Dipivefrine D 681 - tl , pivoloyl chloride 2-chloro-3'.4'- methylamine dlhydroxy- acetophenone "cpo H3C CH, Dipivefrine Hz, Pd-C Dipivefririe Reference(s): a DOS 2 343 657 (Interx Res. Cop; appl. 30.8.1973; USA-prior. 31.8.1972). US 3 809 714 (Interx; 7.5.1974; prior. 3 1.8.1972) also racemate resolution. Hussain, A.; Truelove, J.E.: J. Pharm. Sci. (JPMSAE) 65, 1510 (1976). b DOS 2 152 058 (Klinge; appl. 19.10.1971). US 3 839 584. Fomulation(s): eye drops 1 mglml (as hydrochloride) Trade Name(s): D: D-Epifrin(Pharm-Allergan; Thilodigon (Alcon; 1985)- J: Pivalephrine (Okami- 1978) comb. Santen) Glaucothil (Alcon; 1978) F: Propine (Allergan) Thiloadren (Alcon; 1980)- GB: Propine (Allergan; 1984) comb. I: Propine (Allergan) 9 682 D Dipotassiuni clorazepate Dipotassium clorazepate (Clorazepate dipotassium) ATC: N05BA05 Use: tranquilizer RN: 57109-90-7 MF: C16HloClKN203. KOH MW: 408.92 EINECS: 260-565-6 LD,,,: 173 mglkg (M, i.v.); 700 mglkg (M, p.0.); 279 mglkg (R, i.v.); 880 mglkg (R, p.0.) CN: 7-chloro-2,3-dihydro-2-oxo-5-phenyl-1 H-l,4-benzodiazepine-3-carboxylic acid monopotassium salt compd. with potassium hydroxide free acid RN: 23887-31-2 MF: C16H,1ClN203 MW: 314.73 EINECS: 245-926-8 0 0 H3CfiOvO%3 .HCI + + NH2 I c I C N diethyl aminomolonote hydrochloride 2-amino-5- phenyl- chlorobenzo- magnesium nitrile bromide a Oipotossium clorazepate US 3 516 988 (J. Schmitt; 23.6.1970; F-prior. 15.6.1964, 12.4.1965). DE 1 518 764 (C. M. Industries S.A.; appl. 14.6.1965; F-prior. 15.6.1964, 12.4.1965). DE 1 795 690 (C. M. Industries S.A.; appl. 14.6.1965). precursors: DOS 1 795 832 (C. M. Industries S.A.; appl. 14.6.1965; F-prior. 15.6.1964, 12.4.1965). Formulation(s): cps. 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg; drops 5 mg; f. c. tabl. 20 mg, 50 mg; lyo. 50 mg, 100 mg Trade Narne(s): D: Tranxilium 50 (Sanofi Tranxtne (Sanofi J: Cephadol (Nippon Winthrop) Winthrop) S hinyaku) F: Noctran 10 (Menarini)- GB: Tranxene (Boehringer Ing.) USA: Gen-XENE (Alra) comb. I: Transene (Sanofi Winthrop) Tranxene (Abbott) Diprophylline (Diprofyllin; Dyphylline) ATC: R03DAOl Use: expectorant, bronchodilator RN: 479- 18-5 MF: CIoH,,N4O4 MW: 254.25 EINECS: 207-526-1 LDS,,: 1080 mgkg (M, i.v.); 1954 mgkg (M, p.0.); 860 mglkg (R, i.v.) CN: 7-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-3,7-dihydro-1,3-dimethyl-lH-purine-2,6-dione Dipyridamole D 683 + CI~OH , OH 3-chloro-1.2- Diprophylline proponediol Diprophylline 0 glycidol Reference(s): a US 2 575 344 (State Univ. Iowa; 195 1 ; prior. 