1000 Chronological Table ERA OF COLONIAL EMPIRE MODERNIST ERA IN ART AND LITERATURE Ramsey 1903–30 Broad (1887–1971) publishes The Mind and its Place in Nature 1925, Five Types of Ethical Theory 1930 Heidegger (1889–1976) publishes Sein und Zeit 1927 Whitehead (1861–1947) publishes Process and Reality 1929 Carnap (1891–1970) publishes Der Logische Aufbau der Welt 1928, The Unity of Science 1932, Meaning and Necessity 1947, Logical Foundations of Probability 1950 Gödel (1906-78) publishes his incompleteness theorems 1931 Maritain 1882–1973 Jaspers 1883–1969 Bachelard 1884–1962 Marcel 1889–1973 Reichenbach 1891–1953 H. H. Price (1899–1984) publishes Perception 1932 Popper (1902–94) publishes The Logic of Scientific Discovery 1935, The Open Society and its Enemies 1945 Ayer (1910–89) publishes Language, Truth and Logic 1936 Collingwood (1889–1943) publishes An Essay on Metaphysics 1940 Merleau-Ponty (1908–61) publishes La Structure du comporte- ment 1942, La Phénoménologie de la perception 1945 Sartre (1905–80) publishes L‘Être et le néant 1943 Ryle (1900–76) publishes The Concept of Mind 1949 De Beauvoir publishes Le Deuxième Sexe 1949 James Joyce (1882–1941) publishes Ulysses (burnt by American Post Office) 1922, Finnegan’s Wake 1939 General strike in Great Britain defeated 1926 Trotsky (1879–1940) expelled from Russian Communist Party 1927 Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 1927 Eddington (1882–1944) publishes The Nature of the Physical World 1928 Fleming (1881–1954) discovers penicillin 1928 Economic depression hits Europe and America 1929 Roosevelt elected US President 1932 Karl Barth, theologian, 1886–1968 Hitler (1889–1945) takes power 1933 and annexes Austria 1938, causing exodus of many intellectuals including philoso- phers Alan Turing (1912–54) conceives universal digital computing machine Franco (1892–1975) gains power in Spain after Civil War 1936–9 Munich Agreement offers ‘peace in our time’ 1938 German–Soviet pact 1939 Second World War, ended by atomic bombs, 1939–45 Orwell (1903–50) publishes Animal Farm 1945, Nineteen Eighty-Four (written in 1948) 1949 Labour government introduces socialist measures in Great Britain 1945–51 Camus (1913–60) publishes L’Étranger 1946 ‘Iron Curtain’ named by Churchill 1946 First meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations 1946 India given independence 1947 Mahatma Gandhi (born 1869) assassinated 1948 ‘Steady state’ cosmology proposed 1948 Chronological Table 1001 ‘COLD WAR’ BETWEEN COMMUNIST BLOC AND WESTERN POWERS Quine (1908–2000) publishes Methods of Logic 1950, From a Logical Point of View 1952, Word and Object 1960 Tarski 1902–83 Hare publishes The Language of Morals 1952 Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations published posthu- mously 1953 ‘Australian materialism’ develops in 1950s Goodman (1906–98) publishes Fact, Fiction, and Forecast 1955 Marcuse (1898–1979) publishes Eros and Civilization 1955 Church 1903–95 Chisholm (1916–99) publishes The Philosophy of Perception 1957 Adorno 1903–69 Ricœur 1913– P. F. Strawson (born 1919) publishes Individuals 1959 Gadamer (1900–2002) publishes Truth and Method 1960 Foucault (1926–84) publishes Histoire de la folie 1961 Kuhn (1922–96) publishes The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 1962 Sense and Sensibilia and How to Do Things with Words , by J. L. Austin (1911–60), published 1962 Habermas (born 1929) publishes Theorie und Praxis 1963 Althusser (1918–90) publishes Pour Marx 1965 Derrida (1930–2004) publishes L’Écriture et la différence 1967 Davidson (1917–2003) publishes ‘Truth and Meaning’ 1967, ‘Mental Events’ 1970 Berlin (1909–97) publishes Four Essays on Liberty 1969 Putnam 1926– Kripke (born 1940) publishes ‘Naming and Necessity’ 1972 Rawls (1921–2002) publishes A Theory of Justice 1972 Dummett (born 1925) publishes Frege: Philosophy of Language 1973 Mackie (1917–81) publishes The Cement of the Universe 1974 Nozick (1938–2002) publishes Anarchy, State and Utopia 1974 Searle (born 1932) publishes ‘Minds, Brains, and Programs’ 1980 Communists under Mao Tse-tung take over China 1949 Korean War 1950–3 Joseph McCarthy (1908–57) conducts campaign against Communists in USA, 1950–4 Stalin (born 1879) dies 1953 Russia suppresses Hungarian revolt 1956 