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Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 72 pps

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12.1. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 465 12.1.6-2. Reduction of the Abel equation of the second kind to the canonical form. 1 ◦ . The substitution w =(y + g)E,whereE =exp  –  f 2 dx  ,( brings equation ( to the simpler form ww  x = F 1 (x)w + F 0 (x), ( where F 1 =(f 1 – 2f 2 g + g  x )E, F 0 =(f 0 – f 1 g + f 2 g 2 )E 2 . 2 ◦ . In turn, equation ( can be reduced, by the introduction of the new independent variable z =  F 1 (x) dx,( to the canonical form ww  z – w = R(z). ( Here, the function R(z)isdefined parametrically (x is the parameter) by the relations R = F 0 (x) F 1 (x) , z =  F 1 (x) dx. Substitutions ( and (, which take the Abel equation to the canonical form, are called canonical. Remark 1. The transformation w = a ˆw, z = aˆz + b brings ( to a similar equation, ˆw ˆw  ˆz –ˆw = a –1 R(aˆz + b). Therefore the function R(z) in the right-hand side of the Abel equation ( can be identified with the two-parameter family of functions a –1 R(az + b). Remark 2. Any Abel equations of the second kind related by linear (in y) transformations x = ϕ 1 (x), y = ϕ 2 (x)y + ϕ 3 (x) have identical canonical forms (up to the two-parameter family of functions specified in Remark 1). 12.1.6-3. Reduction to an Abel equation of the first kind. The substitution y + g = 1/u leads to an Abel equation of the first kind: u  x +(f 0 – f 1 g + f 2 g 2 )u 3 +(f 1 – 2f 2 g + g  x )u 2 + f 2 u = 0. For equations of this type, see Subsection 12.1.5. 12.1.7. Equations Not Solved for the Derivative 12.1.7-1. Method of “integration by differentiation.” In the general case, a first-order equation not solved for the derivative, F (x, y, y  x )=0,( can be rewritten in the equivalent form F (x, y, t)=0, t = y  x .( 466 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS We look for a solution in parametric form: x = x(t), y = y(t). In accordance with the first relation in (, the differential of F is given by F x dx + F y dy + F t dt = 0.( Using the relation dy = tdx, we eliminate successively dy and dx from ( As a result, we obtain the system of two first-order ordinary differential equations: dx dt =– F t F x + tF y , dy dt =– tF t F x + tF y .( By finding a solution of this system, one thereby obtains a solution of the original equa- tion ( in parametric form, x = x(t), y = y(t). Remark 1. The application of the above method may lead to loss of individual solutions (satisfying the condition F x + tF y = 0); this issue should be additionally investigated. Remark 2. One of the differential equations of system ( can be replaced by the algebraic equation F (x,y, t)=0; see equation ( This technique is used subsequently in Paragraphs 12.1.7-2, 12.1.7-3, and 12.1.7-5. 12.1.7-2. Equations of the form y = f(y  x ). This equation is a special case of equation (, with F (x, y, t)=y – f(t). The procedure described in Paragraph 12.1.7-1 yields dx dt = f  (t) t , y = f(t). ( Here, the original equation is used instead of the second equation in system (; this is valid because the first equation in ( does not depend on y explicitly. Integrating the first equation in ( yields the solution in parametric form, x =  f  (t) t dt + C, y = f (t). 12.1.7-3. Equations of the form x = f(y  x ). This equation is a special case of equation (, with F (x, y, t)=x – f(t). The procedure described in Paragraph 12.1.7-1 yields x = f(t), dy dt = tf  (t). ( Here, the original equation is used instead of the first equation in system (; this is valid because the second equation in ( does not depend on x explicitly. Integrating the second equation in ( yields the solution in parametric form, x = f (t), y =  tf  (t) dt + C. 12.1. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 467 12.1.7-4. Clairaut’s equation y = xy  x + f(y  x ). Clairaut’s equation is a special case of equation (, with F (x, y, t)=y – xt – f(t). It can be rewritten as y = xt + f(t), t = y  x .( This equation corresponds to the degenerate case F x + tF y ≡ 0, where system ( cannot be obtained. One should proceed in the following way: the first relation in ( gives dy = xdt+ tdx+ f  (t) dt; performing the substitution dy = tdx, which follows from the second relation in (, one obtains [x + f  (t)] dt = 0. This equation splits into dt = 0 and x + f  (t)=0. The solution of the first equation is obvious: t = C; it gives the general solution of Clairaut’s equation, y = Cx + f(C), ( which is a family of straight lines. The second equation generates a solution in parametric form, x =–f  (t), y =–tf  (t)+f (t), ( which is a singular solution and is the envelope of the family of lines ( Remark. There are also “compound” solutions of Clairaut’s equation; they consist of part of curve ( joined with the tangents at finite points; these tangents are defined by formula ( 12.1.7-5. Lagrange’s equation y = xf (y  x )+g(y  x ). Lagrange’s equation is a special case of equation (, with