344 Lock Transparent Pixels option, 121 lossless compression, 229–230 lossy compression, 228, 230 Luke, Len, 132, 132 Luminance Smoothing setting, 274–275 M Mac OS attachments in, 309–310 contact sheets in, 315, 315 PDF slide shows on, 310–312, 311 printing on, 308–309, 308 Web Photo Gallery in, 312–314, 312–313 Magic Eraser tool for dynamic range, 278–279, 279 vs. Magic Wand, 116 for product background, 112–116 for sky, 97, 97 Magic Wand tool vs. Magic Eraser, 116 for product background, 117 working with, 331 Magnetic Lasso tool for product background, 117–119, 118 working with, 331 Marquee tools, 330 marquees, measurements for, 161 Mask mode for Selection Brush, 332 for selective focus, 108 masks for combining images, 283–287, 283–287 layer adjustments with, 279–282, 280–282 Matte color for JPEG images, 233 for transparent GIF images, 253–254, 254 measurements, Info palette for, 161, 161 Memory and Image Cache preferences settings, 321 memory preferences, 321 menu bar, 322 metadata for print resolution values, 297 midday sun, working with, 101–102, 102 midday to sunset shots, changing to, 94–97, 95–97 midtones, 37–39, 38 mini photo studios, 147, 147 mistakes, correcting, 32 Mlodzik, David, 167–168, 168 Mode settings for layers, 325, 326 for painting, 122 modifying backgrounds, 137–138, 137 Mogensen, Tom, 132, 132–133, 224–225, 224–225 moire patterns, 49 MonacoOPTIX calibrator, 34 monitors, calibrating, 34 morning to sunset shots, changing, 98–99, 98–99 Mosaic filter, 106 Motion Blur filter, 128–129, 128–129 Move tool for expanding images, 162, 162 for type, 210 moving files, 23 layers, 327 multiple images cloning elements from, 165–167, 166–167 printing, 292–293, 293 processing, 306–307, 307 My Catalog, 12 Myriad font, 209 N names catalogs, 12 images, 6, 30 layers, 128, 327 narratives, composites for, 160 navigation in Camera Raw, 271 graphics for, 263–265, 264–265 tools for, 335–336, 336 Navigator palette, 335 New Layer dialog box, 86 New Window for option, 334 Newsom, Bretton, 157, 160 night shots, changing day shots to, 99–101 No Color Management option, 231, 319 noise, 45 for background, 137, 137 with Camera raw, 274–275 combining tools and techniques, 48–50, 48–50 for faces, 81 filter for, 46, 46 for gradients, 219 Spot Healing Brush for, 47–48, 47–48 noses, 78, 78 Nudge method, 186–187 O offline media, importing images from, 3–5, 3–4 Offset filter, 261, 261 Omni light, 103 One Photo Per Page option, 293, 296 online photography services, 306 opacity for clouds, 93 for layers, 325, 326 for Magic Eraser, 114 for painting, 122 Open dialog box, 9 Open Recently Edited Files option, 9 opening images in Editor, 9, 22 RAW files, 269–270 optimizing images for compression, 237–241, 237–241 options bar, 322 order of tasks, 30 Organizer, 2 backing up and archiving in, 21 INDEX ■ 4363_index_p1.qxd 10/12/04 8:27 AM Page 344 345 ■ INDEX collections and stacks in, 18, 18–19 fixing images in, 19, 19 importing images into, 2 from cameras and card readers, 5–7, 5–7 from existing folders and offline media, 3–5, 3–4 from scanners, 7–9, 8 printing from, 292–296, 292–295 properties in, 16 reconnecting images in, 15, 15 sharing with, 301–306, 302–305 tags in, 16–18, 17–18 version sets in, 19–21, 20–21 viewing files with, 10–15, 11–14 Organizer Preferences dialog box, 5, 6 orientation for Photomerge, 193 for printing, 300–301 setting, 31–33 Outer Glow style, 140, 140 outside shots, 91 large-scale digital fill flash for, 108–109, 108–109 lighting effects for, 102–104, 102–103 midday sun, 101–102, 102 selective focus for, 107–108, 107 sky, 92–94, 92–93 time of day changes for, 94 day to night, 99–101 midday to sunset, 94–97, 95–97 morning to sunset, 98–99, 98–99 unwanted objects in, 104–106, 104–106 weather for, 101, 101 overlap in combining