Russia launches first Sputnik 1957 Chomsky (born 1928) publishes Syntactic Structures 1957 European Common Market established 1958 Castro becomes leader of Cuba 1959 Berlin Wall constructed 1961 Cuba crisis threatens nuclear war 1962 US ‘military advisers’ in Vietnam 1962 J. F. Kennedy assassinated 1963 Campaign for civil rights in USA Russell active in campaign against British nuclear deterrent Expansion of universities during 1960s Arab–Israeli Six Day War 1967 Soviet forces suppress ‘Prague Spring’ 1968 Student riots in Paris and elsewhere 1968 Women get the vote in Switzerland 1971 Withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam 1971 Spain returns to democracy 1975 ‘Thatcherism’ introduced in UK after Conservative election vic- tory 1979 1002 Chronological Table 2000 Rorty (born 1931) publishes Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature 1980 MacIntyre (born 1929) publishes After Virtue 1981 Parfit (born 1942) publishes Reasons and Persons 1984 Bernard Williams (1929–2003) publishes Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy 1985 Thomas Nagel (born 1937) publishes The View from Nowhere 1986 Brandom (born 1950) publishes Making it Explicit 1994 Scanlon (born 1940) publishes What We Owe to Each Other 1998 War in Afghanistan between Soviet troops and Mujaheddin guerillas 1979–89 Shipyard strike in Poland leads to the concession of workers’ rights and the formation of the Solidarnos´ c´ union confederation 1980 Deaths of IRA hunger strikers 1981 German Green party wins first parliamentary seats 1983 John Paul II becomes the first pope to visit a synagogue Gorbachev campaigns for glasnost (openness) in the Soviet Union 1987 Collapse of communism in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe 1989, followed by political fragmentation and intellectual liberation Series of wars in former Yugoslavia 1991–9 100-day war against Iraq by UN (mainly US) forces 1991 Nelson Mandela elected president in South Africa’s first univer- sally representative elections 1994 Demilitarization of Northern Ireland begins 1994, after 25 years 800,000 killed in Rwandan civil war 1994 New York’s World Trade Center destroyed 11 September 2001 USA and allies invade Afghanistan 2001, Iraq 2003 Chronological table by A. R. Lacey Sources of Illustrations The editor and publisher thank the following, who have kindly given permission to reproduce the illustrations listed: page 25 page 35 page 121 page 171 page 243 page 249 page 278 page 320 page 334 Dewey Carnap Quine Goodman Plato Aristotle Epicurus Plotinus Moore Russell Wittgenstein Collingwood Husserl Frege Ortega y Gassett Heidegger Hobbes Locke Berkeley Hume Francis Bacon Reid Sidgwick Bradley Sartre de Beauvoir Foucault Althusser Rousseau Comte Bergson Merleau-Ponty Fichte Schopenhauer Camera Press Bettman Corbis Courtesy of Prof. W. V. Quine, Harvard University Archives Harvard University Press Archivo Alinari Archivo Alinari Archivo Alinari Canali Photobank National Portrait Gallery, London Hulton Getty Images Trinity College, Cambridge Reading University (Courtesy of Mrs Teresa Smith) Catholic University of Leyden; Husserl Archive Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte National Portrait Gallery, London National Portrait Gallery, London National Portrait Gallery, London National Gallery of Scotland National Portrait Gallery, London Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, Univer- sity of Glasgow Hulton Getty Images Merton College, Oxford (Thomas Photos) Archive Roger-Viollet Archive Roger-Viollet Camera Press Camera Press National Gallery of Scotland Archive Roger-Viollet Archive Roger-Viollet Archive Roger-Viollet Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz Getty Images 1004 Sources of Illustrations page 344 page 366 page 429 page 483 page 580 page 609 page 628 page 676 page 749 page 754 page 784 page 937 Kierkegaard Nietzsche Augustine Boethius Abelard Anselm Hegel Marx Lukacs Croce Confucius Kitaro Tagore Radhakrishnan Kuhn Lewis Rorty Williams Avicenna Duns Scotus Roger Bacon Aquinas Davidson Putnam Searle Nagel Rawls MacIntyre Kripke Dennett Ryle Ayer Strawson Popper Edwards Peirce James Santayana Pythagoras Heraclitus Socrates Democritus Descartes Leibniz Spinoza Kant Bentham Mill Wollstonecraft