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318 Chapter 16 Printing, PDF, and Specialized Output because the fi le can be stored at print resolution with embedded vector fi les and high-quality output options. Compression Options for Adobe PDF When you choose to save artwork as a Photoshop PDF, you are presented with the Save Adobe PDF dialog box. You can choose to compress text and line art as well as down- sample bitmap images. Depending on the chosen settings, you can signifi cantly reduce the size of a PDF fi le with little or no loss of detail. Let’s open the Save Adobe PDF dialog box. 1. Open the image Ch16_Parrots.tif from the Chapter 16 folder. 2. Choose File > Save As. 3. From the Format drop-down menu choose Photoshop PDF. 4. Target the Desktop for saving, and then click Save to open the Save Adobe PDF dialog box. 5. A warning dialog box opens to caution you that the settings you choose in the Save Adobe PDF dialog box will override settings in the Save As dialog box. Click OK to dis- miss the warning. 6. In the Save Adobe PDF dialog box, you can choose an Adobe PDF Preset. This is a fast way to specify that the newly generated PDF fi le is intended for commercial printing or to be distributed via email. You can also choose to Preserve Photoshop Editing Capabilities to save layers and text editability for future changes. At this point, you can click Save PDF to generate the fi le right away or keep modifying the settings for special purposes. PDF Essentials 319 You can choose to create a PDF that matches the most widely used standards for print publishing. There are three different types of PDF/X formats: • PDF/X-1a (2001 and 2003): PDF/X-1a is an industry-recognized standard for graphic exchange. Choosing PDF/X-1a requires all fonts to be embedded and for the appropriate PDF bounding boxes to be specifi ed. PDF/X-compliant fi les must contain necessary information describing the condition for which they were pre- pared to be printed. PDF/X-1a compliant fi les can be opened in Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later. • PDF/X-3 (2002 and 2003): The main difference in this newer version of PDF is that it allows for the use of color management. Additionally, it supports device-independent color as well as CMYK and spot colors. Also, ICC color profi les can be used to specify color data later on in the workfl ow. PDF/X-3 compliant fi les can be opened in Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader 4.0 and later. • PDF/X-4 (2008): The newest format of PDF is designed to support newer features like printing artwork with live transparency and layers. This format is designed to work within the existing Adobe PDF Print Engine. The major benefi t is that PDF/X-4 jobs can print without fl attening artwork or converting the fi le to PostScript. For more information on PDF/X, see www.adobe.com/designcenter/creativesuite/articles/cs3ip_pdfx.pdf. ADOBE PDF STANDARDS Compression The Compression area of the Save Adobe PDF dialog box offers several options for reducing fi le size. You do not need to downsample, but you might want to if you want to better match the output resolution of a particular printer or to reduce fi le transfer times. The chosen interpolation method determines how pixels are deleted: • Average Downsampling: This method averages the pixels in a sample area and replaces the entire area with the average pixel color. • Subsampling: This method chooses a pixel in the center of a sample area and replaces the entire area with that color. • Bicubic Downsampling: This method uses a weighted aver- age to determine pixel color. It generally yields better results than Average Downsampling. This is the slowest but most ac- curate method. 320 Chapter 16 Printing, PDF, and Specialized Output The Compression setting offers three compression methods: • ZIP: This works well for images with large areas of single col- ors or repeating patterns. • JPEG: This is suitable for grayscale or color images. JPEG compression eliminates data, so it usually results in much smaller fi le sizes than ZIP compression. • JPEG2000: This is the new international standard for im- age data compression. Like JPEG compression, JPEG2000 compression is suitable for grayscale or color images. It also provides additional advantages, such as progressive display. The Image Quality setting determines how much compression is applied. The settings will vary based on the compression method chosen, but they are clearly labeled. You can select the convert 16 Bit/Channel Image to 8 Bits/Chan- nel check box if you’re working with a 16-bit image. This can signifi cantly reduce fi le size but is not a good option if you’re creat- ing a PDF for professional printing. This option is grayed out if the image you are working with is already in 8-bit mode. Output The most common way to create accurate color when creating a PDF is to stick with the PDF/X standard. However, you can choose to modify settings in this area and embed color profi les. Be sure to check with your printer or service bureau regarding color profi le settings. Security The PDF format supports several different secu- rity options, which can be useful to protect the document from unauthorized viewers or to pre- serve copyright by blocking copying or printing functions. Here are some of the most important security options: • Require a password to open the docu- ment: The viewer must enter a password to view the PDF document. Specialized File Formats 321 • Use a password to restrict printing, editing, and other tasks: Several options can be placed on the document. You can restrict printing and block modifi cations to the page. This is a good idea if you are posting