fixation. Depending on the persistence of spinal canal compromise or comminution of the fractured vertebral body, an additional anterior approach is needed. Transpedicular cancellous bone grafting for interbody fusion after posterior stabilization is not recommended in complete or incomplete burst fractures. Only incomplete Type A burst fractures with intact pedicles and a lower endplate should be considered for posterior monosegmental reduc- tion and stabilization. Compared to the open method, minimally invasive surgery reduces post- operative pain, shortens hospitalization, leads to early recovery of function and reduces morbidity of the operative approach. A combined posterior and anterior approach is used to reduce and stabilize severely comminuted vertebral body fractures and to decompress the spinal canal. In Type C lesions often multisegmental instrumentation is needed to reliably stabilize the spine. Complications. The reported complication rate in the literature varies largely and ranges from 3.6% to 10%. Postoperative neurological complications range from 0.1% to 0.7%. Only honest and accurate assessment of complications will lead to scientific and clinical progress. Key Articles Böhler L (1951) Die Technik der Knochenbruchbehandlung. Maudrich, Vienna Lorenz Böhler was one of the first to advocate a conservative treatment with fracture reduction and retention in a cast. Roaf R (1960) A study of the mechanics o f spinal injuries. J Bone Joint Surg Br 42B:810 –23 In this article Roaf studies the biomechanics of spinal injuries and describes the results of studies of spinal units when subjected to forces of different magnitude and direction, i.e., compression, flexion, extension, lateral flexion, rotation, and horizontal shear. Denis F (1983) The three column spine and its significance in the classification of acute thoraco-lumbar spinal injuries. Spine 8:817 – 31 This article is a presentation of the concept of the three-column spine. The concept evolved from a retrospective review of 412 thoracolumbar spine injuries and observa- tions on spinal instability. The posterior column consists of what Holdsworth described as the posterior ligamentous complex. The middle column includes the posterior longitu- dinal ligament, posterior anulus fibrosus, and posterior wall of the vertebral body. The anterior column consists of the anterior vertebral body, anterior anulus fibrosus, and anterior longitudinal ligament. Dick W (1987) The “fixateur interne” as a versatile implant for spine surgery. Spine 12:882 – 900 This article introduced a new angle-stable fixation device which first allowed a short seg- mental reduction and fixation of fractures. Magerl F, Aebi M, Gertzbein SD, Harms J, Nazarian S (1994) A comprehensive classifica- tion of thoracic and lumbar injuries. Eur Spine J 3:184 – 201 This article describes a classification of thoracic and lumbar injuries. As a result of more than a decade of consideration of the subject matter and a review of 1445 consecutive tho- racolumbar injuries, a comprehensive classification of thoracic and lumbar injuries is proposed. The classification is primarily based on pathomorphological criteria. Three mechanisms classify the injury pattern according to the AO classification: axial compres- sion (Type A), flexion distraction (Type B) and rotational/shear injuries (Type C). Kaneda K, Taneichi H, Abumi K, Hashimoto T, Satoh S, Fujiya M (1997)Anteriordecom- pression and stabilization with the Kaneda device for thoracolumbar burst fractures associated with neurological deficits. J Bone Joint Surg Am 79:69 –83 One hundred and fifty consecutive patients who had a burst fracture of the thoracolum- bar spine and associated neurological deficits were managed with a single-stage anterior spinal decompression, strut-grafting, and Kaneda spinal instrumentation. The authors conclude that anterior decompression, strut-grafting, and fixation with the Kaneda Thoracolumbar Spinal Injuries Chapter 31 919 device in patients who had a burst fracture of the thoracolumbar spine and associated neurological deficits yielded good radiographic and functional results. This article estab- lished the single stage anterior approach for this fracture type. Knop C, Blauth M, Bühren V, Hax PM, Kinzl L, Mutschler W, Pommer A, Ulrich C, Wag- ner S, Weckbach A, Wentzensen A, Wörsdörfer O (1999)Surgicaltreatmentofinjuriesof the thoracolumbar transition. 1: Epidemiology. Unfallchirurg 102:924 –35 Knop C, Blauth M, Bühren V, Hax PM, Kinzl L, Mutschler W, Pommer A, Ulrich C, Wag- ner S, Weckbach A, Wentzensen A, Wörsdörfer O (2000)Surgicaltreatmentofinjuriesof the thoracolumbar transition. 