Burke Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte Archivo Alinari Archivo Alinari British Library Hulton Getty Images Getty Images Getty Images AKG Images Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte Hulton Getty Images Private collection, Japan Getty Images Camera Press Stanley Rowin D. H. Mellor Sijmen Hendriks Sijmen Hendriks Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine National Portrait Gallery of Scotland Mansell Collection Archivo Alinari Steve Pyke, London Steve Pyke, London Steve Pyke, London Steve Pyke, London Camera Press Courtesy of Duckworth Ltd. Harvard University Press Jerry Bauer, Rome National Portrait Gallery, London Billett Potter, Oxford Billett Potter, Oxford Camera Press Princeton University Archives, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections Stock Montage, Chicago Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte US National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution Art Resource, NY Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz Archivo Alinari Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz Archivo Alinari Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte, Berlin Sara Waterson Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte Hulton Getty Images Sara Waterson Getty Images Hulton Getty Images National Portrait Gallery, London abandonment authenticity; autonomy and heteronomy; despair; existentialism abduction induction; inference to the best explanation; Peirce; scientific method abelard Héloïse complex; logic, history of; medieval phil- osophy; metaphysics, history of; philosophy, history of departments and centres of ableism disability and morality; discrimination; equality; justice abortion applied ethics; double effect; killing; medical ethics; Thomson absolute, the Bosanquet; Bradley; German philosophy; Hegel; idealism, philosophical; James; metaphysics, history of; relations, the nature of; Royce; Schelling absolutism,moral consequentialism; deontological ethics; ideals, moral; lying; sexual morality abstract entities mathematics, history of the philosophy of; nominalism; ontology; proposition; universals abstract ideas see ideas abstraction ideas; Locke abstract particulars see properties, individual absurd, the abandonment; Camus; existentialism; Sartre academic freedom freedom; freedom of speech; liberty; persecution of philosophers; teaching and indoctrinating academy, the Arcesilaus; Aristotle; Carneades; philoso- phy, centres and departments of; Plato; Platonism; Speusippus; Xenocrates access, privileged see privileged access accident Aristotle; essence; properties; quality achilles paradox motion; paradoxes; Zeno of Elea acquaintance and description, knowledge by descrip- tions; Russell action agent; basic action; choosing and deciding; deviance, causal; freedom; heredity and environment; intention; mental causation; reasons and causes; responsibility; thinking causes; trying; volition; will action, basic see basic action action at a distance causality active and passive intellects acts, mental; Aquinas; Aristotle; origination acts and omissions absolutism, moral; action; applied ethics; Bennett; medical ethics acts, linguistic see linguistic acts acts, mental active and passive intellects; mental states; mental events; origination; volitions; will adams, m. m. Anselm; Ockham adams, r. m. sin AD HOMINEM argument arguments, types of adorno Frankfurt School; German philosophy aesthetic attitude aesthetic distance; aesthetic judge- ment; aesthetics, history of; aesthetics, problems of; art aesthetic distance aesthetic attitude; aesthetics, prob- lems of aesthetic concepts aesthetics, history of; aesthetics, prob- lems of aesthetic imagination see imagination, aesthetic Index and List of Entries The headings in this index include all the headings of the entries in the book. So the index is also a list of the entries. To look up any subject, turn first to the main entry under the capitalized index heading (e.g. abandonment) and then to the entries under the follow- ing headings (e.g. authenticity). Where an index heading is from an entry which is a bare cross-reference to another entry, the index indicates this by following the same form (e.g. abstract ideas see ideas). In order not to submerge