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Sử dụng photoshop cs5 part 65 ppt

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ptg 378 Chapter 23 Next, we’ll show you two ways to organize images and display them to clients: contact sheets and PDF presentations. You’ll produce both by using the Output panel in Bridge. Creating a contact sheet A contact sheet is an arrangement of image thumb- nails in one document, an electronic version of the contact sheets that are traditionally created from lm. Use them to catalog images, such as the photos that you back up onto DVDs, for easy refer- ence and identication. To create a contact sheet: 1. In Bridge, put all the les to be displayed on the contact sheet in the same folder, in the order in which you want them to appear on the sheet (they can be grouped in a stack), and display the contents of that folder. 2. Click the Output workspace (or from the Output menu on the toolbar, choose Output to Web or PDF).* A A Preview panel displays above the Content panel, and an Output panel displays on the right side. 3. At the top of the Output panel, B click PDF, then from the Template menu, choose 4*5 Contact Sheet or 5*8 Contact Sheet, for the number of columns and rows. If you’re content with the default settings for the chosen template, skip ahead to step 10 or 11; or if you prefer to customize the template, follow all the remaining steps. 4. In the Document category, do as follows: Choose a Page Preset, such as U.S. Paper, and a preset Size, or to produce a custom-size sheet, enter Width and Height values. Choose image Quality settings. For onscreen output, for example, choose 150 or 72 ppi and move the Quality slider to 60–70. ★ ese settings will aect the le size. From the Background menu, choose a back- ground color for the contact sheet. For print output, we recommend choosing White. For the Password options, see step 4, page 380. 5. Select around 10–15 thumbnails (to minimize the preview time), then click Refresh Preview to preview the current settings in a layout. B We chose these Document and Layout set- tings for our PDF contact sheet in the Output panel in Bridge before clicking Refresh Preview. A Display a folder of image thumbnails, then click the Output workspace on the Bridge toolbar. *If this workspace isn’t listed, go to Edit/Adobe Bridge CS5 > Preferences > Startup Scripts, check Adobe Output Module, then relaunch Bridge. ptg Presentation 379 6. In the Layout category, change any of the following settings: Choose an Image Placement option for the order in which the images are to be arranged, based on the current order of the thumbnails. Enter the desired number of Columns and Rows for the contact sheet, depending on how many images it will contain. Check Use Auto-Spacing to let Bridge calculate the spacing between thumbnails (the easy way); or uncheck this option, enter the desired spac- ing between thumbnails in the Vertical and Horizontal elds, and enter Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margin values. Optional: Check Rotate for Best Fit to allow thumbnails to be rotated for a better t (we keep this o, for a uniform orientation). Keep Repeat One Photo per Page unchecked. 7. Optional: In the Overlays category (scroll down- ward if you don’t see it), check Filename and Extension to have that data appear below each image, and choose a Font, Size, and Color for the text. 8. Optional: To display a header above all the images, in the Header category, check Add Header, choose an alignment option, enter text, and choose text attributes. Ditto for a Footer. 9. In the Playback category, uncheck all options (since the sheet is going to be viewed manually). 10. Optional: In the Watermark category, check Add Watermark, enter copyright text to appear in the center of each image, choose Font, Size, Color, and Oset options, and choose a low Opacity. ★ 11. Select all the thumbnails to appear on the con- tact sheet, then click Refresh Preview to preview it. Adjust any settings or rearrange any thumb- nails, if needed, then click Refresh Preview once more. A 12. At the bottom of the panel, check View PDF After Save, then click Save. In the Save As dialog, enter a le name, choose a location, then click Save. A PDF le will be created; Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Pro, or Adobe Reader will launch; and the PDF le will open onscreen. B If it contains multiple pages, you can use the arrow buttons to cycle through them. A When Refresh Preview is clicked again, the contact sheet previews in the Output Preview panel. B Our contact sheet opened in Adobe Acrobat Pro. ptg 380 Chapter 23 Creating a PDF presentation Another way to package and send les to a client or friend is via a PDF presentation, in which images play sequentially onscreen. To view a slideshow, all the viewer has to do is double-click the PDF le. To create a PDF presentation: 1. In Bridge, put all the les you want to display in the presentation in the same folder, in the order in which you want them to appear (they can be grouped in a stack). Display the contents of the folder, and click one of the image thumbnails. 2. Click the Output workspace (or from the Output menu on the toolbar, choose Output to Web or PDF).* A A Preview panel displays above the Content panel, and an Output panel displays on the right side ( A , next page). 