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Photoshop cs5 cho nhiếp ảnh gia part 15 docx

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75 ■ MINI BRIDGE Mini Bridge CS5 includes a miniature version of Bridge aptly named Mini Bridge. It appears as a panel within Photoshop (Figure 2.40). To access Mini Bridge, click the Mini Bridge icon . If the full version of Bridge is not already running, it will launch first, result- ing in a short lag before Mini Bridge appears. Figure 2.40 Mini Bridge appears as a panel within Photoshop. Ph otos by EllEn Anon You can expand the length or width of the panel by hovering the cursor over the edge until it becomes a double-edged arrow. As you explore the panel and hover your cursor above the various icons shown in Figure 2.41, you’ll see that a lot of power is packed into a tiny amount of space. Go Back Go to Adobe Bridge SearchGo to Parent Recent Items or Favorites Go ForwardHome Page Panel View Figure 2.41 A lot of options are available from the icons in Mini Bridge. Click the Panel view icon to choose to view the Navigation pod, the Preview pod, or both, as well as to see the Path bar. Use the icon to search for a file. The Navigation pod provides access to your folders. The Content pod shows the contents of the folders. From the fly-out menu icon you can control what files are visible, and from the Filter icon you can further control which files are visible according to their ratings and labels. The next icon controls the order in which the files are sorted. The last icon enables you to place a file in Photoshop (which we don’t normally do as part of our workflow, but graphic artists may use this feature) and to access the various tools, such as the Image Proces- sor, Merge to HDR Pro, Photomerge, etc. At the bottom of the Content pod there’s a slider that controls the size of the thumbnail, as well as the icon to access Review mode, and the icon to control the actual view within the Content pod. 607343c02.indd 75 4/11/10 11:03:23 PM 76 c h a p t e r 2: BRIDGE ■ Some users may find Mini Bridge valuable in helping them select different files as they’re working, but we find that most of the time we prefer to use regular Bridge, so we rarely open the Mini Bridge panel. However, we recommend you explore it and see if it will be helpful to your workflow. For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge Instead of using Bridge, Elements 8 for Windows has its own photo-organization tool, Orga- nizer (shown in the image here). To open Organizer, click the Organizer button in the toolbar . In many ways, Organizer is more like iPhoto or Lightroom than it is like Bridge. Unlike Bridge, it doesn’t let you browse les or folders. Instead, it requires you to import your images into catalogs (many users typically have just one catalog) and then organize them into albums. (We’ll discuss both catalogs and albums in more depth later in this sidebar.) However, Organizer makes it easy to store your images on a CD, search your images, and more. Because Orga- nizer is available only with Elements for Windows, we will cover only the features in Organizer that are most useful for nature photographers and won’t explore every feature of the program. Tip: We recommend avoiding the simplified Fix tools within Organizer and instead using the more powerful tools within Elements. Ph otos by Jos h Ano n Setting Organizer Preferences Open Organizer’s Preferences dialog by selecting Edit > Preferences. Here are the useful areas for photographers: Continues 607343c02.indd 76 4/11/10 11:03:24 PM 77 ■ MINI BRIDGE For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) General This section controls the display options for Organizer. The default options work well, although we recommend setting Print Sizes to your preferred unit of measurement: inches or centimeters. Files This section controls how Organizer handles files, as shown in the following image. We recom- mend checking each option within this dialog. Checking Use “Last Modified” Date if EXIF Date Is Not Found ensures that your images have a date set in their metadata, and Import EXIF Caption causes Organizer to automatically pick up any caption you’ve written elsewhere for the image. Automatically Search For and Reconnect Missing Files causes Organizer to search for any files it doesn’t find (for example, if you go into Windows Explorer and move a file outside of Organizer). We recommend enabling multisession burning so that when you use Organizer to burn your images to a CD or DVD, you’ll be able to write to the same disc more than once (until it’s full) rather than always having to use a new disc each time you want to burn data. We recommend selecting Rotate JPEGs Using Orientation Metadata and Rotate TIFFs Using Ori- entation Metadata so that you don’t have to rotate your images manually. Folders for Saved Files is where Organizer stores any files it creates. Change this folder by click- ing the Browse button and picking a new folder. This is different from what folder Organizer downloads images into, a preference you set in a different panel. Continues 607343c02.indd 77 4/11/10 11:03:24 PM 78 c h a p t e r 2: BRIDGE ■ For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Another useful option here is the Preview File Size setting. We won’t cover Offline Volumes in this chapter, but the short of it is that Organizer lets you store your images in locations other than your hard drive (such as on a DVD) but still see previews within Organizer, even when the disc isn’t in the drive. Preview File Size controls that preview image’s resolution. The larger the preview