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The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P15 pdf

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Cấu trúc

  • Contents

  • Foreword

  • Introduction

  • Chapter 1 Poser and Photoshop Interface Overview

    • System Requirements for Poser and Photoshop

    • Understanding the Photoshop CS4 Interface

      • The Tools Bar

      • The Drop-Down Menus

      • The Palettes

      • The New Adjustment Layers

    • CS4 3D Engine

      • Modifying Textures in Photoshop CS4

      • 3D Lighting Capabilities in CS4

      • A Quick Look at Bridge

    • The Poser Pro Interface

      • Poser’s Layout

      • Material Room

      • Camera Views

      • Character Display Style

      • Camera Views for Selected Body Parts

      • Basic Posing Concepts

      • Posing with Inverse Kinematics

      • Posing with Presets

      • Basic Poser Lighting Techniques

      • Various Helpful Poser Presets

      • Body Morphs in Poser Pro

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 2 Creating a Profile Carved in Stone

    • Creating the 3D Head in Poser

    • Integrating the Head into the Digital Scene

      • Setting Up Lights in Photoshop’s 3D Layers

    • Completing the Landscape

      • Creating Moss with a Paintbrush

      • Applying the Moss

    • Adding the Finishing Touches to the Scene

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 3 Posing and Perspective

    • Creating the Initial Landscape

    • Creating the Light Goddess in Poser Pro

    • Adding Texture to the Figure

    • The Camera’s Focal Length…A Brief Description of Perspective

      • The Camera’s Focal Length: Its Vanishing Point and Perspective Lines

      • The Camera’s Focal Length in Poser Pro

    • Integrating Poser and Photoshop

    • Adding More Lighting to the Light Goddess

    • Give the Goddess Wings

    • Adding the Finishing Touches

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 4 Using the Nodal Texture Engine

    • Creating the Initial Poser Figure

      • Editing Textures via Nodes

      • Exporting the Poser Model

    • Creating the Environment in Photoshop CS4

      • Import the 3D Model

      • Creating the Chiseled Out Effect

      • Creating the Foreground Character

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 5 Advanced Nodal Texturing in Poser

    • Creating the Landscape and Chamber

    • Making Further Modifications to the Glass Tube

    • Creating a Character in Poser Pro

    • Saving Your Poses for Future Use

    • Poser Pro’s Advanced Nodal Texture Engine

    • Adding Other Nodes to Selected Channels

    • Applying Photographic Images to Individual Channels

    • Using the Nodes to Create Bump and Luminosity Effects

    • Adding the Finishing Touches in Photoshop

      • Fine-Tuning the Character

      • Fine-Tuning the Backdrop

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 6 Image Based Lighting in Poser Pro