images, 284, 284 between Photomerge frames, 193 overlays, 115 P Page Setup dialog box, 301 Paint Bucket tool for color changes, 122–123, 123 for dog eye, 66, 66 for patterns, 123–124, 124 painting for color, 121–122, 121 paintings, converting photos to, 287–289, 287–289 palette bin, 323 panoramics. See Photomerge paper size for printing, 301 Paste option, 151 Paste Into Selection option, 151 patterns fills for, 124–126, 124–126 filters for, 127, 127 for grids, 173 Paint Bucket tool for, 123–124, 124 for tiled strips, 262–263 for Web page backgrounds, 259–261, 260–261 PDF Options dialog box, 311, 311 PDF (Portable Document Format) slide shows, 310–312, 311 Peled, Micha X., 54 people adding, 150–152, 150–152 faces. See faces removing, 106, 106 swapping, 157–160, 157–159 Perceptual color reduction algorithm, 247, 250 perspective keystoning in, 172–175, 172–175 for Photomerge, 194–196, 194–195 in product shots, 130–132, 130–131 Photo Album Pages option, 303, 303 photo bin, 323 Photo Browser option, 9 Photo Compare window, 13–15, 14 photo credits, 207–211, 208 Photo Filter dialog box, 183–184, 183 Photo Mail (HTML) option, 305–306 Photo Review window, 13–15, 14 photo studios, 147, 147 Photo Well, 10–12, 11 photographs converting to paintings, 287–289, 287–289 GIF images for, 255–257, 256 scanning, 43 photography services, online, 306 Photomerge for baseball panoramic, 203, 203–204 blending in, 197 for collages, 204–205, 204 for dynamic range, 276–279, 277, 279 for epic panoramics, 200–201, 200–201 for interior panoramics, 198–200, 198–200 manually arranging images in, 195–197, 195–196 for panoramics, 190–192, 191–192 perspective control for, 194–196, 194–195 planning for, 193 rendering in, 197 shortcuts in, 199 tips for, 190 PICT file format, 59 picture packages in Mac OS, 308–309, 308 in Windows, 295–296, 295 plug-in preferences, 321 PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format, 229 polarizing filters for Photomerge, 193 tips for, 187 Polygonal Lasso tool for labels, 143 for wire removal, 186, 186 working with, 331 Portable Document Format (PDF) slide shows, 310–312, 311 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format, 229 portraits, 85 postcards, 303 Posterize adjustments, 328 power lines, removing, 184–187, 184, 186–187 PowerStrip calibrator, 34 pre-visualizing scenes for composites, 167–169, 168–169 preferences, 318 color settings, 318–319 memory, 321 4363_index_p1.qxd 10/12/04 8:27 AM Page 345 346 plug-ins, 321 Preset Manager, 319 saving files, 320 Undo History states, 320 units and rulers, 321 Preset Manager, 319 presets for brushes, 336, 336 Preview In option, 236 Preview Menu option, 236 previewing in Camera Raw, 271 printing, 299–301, 300–301 sharpening, 58 Previous Conversion option, 273 Print a selection option, 301 Print any caption text option, 301 Print Multiple Photos from the Editor option, 292 Print Preview dialog box, 299–301, 300–301 Print Selected Photos dialog box, 292–293, 292–293 Print Size option, 335 printing contact sheets, 294–295, 294 from Editor, 296–301, 297–300 labels, 296 on Mac OS, 308–309, 308 multiple images, 292–293, 293 from Organizer, 292–296, 292–295 paper size and orientation for, 301 picture packages, 295–296, 295 previewing, 299–301, 300–301 specialty print layouts for, 302–303, 303 Process Multiple Files dialog box, 306–307, 307 product shots, 111 background in, 133 creating, 134–136, 135–136 modifying, 137–138, 137 separating products from, 112–119, 113, 115–116, 118–119 simplifying, 133–134, 134 color of, 119–123, 119–121, 123 depth in, 138–140, 139–140 highlights and glare in, 142, 142 keystoning in, 132–133, 132–133 labels for, 143, 143–144 lighting effects in, 141, 141 Motion Blur filter for, 128–129, 128–129 scale and perspective in, 130–132, 130–131 