the significant entries on a subject in a host of others, the index does not include every mention of a subject in the book, but rather the more significant ones. The few headings in the index which are not also headings of entries in the book are in large capitals. These are to AESTHETICS and so on—main parts of philosophy, which in the book are divided into one entry on the history of the part of philosophy and one on its problems. The few references in the index to such entries are also in large capitals. aestheticism aesthetics, problems of; art aesthetic judgement aesthetic attitude; aesthetics, prob- lems of AESTHETICS aesthetic attitude; aesthetic concepts; aes- thetic distance; aestheticism; aesthetics, history of; aes- thetics, Islamic; aesthetic judgement; aesthetics, problems of; aesthetic value; Aristotle; Aristotelianism; art; art and morality; art and truth; art criticism; art, con- temporary, art, suspects; beauty; Collingwood; comedy; Croce; Danto; death-of-the-author thesis; Dionysian and Apollonian; embodiment; emotion and art; ethics and aes- thetics; expression; fiction; film, philosophy of; forgery; Gadamer; Hegel; Heidegger; imagination, aesthetic; intentional fallacy; Islamic ethics; Kant; Lessing; music; minimalism; naturalism; Nietzsche; novel, the philoso- phical; performing arts, philosophy of; philosophy; pictures; plagiarism; poetry; representation in art; Schiller; Schopenhauer; sensibility; sport; sublime; taste; tragedy; ugliness; value, aesthetic; Wollheim; Walton aesthetics, history of AESTHETICS aesthetics, islamic aesthetics, history and problems of philosophy of aesthetics, problems of AESTHETICS aesthetic value see value, aesthetic AETERNI PATRIS see neo-thomism affirmative action reverse discrimination; equality; fair- ness; justice affirmative and negative propositions negation and dou- ble negation; non-being and nothing; nothingness; nothingness, absolute affirming the antecedent affirming the consequent; modus ponens; traditional logic affirming the consequent affirming the antecedent; fallacies; philosophical logic; traditional logic african philosophy black philosophy; negritude; Nkrumah AGAPE¯ love agent action; freedom and determinism; intention; men- tal causation; reasons and causes; Taylor; trying; vol- ition; will agent-causation causa sui; freedom and determinism; orgination agent-relative moralities consequentialism; deonto- logical ethics; Williams agglomeration agnosticism see atheism and agnosticism agreement see method of agreement ajdukiewicz Polish philosophy AKRASIA Aristotle; Aristotelianism; reason as the slave of passions; self-control; Socratic paradox albert the great Aristotelianism albo Jewish philosophy alcmaeon Pre-Socratic philosophy; science, history of philosophy of alethic concepts see deontic logic alexander al-fa¯ra¯bi¯ seefa¯ra¯bi¯ algebra, boolean see boolean algebra al-ghaza¯li¯ see ghaza¯li¯ algorithm alienation Marx; Marxist philosophy; Sartre al-kindi¯ seekindi¯ all see universal proposition alston althusser French philosophy; Marxist philosophy altruism see egoism and altruism ambiguity amphiboly; equivocation, fallacy of; linguis- tics, philosophical relevance of; vagueness ambiguous middle, fallacy of syllogism american philosophy Adams, M. M.; Adams, R. M.; Alston; American philosophy today; Arendt; Arrow; Bennett; Bergmann; Black; Blackburn; black philoso- phy; Blanshard; Block; Brandom; Brownson; Burge; Carnap; Cavell; Chisholm; Church; Churchland, Paul; Critical Realism; Danto; Davidson; Dennett; Dewey; Dretske; Ducasse; Edwards, J.; Edwards, P.; egocentric predicament; Emerson; Feinberg; Feyerabend; Field; Fine; Fodor; Fogelin; Frankena; Frankfurt; Franklin; Gauthier; Gettier; Gewirth; Gibbard; Goldman; Good- man; Grice; Grossman; Grünbaum; Hacking; Harman; Hartshorne; Harvard philosophy; Hempel; Hintikka; Hocking; Hook; Horwich; Irwin; James; Jefferson; Jef- frey; Johnson; journals of philosophy; Kagan; Kaplan; Kim; Kitcher; Korsgaard; Kreisel; Kripke; Kuhn; Langer; Lehrer; Lewis, C. I.; Lewis, D.; Lovejoy; Lycan; MacIn- tyre; Malcolm; Marcus; Marcuse; McDowell; McGinn; Mead; Millikan; Montague; Nagel, E.; Nagel, T.; neo- Pragmatism; New England Transcendentalism; New Realism; Nozick; Nussbaum;Peirce;philosophy,history