2: Operation and roentgenologic findings. Unfallchirurg 103:1032 – 47 Knop C, Blauth M, Bühren V, Arand M, Egbers HJ, Hax PM, Nothwang J, Oestern HJ, PizanisA,RothR,WeckbachA,WentzensenA(2001) Surgical treatment of injuries of the thoracolumbar transition – 3: Follow-up examination. Results of a prospec tive mul- ti-center s tudy by the “Spinal” Study Group of the German Society of Trauma Surgery. Unfallchirurg 104:583 –600 These three reports summarize the experience based on 682 patients included in a pro- spective multicenter study by the “Spinal” Study Group of the German Society of Trauma Surgery. All treatment methods under study were appropriate for achieving comparable clinical and functional outcome. The internal fixator was found superior in restoration of the spinal alignment. Best radiological outcomes were achieved by combined stabiliza- tion. Merely by direct reconstruction of the anterior column the postoperative re-kypho- sing is prevented and a gain in segmental angle is achieved. However, this benefit was not reflected in the clinical outcome. Fehlings MG, Perrin RG (2005) The role and timing of early decompression for cervical spinal cord injury: Update with a review of recent clinical evidence. Injur y S-B13–S-B26 Evidence-based recommendations regarding spinal cord decompression in patients with acute spinal cord injury. Beisse R (2006) Endoscopic surgery on the thoracolumbar junction of the spine. Eur Spine J 15:687 – 704 This article summarizes the technique and results based on a large patient group from a German trauma center: A now standardized operating technique, instruments and implants specially developed for the endoscopic procedure, from angle stable plate and screw implants to endoscopically implantable vertebral body replacements, have gradu- ally opened up the entire spectrum of anterior spine surgery to endoscopic techniques. References 1. Alanay A, Acaroglu E, Yazici M, Oznur A, Surat A (2001) Short-segment pedicle instrumenta- tion of thoracolumbar burst fractures: does transpedicular intracorporeal grafting prevent early failure? Spine 26:213–7 2. Anderson PA, Henley MB, Rivara FP, Maier RV (1991) Flexion distraction and chance injuries to the thoracolumbar spine. J Orthop Trauma 5:153 –60 3. Anderson PA, Rivara FP, Maier RV, Drake C (1991) The epidemiology of seatbelt-associated injuries. J Trauma 31:60–7 4. 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Heini, Albrecht Popp Core Messages ✔ Vertebral body compression fractures are the hallmark of osteoporosis and represent an increasing health care problem ✔ There is a high morbidity associated with these fractures ✔ If conservative treatment fails, percutaneous cement reinforcement appears to be the treat- ment of choice ✔ Ongoing mechanical pain is associated with progressive collapse of vertebrae ✔ The surgical procedure requires familiarity with the technique of percutaneous cement reinforcement ✔ Cement viscosity is the crucial parameter regarding the safety of percutaneous cement reinforcement ✔ Real time high quality fluoroscopy is manda- tory during cement injection ✔ A combination of cement reinforcement and internal fixation can help to overcome the problems associated with poor bone quality and limited anchoring power of implants Epidemiology Vertebral compression fractures are the hallmark of osteoporosis Within the next few decades the increasing number of elderly people will repre- sent one of the most challenging changes in Western and Asian societies. Muscu- loskeletal diseases are one of the predominant illnesses and of these osteoporosis represents the most important. Osteoporotic v ertebral body compression frac- tures (VBCFs) are the hallmark of osteoporosis. VBCF incidence rises exponentially with increasing age At the age of 75 years, about 25% of all women show at least one fractured ver- tebra. At the age of 80 years this number grows to 50% [67]. In the United States, about 700000 new osteoporotic fractures are seen every year, of which one-third become chronically painful [16, 92]. In the European Union, in 2000, the number of osteoporotic fractures was estimated at 3.79 million [82]. The incidence of osteoporotic VBCFs in women older than 50 years is greater than 10 per 1000 per year and is three times higher after the age of 75 years [2, 16, 83]. Approximately 30–50% of women and 20–30% of men will develop vertebral fractures during their life, and half of them will develop multiple fractures [47]. VBCFs are related to serious morbidity and loss of quality of life Osteoporotic compression fractures are a leading cause of disability and mor- bidity in the elderly [15, 29, 43, 83, 85, 87]. Patients with VBCFs show a higher mortality than thegeneral population [10]. Vertebral fractures contribute to pain and disability and are associated with declines in physical performance even when pain is not reported. Indeed, the adverse effect of vertebral fractures on most activities of daily living is almost as great as that seen for hip fractures [92]. Finally, physical function, self-esteem, body image, and mood can be adversely affected [29, 55,85]. The occurrence of one vertebral fracture (even if asymptom- atic) quadruples the likelihood of a second fracture, and after a second fracture the risk of further fractures is 12 times higher [58]. The respiratory function is impaired with increasing deformity of the spine [87]. Fractures Section 925 abcde Case Introduction