simplifying, 146, 146 smiling products, 144–145, 144–145 texture in, 123–127, 124–127 profiles, color, 319 Progressive option, 233 properties of layers, 327 in Organizer, 16 for printing, 293 searching for, 17, 17–18 Proximity Match option, 47 PSD file format, 59 Pucker tool, 78 Pupil Size setting, 65, 65 Purple Neon layer style, 264, 264 Q quality, 59 JPEG images, 33, 59, 234, 235 RAW data for, 270 in resizing images, 54 for Smart Blur, 181 Quick Fix workspace, 28–30, 28 Quick Mask, 158 QuickGamma calibrator, 34 R Radial Blur filter, 137, 137 Radius setting for sharpening, 58–59 for Smart Blur, 180–181 RAW data. See Camera Raw plug-in re-associating file types, 9 readable type, 215 drop shadows and embossment for, 215–217, 215–217 gradients for, 218–219, 218–219 real estate marketing. See buildings realistic-looking composites, 169, 169 Reconnect Missing Files dialog box, 15, 15 reconnecting images, 15, 15 Rectangle tool for type, 220 Rectangular Marquee tool, 105, 161, 161 Rectangular tool, 330 rectilinear lenses for panoramics, 198 red eye, 62–65, 63–65 Red Eye Removal tool, 63–65 Reduce Noise filter for artifacts, 46, 46 in task order, 30 Reflection tool, 225, 225 reflections, softening, 142, 142 Remember option, 236 Remove Color option, 51, 51 Remove Color Cast option, 184 Remove Tag option, 17 removing. See also deleting construction signs, 177–179, 177–179 effects, 101 unwanted objects, 104–106, 104–106 wires, 184–187, 184, 186–187 Rename Layer option, 128 renaming catalogs, 12 images, 6, 30 layers, 128, 327 rendering in Photomerge, 197 repeating layer styles, 329 Replace Color dialog box, 120–121, 120 Resample option for TIFF images, 242 Resample Image option, 55, 154, 154, 298–299 Reset Image option, 43 Reset Palette Locations option, 323 resetting preferences, 318 Resize dialog box, 242 INDEX ■ 4363_index_p1.qxd 10/12/04 8:27 AM Page 346 347 ■ INDEX Resize Images option, 307 Resize Windows to Fit option, 334 resizing for composites, 154–156, 154 for compression, 240–241, 240–241 images, 54–56, 55–57 multiple files, 307 for slide shows, 311 TIFF images, 242 tool palettes, 323 resolution in composites, 152–156, 153–156 in cropping, 53, 53 for printing, 296–299, 297–299 for slide shows, 310 Restrictive (Web) color reduction algorithm, 247 Reveal Photos in Stack option, 18 Reveal Photos in Version Set option, 19, 20 reversing selections, 112 Revert to Saved option, 32 reverting to last saved versions, 32 RGB mode, 51 Robbins, Valerie, 243–244, 252, 253 Rotate Image tool, 199 Rotate Photo 90 Degrees Counterclockwise option, 31 Rotate transform, 174 rotating for keystoning, 174 for orientation, 31–33 for Photomerge, 193 rulers, preferences, 321 Rutledge, Will, 143, 144, 150 S sans serif fonts, 209 Saturation option for Camera Raw, 274 for Color Variations, 43 Save dialog box for slide shows, 311 Save As dialog box for GIF images, 248–250, 249 for JPEG images, 232, 232 Save for Web plug-in, 231, 235–237, 235 for GIF images, 244–248, 244–245 animated, 258, 259 transparent, 253–254 for JPEG images, 235–237, 235 Save Selection option, 333 Save Version Set with Original option, 20 saving GIF images, 248–250, 249 JPEG images, 231–237, 232, 235 preferences for, 320 TIFF images, 242 Saving Files Preferences dialog box, 320 Scale options bar, 156, 156 scaling in composites, 154–156, 156 in product shots, 130–132, 130–131 Scalloped Edge option, 217, 217 Scanner and Camera Wizard, 5–6, 5 scanners flatbed, 205, 205 importing images from, 7–9, 8 scanning black-and-white photos, 43 services for, 109 Schwartz, Ed, 150 scratches and other artifacts, 45 combining tools and techniques, 48–50, 48–50 Reduce Noise filter for, 46, 46 Spot Healing Brush for, 47–48, 47–48 screen captures, 212 scrubbers, 335, 336 seamless pasting, 164–165, 164–165 