3. At the top of the Output panel, click PDF, then from the Template menu, choose Maximize Size. 4. In the Document category, do the following: From the Page Preset menu, choose Web, and from the Size menu, choose 800 x 600 or 1024 x 728. Choose Quality settings. For Web or other onscreen output, choose 150 ppi or 72 ppi and set the Quality to 60–70. ★ ese settings aect the le size and the speed of transmission. From the Background menu, choose a color to be displayed behind the images. Optional: Check Open Password and enter a password. Your viewers will need to enter this password in order to open the PDF le. Optional: Check Permission Password and enter a password to restrict how the PDF le can be used (such as a restriction to print access). Your viewers will need to enter this password in order to print or edit the PDF le. 5. In the Layout category, uncheck all the options, including Rotate for Best Fit, to prevent any images from being rotated. 6. In the Overlays category, check Filename and Extension to have that data appear below each image, choose a Font and Size, and set the Color to White (or if you prefer to choose a custom color, click the swatch and use the color picker). 7. Optional: To display a header above all the images, in the Header category, check Add Header, choose an alignment option, enter text, and choose text attributes. Ditto for a Footer. 8. Under Playback, choose options for Acrobat: To display the presentation images at full- screen size, check Open in Full Screen Mode. To have the frames advance automatically, check Automatic Advance to the Next Page, then enter the Duration (Seconds) you want each frame to display. ★ To have the slide show loop continuously (after the last frame displays, the show replays from the rst frame), check Loop After Last Page. To display a transition eect between frames, such as a Dissolve or a Fade, choose from the Transition menu. Also choose a Direction option (not available for all the Transition options) and a Speed option. 9. Optional: In the Watermark category, check Add Watermark, ★ enter text to be displayed in the center of each image, choose Font, Size (try 60–70 pt), Color, and Oset options, and a low Opacity. ★ 10. Select all the thumbnails to be included in the presentation, then click Refresh Preview to generate a preview of the rst frame, based on the settings you have chosen. 11. Check View PDF After Save at the bottom of the dialog to have the presentation play automatically when you click Save. 12. Click Save. In the Save As dialog, enter a le name, choose a location, then click Save. A PDF le will be created, and Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Pro, or Adobe Reader will launch. If an alert pertaining to Acrobat appears, click Yes. e PDF le will open onscreen, and then nally the slide show will start ( B–C , next page). To stop the show at any time, press Esc. A Display a folder of image thumbnails, then click the Output workspace on the Bridge toolbar. *If this workspace isn’t listed, go to Preferences > Start Scripts (in Bridge), check Adobe Output Module, then relaunch Bridge. ptg Presentation 381 A  e  r s t f r a m e o f o u r P D F p r e s e n t a t i o n d i s p l a y s i n t h e O u t p u t P r e v i e w p a n e l , a l o n g w i t h t h e h e a d e r . ( W e d r a g g e d t h e vertical bar of the Folders panel to the left to hide the left pane, to make more room for the other panes.) B Adobe Acrobat launched, and the presentation played on the full screen. e image on the left shows a Glitter transition. ptg 382 Chapter 23 Creating and using layer comps A layer comp (short for “composition”) is a set of layer characteristics, which can include visibility, position, and layer eect settings. Via the Layer Comps panel, you can store multiple comps in one document. By displaying dierent comps, you can quickly present multiple design variations to coworkers and clients. To create a layer comp: 1. Create multiple image, type, ll, or adjustment layers to be used to create variations in your design. ey can have dierent colors, typefaces, masks, Smart Filter settings, adjustment set- tings, imagery, etc. 2. To create a rst comp, for each layer in the docu- ment, do any of the following: Choose a visibility setting, a position (location), and layer style settings (blending mode, opacity setting, etc.). 3. Show the Layer Comps panel, A then click the New Layer Comp button at the bottom of the panel. e New Layer Comp dialog opens. B 4. Enter a Name for the comp, then check which layer settings you want it to contain: Visibility, Position, and/or Appearance (Layer Style). 5. Optional: Enter information in the Comment eld, to appear on the panel when the list for that layer comp is expanded (such as explanatory notes for a client or coworker). C 6. Click OK. To create more comps from dierent design variations, repeat steps 2–6 (e.g., hide or show dierent layers, reposition a layer, change the layer style or adjustment settings). ➤ To change which layer settings a comp can store (and therefore display) or to add or edit the Comment, double-click to the right of the comp name; the Layer Comp Options dialog opens. ➤ To bypass the Layer Comp Options dialog as you create a comp, Alt-click/Option-click the New Layer Comp button. e options chosen for the last comp will apply to the new one. ➤ To rename a comp quickly, double-click the comp name on the panel. To display a layer comp: Do either of the following: On the Layer Comps panel, click in the left column to make the Layer Comp icon appear. B In the New Layer Comp dialog, type a Name, decide which characteristics are to be saved in the comp, and enter