1.8f What time is it? (What time is it?) X Listen to the example. Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?) Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?) Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?) Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?) How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?) Excuse me. How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?) 1.9 Repeat each sentence after saying, "Excuse me." 1.9a Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?) Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.10 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.11 1.9b Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?) Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?) 1.9c Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?) Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?) 1.9d How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?) Excuse me. How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?) 1.9e How much do I owe you? (Excuse me. How much do I owe you?) Excuse me. How much do I owe you? (Excuse me. How much do I owe you?) 1.9f What time is it? (Excuse me. What time is it?) Excuse me. What time is it? (Excuse me. What time is it?) 1.9g Is this an emergency? (Excuse me. Is this an emergency?) Excuse me. Is this an emergency? (Excuse me. Is this an emergency?) 1.9h Do you have a driver's license? (Excuse me. Do you have a driver's license?) Excuse me. Do you have a driver's license? (Excuse me. Do you have a driver's license?) 1.9i Is your arm hurt? (Excuse me. Is your arm hurt?) Excuse me. Is your arm hurt? (Excuse me. Is your arm hurt?) 1.9j Where is the closest bus stop? (Excuse me. Where is the closest bus stop?) Excuse me. Where is the closest bus stop? (Excuse me. Where is the closest bus stop?) Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.12 1.10 Answer each question. 1.10a What is your name? (My name is ______________.) ls1eb.mp3 ls1e.mp3 1.10b Where do you live? (I live in [city] ______________.) 1.10c What is your address? (My address is ______________.) 1.10d What is your phone number? (My phone number is [area code] ______________.) 1.10e Where do you work? (I work at ______________.) 1.10f What kind of work do you do? (I'm a[n] ______________.) 1.10g What is your work phone number? (My work phone number is [area code] ______________.) 1.10h What is your license number? (My license number is ______________.) 2.4a T HE V ERB "T O B E " I am she is he is it is you are you are we are they are 3.3 T HE E NGLISH Q UESTION Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.13 She is okay. You are sick. The child is here. Your arm is hurt. Is she okay? Are you sick? Is the child here? Is your arm hurt? Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.14 U SING "A" OR "A N " a + a word beginning with a = an ambulance e = an emergency i = an identification card o = an office u = an unknown child a + a word beginning with all other letters = a bus stop = a car = a father = a man = a wife = a Phone In the office: an office a large office At the emergency: an emergency a medical emergency With the ambulance: an ambulance a licensed ambulance The card: a card an identification card The number: a number an insurance number The day at work: a work day an emergency work day Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.15 D AYS , M ONTHS AND H OLIDAYS Days of the week Sunday (Sun.) Thursday (Thurs.) Monday (Mon.) Friday (Fri.) Tuesday (Tues.) Saturday (Sat.) Wednesday (Wed.) Months of the year January (Jan.) July (July) February (Feb.) August (Aug.) March (Mar.) September (Sept.) April (Apr.) October (Oct.) May (May) November (Nov.) June (June) December (Dec.) Holidays New Year's Day (January 1) Labor Day (September) Valentine's Day (February 14) Thanksgiving (November) Easter (March or April) Hanukkah (December) Memorial Day (May) Christmas (December 25) Independence Day (July 4) again = book = lesson = otra vez libro lección " LESSON 1 VOCABULARY Exercise 1.1 Vocabulary a (an) it afternoon lesson are (to be) listen (to listen) do (to do) little, littler, littlest each live (to live) English long, longer, longest evening (an) morning example my excuse me name fine (good) o'clock good okay (OK) good afternoon repeat (to repeat) good evening sentence good morning speak (to speak) goodbye thank you (thanks) have (to have) time hello (hi) two here what how year I yes is (to be) you, your Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.16 . me. Can you tell me where the store is?) Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.10 Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.11 1.9b Can you tell me. are we are they are 3. 3 T HE E NGLISH Q UESTION Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1. 13 She is okay. You are sick. The child. bus stop?) Spoken English Learned Quickly www.FreeEnglishNow.com 1.12 1.10 Answer each question. 1.10a What is your name? (My name is ______________.) ls1eb.mp3 ls1e.mp3 1.10b Where