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Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 47 ppt

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290 INTEGRALS  nπ 0 xf(sin x) dx = πn 2  π/2 0 f(sin x) dx if f(x)=f(–x);  nπ 0 xf(sin x) dx =(–1) n–1 πn  π/2 0 f(sin x) dx if f(–x)=–f (x);  2π 0 f(a sin x + b cos x) dx =  2π 0 f  √ a 2 + b 2 sin x  dx = 2  π 0 f  √ a 2 + b 2 cos x  dx;  π 0 f  sin 2 x 1 + 2a cos x + a 2  dx =  π 0 f(sin 2 x) dx if |a| ≥ 1;  π 0 f  sin 2 x 1 + 2a cos x + a 2  dx =  π 0 f  sin 2 x a 2  dx if 0 < |a| < 1. 7.2.3-3. Integrals involving logarithmic functions.  b a f(x)ln n xdx=   d dλ  n  b a x λ f(x) dx  λ=0 ,  b a f(x)ln n g(x) dx =   d dλ  n  b a f(x)[g(x)] λ dx  λ=0 ,  b a f(x)[g(x)] λ ln n g(x) dx =  d dλ  n  b a f(x)[g(x)] λ dx. 7.2.4. General Asymptotic Formulas for the Calculation of Integrals Below are some general formulas, involving arbitrary functions and parameters, that may be helpful for obtaining asymptotics of integrals. 7.2.4-1. Asymptotic formulas for integrals with weak singularity as ε → 0. 1 ◦ . We will consider integrals of the form I(ε)=  a 0 x β–1 f(x) dx (x + ε) α , where 0 < a < ∞, β > 0, f(0) ≠ 0,andε > 0 is a small parameter. The integral diverges as ε →0 for α ≥ β, that is, lim ε→0 I(ε)=∞. In this case, the leading term of the asymptotic expansion of the integral I(ε)isgivenby I(ε)= Γ(β)Γ(α – β) Γ(α) f(0)ε β–α + O(ε σ )ifα > β, I(ε)=–f(0)lnε + O(1)ifα = β, where Γ(β) is the gamma function and σ =min[β – α + 1, 0]. 7.2. DEFINITE INTEGRAL 291 2 ◦ . The leading term of the asymptotic expansion, as ε → 0, of the more general integral I(ε)=  a 0 x β–1 f(x) dx (x k + ε k ) α with 0 < a < ∞, β > 0, k > 0, ε > 0,andf (0) ≠ 0 is expressed as I(ε)= f(0) kΓ(α) Γ  β k  Γ  α – β k  ε β–αk + O(ε σ )ifαk > β, I(ε)=–f(0)lnε + O(1)ifαk = β, where σ =min[β – αk + 1, 0]. 3 ◦ . The leading terms of the asymptotic expansion, as ε → 0, of the integral I(ε)=  ∞ a x α exp  –εx β  f(x) dx with a > 0, β > 0, ε > 0,andf (0) ≠ 0 has the form I(ε)= 1 β f(0)Γ  α + 1 β  ε – α+1 β if α >–1, I(ε)=– 1 β f(0)lnε if α =–1. 4 ◦ . Now consider potential-type integrals Π(f)=  1 –1 f(ξ) dξ  (ξ – z) 2 + r 2 , with z, r, ϕ being cylindrical coordinates in the three-dimensional space. The function Π(f) is simple layer potential concentrated on the interval z [–1, 1] with density f (z). If the density is continuous, then Π(f) satisfies the Laplace equation ΔΠ = 0 outside z [–1, 1] and vanishes at infinity. Asymptotics of the integral as r → 0: Π(f)=–2f (z)lnr + O(1), where |z| ≤ 1 – δ with 0 < δ < 1. 7.2.4-2. Asymptotic formulas for Laplace integrals of special form as λ →∞. 1 ◦ . Consider a Laplace integral of the special form I(λ)=  a 0 x β–1 exp  –λx α  f(x) dx, where 0 < a < ∞, α > 0,andβ > 0. 