ptg 360 Chapter 21 Applying a bevel or emboss effect e Bevel and Emboss eect creates an illusion of volume by adding a highlight and some shading. e results can range from a chiseled bevel that looks factory-made to a pillowy emboss that looks as if it’s been stamped onto porous paper. For variety, experiment with the Contour options. To apply the Bevel or Emboss effect: 1. Display the Swatches panel. 2. On the Layers panel, double-click a layer A to open the Layer Style dialog. 3. Click Bevel and Emboss. 4. Under Structure, choose a Size for the depth of the bevel or emboss eect. 5. Choose other Structure settings: B Choose a Style: Outer Bevel, Inner Bevel, Emboss, Pillow Emboss, or Stroke Emboss C–D (and A–C , next page). From the Technique menu, choose Smooth, Chisel Hard (best for type), or Chisel Soft. Choose a Depth for the intensity of the highlight and shading. Click the Up or Down button to swap the positions of the highlight and shading. Raise the Soften value to blur the eect. 6. Choose Shading settings: Choose an Angle and an Altitude (height) to change the location of the light source. ese settings in turn will aect the position of the highlight and shading. Check Use Global Light to use the same Angle and Altitude settings for all eects that are using the Global Light option, to produce uniform lighting; or uncheck it to use a unique setting for just this eect. Note: If you change the Angle or Altitude for an indi- vidual eect while Use Global Light is checked, any other eects that are using the Global Light option will adopt those values. Click the Gloss Contour arrowhead, then choose a prole from the Contour Preset picker. Choose a Highlight Mode and Opacity for the highlight and a Shadow Mode and Opacity for the shading. To change the highlight or shading color, click the corresponding color swatch, then choose a color from the Color Picker (or, while the picker A e o r i g i n a l i m a g e c o n t a i n s t w o l a y e r s . C e I n n e r B e v e l e e c t i s a p p l i e d ( a n d a l s o t h e D r o p Shadow eect). D Here the Outer Bevel eect is applied (plus a Drop Shadow). B We chose these Layer Style options for Figure C . ptg Layer Styles 361 is open, choose from the Swatches panel or click a color in the document); click OK. 7. To add a Contour to the edges of the bevel or emboss, click Contour on the left side of the dialog, below Bevel and Emboss. Click the Contour arrowhead, then click a preset contour in the picker. is option can dramatically alter the appearance of the eect. Check Anti-aliased to soften the transition between the dark and light areas in the contour. For the Outer Bevel or Inner Bevel style option, adjust the Range (the position of the bevel on the chosen contour) to minimize or maximize the prominence of the bevel. 8. To add a texture to the eect, click Texture on the left side of the dialog, click the Texture arrowhead, choose a pattern from the picker, then do any of the following: D Adjust the Scale of the pattern. Change the Depth to increase or reduce the con- trast between the shadows and highlights in the pattern. Check Invert to swap the highlight and shading. i s h a s t h e s a m e e e c t a s c h a n g i n g t h e D e p t h percentage from negative to positive, and vice versa. Check Link with Layer to ensure that the texture and the layer move as a unit. Drag in the document to reposition the texture within the eect; click Snap to Origin to realign the pattern with the upper left corner of the image. 9. Click OK. D Pillow Emboss with a Texture, plus a Drop Shadow, are applied. C Pillow Emboss (Technique: Smooth) plus a Drop Shadow are applied. B Emboss (Chisel Soft) is applied. A i s i s t h e o r i g i n a l e d i t a b l e t y p e . ptg 362 Chapter 21 Applying the Satin effect Use the Satin layer eect to apply light and dark shades to the surfaces of objects or type to make them look reective or metallic. Notes: e default Blend Mode for the Satin layer eect, Multiply, deepens some tonal values and heightens contrast, so we recommend applying this eect to an image layer that has a good range of tonal values. For this eect to show up well on type, make the type a medium to light color, and apply a strong Inner Glow or Bevel and Emboss eect rst. To apply the Satin effect : 1. Double-click a layer A on the Layers panel to open the Layer Style dialog. 2. Click Satin. 3. Do any of the following. B Change the Blend Mode. To change the overlay color, click the color swatch, then choose a color from the Color Picker or click a color in the document; click OK. Adjust the Opacity of the eect. Change the Angle of the eect. is angle is independent of the Global Light settings. Set the Distance and the Size of the eect. Change the edge prole of the eect by choosing a prole from the Contour Preset picker. Check Anti-aliased to soften the transition between the dark and light areas in the contour. Check Invert to swap the shadows and highlights in the eect. 4. Click OK. C Applying the Overlay effects e Gradient Overlay and Pattern Overlay eects can be applied to image, shape, and type layers. e same holds true for the Color Overlay eect, which isn’t discussed here. To apply the Gradient Overlay effect: 1. Double-click a layer on the Layers panel to open the Layer Style dialog. D 2. Click Gradient Overlay. 