F(x, y, t)=y–xf (t)–g(t). In the special case f(t) ≡ t, it coincides with Clairaut’s equation; see Paragraph 12.1.7-4. The procedure described in Paragraph 12.1.7-1 yields dx dt + f  (t) f(t)–t x = g  (t) t – f(t) , y = xf(t)+g(t). ( Here, the original equation is used instead of the second equation in system (; this is valid because the first equation in ( does not depend on y explicitly. The first equation of system ( is linear. Its general solution has the form x = ϕ(t)C + ψ(t); the functions ϕ and ψ are defined in Paragraph 12.1.2-5. Substituting this solution into the second equation in (, we obtain the general solution of Lagrange’s equation in parametric form, x = ϕ(t)C + ψ(t), y =  ϕ(t)C + ψ(t)  f(t)+g(t). Remark. With the above method, solutions of the form y = t k x + g(t k ), where the t k are roots of the equation f(t)–t = 0, may be lost. These solutions can be particular or singular solutions of Lagrange’s equation. 468 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 12.1.8. Contact Transformations 12.1.8-1. General form of contact transformations. A contact transformation has the form x = F (X, Y , Y  X ), y = G(X, Y , Y  X ), ( where the functions F(X, Y , U)andG(X, Y , U) are chosen so that the derivative y  x does not depend on Y  XX : y  x = y  X x  X = G X + G Y Y  X + G U Y  XX F X + F Y Y  X + F U Y  XX = H(X, Y , Y  X ). ( The subscripts X, Y ,and U after F and G denote the respective partial derivatives (it is assumed that F U 0 and G U 0). It follows from ( that the relation ∂G ∂U  ∂F ∂X + U ∂F ∂Y  – ∂F ∂U  ∂G ∂X + U ∂G ∂Y  = 0 ( holds; the derivative is calculated by y  x = G U F U ,( where G U /F U const. The application of contact transformations preserves the order of differential equations. The inverse of a contact transformation can be obtained by solving system ( and ( for X, Y , Y  X . 12.1.8-2. Method for the construction of contact transformations. Suppose the function F = F (X, Y , U) in the contact transformation ( is specified. Then relation ( can be viewed as a linear partial differential equation for the second function G. The corresponding characteristic system of ordinary differential equations (see Subsection 13.1.1), dX 1 = dY U =– F U dU F X + UF Y , admits the obvious first integral: F (X, Y , U)=C 1 ,( where C 1 is an arbitrary constant. It follows that, to obtain the general representation of the function G = G(X, Y , U), one has to deal with the ordinary differential equation Y  X = U ,( whose right-hand side is defined in implicit form by ( Let the first integral of equation ( have the form Φ(X, Y , C 1 )=C 2 . Then the general representation of G = G(X, Y , U) in transformation ( is given by G = Ψ(F ,  Φ), where Ψ(F ,  Φ) is an arbitrary function of two variables, F = F (X, Y , U)and  Φ = Φ(X, Y , F ). 12.1. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 469 12.1.8-3. Examples of contact transformations. Example 1. Legendre transformation: x = Y  X , y = XY  X – Y , y  x = X (direct transformation); X = y  x , Y = xy  x – y, Y  X = x (inverse transformation). This transformation is used for solving some equations. In particular, the nonlinear equation (xy  x – y) a f(y  x )+yg(y  x )+xh(y  x )=0 can be reduced by the Legendre transformation to aBernoulli equation: [Xg(X)+h(X)]Y  X =g(X)Y –f(X)Y a (see Paragraph 12.1.2-6). Example 2. Contact transformation (a ≠ 0): x = Y  X + aY , y = be aX Y  X , y  x = be aX (direct transformation); X = 1 a ln y  x b , Y = 1 a  x – y y  x  , Y  X = y y  x (inverse transformation). Example 3. Contact transformation (a ≠ 0): x = Y  X + aX, y = 1 2 (Y  X ) 2 + aY , y  x = Y  X (direct transformation); X = 1 a  x – y  x  , Y = 1 2a  2y –(y  x ) 2  , Y  X = y  x (inverse transformation). 12.1.9. Approximate Analytic Methods for Solution of Equations 12.1.9-1. Method of successive approximations (Picard method). The method of successive approximations consists of two stages. At the first stage, the Cauchy problem y  x = f (x, y) (equation), ( y(x 0 )=y 0 (initial condition) ( is reduced to the equivalent integral equation: y(x)=y 0 +  x x 0 f(t, y(t)) dt.( Then a solution of equation ( is sought using the formula of successive approxi- mations: y n+1 (x)=y 0 +  x x 0 f(t, y n (t)) dt; n = 0, 1, 2, The initial approximation y 0 (x) can be chosen arbitrarily; the simplest way is to take y 0 to be a number. The iterative process converges as n →∞, provided the conditions of the theorems in Paragraph 12.1.1-3 are satisfied. 470 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 12.1.9-2. Method of Taylor series expansion in the independent variable. A solution of the Cauchy problem (–( can be sought in the form of the Taylor series in powers of (x – x 0 ): y(x)=y(x 0 )+y  x (x 0 )(x – x 0 )+ y  xx (x 0 ) 2! (x – x 0 ) 2 + ··· .( The first coefficient y(x 0 ) in solution ( is prescribed by the initial condition ( The values of the derivatives of y(x)atx = x 0 are determined from equa- tion ( and its derivative equations (obtained by successive differentiation), taking into account the initial condition ( In particular, setting x = x 0 in ( and substituting (, one obtains the value of the first derivative: y  x (x 0 )=f(x 0 , y 0 ). ( Further, differentiating equation ( yields y  xx = f x (x, y)+f y (x, y)y  x .