a PDF for review purposes but do not want people to be able to print the fi le. It is important to note that the security in PDF fi les is very strong but can be breached. These security options are useful and work well for most users. You’ll also fi nd additional options about al- lowing copying of text or access to screen readers for the visually impaired that you can modify. Summary The Summary area provides a single pane view of all the settings you have used. This is a quick way to verify the options you’ve enabled. When you’re fi nished, you can click Save PDF to create the PDF fi le. You can also click Save Preset if you want to save the settings you’ve modifi ed for future PDF creation. Specialized File Formats Photoshop is a feature-rich and truly enjoyable program, but it is frequently not the end of the road for a designer or artist. Most of- ten, professionals (and even hobbyists) will need to save their fi les for use in other software packages and environments. Whether it’s a JPEG for a Web site, an EPS for a professional printer, or a PICT fi le for video editing, Photoshop can create it. In fact, Photoshop supports more than 20 fi le formats by default. Additional formats used by cameras or other software packages can be added via plug-ins. On the Photoshop installation disc you’ll fi nd more plug-ins to install. You can install additional fi le formats by navigating to <Photoshop Application folder> > Plug-Ins > File Formats. To access special formats, choose File > Save As and select a fi le type from the Format list. Not all formats will work with every color space or image type, but each has a special purpose. Let’s explore some of the most common formats you’ll encounter. From the Save As dialog box, you can select from several fi le formats. Certain formats may be unavailable due to bit depth or image mode. 322 Chapter 16 Printing, PDF, and Specialized Output Photoshop (.psd) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel *Not all color spaces work in 16- and 32-bit modes. Photoshop format is the default fi le format. This format supports all Photoshop’s features. It’s a good idea to save your design fi les in this format for maximum editability. Additionally, many other software packages recognize Photoshop layers. CompuServe GIF (.gif) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The online service provider CompuServe origi- nally developed the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF). This format displays 8-bit or indexed-color graphics and images in HTML documents on the Internet. You’ll hear the fi le called both “giff” and “jiff”; both are acceptable. GIFs use a color table (with no more than 256 colors total, not per channel) to represent the image. This can lead to a small fi le size but also banding in the image. If you need transparency in a Web graphic, GIF is one of two choices (the other is PNG). There are also animated GIFs, which are GIF frames displayed one after the other to create animation. Unless you need transparency or animation, JPEG is a better option for Web delivery. Photoshop EPS (.eps) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel NOTE Many Formats to Choose from If you need to explore additional formats, you’ll fi nd further informa- tion in the Photoshop Help menu. Compare a JPEG (left) and a GIF (right). Notice how the GIF uses fewer colors. This format can reduce fi le size but often creates banding or color shifts. Specialized File Formats 323 The Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) language fi le format can contain both vector and bitmap graphics. It is nearly universal and is supported by virtually all graphics, illustration, and page- layout programs. EPS format is used to transfer PostScript artwork between applications. When you open an EPS fi le that contains vector graph- ics, Photoshop rasterizes the image. JPEG (.jpg) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The Joint Photographic Experts Group ( JPEG) format is most often used to display continuous-tone images (such as photos) on the Internet. Most digital cameras use JPEG because it provides excellent compression; the maximum setting provides comparable image quality to much larger fi le formats like TIFF. Occasionally, the print industry (especially newspapers) will use JPEGs. Notice the difference in fi le size savings between the two formats. The JPEG (even at maximum quality) is almost four times smaller. File savings make JPEG a popular format for digital cameras and the newspaper industry. The JPEG format supports RGB, CMYK, and Grayscale color modes but does not support alpha channels. JPEG is a lossy com- pression, which means that some data is discarded during com- pression of the image. JPEGs should not be used as an archive or production fi le format. You should generally only save JPEG fi les You can embed an image preview into an EPS fi le, which makes previewing your image easier in a page-layout program. Do you need spot color chan- nels for special printing jobs? Then you’d better stick to these fi le formats: • Photoshop • JPEG2000 • Large Document Format • Photoshop PDF • Photoshop Raw (not Camera Raw) • TIFF • Photoshop DCS 2.0 FORMATS THAT SUPPORT SPOT COLOR CHANNELS 324 Chapter 16 Printing, PDF, and Specialized Output once, because resaving continues to discard data and lower image quality. If you have acquired an image as a JPEG in your camera, be sure to save the edited document as a PSD or layered TIFF fi le. If you are using JPEG as a source format, be sure to set the digital camera to Maximum quality. The best way to create JPEGs for the Internet is with the Save For Web command (discussed in depth at the end