3. Click the Gradient arrowhead, then click a gradi- ent on the Gradient picker. Also choose a Style of Linear, Radial, Angle, Reflected, or Diamond. A e B e v e l a n d E m b o s s e e c t i s a p p l i e d t o t h i s editable type. C e a d d i t i o n o f t h e S a t i n e e c t m a k e s t h e s u r f a c e o f the letters look even more reective. B We chose these options for the Satin layer eect. D e B e v e l a n d E m b o s s e e c t i s a p p l i e d t o t h i s t y p e . ptg Layer Styles 363 ➤ To load gradients from another library, choose a library name from the lower part of the picker menu (see page 401). 4. Do any of the following: Choose a Blend Mode. Adjust the Opacity of the overlay. Check Reverse to switch the direction of the gradient. Check Align with Layer to conne the gradient to visible pixels in the layer, or uncheck it to have the gradient ll the whole canvas. Set the Angle of the gradient. Choose a Scale percentage to control how gradu- ally the gradient transitions across the layer. Drag in the document to reposition the gradient within the layer shapes. 5. Click OK. A–B To learn more about creating and editing gradients, see the next chapter. ➤ If you apply two overlay eects, such as Gradient Overlay and Pattern Overlay, lower the opacity of the one that’s listed rst in the dialog; otherwise the bottom one won’t be visible. Patterns applied via the Pattern Overlay eect can range from those with an obvious repeat, such as polka dots or stripes, to overall textures resembling such surfaces as gritty sandpaper, handmade paper, woven fabric, or variegated stone. To apply the Pattern Overlay effect: 1. Double-click a layer on the Layers panel to open the Layer Style dialog. C 2. Click Pattern Overlay. 3. Click the Pattern arrowhead, then choose a pattern preset in the picker. Also adjust the Opacity of the overlay. D ➤ To load patterns from another library, choose a library name from the lower part of the picker menu (see page 401). 4. Do any of the following: Change the Blend Mode. Drag in the document to reposition the pattern; click Snap to Origin to realign the pattern with the upper left corner of the document. Choose a Scale percentage for the size of the pattern. A We chose these options for the Gradient Overlay layer eect. B e G r a d i e n t O v e r l a y e e c t i s a p p l i e d t o t h e o r i g i n a l image (shown in Figure D on the previous page). C e o r i g i n a l t y p e c o n t a i n s t h e B e v e l a n d E m b o s s a n d Satin layer eects. D For our Pattern Overlay layer eect, we chose the Mountains pattern, which is in the Texture Fill library. With the pattern overlay added to the mix, now the type looks like polished granite. Continued on the following page ptg 364 Chapter 21 Copying, moving, and removing layer effects If you like how an eect looks on one layer, you can copy it to another one. e more, the merrier. To copy individual effects between layers: Alt-drag/Option-drag any individual eect name from one layer to another. You can move an individual eect from one layer to another without deleting any eects on the target layer. To move an effect from one layer to another without replacing existing effects: Drag any individual eect name from one layer to another. e eect will be removed from the source layer and copied to the target layer. And nally, you can also move all the eects from one layer to another (that is, replace any existing eects on the target layer and remove them from the source layer). To move all the effects from one layer to another, replacing existing effects: Drag the Eects listing from one layer to another. Clicking to remove the visibility icon for a layer eect or unchecking the box for an eect in the Layer Style dialog doesn’t remove the eect — it merely hides it from view. If you want to perma- nently delete eects from a layer, do as follows. To remove layer effects: Do either of the following: Drag a single eect name to the Delete Layer button at the bottom of the Layers panel. To remove all the eects from a layer, drag the Eects listing over the Delete Layer button. ➤ If you turn o an eect via the check box in the Layer Style dialog and then turn it back on again the same way, the last-used options for that eect will redisplay. ➤ To atten all the layer eects in a document, choose File > Scripts > Flatten All Layer Eects. ★ If any type layers contain eects, the script will also rasterize those layers. Check Link with Layer to link the pattern to the layer so they’ll move as a unit if you drag the layer. 5. Click OK. Applying the Stroke effect If you’re partial to neon, you can achieve that illusion in Photoshop by using the Stroke eect. i s w o r k s e s p e c i a l l y w e l l o n t y p e , a n d a l s o o n geometric shapes. To apply the Stroke effect: 1. Double-click a layer on the Layers panel to open the Layer Style dialog. 