the delivery of commands to actuators. Our design flow is shown in Figure 10.15. In Step 1, both the function- ality of the system and the architecture platform are modeled. The map- ping between function and architecture models is carried out where the controllers and the point-to-point communication between sensors, actu- ators, and controllers are annotated with actual computation delays and virtual communication delays. The performance of the control algorithm is evaluated for different values of the communication delays until the least constraining latency requirements are found. The communication require- ments are then passed to an external network synthesis tool—the commu- nication synthesis infrastructure (COSI) [51]. In Step 2, the COSI synthe- sizes the communication network of the system based on the simulation results. Then, in Step 3, the abstract point-to-point communication channels are mapped to the communication network obtained by COSI. Both the functionality and the architecture platforms of the control sys- tem are modeled in M ETRO II, while the environment dynamics is modeled in OpenModelica [27], an external simulation tool. OpenModelica interacts Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 314 2009-10-2 314 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems Step 1: modeling and simulation Mapping Function model Architecture model Step 3: refinement COSI synthesis results Simulation results COSI Step 2: synthesis FIGURE 10.15 Design flow of the room temperature control system. with the function model of the system. The M ETRO II function model of a two-room example and its interaction with OpenModelica is shown in Figure 10.16. The environment dynamics is described in the Modelica programming language. The Modelica language is designed to allow Modelica model OpenModelica CORBA communication M ETRO II Interface to OpenModelica Controller1 FIFO_s1c FIFO_s2c FIFO_a1c FIFO_a2c Controller2 S2 S1 A2 A1 FIGURE 10.16 M ETRO II function model and OpenModelica. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 315 2009-10-2 Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: METROPOLIS and METRO II 315 convenient, component-oriented modeling of complex physical systems, e.g., systems containing mechanical, electrical, electronic, hydraulic, thermal, con- trol, electric power, or process-oriented subcomponents [46]. The Modelica model in the indoor air quality case study deals with pressure and tempera- ture dynamics in an indoor environment. It takes into account the structure of the building, its floorplan, the sizes of the different rooms, and the place- ment of doors and windows. Moreover, it includes outlet vents that can inject a cold/hot air flow to perform cooling/heating of the environment; they are the actuators of the control system, but expressed in Modelica in terms of their effect on the temperature and pressure dynamics of the system. The M ETRO II model and the Modelica model are run together (co- simulation [57]). Sensors and actuators in the functional model interact with the plant to retrieve temperature values in the different rooms and to set the status (closed/open; hot/cold air flow) of the vents. These operations obvi- ously require synchronization and information exchange between the tools. They are managed by the environment functional module, which controls the execution of the Modelica model (start and stop the simulation) and it is able to set and get the value of its parameters. From an implementation point of view, this interaction is performed by the remote calling of a set of services provided by OpenModelica over a CORBA connection [18] estab- lished between the tools. The architecture model includes generic electronic control units (ECUs) communicating with sensors and actuators. During mapping, the controllers in the function model are allocated onto ECUs. If multiple controllers are mapped onto one ECU, a M ETRO II scheduler is constructed to coordinate their executions. Various scheduling policies can be applied by designing different types of schedulers, while keeping the controller tasks intact. In our example, we use round-robin scheduling. Sensors and actuators in the function model are mapped to architectural sensors and actuators. The com- munication between ECUs and sensoring/actuating units is modeled at an abstract level in Step 1 of the design flow. The services of sensing, computing control algorithms, and actuating are annotated with time by M ETRO II anno- tators. The end-to-end delays from sensing to actuating are computed dur- ing simulation. The simulation results are sent to COSI, which synthesizes the communication network in Step 2 of the design flow. Then the synthesis results are utilized to refine the abstract communication network in Step 3 of the flow. 10.7 Conclusions We discussed the trends and challenges of system design from a broad per- spective that covers both semiconductor and industrial segments that use [...]...316 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems embedded systems We argued in favor of the need of a unified way of thinking about system design as the basis for a novel system science One approach was presented, the PBD, that aims at achieving that unifying role We discussed some of the most promising approaches for chip and embedded system design in the PBD perspective METROPOLIS... 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Watanabe Formal verification of embedded system designs at multiple levels of abstraction International Workshop on High Level Design Validation and Test—HLDVT02, Cannes, France, September 2002 16 X Chen, H Hsieh, F Balarin, and Y Watanabe Automatic generation of simulation monitors from quantitative constraint formula Design Automation and Test in Europe, Munich, Germany, March 2003 17 CoFluent Design. .. switched off and isolated from the rest of the design • A multicore approach also eases verification of an integrated circuit design, since the design of identical cores has to be verified only once The design of a single core is relatively simple and therefore a lot of effort can be put in (area/power) optimizations on the physical level of integrated circuit design • The computational power of a multicore . and Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 320 2009-10-2 320 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems platform-based design. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design. industrial segments that use Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C010 Finals Page 316 2009-10-2 316 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems embedded systems. We argued in favor. next-generation design framework for platform-based design. In Design and Verification Conference (DV- CON’07), San Jose, CA, February 2007. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems

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