    • Creating the Basic Pose

    • Understanding How Image Based Lighting Works

    • Applying IBL to a More Practical Image

    • Creating the Landscape in CS4

    • Finalizing the Detail in the Background

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 7 UV Mapping in Poser Pro

    • Creating the Basic Pose

      • The Face Room

      • Integrating the Side View Into the UV Map

    • Adding Detail Back Into the Image

    • Creating the Bump and Diffuse Maps

    • What You Have Learned

  • Chapter 8 HDRI Lighting

    • Sculpting the Head

    • HDR and Photoshop

      • Matching the Focal Length of the Lens in Poser and Adding HDR Lighting

      • Creating the Scene in Photoshop Using an HDR Image

      • Editing the Texture Maps in Photoshop

    • Adding Some Finishing Details

      • Altering the Texture on the Clothing to Look More Futuristic

      • Fine-Tuning the Clothing in CS4

      • Adjusting the Surface Quality and Painting on the 3D Object

    • What You Have Learned

  • Index

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • E

    • F

    • G

    • H

    • I

    • J

    • K

    • L

    • M

    • N

    • O

    • P

    • Q

    • R

    • S

    • T

    • U

    • V

    • W

    • X

    • Y

    • Z

Nội dung

The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide408 Figure 8.32 Establish the shadows on the character Figure 8.33 Import a new object from Poser Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 409 Figure 8.34 Edit the texture and save it to update the 3D file Figure 8.35 Results of the 3D file after editing its textures 13. Reduce the size of the second character and place it into the background, as shown in Figure 8.36. The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide410 Figure 8.36 Reduce the size of the second character and place it in the background 14. Alter your background layer into a smart filter (choose Filters > Smart Filter) and apply a Gaussian blur (choose Blur > Gaussian Blur), as shown in Figure 8.37. The goal is to establish a shallow depth of field so that you can focus your attention on the character in the foreground. This also creates a greater sense of depth. 15. Repeat Step 14, applying the same technique to the duplicated background layer currently designated as layer 1 in Figure 8.38. 16. You need the foreground elements to be in sharp focus, so apply a gradient mask to the smart filter in layer 1 so that the gradient starts with black to the left and ends with white to the right. This will give the effect of the depth of focus falling off toward the background, as shown in Figure 8.39. 17. Because the figure in the background is standing in sunlight, you need to brighten him up a bit by applying a Levels adjustment layer as a clipping path. See Figure 8.40. Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 411 Figure 8.37 Apply a smart filter to the background and add a Gaussian blur Figure 8.38 Apply a smart filter to the background and add a Gaussian blur to layer 1 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide412 Figure 8.39 Apply a gradi- ent to the smart filter in layer 1 Figure 8.40 Apply a Levels adjustment layer to the figure in the background Select the layer that represents the figure in the background as well as its Levels adjustment layer and convert it into a smart object. Simply right-click on the selected layers and choose Convert to Smart Object from the submenu, as shown in Figure 8.41. Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 413 Figure 8.41 Convert the selected layers to smart objects 18. Once you have created the smart object, apply a Gaussian blur so that the figure appears to integrate into the out-of-focus areas of the background content. See Figure 8.42. 19. The rear character appears to be floating off of the ground because there is no shadow to provide a visual anchoring point. So, click and release on the layer to cre- ate a selection from the pixels on the layer. See Figure 8.43. 20. With this selection still active, create a new layer and fill it with black. Next, use the Transform tools to place the layer on the ground to the right of the rear char- acter. Also, make sure that the layer is placed below the rear background character. Finally, change the blend mode to Multiply. See Figure 8.44. 21. Shadows are not always completely opaque, so adjust the opacity to around 57%. Experiment to find a setting that works best for you. See Figure 8.45. 22. Add another layer underneath the foreground character layer. Change the blend mode to Multiply and use the Paintbrush tool to paint the shadows underneath the feet of the character. See Figure 8.46. The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide414 Figure 8.42 Apply a Gaussian blur to the back- ground character Figure 8.43 Create a selec- tion of the background character Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 415 Figure 8.44 Fill the selec- tion from the background character with black Figure 8.45 Reduce the opacity of the shadow layer Editing the Texture Maps in Photoshop You have spent a lot of time creating and editing texture maps in Poser. You have also spent some time creating custom maps in Photoshop. Now you’re going to learn how to edit the texture maps that have already been applied to the 3D model through Photoshop’s 3D layers. 1. Make sure that the foreground figure is selected and take a look at the various tex- ture layers expanded beneath the layer. You can edit any one of these layers simply by double-clicking on them. Double-click on the layer called efg2c-khakipants, shown in Figure 8.47. 