ofdepartments and centres of; Plantinga; pragmaticism; pragmatism; Putnam; Quine; Rawls; Rescher; Rorty; Royce; Salmon; Scanlon; Schacht; Schiffer; Searle; Sellars, R. W.; Sellars, W.; Sen; Shoemaker; Sosa; Stevenson; Stich; Stroud; Tarski; Taylor, R.; Thomson; Thoreau; van Fraassen; Vlastos; Walton; Walzer; Wright, Chauncey american philosophy today American philosophy amorality egoism and altruism; moral philosophy, prob- lems of amphiboly ambiguity; scope analogy, argument from, for the existence of god see teleological argument for the existence of god analysis analytic philosophy; definition; descriptions, theory of; linguistic philosophy; Merleau-Ponty; Moore; paradox of analysis; reductionism; Russell; Ryle analytic and synthetic statements analytic philosophy; Hume’s fork; mathematics, history of the philosophy of; Mill, John Stuart; necessity, logical; philosophical logic; Quine; rationalism; synthetic a priori judge- ments; translation, indeterminacy of analytic philosophy analysis; Cambridge philosophy; English philosophy; French philosophy; linguistic phil- osophy; Moore; ordinary language and philosophy; logical positivism; Oxford philosophy; philosophy; Pol- ish philosophy; relations, internal and external; Russell; Vienna Circle analytic, transcendental see transcendental analytic 1006 Index and List of Entries anamnesis soul anarchism Bakunin; Godwin; Kropotkin; Nozick; Proud- hon; State, the; syndicalism; violence, political; Weil anaxagoras Pre-Socratic philosophy; Sophists anaximander apeiron; philosophy, history of centres and departments of; Pre-Socratic philosophy anaximenes philosophy, history of centres and depart- ments of; Pre-Socratic philosophy ancestral relation relations ancient philosophy Academy, the; agape¯; Alcmaeon; anamnesis; Anaxagoras; Anaximander; Anaximenes; anima mundi; ancient philosophy; Antiochus; Antis- thenes; apeiron; Arcesilaus; arete; Aristippus; Aristotle; Aristotelianism; arkhe¯; asceticism; ataraxia; atomism, physical; Aurelius; Barnes; Burnyeat; Carneades; cartharsis; Chrysippus; Cicero; Cratylus; Cynics; demi- urge; Democritus; Diodorus Cronus; Diogenes the Cynic; Diogenes Laertius; doxa; Eleatics; elenchus; Empedocles; Epictetus; epistemology, history of; Epi- cureanism; Epicurus; Epicurean objection; esoteric; eternal recurrence; eudaimonia; Euthyphro problem; exoteric; flux; footnotes to Plato; form and matter; Frede; Galen; gnoseology; gnosticism; Gorgias; hedo- nism, ancient; Heraclitus; Hermetic corpus; Hip- pocrates; Irwin; klepsydra; Leucippus; logic, history of; logos; Lucretius; Master Argument; mean; Megarics; Melissus; metaphysics, history of; mimesis; modern Greek philosophy; moral philosophy, history of; nous; Nussbaum; one over many problem; Owen; Par- menides; Peripatetics; Philo Judaeus; Philo the Dialecti- cian; Philoponus; phrone¯sis; Plato; pneuma; Pre-Socratic philosophy; prime mover; Proclus; Protagoras; psyche; Pyrrho; Pyrrhonism; Pythagoras; Pythagoreanism; rhetoric; risus sophisticus; Roman philosophy; Sceptics; science, history of the philosophy of; Seneca; Sextus Empiricus; Socrates; Socratic irony; Socratic method; Sophists; Sorabji; Speusippus; Stoicism; Thales; Theo- phrastus; third man argument; Thrasymachus; Vlastos; void; wisdom; Xenocrates; Xenophanes; Zeno of Citium; Zeno of Elea ancient philosophy, relevance to contemporary phil- osophy see footnotes to plato and see conjunction and disjunction anderson, john Australian philosophy anderson and belnap relevance logic ANGST authenticity; despair; existentialism; Heidegger; Kierkegaard; nothingness; pessimism and optimism; Sartre ANIMA MUNDI Hegel; Plato animal consciousness animals; consciousness; Descartes animal soul Aristotle; Descartes animal spirits Descartes; pineal gland animalism in personal identity personal identity; persons animals animal consciousness; science, social philosophy of; Singer; Sprigge; thinking; vegetarianism anomalous monism Davidson; double aspect theory; epiphenomenalism; identity theories; psychophysical laws; supervenience anomie Durkheim anscombe brute fact; consequentialism; fact–value dis- tinction; moral obligation; Wittgensteinians anselm cosmological argument; credo ut intelligam; God, arguments for the existence of; medieval philosophy; ontological