of this chapter). Large Document Format (.psb) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel There is normally a 2 GB fi le size limit in older versions of Pho- toshop and most other computer applications. To respond to the need for larger fi le sizes, Adobe launched the Large Document Format (PSB). It supports documents up to 300,000 pixels in any dimension (up to 100 inches at 300 ppi). All Photoshop features, such as layers, effects, and fi lters, are supported. Additionally, 32-bits-per-channel images can be saved as PSB fi les. It’s important to remember that fi les saved in the PSB format can be opened only in Photoshop CS or Photoshop CS2. Other applications and earlier versions of Photoshop cannot open documents saved in PSB format. Also, to save a document as a PSB fi le, the Enable Large Document Format option must be enabled in your Preferences. Photoshop PDF (.pdf) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The Portable Document Format is a cross-platform, cross-applica- tion fi le format. PDF fi les are designed to accurately display and preserve fonts, page layouts, and both vector and bitmap graphics. You can also transfer Photoshop’s annotation notes (both text and audio) into a PDF. TIP Large Document Format Doesn’t Automatically Mean Larger Files When comparing a fi le saved as a standard .psd fi le versus the large format .psb fi le, the two fi le sizes are virtually identical. Using the Large Document Format does not increase fi le size, it just allows a larger-sized fi le to be saved. Specialized File Formats 325 The Photoshop PDF format is the only PDF that Photoshop can save, and it’s a hybrid. It supports layers and other Photoshop features but does not support all PDF features. You do have several choices, though, in the Save Adobe PDF dialog box (including password and permissions). You do not need to fl atten an image to save it as a PDF fi le. This fi le can then be transferred to coworkers or clients for review and comment using Adobe Acrobat or viewed using the free Adobe Reader. This is an excellent format for review purposes. PICT File (.pct) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The Macintosh Picture format is widely used by video editors who initially grew up on Macintosh-based editing systems. Its popularity can be traced back to many software packages, which historically required graphics to be in the PICT format. The PICT format is very effective at compressing large areas of solid color. This compression results in a huge fi le savings for alpha channels, which are mostly black or white. On the Mac platform, you have choices of additional JPEG compression. Avoid these because they cause import problems on PCs, and the fi le-size savings are not worth the quality loss. PNG (.png) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The Portable Network Graphics format provides lossless compres- sion. It is increasingly common on the Internet, but not all brows- ers support it. The PNG format was created to be a patent-free alternative to GIF. Its major advantage is the PNG-24 fi le, which allows for 24-bit images (8 bits per channel) and embedded trans- parency. It is technically superior to GIF. Layered fi les are very impor- tant for the fl exibility they offer for future changes. Not all fi le formats store layers, so be sure to keep a copy of your layered image by saving to one of these fi le formats: • Photoshop • Large Document Format • Photoshop PDF • TIFF FORMATS THAT SUPPORT LAYERS 326 Chapter 16 Printing, PDF, and Specialized Output The fi le on the left is a PNG-24. Notice how the transparency is handled perfectly (even in the soft glowing areas). On the right is a GIF, which is an 8-bit image. Transparency is not handled as cleanly, and you’ll notice a white edge outside of the glow. Targa (.tga) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The Targa format was originally designed for use on systems us- ing the Truevision video board. The name is in fact an acronym meaning Truevision Advanced Raster Graphics Adapter. The Targa format predates Photoshop. It is a common format in the video industry (because it supports alpha channels), especially for PC users. Do you need embedded transparency for use in mul- timedia, video, or animation programs? Then you might want to stick with fi le formats that support alpha channels. Be sure to check the manual of your software program to see which of the following formats are compatible: • Photoshop • BMP • ElectricImage • Genuine Fractals • JPEG2000 • Large Document Format • Photoshop PDF • Photoshop 2.0 • Photoshop Raw • PICT File • PICT Resource • Pixar • SGI RGB • Targa • TIFF FORMATS THAT SUPPORT ALPHA CHANNELS Specialized File Formats 327 TIFF (.tif) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel The Tagged-Image File Format is one of the most common and fl exible formats available. It is widely used to exchange fi les be- tween applications and computer platforms, and has a long legacy of compatibility. Older programs capped TIFF fi les at 2 GB, but starting with Photoshop CS, this barrier was changed to 4 GB. One benefi t of TIFF is that it acts as a layered fi le within Photo- shop but is treated as a fl attened fi le by other applications. Ad- ditionally, TIFF is one of the few formats to work in a bit depth of 8, 16, or 32 bits per channel. High dynamic range images can be saved as 32-bits-per-channel TIFF fi les. Adobe Digital Negative (.dng) Layers 8-bit 16-bit 32-bit Bitmap Grayscale Duotone Indexed Color RGB CMYK Lab Multichannel There are several competing raw fi le formats for digital cam- eras (most are proprietary to a particular manufacturer.) Adobe released the Adobe