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SAS/ETS 9.22 User''''s Guide 297 docx

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2952 ✦ Chapter 47: SAS/ETS Model Editor Window Reference Dataset Name: is the data set in which you want the user-specified output to be saved. Browse: opens the data set selection window for selecting an output data set. Output and Reports Various output and report windows are available to display the results that are associated with fitting your model. To view output and reports, click a model name and select one of the following menu items:  Model Summary provides summary statistics of the model.  Equation Results provides of the estimates of the equation.  Time Series displays the plotted series.  Covariance Matrix opens the Fitted Model Covariance/Correlation Matrix window in the SAS/ETS Model Editor. It displays the cross-equation and parameter estimate covariance and correlation matrices.  Distribution Plot opens the Fitted Model Distribution window in the SAS/ETS Model Editor.  Parameter Estimates displays the model parameter estimation results.  Residuals Plot displays the Residuals Plot window for the model.  Residual Errors displays a list of residual errors analysis for each model equation.  Actual v/s Predicted Plot provides the graph that compares actual results to the predict results. See Chapter 18, “The MODEL Procedure” (SAS/ETS User’s Guide), for more information. Equation Results Window The Fit Results window corresponds to the FIT statement in the SAS/ETS MODEL procedure. This window opens when you click Finish in the Fitted Model wizard, or you can open this window by right-clicking a model in the model tree. In the Fit Results window, you can change model parameters and fit the model again. You can also fit two different models and compare their results. In the Displayed Fit Results list box, select each check box that corresponds to a model that you want to display. On the Full Results tab, a summary of each selected model is displayed in the upper part of the window. To change parameters for a Equation Results Window ✦ 2953 model, click Edit in the pane that corresponds to that model. The model parameters are displayed in the lower part of the window. For information about how to edit fields there, see the section “Edit Existing Fitted Model” on page 2963. Click the Code tab to display the code for each displayed model. Figure 47.18 Fit Results Comparison 2954 ✦ Chapter 47: SAS/ETS Model Editor Window Reference Figure 47.19 Edit Fit Results Time Series Window The Time Series window displays the plotted series, and you can transform and test the series. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries panel and select Time Series or click View Time Series in the Fitted Model wizard page Select the data set to fit. For more information about time series, see Chapter 27, “The TIMESERIES Procedure,” (SAS/ETS User’s Guide). Graphing Options Window ✦ 2955 Figure 47.20 View Time Series of the Data This window has the following controls and fields: Graphing Options opens a window that enables you to change graphing options. Series Values displays a plot of the time series of the selected variables. Observation displays a table of all the observations of the data set. OK closes the View Time Series window. Graphing Options Window When you click Graphing Options in the Time Series window, the Graphing Options window opens. 2956 ✦ Chapter 47: SAS/ETS Model Editor Window Reference Figure 47.21 Graphing Options Window This window has the following controls and fields: Plots includes the groups of check boxes for Seasonal Decomposition/Adjustment Plots , Stan- dard Plots, Correlation Plots, and Cross-Variable Plots. TimeSeries Options enables you to select values for simple difference, seasonal difference, cross-variable, decom- position method, functional transformation, and Box-Cox parameter. Tables indicates which tables to display. OK closes the window and returns to the Time Series window. Cancel closes the window without implementing any changes. Model Summary Results Window The Model Summary Results window displays the estimated results of the model. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries panel and select Model Summary . Model Summary Results Window ✦ 2957 Figure 47.22 Model Summary Results Window This window includes the following contents: Model Summary Results for the Fitted Model provides detailed summary statistics of the model. Equations displays the equations to be fitted in this model. Model Variables displays the endogenous (dependent) variables of this model. Parameter Estimates displays the model parameter estimation results. If any parameter restrictions were imposed, the statistical properties that are associated with the restriction are also displayed. Parameter restrictions are defined by using the Set fit options for constraints wizard page or the Model Template Constraints window. 2958 ✦ Chapter 47: SAS/ETS Model Editor Window Reference Fitted Model Equation Results Window The Fitted Model Equation Results window displays the estimated dependent variable results of the model. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries pane and select Equation Results. Figure 47.23 Fitted Model Equation Results Window This window includes the following contents: Actual v/s Predicted for the model variables plots the predicted and actual values. Residuals for the model variables plots the residuals of the fitted model. Equations display the equations to be fitted for the model. Parameter Estimates displays the model parameter estimation results. If any parameter restrictions were imposed, the statistical properties that are associated with the restriction are also displayed. Parameter Fitted Model Distribution Window ✦ 2959 restrictions are defined by using the Set fit options for constraints wizard page or the Model Template Constraints window. Summary of Residual Errors displays the estimates of the residual errors. OK closes the window. Fitted Model Covariance/Correlation Matrix Window This window displays the cross-equation and parameter estimate covariance and correlation matrices. You can view either the covariance or the correlation matrices. In addition, the determinant of the matrices is displayed. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries panel and select Covariance Matrix. Figure 47.24 Fitted Model Covariance/Correlation Matrix Window Fitted Model Distribution Window The Fitted Model Distribution window displays the plots of the residual distributions. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries panel and select Distribution Plot . The Fitted Model Distribution dialog box opens. Specify the number of replications, number of steps in time, and the random seed value, and click OK. The Fitted Model Distribution window opens. 2960 ✦ Chapter 47: SAS/ETS Model Editor Window Reference Figure 47.25 Fitted Model Distribution Dialog Box Figure 47.26 Fitted Model Distribution Window Model Parameters Estimates Window The Model Parameters Estimates window enables you to view the model fit estimates. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries panel and select Parameter Estimates. Residuals Plot Window ✦ 2961 Figure 47.27 Parameter Estimate If the fit is unsuccessful, an error dialog box appears that contains a brief description of the problem. The details about the fitting errors are shown in the Message or the Log window. Residuals Plot Window This window opens the output data set to enable you to view and analyze model residuals in graphical plots. To open this window, right-click an existing fitted model in the SAS libraries panel and select Residuals Plot. Figure 47.28 Residuals Plot . on page 296 3. Click the Code tab to display the code for each displayed model. Figure 47.18 Fit Results Comparison 295 4 ✦ Chapter 47: SAS/ETS Model Editor Window Reference Figure 47. 19 Edit Fit. Chapter 18, “The MODEL Procedure” (SAS/ETS User’s Guide) , for more information. Equation Results Window The Fit Results window corresponds to the FIT statement in the SAS/ETS MODEL procedure. This window. more information about time series, see Chapter 27, “The TIMESERIES Procedure,” (SAS/ETS User’s Guide) . Graphing Options Window ✦ 295 5 Figure 47.20 View Time Series of the Data This window has the following

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 15:20