292 INTEGRALS The following formula, called Watson’s asymptotic formula, holds as λ →∞: I(λ)= 1 α n  k=0 f (k) (0) k! Γ  k + β α  λ –(k+β)/α + O  λ –(n+β+1)/α  . Remark 1. Watson’s formula also holds for improper integrals with a = ∞ifthe original integral converges absolutely for some λ 0 > 0. Remark 2. Watson’s formula remains valid in the case of complex parameter λ as |λ| →∞,where |arg λ| ≤ π 2 – ε < π 2 (ε > 0 can be chosen arbitrarily small but independent of λ). Remark 3. The Laplace transform corresponds to the above integral with a = ∞ and α = β = 1. 2 ◦ . The leading term of the asymptotic expansion, as λ →∞, of the integral I(λ)=  a 0 x β–1 |ln x| γ e –λx f(x) dx with 0 < a < ∞, β > 0,andf (0) ≠ 0 is expressed as I(λ)=Γ(β)f (0)λ –β (ln λ) γ . 7.2.4-3. Asymptotic formulas for Laplace integrals of general form as λ →∞. Consider a Laplace integral of the general form I(λ)=  b a f(x)exp[λg(x)] dx,( where [a, b]isafinite interval and f(x), g(x) are continuous functions. 1 ◦ . Leading term of the asymptotic expansion of the integral ( as λ →∞. Suppose the function g(x) attains a maximum on [a, b] at only one pointx 0 [a, b] and isdifferentiable in a neighborhood of it, with g  (x 0 )=0, g  (x 0 ) ≠ 0,andf(x 0 ) ≠ 0. Then the leading term of the asymptotic expansion of the integral (, as λ →∞, is expressed as I(λ)=f (x 0 )  – 2π λg  (x 0 ) exp[λg(x 0 )] if a < x 0 < b, I(λ)= 1 2 f(x 0 )  – 2π λg  (x 0 ) exp[λg(x 0 )] if x 0 = a or x 0 = b. ( Note that the latter formula differs from the former by the factor 1/2 only. Under the same conditions, if g(x) attains a maximum at either endpoint, x 0 = a or x 0 = b,butg  (x 0 ) ≠ 0, then the leading asymptotic term of the integral, as λ →∞,is I(λ)= f(x 0 ) |g  (x 0 )| 1 λ exp[λg(x 0 )], where x 0 = a or x 0 = b.( For more accurate asymptotic estimates for the Laplace integral (, see below. 7.2. DEFINITE INTEGRAL 293 2 ◦ . Leading and subsequent asymptotic terms of the integral ( as λ →∞. Let g(x) attain a maximum at only one internal point of the interval, x 0 (a < x 0 < b), with g  (x 0 )=0 and g  (x 0 ) ≠ 0, and let the functions f (x)andg(x) be, respectively, n and n + 1 times differentiable in a neighborhood of x = x 0 . Then the asymptotic formula I(λ)=exp[λg(x 0 )]  n–1  k=0 c k λ –k–1 + O(λ –n )  ( holds as λ →∞, with c k = 1 (2k)! 2 k+1/2 Γ  k + 1 2  lim x→x 0  d dx  k  f(x)  g(x 0 )–g(x) (x – x 0 ) 2  –k–1/2  . Suppose g(x) attains a maximum at the endpoint x = a only, with g  (a) ≠ 0. Suppose also that f(x)andg(x) are, respectively, n and n + 1 times differentiable in a neighborhood of x = a. Then we have, as λ →∞, I(λ)=exp[λg(a)]  n–1  k=0 c k λ –k–1 + O(λ –n )  ,( where c 0 =– f(a) g  (a) ; c k =(–1) k+1  1 g  (x) d dx  k f(x) g  (x)  x=a , k = 1, 2, Remark 1. The asymptotic formulas (–( hold also for improper integrals with b = ∞ if the original integral ( converges absolutely at some λ 0 > 0. Remark 2. The asymptotic formulas (–( remain valid also in the case of complex λ as |λ| →∞,where|arg λ| ≤ π 2 – ε < π 2 (ε > 0 can be chosen arbitrarily small but independent of λ). 