Digital Negative (DNG) fi le format to unify things. The concern is that proprietary formats will become obsolete more quickly due to company changes. Adobe hopes the DNG format will be the open-standard model. The specs for this format are available to camera and software manufacturers, and Adobe has had relative success getting others to adopt it. For more information, visit www.adobe.com/dng. The DNG format offers a unifi ed solution for camera raw images. In Photoshop you can only save a DNG fi le from the Adobe Cam- era Raw dialog box. In the File Compatibility preferences you can modify how layered TIFFs are handled. NOTE Photoshop CS4 Import and Export File Formats Adobe Photoshop offers great fl exibility in reading and writing specialized fi le formats. These diverse formats are useful to specialized industries like printing, Web, and video production. To learn more, open the fi le Ch16_File_Formats.pdf on the CD. [...]... wealth of Photoshop Web sites and books available to further your knowledge A great place to start is at this book’s Web site Raster|Vector at www.RasterVector.com You should also explore the National Association of Photoshop Professionals; be sure to check out its Web site at www.PhotoshopUser.com Photoshop will be a core tool as you grow into other software applications Continue to expand your Photoshop. .. Actions panel, 22–23, 282–283 Add Noise fi lter, 263 Adjustment Layers, 132, 154 Black & White, 168–169 Photo Filter, 171–172 Adjustments panel, 18, 154 Adobe Bridge, 31, 304–310 Adobe Color Picker, 80–83 Adobe Kuler, 81–82 Adobe Output Module, 305–310 Adobe Studio Exchange, 239, 284, 289, 299 alignment of images, 194 of layers, 133–134 of text, 221 alpha channels adding to graphics, 331–332 fi le formats... alpha channel (which can include a feathered edge) Photoshop offers a few ways to create accurate clipping paths; let’s explore the easiest Photoshop has a built-in wizard to help you create clipping paths 1 Open the fi le Ch16_Clipping_Path.psd from the Chapter 16 folder 2 Choose Selection > Load Selection, and then click OK to use the default properties Photoshop loads a selection based on the transparency... will fi nd these exercises well suited for exploring the many features of Photoshop Each exercise provides source images and general instructions to guide you in approaching the project The exercises should be undertaken after you have completed the book’s chapters To download the exercises, visit www.peachpit.com/ understandingphotoshop and follow the steps to create a login and password to access them... choosing Image > Mode > CMYK 9 Choose File > Save As and store the fi le as a Photoshop EPS, DCS, or PDF format for PostScript printing or as a TIFF for use in Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress End of the Road The path’s name appears outlined when it is being used as a clipping path Have you reached the end of the road? Hardly Photoshop contains a wealth of tools But you have now gained a fi rm foundation... are many other issues related to creating graphics for use in video I invite you to check out my reference site and podcast at www.PhotoshopForVideo.com Specialized Processes Include a Clipping Path If you are preparing an image to import into a page layout program (such as Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress), you may want to embed a clipping path The clipping path embeds the transparency information into... perspective cloning, 205–207 Perspective command, 50 perspective cropping, 47–48 Photo Downloader, 31 Photo Filters, 171–172 Photocopy fi lter, 273 Photomerge command, 138, 297 Photoshop CS4 fi le formats, 321–327 interface, 11–24 versions, 12 Photoshop User magazine, 242 PICT fi le format, 325 Pinch fi lter, 261 Pixelate fi lters, 266–267 pixels, 1–3 Plaster fi lter, 273 Plastic Wrap fi lter, 252 PNG fi le format,... fi lter, 276 Solid Color Fill Layer, 131 solid gradients, 102 Spatter fi lter, 258 spell checker, 215, 220 Spherize fi lter, 262 spi (samples per inch), 4 Sponge fi lter, 253 Sponge tool, 193 spot colors, 82–83, 323 Spot Healing Brush tool, 186–187 Sprayed Strokes fi lter, 258 Stained Glass fi lter, 278 Stamp fi lter, 273 stock photo services, 35–36 Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works (Spiekermann... Output Specialized Processes Creating files for special uses often requires special processing The techniques discussed in this section are fairly elaborate, so the short overviews are meant for a clearer understanding of possibilities The creation of specialized formats for the Internet, professional printing, or video requires a mastery of several interconnected skills Let’s take a quick look at converting... is the most quickly adopted format in consumer technology history There’s a lot of ways a DVD menu can go (and it will depend on the DVD-authoring software used) But a lot of design work can happen in Photoshop, which allows design options to be fully explored Exercise #8 Artistic Reinterpretations of a Photo Working with a single image and processing several ways is an excellent way to explore the . program. Do you need spot color chan- nels for special printing jobs? Then you’d better stick to these fi le formats: • Photoshop • JPEG2000 • Large Document Format • Photoshop PDF • Photoshop Raw (not. following formats are compatible: • Photoshop • BMP • ElectricImage • Genuine Fractals • JPEG2000 • Large Document Format • Photoshop PDF • Photoshop 2.0 • Photoshop Raw • PICT File • PICT Resource •. from the Adobe Cam- era Raw dialog box. In the File Compatibility preferences you can modify how layered TIFFs are handled. NOTE Photoshop CS4 Import and Export File Formats Adobe Photoshop