1946). b Roth, H.J.: Arch. Pharm. Ber. Dtsch. Pharm. Ges. (APBDAJ) 292164, 234 (1959). Formulation(s): drg. 150 mg; suppos. 200 mg, 400 mg; tabl. 200 mg, 400 mg Trade Name(s): D: Neobiphyllin-Clys (homrnsdorffl-comb. Ozothin (SmithKline Beecham) F: Ozothine Diprophylline (SCAT)-comb. GB: Silbephylline (Berk); wfm I: Cortinal Aerosol (Teofarma)-comb. Katasma (Bruschettini) J: Astmamasit (Showa) Corphyllin (Nippon Shinyaku) Dihydrophylline (Tokyo Hosei) Neophyllin-M (Eisai) Prophyline (Shionogi) Rominophyllin (Grelan) Theourin (Kanto) USA: Dilor (Savage) Dyline (Seatrace) Dylix (Lunsco) Lufyllin (Wallace) Dipyridamole ATC: BOlAC07 Use: coronary vasodilator RN: 58-32-2 MF: C,~H,~N,O~ MW: 504.64 EINECS: 200-374-7 LD,: 150 mgkg (M, i.v.); 2150 mglkg (M, p.0.); 195 mg/kg (R, i.v.); 8400 mglkg (R, p.0.) CN: 2,2',2",2"'-[(4,8-di-1-piperidinylpyrimido[5,4-6]pyrimidine-2,6-diyl)dinitrilo]tetrakis[ethanol] urco (I) ethyl 2.4-dihydroxy- 5-nitroorotic acetoacetote (11) 6-methylpyrimidine acid (111) HNO, Sn C12 or No2S204 or H2/Pd-C , rrr b N thiourea 4-hydroxy-2- rnercopto-6- methylpyrimidine 684 D Dipyridamole I 6 OH I or KOCN OH P0Cl3, PCI5 A cyanate OH 5-arninoorotic 2,4,6,8-tetro- ocid (IV) hydroxypyrirnido- r5.4-dlpyrirnidine ' diethanolornine piperidine 2.6-dichloro-4.8- dipiperidinopyri- rnido[5.4-dlpyri- rnidine CI 2,4,6.8-tetro- chloropyrirnido- [5,4-dlpyrirnidine (V) rot- Dipyridornole Reference(s): DE 1 116 676 (Thomae; appl. 1955). GB 807 826 (Thomae; appl. 1956; D-prior. 1955). US 3 03 1 450 (Thomae; 24.4.1962; D-prior. 1959).[5,4-dlpyrimidine: DE 845 940 (Dr. G. F. Fischer; appl. 1950). Fischer, F.G.; Roch, J.: Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. (JLACBF) 572,216 (1951). catalytic hydrogenation of 5-nitroorotic acid with Pd-C: DOS 2 600 542 (Lonza; appl. 8.1.1976; CH-prior. 13.1.1975). 2,4,6,8-tetrachloropyrimido[5,4-dlpyrimidine: Fischer, F.G.; Roch, J.; Neumann, W.P.: Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. (JLACBF) 631, 147 (1960). alternative syntheses: GB 799 177 (Thomae; appl. 1955; D-prior. 1954). DE 1 093 801 (Thomae; appl. 1954). DE 1 15 1 806 (Thomae; appl. 30.4.1959). DAS 1 962 261 (Yamanouchi; appl. 12.12.1969; J-prior. 25.1.1969). combination with acetylsalicylic acid (thrombocyte aggregation inhibitor): FR-appl. 2 368 280 (ThCramex; appl. 20.10.1976). FR-appl. 2 368 272 (ThCramex; appl. 20.10.1976). Formulation(s): amp. 10 mgl2 ml; cps. 75 mg; drg. 25 mg, 75 mg; f. c. tabl. 75 mg Trade Name(s): D: Asasantin (Boehringer Ing.) Curantyl (Berlin-Chemie) Persantin (Boehringer Ing.) F: Cleridium 150 (Euro Generics) Perkod (BiogalCnique) Persantine (Boehringer Iw.1 Protangix (Expanpharm) GB: Persantin retard (Boehringer Ing.) I: Corosan (Farmacologico Milanese) Coroxin (Malesci) Novodil (OFF) Persantin (Boehringer Ing.) Persumbrax (Boehringer 1ng.)