( On substituting x = x 0 , as well as the initial condition ( and the fi rst deriva- tive (, into the right-hand side of this equation, one calculates the value of the second derivative: y  xx (x 0 )=f x (x 0 , y 0 )+f(x 0 , y 0 )f y (x 0 , y 0 ). Likewise, one can determine the subsequent derivatives of y at x = x 0 . Solution ( obtained by this method can normally be used in only some suffi- ciently small neighborhood of the point x = x 0 . Example. Consider the Cauchy problem for the equation y  = e y +cosx with the initial condition y(0)=0. Since x 0 = 0, we will be constructing a series in powers of x. If follows from the equation that y  (0)= e 0 +cos0 = 2. Differentiating the original equation yields y  = e y y  –sinx. Using the initial condition and the condition y  (0)=2 just obtained, we have y  (0)=e 0 ×2–sin0 = 2. Similarly, we find that y  = e y y  + e y (y  ) 2 –cosx, whence y  (0)=e 0 ×2+ e 0 ×2 2 –cos0 = 5. Substituting the values of the derivatives at x = 0 into series (, we obtain the desired series representation of the solution: y = 2x + x 2 + 5 6 x 3 + ···. 12.1.9-3. Method of regular expansion in the small parameter. Consider a general first-order ordinary differential equation with a small parameter ε: y  x = f (x, y, ε). ( Suppose the function f is representable as a series in powers of ε: f(x, y, ε)= ∞  n=0 ε n f n (x, y). ( One looks for a solution of the Cauchy problem for equation ( with the initial condition ( as ε → 0 in the form of a regular expansion in powers of the small parameter: y = ∞  n=0 ε n Y n (x). ( 12.1. FIRST-ORDER DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 471 Relation ( is substituted in equation ( taking into account ( Then one expands the functions f n into a power series in ε and matches the coefficients of like powers of ε to obtain a system of equations for Y n (x): Y  0 = f 0 (x, Y 0 ), ( Y  1 = g(x, Y 0 )Y 1 + f 1 (x, Y 0 ), g(x, y)= ∂f 0 ∂y .( Only the first two equations are written out here. The prime denotes differentiation with respect to x. The initial conditions for Y n can be obtained from ( taking into account ( Y 0 (x 0 )=y 0 , Y 1 (x 0 )=0. Success in the application of this method is primarily determined by the possibility of constructing a solution of equation ( for the leading term in the expansion of Y 0 . It is significant that the remaining terms of the expansion, Y n with n ≥ 1, are governed by linear equations with homogeneous initial conditions. Remark 1. Paragraph 12.3.5-2 gives an example of solving a Cauchy problem by the method of regular expansion for a second-order equation and also discusses characteristic features of the method. Remark 2. The methods of scaled coordinates, two-scale expansions, and matched asymptotic expansions are also used to solve problems defined by first-order differential equations with a small parameter. The basic ideas of these methods are given in Subsection 12.3.5. 12.1.10. Numerical Integration of Differential Equations 12.1.10-1. Method of Euler polygonal lines. Consider the Cauchy problem for the first-order differential equation y  x = f (x, y) with the initial condition y(x 0 )=y 0 . Our aim is to construct an approximate solution y = y(x) of this equation on an interval [x 0 , x ∗ ]. Let us split the interval [x 0 , x ∗ ]inton equal segments of length Δx = x ∗ – x 0 n .We seek approximate values y 1 , y 2 , , y n of the function y(x) at the partitioning points x 1 , x 2 , , x n = x ∗ . For a given initial value y 0 = y(x 0 ) and a sufficiently small Δx, the values of the unknown function y k = y(x k ) at the other points x k = x 0 +kΔx are calculated successively by the formula y k+1 = y k + f(x k , y k )Δx (Euler polygonal line), where k = 0, 1, , n – 1. The Euler method is a single-step method of the first-order approximation (with respect to the step Δx). 12.1.10-2. Single-step methods of the second-order approximation. Two single-step methods for solving the Cauchy problem in the second-order approximation are specifi ed by the recurrence formulas y k+1 = y k + f  x k + 1 2 Δx, y k + 1 2 f k Δx)Δx, y k+1 = y k + 1 2  f k + f(x k+1 , y k + f k Δx)  Δx, where f k = f (x k , y k ); k = 0, 1, , n – 1. . is a singular solution and is the envelope of the family of lines ( Remark. There are also “compound” solutions of Clairaut’s equation; they consist of part of curve ( joined. application of contact transformations preserves the order of differential equations. The inverse of a contact transformation can be obtained by solving system ( and ( for X, Y. solutions can be particular or singular solutions of Lagrange’s equation. 468 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 12.1.8. Contact Transformations 12.1.8-1. General form of contact transformations. A

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