argument; religion, history of the philoso- phy of; scholasticism anthropic principle cosmology; physical; reality anthropology, philosophical Latin American philoso- phy; Romero; Scheler; vitalism anti-communism communism; conservatism; Hook; ide- ology; liberalism; Marxist philosophy; socialism anti-individualism see externalism; individualism and anti-individualism antilogism inconsistent triad antinomies cosmology; infinity; Kant; paradoxes antiochus Platonism anti-realism see realism and anti-realism anti-semitism discrimination; Jewish philosophy antisthenes antitheism atheism; God APEIRON infinity apodeictic demonstration; necessity, logical apodosis see protasis apollonian see dionysian and apollonian APORIA inconsistent triad appearance and reality aspects; being; Berkeley; Bradley; Buddhist philosophy; cave, analogy of; empiri- cism; epistemology, history of; existence; external world; idealism, philosophical; illusion; Hume; Kant; Kantianism; Locke; matter; metaphysics, history of; metaphysics, problems of; Parmenides; perception; phenomena and noumena; phenomenalism; Plato; real; realism and anti-realism; representative theory of perception; scepticism, history of; Schopenhauer; sense-data; thing-in-itself; veil of perception apperception inner sense; introspection; Kant applied ethics abortion; American philosophy; animals; Australian philosophy; autonomy in applied ethics; bioethics; business ethics; care, ethics of; civil disobedi- ence; environmental ethics; euthanasia; feminism; fem- inist philosophy; fertilization in vitro; just war; killing; medical ethics; sexual morality; Singer; slippery slope; suicide; Thomson; vegetarianism; violence, political; war, just applied ethics, autonomy in see autonomy in applied ethics a priori and a posteriori Hume’s fork; knowledge; mathematics, history of the philosophy of; mathemat- ics, problems of the philosophy of; metaphysics, oppos- ition to; Mill, John Stuart; necessity, logical; synthetic a priori judgements aquinas active and passive intellects; analytical Thomism; cosmological argument; God, arguments for the exist- ence of; Aristotelianism; law, history of the philosophy of; medieval philosophy; metaphysics, history of; neo-Thomism; political philosophy, history of; religion, history of philosophy of; suicide; Thomism Index and List of Entries 1007 arabic philosophy see islamic philosophy arcesilaus Academy, the; Platonism archetype see jung architectonic Kant; Kantianism; Peirce arendt evil ARETE¯ Aristotle; virtue argument arguments, types of; deduction; Frege; func- tion; induction; inference; logical theory; logic, mod- ern; logic, traditional; philosophical logic; validity argument from design see design, argument from; god, arguments for the existence of; teleological argu- ments for the existence of god arguments, types of ad hominem argument; argument; deduction; induction; logic, informal; methods, Mill’s; modus ponens; modus tollens; risus sophisticus; slingshot arguments; testimony aristippus hedonism; Penelope’s wooers aristocracy, natural Burke; conservatism; élitism; merito- cracy; organic society; people aristotelianism active and passive intellects; Albert the Great; Aquinas; Averroës; Buridan; Galileo; Henry of Ghent; Hobbes; ideals, moral; Islamic philosophy; Locke; MacIntyre; medieval philosophy; Neoplaton- ism; Ockham; Peripatetics; Philoponus; Pomponazzi; scholasticism; Theophrastus; universals; virtues aristotle accident; active and passive intellects; akrasia; ancient philosophy; Aristotelianism; arkhe¯; backwards causation; categories; epistemology, history of; con- crete universal; esoteric; exoteric; final causes; form and matter; God and the philosophers; hedonism, ancient; human beings; language, history of the philoso- phy of; logic, history of; mathematics, history of the philosophy of; mean; metaphysics, history of; mind, history of the philosophy of; moral philosophy, history of; moral philosophy, problems of; Peripatetics; philoso- phy, history of departments and centres of; Platonism; pleasure; political philosophy, history of; political phil- osophy, problems of; practical reason; practical syllo- gism; prime mover; religion, history of the philosophy of; rhetoric; right action; science, history of the