3 ◦ . Some generalizations.Letg(x) attain a maximum at only one internal point of the interval, x 0 (a < x 0 < b), with g  (x 0 )=··· = g (2m–1) (x 0 )=0 and g (2m) (x 0 ) ≠ 0, m ≥ 1 and f (x 0 ) ≠ 0. Then the leading asymptotic term of the integral (, as λ →∞,is expressed as I(λ)= 1 m Γ  1 2m  f(x 0 )  – (2m)! g (2m) (x 0 )  1 2m λ – 1 2m exp[λg(x 0 )]. Let g(x) attain a maximum at the endpoint x = a only, with g  (a)=···= g (m–1) (a)=0 and g (m) (a) ≠ 0,wherem ≥ 1 and f (a) ≠ 0. Then the leading asymptotic term of the integral (, as λ →∞,hastheform I(λ)= 1 m Γ  1 m  f(a)  – m! g (m) (a)  1 m λ – 1 m exp[λg(a)]. 294 INTEGRALS 7.2.4-4. Asymptotic formulas for a power Laplace integral. Consider the power Laplace integral, which is obtained from the exponential Laplace integral ( by substituting ln g(x)forg(x): I(λ)=  b a f(x)[g(x)] λ dx,( where [a, b]isafinite closed interval and g(x)>0. It is assumed that the functions f(x) and g(x) appearing in the integral ( are continuous; g(x) is assumed to attain a maximum at only one point x 0 =[a, b] and to be differentiable in a neighborhood of x = x 0 , with g  (x 0 )=0, g  (x 0 ) ≠ 0,andf(x 0 ) ≠ 0. Then the leading asymptotic term of the integral, as λ →∞, is expressed as I(λ)=f(x 0 )  – 2π λg  (x 0 ) [g(x 0 )] λ+1/2 if a < x 0 < b, I(λ)= 1 2 f(x 0 )  – 2π λg  (x 0 ) [g(x 0 )] λ+1/2 if x 0 = a or x 0 = b. Note that the latter formula differs from the former by the factor 1/2 only. Under the same conditions, if g(x) attains a maximum at either endpoint, x 0 = a or x 0 = b,butg  (x 0 ) ≠ 0, then the leading asymptotic term of the integral, as λ →∞,is I(λ)= f(x 0 ) |g  (x 0 )| 1 λ [g(x 0 )] λ+1/2 ,wherex 0 = a or x 0 = b. 7.2.4-5. Asymptotic behavior of integrals with variable integration limit as x →∞. Let f(t) be a continuously differentiable function and let g(t) be a twice continuously differentiable function. Also let the following conditions hold: f(t)>0, g  (t)>0; g(t) →∞ as t →∞; f  (t)/f(t)=o  g  (t)  as t →∞; g  (t)=o  g 2 (t)  as t →∞. Then the following asymptotic formula holds, as x →∞:  x 0 f(t)exp[g(t)] dt  f(x) g  (x) exp[g(x)]. 7.2.4-6. Limiting properties of integrals involving periodic functions with parameter. 1 ◦ . Riemann property of integrals involving periodic functions.Letf(x) be a continuous function on a finite interval [a, b]. Then the following limiting relations hold: lim λ→∞  b a f(x)sin(λx) dx = 0, lim λ→∞  b a f(x)cos(λx) dx = 0. Remark. The condition of continuity of f(x) can be replaced by the more general condition of absolute integrability of f(x)onafinite interval [a, b]. 7.2. DEFINITE INTEGRAL 295 2 ◦ . Dirichlet’s formula.Letf(x) be a monotonically increasing and bounded function on a finite interval [0, a], with a > 0. Then the following limiting formula holds: lim λ→∞  a 0 f(x) sin(λx) x dx = π 2 f(+0). 