-comb. J: Anginal (Yarnanouchi) Permiltin (Zensei) Persantine (Boehringer- Takeda) USA: Persantine (Boehringer Ing.) ATC: COlBA03 Use: antiarrhythrnlc Ibt 3737-09-5 MF: C2,H2,N30 MW: 339.48 EINECS: 223-110-2 H)%: 30 mgkg (M, i.v.); 352 rngtkg (M, p.0.); 39.1 mgkg (R, i.v.); 333 rnglkg (R, p.0.) CN: a-[2-[bis(l-rnethylethyl)arnino]ethyl]-a-phenyl-2-pyrid1neacetarnide phosphate (1:l) RN: 22059-60-5 MF: C2,H2,N30 . H3P04 MW: 437.48 EINECS: 244-756-1 B,: 81 mgkg (M, i.v.); 820 mgtkg (M, p.0.); 41 mgkg (R, i.v.); 880 rnglkg (R, p.0.) 1 sodium amide 2. 2-chloro- 2. 2-diisoprapylamino- ' H3C~H:3~ pyridine phenyi- ethyl chloride (1) (2-pyridy1)- acetonitrile Reference(s): US 3 225 054 (Searle; 21.12.1965; appl. 3.7.1962; prior. 17.5.1961). DE I 470 216 (Searle; appl. 16.5.1962; USA-prior. 17.5.1961). Fonnulation(s): cps. 128.8 mg, 193.2 rng, 257.6 rng; s. r. cps. 161.25 mg, 193.2 rng, 322.5 mg (as dihydrogen phosphate) Tmde Name(s): D: Diso-Duriles (Astra) F: Isorythm (Lipha SantC) J: Rythrnodan (MR) Disonorm (Solvay Rythrnodan (Roussel) USA: Norpace (Searle; as Anneirnittel) - GB: Dirythrnin (Astra) phosphate) Norpace (Heurnann) Norpace (Searle) Rythmodul (Albert- Rythmodan (Roussel) Roussel, Hoechst) I: Ritmodan (Roussel) Distigmine bromide (Hexamarium bromide) ATC: N07AA03 Use: parasympathomimetic RN: 15876-67-2 MF: C2,H,,Br2N404 MW: 576.33 EINECS: 240-013-0 LDSo: 300 pgkg (M, i.v.); 10.5 mglkg (M, p.0.); 740 pglkg (R, I.v.); 10 mglkg (R, p.0.) CN: 3,3'-[1,6-hexanediylbis[(methylimino)carbonyl]oxy]bis[l-methylpyridin~um] dibrornide 686 D Disulfiram CH3 N.N,N'.N'-tetra- phosgene rnethylhexomethy- lenediomine methyl bromide Distigmine bromide US 2 789 981 (0sterr. Stickstoffwerke; 1957; A-prior. 1954). Formulation(s): amp. 0.5 mg; tabl. 5 mg Trade Nnme(s): D: Ubretid (Nycomed) GB: Ubretid (RhBne-Poulenc I: Ubretid (Torii) Rorer) Disulfiram ATC: P03AA04; V03AAOl Use: alcohol deterrent RN: 97-77-8 MF: C,,HzoN2S, MW: 296.55 EINECS: 202-607-8 LD,,: 1980 mgkg (M, p.0.); 500 mgkg (R, p.0.) CN: tetraethylthioperoxydicarbonic diamide ([(H2N)C(S)I2S2) diethyl- carbon amine disulfide H3C) NoOH H3C) Ci2 or NoN02/HCI H,C,NH + "2 H C N SNa 3V~ s I Disulfirom bC) S H3C-NKS\sKN-CH3 S <CH3 Reference(s): US 1 782 11 1 (Naugatuck; 1930; appl. 1925). US 1 796 977 (Roessler & Hasslacher; 1931; appl. 1928). US 2 375 083 (Monsanto; 1945; prior. 