philoso- phy of; sea-battle argument; shame; third man argu- ment; tragedy; universals arithmetic, foundations of Church; Frege; incom- pleteness; logicism; number; Russell’s paradox ARKHE¯ Aristotle; principle armstrong individual properties; laws, natural or scien- tific; materialism; mind, history of the philosophy of arnauld Cartesianism; Port-Royalists arrow Arrow’s paradox arrow’s paradox Arrow; paradoxes; Sen art art and morality; art criticism; aesthetic attitude; aes- thetic distance; aesthetics, history of; aesthetics, problems of; beauty; Benjamin; performing arts, philosophy of art, contemporary minimalism; performing arts, phil- osophy of art, philosophy of see aesthetics art, representation in see representation in art art, science, and religion see science, art, and religion art, suspect art and morality art; aesthetics, history of; aestheticism art and truth aesthetics; problems and history of phil- osophy of art criticism aesthetic attitude; aesthetic distance; aes- thetic judgement; aesthetics, problems of arthritis in the thigh Burge; externalism; individualism and anti-individualism artificial intelligence computers; cognitive psych- ology; connectionism; consciousness, its irreducibility; mechanism; programs of computers artificial language characteristica universalis; formal lan- guage; language; logic, history of; logic, modern artworld see aesthetics, history of asceticism hedonism; Manichaeism a-series and b-series McTaggart; time as-if see vaihinger aspects appearance and reality ass, buridan’s Buridan assertion proposition; statements and sentences associationism Hartley; Mill, James; Locke; psychology and philosophy astrology pseudo-philosophy ataraxia Epicureanism; eudaimonia; hedonism, ancient atheism and agnosticism antitheism; Campanella; Collins; enlightenment philosophy; Feuerbach; God and the philosophers; God, arguments against the existence of; Jainism; Nietzsche; Rée; religion, history of the philoso- phy of; religion, problems of the philosophy of; religion, scepticism about atomism, logical analytic philosophy; Russell; Wittgen- stein atomism, physical Anaxagoras; Democritus; Epicur- eanism; Epicurus; Gassendi; hylomorphism; Leucippus; matter; metaphysics, problems of; Pre-Socratic philoso- phy; space atomism, psychological atonement forgiveness; theology and philosophy attention consciousness attitude emotion and feeling attitude, aesthetic see aesthetic attitude attribute see substance and attribute augustine education, history of the philosophy of; Henry of Ghent; Manichaeism; medieval philosophy; Platon- ism; political philosophy, history of; religion, history of the philosophy of; Roman philosophy aurelius Roman philosophy; Stoicism aurobindo Indian philosophy autobiography, philosophical publishing philosophy austin, john law, history of the philosophy of; legal pos- itivism austin, j. l. constatives; correspondence theory of truth; English philosophy; linguistic acts; linguistic philoso- phy; linguistic turn; oar in water; Oxford philosophy; tone australian philosophy Anderson; Armstrong; central state materialism; Chalmers; Mackie; Martin; New Zealand philosophy; Singer; Smart 1008 Index and List of Entries authenticity Angst; bad faith; Bultmann; existentialism; Heidegger authority ideology; legitimacy; Locke; political obliga- tion; Weber autobiography, philosophical autonomy and heteronomy abandonment; agent-relative moralities; autonomy in applied ethics; democracy; education, problems of the philosophy of; Feinberg; freedom; freedom and determinism; Kant; Kantian ethics; liberalism; moral philosophy, history of; moral philosophy, problems of; political philosophy, history of autonomy in applied ethics applied ethics; autonomy; freedom and determinism; killing; medical ethics; sex- ual morality avecebrol see ibn gabirol avenarius positivism averroës double truth; Islamic philosophy avicenna Islamic philosophy; Platonism awareness, sense blindsight; Buddhist philosophy; experi- ence; manifold of sense; perception; sensation; sense- data; qualia axiological ethics good; happiness; moral philosophy, history of; value axiom axiomatic method; Hilbert; philosophical logic; propositional calculus axiomatic method axiom; calculus; propositional calcu- lus ayer analytic