2. Photoshop will now display the actual texture being used on the 3D model. Let’s give the pants some darker tones by duplicating the layer and changing the layer’s blend mode to Multiply. See Figures 8.48 and 8.49. 3. Add some stripes down the sides of the legs with the Pen tool. Apply the Pen tool so that you’re creating an outline around the outer edge of the pant legs. Create a layer that is filled with a reddish brown color and use the vector shapes as a vector mask (choose Layer > Vector Mask > Current Path). See Figure 8.50. Figure 8.51 shows an updated model. The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide416 Figure 8.46 Add shadows for the fore- ground character Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 417 Figure 8.47 Double-click on the texture layer titled efg2c-khakipants Figure 8.48 Duplicate the layer and change its blend mode to Multiply [...]... texture layer 425 426 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.64 Desaturate the shirt and remove the detail 9 You have used several elements to control the attention of the viewer One is by placing the main character in the forefront of the scene and adding depth by placing another character in the rear of the scene You also used selective blurring to bring focus to the foreground character... Figure 8.54 View of the final texture applied to the model Figure 8.55 Apply Hue/ Saturation and desaturate the image and then add a black filled layer to darken the detail 421 422 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.56 View of the updated shoe 6 Next, access the efg2cgreenshirt texture layer for the foreground character, as shown in Figure 8.57 Apply the same type of stripes that...418 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.49 View of the final results of the pants layer Figure 8.50 Apply a vector mask to create the outlines of the pants Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 419 Figure 8.51 Final results of the edited texture on the pants 4 Go back to the pants texture and add a layer style to the vector mask This way, you can apply a thin yellow pinstripe by using the. .. gradient and into a circular ring Figure 8.79 Convert the planet ring into a smart object and transform it 435 436 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.80 Use the layer mask to make the right side of the planet and the ring transparent Figure 8.81 Apply a Gaussian blur smart filter Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting 437 Altering the Texture on the Clothing to Look More Futuristic The textures... adjustment layer and removing all of the saturation to get a black -and- white image In addition, create a black filled layer and reduce its opacity so that it creates a gray wash over the entire image Save this to view the update on the model See Figures 8.55 and 8.56 420 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.52 View of the Layer Style dialog box Figure 8.53 Outline the vector mask... do this Start with the controls shown in Figure 8.71 and then experiment with your own ideas This panel is using the channels to establish the peaks and valleys of the terrain On the bottom of the interface, you will see a slider where Flat is to the left and Mountainous is to the right This example uses the blue channel because it appeared to have the best separation between the shadows and highlight... 8.57 Open the texture for the efg2cgreenshirt Figure 8.58 Apply this stripe detail to the shirt and sleeves 423 424 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Figure 8.59 View of the updated results Figure 8.60 Desaturate the shirt Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting Figure 8.61 Apply a Levels adjustment layer to the color Figure 8.62 View of the results after editing the color Figure 8.63 Open the efg2c... appears that there is a shadow spanning across the right side The shadow regions of the planet will take on the color of the sky Simply edit the mask so that the visual elements of the planet on the shaded side disappear, thus allowing the sky to show through See Figure 8.80 13 The planet will take on a slight blur because you established a shallower depth of field earlier in the tutorial The plant should... Figure 8.70 This is the beginning of establishing a terrain for the planet Chapter 8 ■ HDRI Lighting Figure 8.68 Create a new document and apply an elliptical selection Figure 8.70 Apply the Difference Clouds command to the blue circle 429 Figure 8.69 Fill the selection with a shade of blue of your choice 430 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide 3 Now is time to give the planet’s terrain... gradient layer and add noise Figure 8.76 Paste the noise information into a new channel 434 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide 9 Create a selection from this new channel (Ctrl-click/Command-click on the channel) With your gradient layer selected, create a layer mask and notice that the noise has been applied to the layer in the form of transparent speckles throughout the ring See Figure . 8.36. The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide410 Figure 8.36 Reduce the size of the second character and place it in the background 14. Alter your background layer into a smart filter. 8.37 Apply a smart filter to the background and add a Gaussian blur Figure 8.38 Apply a smart filter to the background and add a Gaussian blur to layer 1 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official. efg2c-khakipants Figure 8.48 Duplicate the layer and change its blend mode to Multiply The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide418 Figure 8.49 View of the final results of the pants layer Figure 8.50 Apply

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 08:20