optional comments. C Two comp lists are expanded to reveal comments. CREATING A LAYER COMP FROM A DUPLICATE If you don’t want to create a new layer comp from scratch, start from a duplicate instead: right-click a layer comp name and choose Duplicate Layer Comp, then to edit and update the duplicate, see “To update a layer comp” on the next page. A Use the Layer Comps panel to create, store, apply, edit, update, and delete your layer comps. Show Layer Comp icon A p p l y Previous A p p l y Next Update Layer Comp New Layer Comp Delete Layer Comp ptg Presentation 383 To cycle through the layer comps, click the Apply Next Selected Layer Comp button or Apply Previous Selected Layer Comp button. A Let’s say you edit your document, then display a layer comp. If you want to restore the document to its state before the comp was displayed, do as follows. To restore the last document state: On the Layer Comps panel, do either of the following: Click in the left column next to the Last Document State listing. Right-click a layer comp and choose Restore Last Document State. You can update any existing layer comp to incorpo- rate new edits that you have made to your document. To update a layer comp: 1. On the Layer Comps panel, click the name of the layer comp to be updated. Note: If you need to remind yourself which Apply to Layers settings are turned on for the comp (or to change them), double-click it. 2. Add, edit, or delete layers; change their visibility or position; or change the layer style settings. 3. Click the Update Layer Comp button at the bottom of the panel. If you change the number of layers in a document that are recorded in a layer comp (e.g., delete or merge layers), an alert icon, indicating that the “Layer Comp Cannot Be Fully Restored,” appears next to the names of any comps that are aected. You can either update or clear the alert, as follows. (If you ignore the alert, layers will remain merged or will be deleted.) To clear an alert icon: Do one of the following: Click the comp, then click the Update Layer Comp button. Data from the deleted layers will be removed from that comp, but any current edits will be saved to it. Click the comp, click the alert icon, then click Clear in the alert dialog. Data from the deleted layers will be removed from that comp. Right-click the alert icon and choose Clear Layer Comp Warning (or to clear all alert icons, choose Clear All Layer Comp Warnings). CREATING A PERMANENT “SNAPSHOT” To preserve the original state of a document, create a layer comp when you fi rst open your image (before making any edits). Yes, snapshots on the History panel serve a similar purpose, but they disappear when you close your document, whereas layer comps save with the fi le and remain accessible. A  e t h r e e l a y e r c o m p s s h o w n a b o v e a r e v a r i a t i o n s w i t h i n the same image. ptg 384 Chapter 23 When you delete a layer comp, no layers are deleted and the appearance of the document is unchanged. To delete a layer comp: 1. On the Layer Comps panel, click the layer comp to be deleted. 2. Click the Delete Layer Comp button at the bottom of the panel. Creating a PDF presentation of layer comps An automated command called Layer Comps to Files produces a attened PDF le from each layer comp in a document, and from the resulting le, you can produce a PDF presentation. A PDF presentation is a great vehicle for showing document variations to a client, and it can be viewed without Photoshop. To create a PDF presentation of layer comps: 1. Open a Photoshop le that contains layer comps. Optional: To create the presentation from select layer comps rather than all the comps on the panel, select them now (Ctrl-click/Cmd-click to select nonconsecutive comps). 2. Choose File > Scripts > Layer Comps to Files. e Layer Comps to Files dialog opens. A 3. Click Browse, choose a location for the PDF les to be saved, then click OK/Open. 4. Enter a File Name Prefix to be included in the names of all the comp les. 5. If you selected some layer comps in step 1, check Selected Layer Comps Only. 6. In the File Type area, do the following: From the File Type menu, choose PDF. Check Include ICC Profile to include an assigned or embedded color prole. For the PDF Options, click Encoding: JPEG as the compression method, then enter a Quality value (1–4 for low quality, 5–8 for medium quality, or 9–12 for high quality). 7. Click Run. e script will save each comp as a attened PDF le in the designated folder. Click OK in the alert dialog, which will indicate that the script was successful. e PDF le names will include the prex, plus the title of the layer comp (as listed on the Layer Comps panel). 8. To create a PDF presentation using the new folder of images that the script created, follow the steps on page 380. A In the Layer Comps to Files dialog, choose a destination folder and options for the les that Photoshop will generate from your layer comps. . document variations to a client, and it can be viewed without Photoshop. To create a PDF presentation of layer comps: 1. Open a Photoshop le that contains layer comps. Optional: To create. Output workspace on the Bridge toolbar. *If this workspace isn’t listed, go to Edit/Adobe Bridge CS5 > Preferences > Startup Scripts, check Adobe Output Module, then relaunch Bridge. ptg Presentation. In the Layer Comps to Files dialog, choose a destination folder and options for the les that Photoshop will generate from your layer comps.

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 06:20