philosophy; basic statements; English phil- osophy; epistemology, history of; fact–value distinc- tion; Logical Positivism; London philosophy; moral philosophy, history of; oar in water; Oxford philoso- phy; phenomenalism; philosophy and science; pragma- tism; tender and tough-minded; verification principle; Vienna Circle babbage‒chambers paradox mathematics, history of the philosophy of; paradoxes bachelard French philosophy backgammon Hume background hermeneutics; horizon; life-world; meaning backwards causation Aristotle; causality; science, prob- lems of the philosophy of; teleological explanation bacon, francis English philosophy; explanation; idols; induction; scientific method bacon, roger medieval philosophy; religion, history of the philosophy of bad faith authenticity; existentialism; for-itself and in- itself; Sartre; self-deception bain associationism; Scottish philosophy bakhtin Russian philosophy bakunin anarchism bald man paradox heap, paradox of; paradoxes barbara celarent logic, traditional; syllogism barber paradox paradoxes; Russell’s paradox barcan formula modal logic; Marcus; possibility barnes barry barth religion, history of philosophy of barthes base and superstructure Gramsci; historical material- ism; Marx; Marxism; Marxist philosophy; political phil- osophy, history of; unlikely philosophical propositions basic action action; Danto basic statements empiricism; protocol statement bat, what it is like to be a see nagel, thomas baudrillard bauer Hegelianism bayesian confirmation theory empiricism, logical; Jef- frey; Logical Positivism; probability; science, problems of the philosophy of bayle Enlightenment; philosophe ‘be’ see ‘to be’, the verb beatitude’s kiss see aurobindo beauty aesthetics, history of; aesthetics, problems of; aes- thetic value; Edwards, Jonathan; good, the form of; Mendelssohn; Santayana; Schiller; ugliness beauty above beauty see plotinus beauvoir see de beauvoir becoming see process; process philosophy; time BEDEUTUNG see sense and reference; frege beetle in the box grammar, autonomy of; Wittgenstein begging the question argument; fallacies; vicious circle behaviourism central state materialism; emotion and feeling; functionalism; imagination; mental reduction- ism; mind, history of the philosophy of; mind, prob- lems of the philosophy of; psychology and philosophy; reductionism, mental; Ryle; Watson; Wittgenstein being appearance and reality; existence; existential prop- osition; external world; Heidegger; matter; Meinong; metaphysics, problems of; necessary and contingent existence; Neoplatonism; ontology; real; Santayana; Sartre; science, history of the philosophy of; ‘to be’, the verb; thing; universals being in the world Heidegger belief belief, ethics of; belief-in; cognitive architecture; concept; de re and de dicto; epistemology, history of; epistemology, problems of; judgement; knowledge; propositional attitude; sensation; thinking; volun- tarism, doxastic; understanding; will to believe belief, ethics of belief; doxastic virtue; voluntarism, dox- astic; will to believe belief and desire simulation belief-in belief; credo quia absurdum est; credo ut intelligam believe, will to see will to believe bell’s theorem determinism; quantum theory and phil- osophy belnap see anderson and belnap benevolence egoism and altruism; moral philosophy, history of; socialism; utilitarianism benjamin Frankfurt School bennett bentham animals; deontic logic; English philosophy; feli- cific calculus; greatest happiness principle; homosexu- ality; law, history of the philosophy of; legal positivism; Mill, John Stuart; moral philosophy, history of; Index and List of Entries 1009 . tragedy; ugliness; value, aesthetic; Wollheim; Walton aesthetics, history of AESTHETICS aesthetics, islamic aesthetics, history and problems of philosophy of aesthetics, problems of AESTHETICS aesthetic value. philoso- phy of; logic, history of; mathematics, history of the philosophy of; mean; metaphysics, history of; mind, history of the philosophy of; moral philosophy, history of; moral philosophy, problems. judgement aesthetic attitude; aesthetics, prob- lems of AESTHETICS aesthetic attitude; aesthetic concepts; aes- thetic distance; aestheticism; aesthetics, history of; aes- thetics, Islamic; aesthetic