1943). US 2 464 799 (Sharples Chemicals; 1949; prior. 1945). Dithranol D 687 Formularion(s): tabl. 100 mg, 200 mg, 500 mg Trade Name(s): D: Antabus (Byk Gulden; Byk GB: Antabuse (Dumex) Nocbin (Tokyo Tanabe) Tosse) I: Antabuse (Crinos) USA: Antabuse (Wyeth-Ayerst) F: Esperal (Sanofi Winthrop) Exiltox (Candioli) T.T.D B,-B4 (AJC J: Antabuse "D" (Tokyo Pharma)-comb. Tanabe) Dithranol (Anthralin) ATC: DOSACOI Use: antipsoriatic r RN: 1143-38-0 MF: C,4H,~)03 MW: 226.23 EINECS: 214-538-0 i CN: 1,8-dihydroxy-9( 1 OH)-anthracenone 1,8-anthmquinone- disulfonic acid 1.8-dihydroxy- onthraquinone (I) / Dithranol I Referenctfs): DRP 296 091 (Bayer; appl. 1915). Zahn, K.; Koch, H.: Rer. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. (BDCGAS) 71, 172 (1938). Foimularion(s): cream 0.5 mglg, 1 mglg, 2 mglg; ointment 0.5 %, 1 %, 2 %, 3 %; pencils sticks 0.2 g110 g, 0.5 dl0 g Trade Name(s): D: Psoradexan (Herma1)- comb. Psoralon (Herma1)-comb. I: F: Anaxeryl (Bai1ly)-comb. GB: Dithrocream (Dermal) USA: Micanol (Evans) Drithocreme (Dermik) Psorin (Thames)-comb. Micanol (Bioglan) Pentagamma (1BP)-comb.; wfm Dritho-Scalp (Dermik) Ditophal ATC: DO8 Use: chemotherapeutic (leprosy) RN: 584-69-0 MF: C,,H,,02S2 MW: 254.37 CN: 1,3-benzenedicarbothioic acid S,S-diethyl ester 688 D Dixyrazine ,S H diethyl sulfote I isophtholoyl dithioiso- chloride phthalic acid Reference(s): GB 791 734 (ICI; appl. 1954). Formulation(s): cream 96 % Trade Natne(s): GB: Etisul (ICI); wfm 1 Ditophol I Dixyrazine ATC: NO5ABO1 Use: neuroleptic, antihistaminic RN: 2470-73-7 MF: C24H33N302S MW: 427.61 EINECS: 219-591-3 LDS,,: 37.5 mg/kg (R, i.v.); 400 mg/kg (R, p.0.) CN: 2-[2-[4-[2-methyl-3-(1OH-phenothiazin-1O-yl)-propyl]-1-piperazinyl]ethoxy]ethanol 2. 1-bromo-3-chloro- phenothiazine 10-(3-chlaro-2-methyl- 2-methylpropane prapyl)phenothiazine (1) Oixyrozine Reference(s): GB 861 420 (UCB; appl. 17.4.1959; B-prior. 19.4.1958). Formulation(s): amp. 10 mg; drops 22 mg; tabl. 10 mg, 25 mg Trade Nanie(s): D: Esuco (UCB); wfm F: Esucos (Uckpha); wfm I: Esucos (SIT) Dobutamine ATC: COICA07 Use: cardiotonic RN: 34368-04-2 MF: C,RH,3N03 MW: 301.39 CN: (+)-4-[2-[[3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-methylpropyl]amino]ethyl]- I ,2-benzenediol Docarpamine D 689 1 hydrochloride 1 RN: 49745-95-1 MF: C,8H,N0,.HCl MW: 337.85 EINECS: 256-464-1 I Wr. CH3COOH HO (1) Dobutamme f L Reference(s): ; DOS 2 317 710 (Lilly; appl. 9.4.1973; USA-prior. 