searching for files in File Browser, 24, 24 for tags and properties, 17, 17–18 Security option, 314 Selected Image option, 272 Selection Brush tool for selective focus, 107 working with, 332 selection marquee, 112 Selection mode, 332 selection tools, 330 Cookie Cutter, 331–332, 331 Lasso, 330–331 Magic Wand, 331 Marquee, 330 options for, 333 Selection Brush, 332 selections controlling, 333–334 layers, 326 printing, 301 refining, 118, 119 Selective algorithm, 247, 250 selective blurring, 239, 239–240 selective focus, 107–108, 107 separating products from background, 112–119, 113, 115–116, 118–119 sequenced stills, 246 serifs, 209 Set Date dialog box, 13 Set Vanishing Point tool, 194 Shadow Distance option, 217 shadows for Camera Raw, 273–274, 274 drop shadows for depth, 138–139, 139–140 for type, 215–217, 215–217 for hair, 86 Levels controls for, 38–39, 38 Shadows/Highlights dialog box for digital flash fill, 82, 82 for light balancing, 181–182, 182 for outside shots, 108–109, 109 Shape tool, 212–213, 213 shapes for navigational graphics, 263–265, 264–265 for type, 219–220, 220 4363_index_p1.qxd 10/12/04 8:27 AM Page 347 348 sharing images, 291 in Mac OS, 309–310 in Organizer, 301–306, 302–305 Sharpen filter, 57 Sharpen Edges filter, 57 sharpening images, 57–59, 58–59. See also Unsharp Mask filter sharpness for Camera Raw, 274 shortcuts in Photomerge, 199 in work area, 322 Show Bounding Box option, 300 signs removal, 177–179, 177–179 Similar option for selections, 333 Simple Inner Glows bevel, 265 Simple Slide Show option, 302, 305 simplified type state, 210 simplifying complex backgrounds, 133–134, 134 product shots, 146, 146 16-bit mode for Camera Raw, 275–276 size for composites, 154–156, 154 for compression, 240–241, 240–241 in cropping, 53, 53 files, 54 images, 30 multiple files, 307 paper, 301 resolution and print dimensions based on, 296–299, 297–299 for slide shows, 311 thumbnails, 11, 12 TIFF images, 242 tool palettes, 323 Web Photo Gallery borders, 314 Skew transform, 174 sky clouds for, 92–94, 92–93 Magic Eraser for, 97 slanted looking facades, 172–175, 172–175 slide shows creating, 302, 302 PDF, 310–312, 311 Smart Blur filter, 179–181, 180 Smart Fix option, 30, 35, 35 smiling products, 144–145, 144–145 Smooth option for selections, 333 snapshots, 212 softening faces, 79–80, 79–80 highlights and glare, 142, 142 sorting files, 22, 23 space between lines, 208 specialty print layouts, 302–303, 303 Sponge tool, 70, 70 Spot Healing Brush for artifacts, 47–48, 47–48 in task order, 30 working with, 337 sRGB color space, 319 Stack Selected Photos option, 18 stacking tool palettes, 323 stacks in Organizer, 18, 18 Stained Glass filter, 127, 127 Standard Edit workspace, 28–30, 29 status bar for Smart Fix, 35 Stitch assist mode, 193 straightening noses, 78, 78 strips for Web page backgrounds, 262–263, 262 Style Settings dialog box for drop shadows, 139, 139, 217 for navigational graphics, 264 styles for layers, 328–329, 328 for type, 208–209 Styles and Effects palette, 125 for drop shadows, 139 for lighting, 102 for type, 223 working with, 328–330, 328–329 Subtract from Selection option, 118, 119 sun, midday, 101–102, 102 sunlight effect, 95–96, 95–96 super-wide-angle lenses, 198 swapping people in composites, 157–160, 157–159 swoosh, 322 T Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) images characteristics of, 229 creating, 242, 243 quality of, 59 tags adding, 16–17, 16 deleting, 17 searching for, 17, 17–18 Teal Glass layer style, 264, 264 teeth, whitening and fixing, 73–75, 74–75 telephone lines, removing, 184–187, 184, 186–187 text. See type Text Effects option, 223 Texture effect, 125 texture in product shots, 123–127, 124–127 3D Transform filter dialog box, 145, 145 360-degree panoramics, 203 Threshold setting