7.2.4-7. Limiting properties of other integrals with parameter. Let f(x)andg(x) be continuous and positive functions on [a, b]. Then the following limiting relations hold: lim n→∞ n  I n =max x [a,b] f(x), lim n→∞ I n+1 I n =max x [a,b] f(x), where I n =  b a g(x)[f(x)] n dx. 7.2.5. Mean Value Theorems. Properties of Integrals in Terms of Inequalities. Arithmetic Mean and Geometric Mean of Functions 7.2.5-1. Mean value theorems. THEOREM 1. If f(x) is a continuous function on [a, b] , there exists at least one point c (a, b) such that  b a f(x) dx = f (c)(b – a). The number f(c) is called the mean value of the function f(x) on [a, b] . THEOREM 2. If f(x) is a continuous function on [a, b] ,and g(x) is integrable and of constant sign ( g(x) ≥ 0 or g(x) ≤ 0 )on [a, b] , then there exists at least one point c (a, b) such that  b a f(x)g(x) dx = f(c)  b a g(x) dx. T HEOREM 3. If f(x) is a monotonic and nonnegative function on an interval (a, b) , with a ≥ b ,and g(x) is integrable, then there exists at least one point c (a, b) such that  b a f(x)g(x) dx = f(a)  c a g(x) dx if f(x) is nonincreasing ;  b a f(x)g(x) dx = f(b)  b c g(x) dx if f(x) is nondecreasing . T HEOREM 4. If f(x) and g(x) are bounded and integrable functions on an interval [a, b] , with a < b ,and g(x) satisfies inequalities A ≤ g(x) ≤ B , then there exists a point c [a, b] 296 INTEGRALS such that  b a f(x)g(x) dx = A  c a f(x) dx + B  b c f(x) dx if g(x) is nondecreasing ;  b a f(x)g(x) dx = B  c a f(x) dx + A  b c f(x) dx if g(x) is nonincreasing ;  b a f(x)g(x) dx = g(a)  c a f(x) dx + g(b)  b c f(x) dx if g(x) is strictly monotonic . 7.2.5-2. Properties of integrals in terms of inequalities. 1. Estimation theorem.Ifm ≤ f(x) ≤ M on [a, b], then m(b – a) ≤  b a f(x) dx ≤ M(b – a). 2. Inequality integration theorem.Ifϕ(x) ≤ f(x) ≤ g(x)on[a, b], then  b a ϕ(x) dx ≤  b a f(x) dx ≤  b a g(x) dx. In particular, if f(x) ≥ 0 on [a, b], then  b a f(x) dx ≥ 0.  Further on, it is assumed that the integrals on the right-hand sides of the inequalities of Items 3–8 exist. 3. Absolute value theorem (integral analogue of the triangle inequality):      b a f(x) dx     ≤  b a |f(x)| dx. 4. Bunyakovsky’s inequality (Cauchy–Bunyakovsky inequality):   b a f(x)g(x) dx  2 ≤  b a f 2 (x) dx  b a g 2 (x) dx. 5. Cauchy’s inequality:   b a [f(x)+g(x)] 2 dx  1/2 ≤   b a f 2 (x) dx  1/2 +   b a g 2 (x) dx  1/2 . 6. Minkowski’s inequality (generalization of Cauchy’s inequality):   b a |f(x)+g(x)| p dx  1 p ≤   b a |f(x)| p dx  1 p +   b a |g(x)| p dx  1 p , p ≥ 1. . General Asymptotic Formulas for the Calculation of Integrals Below are some general formulas, involving arbitrary functions and parameters, that may be helpful for obtaining asymptotics of integrals. 7.2.4-1 > 0,andf (0) ≠ 0 is expressed as I(λ)=Γ(β)f (0)λ –β (ln λ) γ . 7.2.4-3. Asymptotic formulas for Laplace integrals of general form as λ →∞. Consider a Laplace integral of the general form I(λ)=  b a f(x)exp[λg(x)]. 1] and vanishes at infinity. Asymptotics of the integral as r → 0: Π(f)=–2f (z)lnr + O(1), where |z| ≤ 1 – δ with 0 < δ < 1. 7.2.4-2. Asymptotic formulas for Laplace integrals of special form

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 13:20