12.4.1972). US 3 987 200 (Lilly; 19.10.1976; prior. 12.4.1972, 15.1.1975). Fonnulation(s): vial (lyo.) 280 mg (as hydrochloride) Traa'e Name(s): / D: Dobutamin (ASTA Medica Dobutrcx (Lilly; 1978) I: Dobutrex (Lilly) AWD; Fresen~us; Hexal; F Dobutrex (El1 Lilly) J: Dobutrex (Shlonogi; 1982) Parke Davis) GB: Dobutrex (Lilly; 1977) USA: Dobutrex (Lllly; 1978) Docarpamine (TA-870; TA-8704) ATC: CO2LX Use: cardiotonic, diuretic RN: 74639-40-0 MF: C21H30N208S MW: 470.54 LD,: 2800 mgkg (M, i.v.) CN: (9-carbonic acid 4-[2-[[2-(acetylamino)-4-(methylthio)-l-oxobutyl]amino]ethyl]-l,2-phenylene diethyl ester - (RS)-form RN: 143289-50-3 MF: C2,H,,N,O8S MW: 470.54 H3C/SQyC"H 2 H2N HCI. NMM aoH HN 'f CH, b H3c-s-r# OH O 1 N-hydraxysuccin~rnide, HN CH, d~cyclohexylcarbodiimide If (S)-N-ocetyl- 0 2 doparnine hydrochloride, rnethionine (I) N-methylmorpholine ([I) 690 D Docetaxel 6 (1 + __* CI O~CH, pyridine ethyl chloroformate Docarpornine COOH NMM . 1 . 0,s ~~0 COOH N-methyl- rnorpholine 3.4-bis(ethoxycarbanyloxy)- phenethylomine oxalate hernihydrate Reference(s): EP 7 441 (Tanabe Seiyaku; appl. 6.2.1980; J-prior. 30.6.1978). JP 4 112 858 (Tanabe Seiyaku; appl. 14.4.1992; J-prior. 30.8.1990). JP 7 165 684 (Tanabe Seiaku; appl. 27.6.1995; J-prior. 22.7.1994). oral pharmaceuticals containing dopamine derivatives: JP 06 183 964 (Tanabe Seiyaku; appl. 5.7.1994; J-prior. 24.12.1992). Formulation(s): gran. 75 mglg Trade Name(s): J: Tanadopa (Tanabe Seiyaku) Docetaxel (NSC-628503; RP-56976) ATC: LOlCD02 Use: antineoplastic, microtubule inhibitor RN: 114977-28-5 MF: C4,H,,NOI4 MW: 807.89 CN: [2aR-[2aa,4P,4ap,6P,9n(aR*,PS*), 1 la,12a,l2aa,12ba]]-~-[[(1,l-dimethylethoxy)carbonyl]amino]-a- hydroxybenzenepropanoic acid 12b-(acetyloxy)-12-(benzoyloxy)-2a,3,4,4a,5,6,9,10,11,12,12a,-12b- dodecahydro-4,6,1l-trihydroxy-4a,8,13,13-tetramethyl-5-oxo-7,11 -methano-l H-cyclodeca[3,4]benz[l,2- bloxet-9-yl ester . antihistaminic RN: 247 0-7 3-7 MF: C24H33N302S MW: 427.61 EINECS: 21 9-5 9 1-3 LDS,,: 37.5 mg/kg (R, i.v.); 400 mg/kg (R, p.0.) CN: 2-[ 2-[ 4-[ 2-methyl- 3-( 1OH-phenothiazin-1O-yl)-propyl ]-1 -piperazinyl]ethoxy]ethanol. 12b-(acetyloxy )-1 2-( benzoyloxy )-2 a,3,4,4a,5,6,9,10,11,12,12a ,-1 2b- dodecahydro-4,6,1l-trihydroxy-4a,8,13,13-tetramethyl-5-oxo-7,11 -methano-l H-cyclodeca[3,4]benz[l, 2- bloxet-9-yl ester . RN: 3436 8-0 4-2 MF: C,RH,3N03 MW: 301.39 CN: (+ )-4 -[ 2-[ [ 3-( 4-hydroxyphenyl )-1 -methylpropyl]amino]ethyl ]- I ,2-benzenediol Docarpamine D 689 1 hydrochloride 1 RN: 4974 5-9 5-1 MF: C,8H,N0,.HCl