for layers, 328 for sharpening, 58–59 for Smart Blur, 180–181 thumbnails in Organizer, 4 size of, 11, 12 for Web Photo Gallery, 314 TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) images characteristics of, 229 creating, 242, 243 quality of, 59 tiled patterns, 259–261, 260–261 tiled strips, 262–263, 262 time of day changes, 94 day to night, 99–101 midday to sunset, 94–97, 95–97 morning to sunset, 98–99, 98–99 Timeline Bar, 11, 12 times, images associated with, 11, 11 INDEX ■ 4363_index_p1.qxd 10/12/04 8:27 AM Page 348 349 ■ INDEX tinting hair, 85–88, 86–88 images, 44–45, 44–45 Tolerance setting for Magic Eraser, 113–115, 113, 115 tonal controls and variations for Camera Raw, 273–274, 274 in compression, 237, 237 tool palette organization, 323, 323 toolbox, 322–323 transforms for keystoning, 132, 174 for kitchen, 176, 177 for positioning, 105, 105 for product changes, 145, 145 transparency of layers, 327 for product background, 114–115 transparent images GIF, 252–255, 253–254 JPEG, 233 trimming hair, 85–88, 86–88 tripods for Photomerge, 193 type, 207 copyright watermarks, 212–213, 213 drop shadows and embossment for, 215–217, 215–217 effects for, 223, 223 filling with images, 222, 222–223 gradients for, 218–219, 218–219 headline, 214, 214 Liquify filter for, 224–225, 224–225 photo credits, 207–211, 208 shape tools for, 219–220, 220 states, 210 warping, 221, 221 Type tool, 208 U Ulriksen, Mark, 203, 203–204 Unconstrained shape option, 332 Undo History palette, 32 Undo History states, 320 units preferences, 321 Unsharp Mask filter, 57–59, 58 for compression, 240 for printing, 299 for sunset shots, 98 in task order, 30 Unstack Photos option, 18 unwanted objects, removing, 104–106, 104–106 Use Cache for Histograms option, 321 Use Each Photo option, 293 UserSelections.txt file, 314 V vanishing points, 194–195, 194–195 Verdana font, 209 version sets, 19–21, 20–21 vertical panoramics, 202, 202 Vertical type tool, 208 Vertical Type Mask tool, 208 viewing files with File Browser, 22, 23 with Organizer, 10–15, 11–14 tools for, 334–335 visibility of layers, 326 visual language, 42 W warm and inviting atmosphere, 183–184, 183 Warming Filter, 96, 183 Warp Text dialog box, 221, 221 Warp tool for noses, 78 warping type, 221, 221 Watch Folders option, 9 Water pattern, 260, 260 Water Reflection effect, 225 watermarks, 212–213, 213 Wave filter, 289, 289 weather, creating, 101, 101 Web, images from, 231 Web page backgrounds, 259 tiled patterns for, 259–261, 260–261 tiled strips for, 262–263, 262 Web palettes, 252 Web Photo Galleries in Mac OS, 312–314, 312–313 in Windows, 304, 304 Web-safe colors, 233, 250–252 Welcome screen, 3, 3, 324, 324 White Balance menu, 273 white balance setting, 183 whitening teeth, 73–74, 74 whites in eyes, 68–69, 68–69 window glare, 187 wire removal, 184–187, 184, 186–187 work area, 322–323, 322 tool palettes in, 323, 323 Welcome Screen, 324, 324 Wrap Around option, 261 wrinkles, 75–77, 77 Z Zimmermann, Jeanne, 175–184, 176–183 zoom lenses for Photomerge, 193 Zoom Tool, 334 zooming GIF images, 246 4363_index_p1.qxd 10/12/04 8:27 AM Page 349 . 107 working with, 33 2 selection marquee, 112 Selection mode, 33 2 selection tools, 33 0 Cookie Cutter, 33 1 33 2, 33 1 Lasso, 33 0 33 1 Magic Wand, 33 1 Marquee, 33 0 options for, 33 3 Selection Brush, 33 2 selections controlling,. 299 30 1, 30 0 30 1 specialty print layouts for, 30 2 30 3, 30 3 Process Multiple Files dialog box, 30 6 30 7, 30 7 product shots, 111 background in, 133 creating, 134 – 136 , 135 – 136 modifying, 137 – 138 , 137 separating. 1 13, 115–116, 118–119 simplifying, 133 – 134 , 134 color of, 119–1 23, 119–121, 1 23 depth in, 138 –140, 139 –140 highlights and glare in, 142, 142 keystoning in, 132 – 133 , 132 – 133 labels for, 1 43, 1 43 144 lighting