file, the higher the quality and the more disk space it requires. Editing If there’s another application you like to use to edit your images in addition to Photoshop Ele- ments, the Editing pane lets you add that application to the Edit menu. Camera or Card Reader Organizer has a Photo Downloader that’s nearly identical to the one in Bridge. The Camera or Card Reader settings section, shown below, allows you to customize its initial behavior. We change the default Save Files In location that specifies where Organizer stores the images that it downloads from your camera or card reader. To change this setting, click the Browse button and choose a location that’s convenient for you. We recommend using the same folder that you set in the Files Preferences pane. We recommend unchecking Automatically Fix Red Eyes to avoid having Organizer do any unin- tended image corrections. The Download Options box allows you set default download options and to determine what mode (Standard or Advanced) the Photo Downloader will use to run. We recommend always using Advanced mode. To set this option, select the profile for your card reader or camera, click the Edit button, and select Show APD Dialog (Advanced) from the pop-up menu. Continues 607343c02.indd 78 4/11/10 11:03:24 PM 79 ■ MINI BRIDGE For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Keyword Tags and Albums It’s a good idea to specify whether keywords and albums sort manually or alphabetically. We recommend Alphabetical sorting over manual sorting, but some people prefer their own organi- zation and like the option to use Manual sorting. Color Settings The Color Settings preferences, shown here, are located under Edit > Color Settings rather than being grouped with the other preferences. Here you can select No Color Management (not recommended), Always Optimize Colors for Computer Screens (Organizer will convert images to sRGB), Always Optimize for Printing (converts images to Adobe RGB), or Allow Me to Choose. We recommend selecting Allow Me to Choose so that Organizer does not adjust the color in your image without asking you what to do. Bringing Images into Organizer Organizer enables you to import images from the hard drive or other disks as well as by using the Photo Downloader to access images that are currently on a memory card or in your camera. Adding Images from the Hard Drive or Other Disks Choose File > Get Photos and Videos > From Files and Folders. Use the Open dialog that appears to select either a set of images, or folders containing images to import to Organizer. Uncheck Copy Files on Import to have Organizer leave the images in their original location. If you do select Copy Files, Organizer provides an option to automatically remove red-eye in the Open dialog. We recommend deselecting this option so that Organizer does not modify your images without your knowledge. Continues 607343c02.indd 79 4/11/10 11:03:25 PM 80 c h a p t e r 2: BRIDGE ■ For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Alternatively, to add existing images to Organizer you can drag the images from Explorer directly into Organizer. Photo Downloader To open Photo Downloader from Organizer, choose File > Get Photos and Videos > From Camera or Card Reader. Alternatively, click the Photo Downloader button in the Windows System Tray. The primary differences between Organizer’s Photo Downloader, shown here, and Bridge’s are that Organizer will also let you download movie and audio files from your camera and the Advanced Options are different. In Organizer, there is no option to make a second copy of the images and no option to convert to DNG. Instead, you’ll find an option for fixing red-eye (which we recommend unchecking), an option for automatically stacking photos, and an option for specifying what to do with the originals after copying. We recommend leaving this pull-down set to After Copying, Do Not Delete Originals so that if something goes wrong with the down- load, you will still have your original files. Furthermore, by not deleting the originals it’s easier to make a backup copy of your storage card. We suggest you follow the instructions in the next section to create a custom metadata tem- plate to apply on import. That way, important information such as your contact and copyright information will be contained in your image. Once Photo Downloader finishes, Organizer will prompt to show only the new files. We recom- mend deselecting this option so that you don’t wonder why your old images disappeared. Continues 607343c02.indd 80 4/11/10 11:03:25 PM 81 ■ MINI BRIDGE For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Creating a Metadata Template To create a metadata template in Elements for Windows, take the following steps: 1. Within Elements (not Organizer), open any file. 2. Choose File > File Info. 3. Type in your preset information. 4. From the pop-up menu at the bottom, to the left of the Cancel button, choose Export and give your template a name. To edit the template in the future, choose Import to open it, make your changes, and re-export it. Note that the fields Elements allows you to set are limited compared to Photoshop CS5. Renaming After Import Although Organizer does not have a robust renaming tool, it is possible to rename multiple images. 1. Select the images to rename. 2. Choose File > Rename. 