An 82-year-old female presented with severe claudication symptoms which limited her significantly in walking. A myelo- graphy examination demonstrated a spinal stenosis which was caused by a dislocated dorsoapical fragment of the frac- tured L4 vertebra ( a, b). A kyphoplasty procedure was performed since open surgery with spinal canal decompression was not possible because of the poor general patient condition ( c). The surgery was performed using local anesthesia. The anterior height of L4 was restored, resulting in an indirect decompression of the spinal canal. The intervention was carried out without complications and the patient recovered rapidly. The severe leg pain disappeared and the patient regained her mobility. Three years after the procedure, the patient is still mobile without significant leg pain. The follow- up radiographs demonstrated a spontaneous fusion between L3 and L4 ( d, e). In the United States, over 1.5 million vertebral fractures per year are attributable to osteoporosis; these fractures result in 500000 hospitalizations, 800000 emer- gency room visits, 2.6 million physician visits, 180000 nursing home placements, and US $12–18 billion in direct health care costs each year [27]. The annual cost of VBCF treatment is about EUR 25 billion The annual cost of treating all osteoporotic fractures in Europe is estimated to beEUR25billion.AstheelderlypopulationinEuropeincreases,thiscostwillrise to an estimated EUR 31.8 billion for all osteoporotic fractures by 2025. This figure is an underestimate, since it assumes there will be no increase in treatment costs per patient, and no increase in incidence [39]. In Switzerland, the direct medical cost of hospitalization of patients with osteoporosis and/or related fractures is SF 357 million. Among other common diseases in women and men, osteoporosis is ranked number 1 in women and number 2 (behind COPD) in men [59]. Pathogenesis and Definition Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disease characterized by: low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of the bone leading to increased bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. There are not only quantitative but also qualitative changes to the bone. The magnitude of peak bone mass and the rate of duration of bone loss determine the likelihood of devel- oping osteoporosis [1] ( Fig. 1). Osteoporosis can be either primary or secondary: Primary osteoporosis is either postmenopausal (type 1) or senile osteoporo- sis (type 2). Secondary osteoporosis can be due to metabolic bone diseases ( Table 1), medical treatments, or lifestyle (diet, smoking). 926 Section Fractures ab Figure 1. Normal and osteoporotic bone Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterio- ration of bone tissue, leading to enhanced bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. a Normal vertebral body. b Osteo- porotic vertebral body. The images of osteoporotic bone depict not only the thinning of the trabeculae but also the dis- torted microarchitecture. Table 1. Synopsis of metabolic bone diseases Other meta- bolic bone diseases Etiology Clinical presentation Diagnosis Treatment Paget’ s disease Second most common bone disease after os- teoporosis. Focal disor- der of accelerated skel- etal remodeling (ex- cessive resorption and formation) involving single bones or multi- ple bones The disease leads to bone pain and bone deformity/skel- etal fragility. Most commonly involved are the pelvis, the spine, skull, femur and tibia. The bone may become scle- rotic and enlarged showing bowing deformities and may fracture. In affected spines nerve root and spinal cord compression can occur X-rays show typical bony changes with increased density and deformities. Bone metabolism is in- creased. In bone scans the affected bones show an in- creased activity ThereisnocureforPaget’s disease. Bisphosphonates and calcitonin decrease therateofboneresorp- tion Osteomala- cia (rickets) Term for bony abnor- malities for more than 50 different etiologies. This includes (a) abnor- mal vitamin D metabo- lism, (b) phosphate de- ficiency, (c) other with normal vitamin D and phosphate metabolism Rickets is the disease of the growing skeleton and osteo- malacia is the disorder of the mature bone. Usually the con- dition is asymptomatic and multiple skeletal pain can be present as well as muscle weakness and wasting. Frac- tures may occur after minor trauma. In children various skeletal deformities can be present In (a): low vitamin D and normal to low Ca level in the blood (secondary hyper- parathyroidism) Correct hypocalcemia and the deficiency of active vi- tamin D metabolites. The choice for the different vitamin D preparations is the underlying pathologic defect of vitamin D metab- olism In (b): hypophospha- temia and hyper- phosphaturia In (c): decreased or increased alkaline phosphatase Osteoporotic Spine Fractures Chapter 32 927 Table 1. (Cont.) Other metabolic bone diseases Etiology Clinical presentation Diagnosis Treatment Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells (antibody-producing cells of the bone marrow) Myeloma cells acti- vate osteoclast cells, which destroy bone, and block osteoblast cells, which normally repair damaged bone. The likeli- hood of myeloma increases with age Approximately 70% of my- eloma patients experience pain of varying intensity, ofteninthelowerback. Sudden severe pain can be a sign of fracture or col- lapse of a vertebra. Pa- tients also have general malaise and vague com- plaints Abnormal or monoclonal pro- tein produced by the myeloma cells is released into the bloodstream and can pass into the urine (Bence Jones protein) It is not yet possible to cure myeloma, although it is possible to improve the clinical status and the survival in patients through the use of bis- phosphonates, chemo- therapy, alpha-interferon and, possibly, bone mar- row transplants Primary hyperparathy- roidism is a benign over- production of parathy- roid hormone by the parathyroid glands Unknown, hyper- parathyroidism leads through an increased bone re- sorption and intes- tinal absorption to hypercalcemia and later hypercalciuria as well The mild form is asymp- tomatic or osteoporosis occurs. But with severe hypercalcemia, fatigue, muscle weakness, joint and abdominal pain can be observed. Chronic hypercalciuria may lead to nephrolithiasis Increased para- thyroid hormone and hypercalce- mia/hypophos- phatemia is pre- sent Theonlycureforprimary hyperparathyroidism is surgical removal of the affected gland(s). Guide- lines indicate when sur- gery should be recom- mended. To control hy- percalcemia and protect the bone, bisphosphona- tes have shown to be ef- fective Osteopetrosis is a con- genital condition present at birth in which the bones are overly dense The osteoclasts are either fewer in number or are inef- fectiveinbonere- sorption. There are three major types of osteopetrosis: the malignant in- fantile, the inter- mediate and the adult form Fractures (because the bones, although dense, are also weak), frequent infections (due to im- paired white blood cell production) and blindness, deafness and strokes Hyperdense bones are found on X-ray. If sus- pected, bone bi- opsy is indicated Interferon gamma-1B, high dose calcitriol and prednisone stimulate the osteoclasts. In infantile osteopetrosis bone mar- row transplantation is an option Fibrous dysplasia is a chronic disorder of the skeleton that causes ex- pansion of one or more bones due to abnormal development of the fi- brous, or connective, tis- sue within the bone. The abnormality will cause uneven growth, brittle- ness and deformity in affected bones. There is no evidence, however, that the disorder can be inherited Fibrous dysplasia may be caused by a chemical abnor- mality in a protein inthebonethat leads to an over- growth of bone cells that produce fibrous tissue Bone pain may occur due to the expanding fibrous tissue in the bone. Bone deformitycausedbyfi- brous dysplasia is most obvious when it occurs in the skull and facial bones with blindness and deaf- ness. Even though the fi- brous tissue thickens, the bone itself becomes frag- ile and fractures can occur The bones affect- ed by fibrous dysplasia usually have a character- istic appearance on X-ray. When there is doubt about the diagno- sis, a doctor may obtain a small bone specimen for examination by a pathologist Beyond surgical treat- ment, including orthope- dic and neurologic sur- gery, multiple intrave- nous infusions of pamid- ronate have been re- ported to relieve bone pain and lessen the extent of the disease in some patients with fibrous dysplasia Skeletal mass and density remain fairly constant once growth has stopped. The distribution of bone mineral density (BMD) in healthy young adults follows approximately a Gaussian distribution. Because of the Gaussian distribution, bone density values in individuals can be expressed as a relation to a reference population in standard deviation units (SDs) [79]. This reduces the difficulties associated with differences in the calibration between instruments. When SDs areusedinrelationtothehealthy young population, this measurement is referred to as the T-score ( Fig. 2) [46]. Osteoporosis is defined as a T-score below –2.5 Dual-energy X-r ay absorptiometry (DEXA) is used for BMD assessment. In 1994, the World Health Organization (WHO) Working Group established some guidelines related to the SD for BMD as compared to a young adult female refer- 928 Section Fractures . article Roaf studies the biomechanics of spinal injuries and describes the results of studies of spinal units when subjected to forces of different magnitude and direction, i.e., compression, flexion,. multi- pleinjuries:diagnosisandtreatment–areviewof147cases.JTrauma56:348–55 25. Daniaux H (1986) Transpedicular repositioning and spongioplasty in fractures of the verte- bral bodies of the lower thoracic and. Surgical treatment of injuries of the thoracolumbar transition – 3: Follow-up examination. Results of a prospec tive mul- ti-center s tudy by the Spinal Study Group of the German Society of Trauma