2. Click Stroke. 3. Do any of the following: Choose a Size (width) for the stroke. From the Position menu, choose whether you want the stroke to be applied to the Outside, Inside, or Center of the edges of the layer content. Choose a Blend Mode. Choose an Opacity percentage. For the Fill Type, choose Color, Gradient, or Pattern, and choose settings for the options that become available (see the preceding page). 4. Click OK. A A e B e v e l a n d E m b o s s , G r a d i e n t O v e r l a y , a n d S t r o k e eects are applied. We did this in one easy step by applying the Liquid Rainbow layer style, which is in the Text Eects style library (see the next page). ptg Layer Styles 365 Applying layer styles You can conveniently store multiple layer settings collectively as a style on the Styles panel. e style will include layer eects and/or blending options, such as the layer opacity, blending mode, and ll opacity settings. Once stored, styles can be quickly applied to any layer. To get acquainted with this panel, start by applying one of the predened styles to a type layer or to a layer that contains some trans- parency. You can edit the eects from any predened style, or create and save your own styles, as we show you on the next page. To apply a style to a layer: 1. Show the Styles panel. Via the panel menu, you can change the panel display mode to Text Only or to a umbnail or List mode, and you can load more style libraries onto the panel by choosing a library name (see page 401). 2. Do one of the following: Click a layer (not the Background) on the Layers panel, then click a style on the Styles panel. A–F Drag a style name or thumbnail from the Styles panel over any selected or unselected layer on the Layers panel. Double-click a layer to open the Layer Style dialog, click Styles at the top, click a style thumb- nail, then click OK ( A , next page). ➤ Normally, when a style is applied, it replaces any and all existing eects on the current layer. If you prefer to combine the eects from a style with the existing eects on a layer, Shift-click or Shift- drag the style. Note that whether Shift is held down or not, if two eects have the same name, eects in the new style will replace the old. A Click a layer, then click a style thumbnail (or name) on the Styles panel. E KS Styles library ★ > Lightning F Image Eects library > Water Reection C Text Eects library > Sprayed Stencil D Text Eects library > Shaded Red Bevel B Web Styles library > Blue Paper Clip CLEARING A STYLE FROM A LAYER To remove a style from a layer (and also restore the default opacity of 100% and the layer blending mode of Normal), right-click the layer and choose Clear Layer Style. ptg 366 Chapter 21 Creating layer styles When creating a layer style, you can control whether the style will include the layer eects that are currently applied to the selected layer and/or the current blending option settings (such as the layer opacity, blending mode, and ll opacity). To save a style to the Styles panel: 1. To a layer, apply the eects settings and/or blending option settings that you want to save collectively as a style. 2. Do either of the following: On the Layers panel, click the layer that con- tains the desired settings, B then on the Styles panel, click either the blank area or the New Style button. C–D On the Layers panel, double-click the layer that contains the desired settings, then on the right side of the Layer Style dialog, click New Style. 3. e New Style dialog opens. Enter a Name for the new style, check whether you want to Include Layer Effects and/or Include Layer Blending Options in the style, then click OK. If the Layer Style dialog is open, click OK again. e new style appears as the last listing or thumbnail on the Styles panel. ➤ To create a library of styles, see page 401. ➤ To copy a style from one layer to another, right- click the layer that contains the desired settings and choose Copy Layer Style. Click another layer, then right-click that layer and choose Paste Layer Style. If the target layer already has a style, the new one will replace it. B On the Layers panel, click a layer that contains the eects and/or other settings to be saved as a style… A Styles can also be applied to a layer via your old pal, the Layer Style dialog. Click Styles at the top left side of the dialog, then click a thumbnail. D Our style appears at the bottom of the panel. C …then on the Styles panel, click either the blank area or the New Style button. . drag the layer. 5. Click OK. Applying the Stroke effect If you’re partial to neon, you can achieve that illusion in Photoshop by using the Stroke eect. i s w o r k s e s p e c i a l. Styles 363 ➤ To load gradients from another library, choose a library name from the lower part of the picker menu (see page 401). 4. Do any of the following: Choose a Blend Mode. Adjust. of the overlay. D ➤ To load patterns from another library, choose a library name from the lower part of the picker menu (see page 401). 4. Do any of the following: Change the Blend Mode. Drag