3. Type the base name and click OK. Organizer will rename each image as base name-#, start- ing at 1. Catalogs Catalogs are unique to Organizer. They are databases that hold a collection of links to your origi- nal image files with extra metadata (like keywords and captions) associated with your images. For example, a catalog might include every image you’ve ever taken, all of your shots from 2008, or all of your shots from a given assignment. Within each catalog, you can further orga- nize images into albums. For example, if you have a catalog for a specific trip, you might have albums for each subject that you photographed. To manage your catalogs, select File > Catalog (Ctrl+Shift+C) to open the Catalog Manager. Continues 607343c02.indd 81 4/11/10 11:03:25 PM 82 c h a p t e r 2: BRIDGE ■ For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) In the Catalogs box, you have a choice between seeing Catalogs Accessible by All Users (mean- ing every person who has a login on your computer), Catalogs Accessible by the Current User, or Custom Location (which lets you specify a custom folder to store your catalog files in). We rec- ommend choosing Custom Location and selecting a folder within My Documents to store your catalogs so that you can easily access your catalog files if necessary. Click the New button to create a new catalog, use Rename to change the catalog name, use Move to move the catalog to a new location, and click Remove to delete the selected catalog. Clicking Optimize can help improve Organizer’s performance if you have a lot of les in your catalog, and Repair can recover a damaged catalog. To switch catalogs, select the catalog from the list and click Open. Ultimately, how you organize your catalogs is up to you. If you’re new to digital photography, we recommend starting with just one catalog and using albums to organize your images so that you have one less thing to worry about. If you’re an experienced digital shooter, then you should have some idea of how you like to group your images, such as by shoot, which is our preferred working style. Tip: If you go to the File menu at the top of the monitor, the option Backup Catalog to CD, DVD, or Hard Drive will let you quickly make a backup copy of all the images in your catalog. Backup Catalog even has an Incremental Backups option, which will cause Organizer to back up only files that have changed since the last backup. This can be a huge time-saver when working with large image collections, because you won’t have to make a copy of every image each time you back up. Restore Catalog from CD, DVD, or Hard Drive provides a way to load a backup catalog into Orga- nizer, optionally copying the images to a new location. You might wonder why Backup and Restore are useful. Well, if you are using a laptop with a small hard drive, after editing your images from a shoot, you could back up the catalog to a DVD and delete the images from your hard drive to recover the disk space. Later on, you could quickly restore those images to your hard drive by using the Restore Catalog command. Another practi- cal example is that even if you don’t use the Restore function, the Backup tool provides a quick way to collect all of your images in the catalog, wherever on your hard drive they may be, and copy them to a backup location. Albums Albums are a way of organizing subcollections of images within a catalog. For example, a catalog for a weeklong shoot might have an album for each day. Organizer has normal albums, where you manually add and remove images to the album, as well as Smart Albums. Like a Smart Playlist in iTunes, a Smart Album automatically adjusts its contents based on a certain criterion—for example, all images created within the past week. Continues 607343c02.indd 82 4/11/10 11:03:25 PM 83 ■ MINI BRIDGE For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) To make a new album, click the Create New Album button in the Albums panel and select New Album. Type in a name and click OK. Drag images from the Photo Browser onto the album to add them to the album. Select Find > Items Not in Any Album or click the Show All button at the top of the Photo Browser to see the images not grouped into albums. To create a new Smart Album, click the Create New Album button in the Albums pane and select New Smart Album. In the dialog that appears, pick the criteria you want for your Smart Album. An album group represents a collection of albums. For example, if you were photographing Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon, you could have one album group for Zion and another for Bryce. Then, within the album group, you could make an album for each day. To create an album group, click the Create New Album button in the Albums pane, select New Album Group, and give the group a name. Drag and drop albums to and from the group as needed. Viewing Images By default, Organizer shows the Thumbnail view for the Photo Browser, shown earlier. We rec- ommend adding the Properties pane to the display, so that you can quickly see image metadata, by selecting Window > Properties and clicking the Dock to Organizer Pane button . Change the size of the thumbnails by using the slider in the top middle of the window. Check the Details check box to see image ratings, filenames, and more. This view is very similar to Bridge’s Light Table view. Click the Display button in the toolbar to reveal the various display options. Import Batch will show you your images grouped by when they were imported, and Folder Location will reveal the folder that each image is in (and allow you to move the image by dragging it elsewhere in the folder hierarchy). We recommend using the Folder Location view when moving images around. These first three modes are considered Photo Browser views. Date View, shown here, is a completely different mode that lets you view your images based on the day they were taken. You can toggle