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Spoken english learned quickly workbook part 43 docx

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Did you teach the short lesson? (Yes, but the one I will teach tomorrow will be the shortest.) Yes, but the one I will teach tomorrow will be the shortest. (Yes, but the one I will teach tomorrow will be the shortest.) 13.7g Did she hear the good message? (Yes, but the one she heard yesterday was better.) Yes, but the one she heard yesterday was better. (Yes, but the one she heard yesterday was better.) Did she hear the good message? (Yes, but the one she will hear tomorrow will be the best.) Yes, but the one she will hear tomorrow will be the best. (Yes, but the one she will hear tomorrow will be the best.) 13.7h Did she eat the bad meal? (Yes, but the one she ate yesterday was worse.) Yes, but the one she ate yesterday was worse. (Yes, but the one she ate yesterday was worse.) Did she eat the bad meal? (Yes, but the one she will eat tomorrow will be the worst.) Yes, but the one she will eat tomorrow will be the worst. (Yes, but the one she will eat tomorrow will be the worst.) ls13k.mp3 13.8 I will say, "Is she the most famous person here?" You will answer, "I don't think so. But she is more famous than most of the others." Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.20 ls13kb.mp3 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.21 13.8a Is she the most famous person here? (I don't think so. But she is more famous than most of the others.) I don't think so. But she is more famous than most of the others. (I don't think so. But she is more famous than most of the others.) 13.8b Was he the most jealous person here? (I don't think so. But he was more jealous than most of the others.) I don't think so. But he was more jealous than most of the others. (I don't think so. But he was more jealous than most of the others.) 13.8c Will they be the most peaceful people here? (I don't think so. But they will be more peaceful than most of the others.) I don't think so. But they will be more peaceful than most of the others. (I don't think so. But they will be more peaceful than most of the others.) 13.8d Are we the most powerful people here? (I don't think so. But we are more powerful than most of the others.) I don't think so. But we are more powerful than most of the others. (I don't think so. But we are more powerful than most of the others.) 13.8e Will she be the most deceitful person here? (I don't think so. But she will be more deceitful than most of the others.) I don't think so. But she will be more deceitful than most of the others. (I don't think so. But she will be more deceitful than most of the others.) 13.8f Were they the most responsible people here? (I don't think so. But they were more responsible than most of the others.) I don't think so. But they were more responsible than most of the others. (I don't think so. But they were more responsible than most of the others.) 12 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.22 13.3 "T HIS ," "T HAT ," "T HESE " AND "T HOSE " "This" is one thing close by. "These" are two or more things close by. "That" is one thing farther away. "Those" are two or more things farther away. John needs this book. He needs these books. Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.23 U SING "D O " TO E MPHASIZE Normal emphasis Stronger emphasis Do you speak English? Yes, I speak English. You don't speak English, do you? Yes, I do speak English. Does he speak English? Yes, he speaks English. He doesn't speak English, does he? Yes, he does speak English. Do you speak English? No, I don't speak English. Does he speak English? No, he doesn't speak English. Did you speak English? No, I didn't speak English. Did they speak English? No, they didn't speak English. He needs that book. He needs those books. 13.5 Note: a negative answer uses a stronger emphasis W ORDS D ESCRIBING T IME day before yesterday | yesterday | today | tomorrow | day after tomorrow (the) year month week (the) before last this week next year month week year month week year month week after next (The) year before last was very cold. Last year was warmer. Last month was cooler. Last week was nice. (The) day before yesterday was Monday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow will be Thursday. (The) day after tomorrow will be Friday. Next week will be windy. Next month will be hot. Next year should be warm. (The) year after next may also be warm. Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.24 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.25 U SING "Y OU " IN E NGLISH 1 person I, me, you, she, her, he, him, it 2 or more people we, us, you, they, them The sentence indicates the number of people. John, will you come with me? = (I want only John but not Mary to come with me.) John and Mary, will you come with me? = (I want both John and Mary to come with me.) Or, Will both of you come with me? = (I want both John and Mary to come with me.) 1 person my, mine, your, yours, her, hers, his, its 2 or more people our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs The sentence indicates the number of people. John, this is your coat. I think it is yours. = (This coat belongs to John, not to Mary.) John and Mary, these are your books. These books are yours. = (These books belong to both John and Mary.) Or, These books belong to both of you. O LD E NGLISH F ORMS OF "Y OU " 1 person I, me, thee, thou, she, her, he, him, it 2 or more people we, us, thee, ye, they, them 1 person my, mine, thy, thine, her, hers, his, its 2 or more people our, ours, thy, thine, their, theirs thyself = yourself (1 person) again = book = lesson = " uli book liksizon LESSON 13 VOCABULARY acceptance argument bribe convert disciple farther finances friend friendly, friendlier, friendliest funds Greek handle last neglect normal opposition pleasure, pleasant presentation proposal province quarrel refutation these those to accept to argue to be to be converted to be opposed to be pleased to be wise to bribe to describe to emphasize to fly to handle to matter to neglect to note to oppose to please to present to propose to quarrel to refute to steal to stir tomorrow widow windy wisdom yesterday Expressions Some time later there was a quarrel between the people. (6:1) They claimed that their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution of funds. (6:1) It is not right for us to neglect teaching in order to handle finances. (6:2) Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.26 . famous than most of the others." Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.20 ls13kb.mp3 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.21 13.8a Is she. (The) year after next may also be warm. Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.24 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 13.25 U SING "Y OU " . speak English? No, I don't speak English. Does he speak English? No, he doesn't speak English. Did you speak English? No, I didn't speak English. Did they speak English?

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 12:21