between viewing the year, month, or day by using the buttons on the bottom, and there is a note field on the right side of the window to add daily notes, such as location information. For most purposes, we recommend using the Photo Browser over Date View in the default Thumbnail View mode. The View menu lets you customize which fields are visible below each thumbnail. We recommend selecting Details and Show File Names. Continues 607343c02.indd 83 4/11/10 11:03:26 PM 84 c h a p t e r 2: BRIDGE ■ For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Ph otos by Jos h Ano n Opening Images in Adobe Camera Raw In all views, double-clicking an image will take you to a larger view of the image. Unfortunately, you cannot set up Organizer so that double-clicking a raw file opens Camera Raw. To open a raw file in Camera Raw, instead choose Editor > Edit with Photoshop Elements. When finished in Camera Raw, click the Done button, and Organizer will update to show the changes you made to the raw conversion. Full-Screen Modes Organizer has two different full-screen modes, Full Screen and Compare Photos Side by Side, which let you take advantage of your entire screen for photo organizing. Select Display > View > Edit > Organize In Full Screen or Display > Compare Photos Side by Side to begin. The difference between the two modes is that Full Screen shows one image at a time, and Side by Side shows two images at once to make it easier to pick between similar images. Even though Organizer has a Slide Show feature, the full-screen view can also act as a slideshow. We recommend opening the Full Screen View Options dialog box by clicking on the Options but- ton in the toolbar and making sure that Start Playing Automatically is unchecked so that going into a full-screen view doesn’t start a slideshow. We also recommend deselecting Include Captions so that Organizer does not show your image caption on top of your image. These options are shown here. Continues 607343c02.indd 84 4/11/10 11:03:26 PM [...]... Control+– keyboard commands To exit Full Screen, press the Esc key Continues 607343c02.indd 85 4/11/10 11:03:28 PM For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Stacking Images Take the following steps to stack images in Organizer: 1 Select the images to stack 2 Choose Edit > Stack > Stack Selected Photos 3 If you are in an album and the Stack menu is not enabled, try exiting... stack, expand the stack, select the desired image, and choose Edit > Stack > Set as Top Photo To edit all images within a stack, be sure to expand the stack and select all of its images before selecting Editor > Full Edit Otherwise, Organizer will edit the selected image only To remove a photo from the stack, expand the stack, select the image, and choose Edit > Stack > Remove Photo from Stack Sorting... view to compare two images Continues 607343c02.indd 86 4/11/10 11:03:28 PM For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Although there is no Loupe tool in Organizer, the Zoom slider in the toolbar will let you zoom from 6% to 1600% Click and drag directly on your image to view different parts of the image To quickly rate an image, press the number 1–5 that corresponds...For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) There are four key areas in Full Screen: the Quick Edit panel, the Quick Organize panel, the Control bar, and the Filmstrip The... through your images, exit Full Screen and set the ratings filter field in the top right of the Thumbnail view to be one star This will show you all of your “rejected” images Select all of those images and choose Edit > Delete from Catalog to remove the images Be sure to check Also Delete Selected Item(s) from the Hard Disk in the dialog that appears so that your image file is removed, too Organizer does... you would click on the fourth star) To close the search results, click on an album or click the Show All button to see all the images in the catalog Continues 607343c02.indd 87 4/11/10 11:03:28 PM For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) Keywords To create a new keyword tag in Organizer, click the Create New Keyword Tag button in the Keyword Tags pane of the Organize... apply a keyword tag or a group of keywords to an image, select the image and drag the keyword or keyword group from the Keyword Tags pane onto the image To remove a keyword, right-click on the image, choose Remove Keyword Tag, and select the keyword to remove When you’ve finished applying keywords, it’s smart to use File > Write Keyword Tag and Properties Info to Photo so that Organizer will save the... them automatically To set up Watch Folders, select File > Watch Folders, and in the dialog that appears, shown here, add and remove folders to watch Continues 607343c02.indd 88 4/11/10 11:03:28 PM For Photoshop Elements Users: Organizer, the PC Version of Bridge (Continued) The second method is to create a more sophisticated slide show project We won’t go into detail here, but to start a project, switch . template in the future, choose Import to open it, make your changes, and re-export it. Note that the fields Elements allows you to set are limited compared to Photoshop CS5. Renaming After Import Although. in which the files are sorted. The last icon enables you to place a file in Photoshop (which we don’t normally do as part of our workflow, but graphic artists may use this feature) and to access. Always Optimize for Printing (converts images to Adobe RGB), or Allow Me to Choose. We recommend selecting Allow Me to Choose so that Organizer does not adjust the color in your image without

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