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Pharmaceutical Substances Syntheses, Patents, Applications - Part 46 potx

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9 Chlortetracycline C 45 1 USA: Combipres (Boehringer Hygroton (Rh6ne-Poulenc Tenoretic (Zeneca) 1%) Rorer) Thalitone (Monarch) Chlortetracycline ATC: AOIAB21; D06AA02; JOlAA03; SO 1 AA02 Use: antibiotic RN: 57-62-5 MF: C22H23ClN,08 MW: 478.89 EINECS: 200-341-7 LD,,: 134 mg/kg (M, i.v.); 1500 mglkg (M, p.0.); 1 I8 mgkg (R, i.v.); 150 &kg (dog, i.v.); 750 mag (dog, p.0.) CN: [4S-(4a,4aa,5aa,6~,12aa)]-7-chloro-4-(dimethyIamino)- l,4,4a,5,5a,6,ll,l2a-octahydro-3,6,lO, 12,12a- pentahydroxy-6-methyl- 1,11 -dioxo-2-naphthacenecarboxamide i monohydrochloride RN: 64-72-2 MF: C,,H23ClN20, . HCl MW: 515.35 EINECS: 200-591-7 LD,,: 100 mgkg (M, i.v.); 2314 mglkg (M, p.0.); 100 mglkg (R, i.v.) I Chiortetracycline From fermentation solutions of Streptomyces aureofaciens. Reference(s): US 2 482 055 (American Cyanamid; 1949; prior. 1948). US 2 609 329 (American Cyanamid; 1949; prior. 1948). US 2 899 422 (American Cyanamid; 1959; prior. 1956). US 2 987 449 (American Cyanamid; 6.6.1961; prior. 23.2.1960). US 3 050 446 (American Cyanamid; 21.8.1962; prior. 28.7.1960). Duggar, B.M.: Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. (ANYAA9) 51, 175 (1948). Formulation(s): cream 10 mglg, 30 mglg, 3 %; eye ointment 10 mglg (1 %); ointment 30 mg/lO g (3 %); pastes 30 mg; pessaries 100 mg (as hydrochloride) Trade Name(s): D: Aureodelf (Leder1e)-comb. GB: Aureocort (Wyeth)-comb. Aureomix (SIT)-comb. Aureomycin (Lederle) Aureomycin (Wyeth) J: Aureomycin (Lederle) F: Aur6omycine (Specia); Deteclo (Wyeth)-comb. USA: Aureomycin (Lederle); wfm I: Aureocort (Cyanamid)- wfm Tri-antibiotique Chibret comb. (Chibret)-comb.; wfm Aureomicina (Cyanamid) 452 C Chlorthenoxazine Chlorthenoxazine ATC: N02B 1Jse: anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic RN: 132-89-8 MF: C,,H,,CINO, MW: 211.65 EINECS: 205-082-3 LD,,: 1 1.155 gfkg (M, p.0.); 10 @kg (R, pa.) CN: 2-(2-chloroethy1)-2,3-dihydro-4H- 1,3-benzoxazin-4-one solicylornide (1) 3-chloro- Chlorthenaxozine I propionoldehyde HCI, CH,COOH I + oHCAXcH2 I * acrolein Referencets): a DE 1 021 848 (Thomac; appl. 1955). I b DE 1 028 999 (Thomae; apyl. 1956; addition to DE 1 021 848). Formulation(s): tabl. 200 mg Trade Namets): D: Cimporhin (Tomae)-comb.; Betix (Saha); wfm Ossipirina (Radiumfarrna); wfm Megapir (Biotrading) wfm Fiobrol (Geigy)-comb.; comb.; wfm Oxal (Saita); wfm wfm Ossazin (Sealari); wfm Reugaril (Farber-Ret]; wfm I: Atoss~pirina (Bonomeo)- Ossazone (Brocchieri); Reulin (Isola-Ibi); wfrn comb.; wfm wfm Reumital (Farge); wfrn Chlorzoxazone ATC: M03BB03 Use: muscle relaxant RN: 95-25-0 MF: C7H4CIN02 MW: 169.57 EINECS: 202-403-9 LD,,: 440 mglkg (M, p.0.); 763 mglkg (R, p.0.) CN: 5-chloro-2(3H)-benzoxazolone 2-amino-4- phosgene Chlorzoxozone I chlorophenol Reference(s): US 2 895 877 (McNeil; 21.7.1959; prior. 30.7.1956). Cholestyramine C 453 Formulation(s): tabl. 250 mg, 500 mg Trade Name(s): D: Paraflex (Cilag-Chemie)- comb.; wfm I: Biomioran (Bioindustria); wfm Paraflex (Cilag-Chemie); wfm J: Chlozoxine (Sanko) Chroxin (Kanto) Deltapyrin (Kodama)- comb. Framenco (Fuso) Kiricoron (Sampo)-comb. Mesin (Yamanouchi) Nichirakishin (Nichiiko) USA: Pathorysin (Kowa Yakuhin) Rheumadex Comp. (Nakataki)-comb. Salinalon (Nippon Kayaku)-comb. Solaxin (Eisai) Sorazin (Toho) Trancrol (Mohan) Parafon Forte (Ortho- McNeil Pharmceutica1)- comb. Cholestyramine (Colestyramine) Use: antipruritic at biliary congestion RN: 11041-12-6 MF: unspecified MW: unspecified EINECS: 234-270-8 LD5,: >7.5 g/kg (M, p.0.); >4 glkg (R, p.0.) CN: cholestyramine I Cholestyrarnine Chloromethylation oi styrene-divinylbenzene-mixing polymerizate and following reaction with trimethylamine. Referencels): "medical use" US 3 383 281 (Merck & Co.; 14.5.1968; appl. 22.9.1961; prior. 15.7.1958). Formulation(s): eff. tabl. 2 g; gran. 4 g; powder 4 g Trade Name(s): D: Lipocol (Merz & Co.) GB: Questran (Bristol-Myers USA: Locholest (Warner Chilcott Quantalan (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Professional Products) Squibb) I: Cholestrol (Formenti) Questran (Bristol-Myers Vasocan (Felgentrager) Questran (Bristol It. Sud; as Squibb) F: Questran (Allard; Bristol- hydrochloride) Myers Squibb) - - 454 C Choline chloride Choline chloride ATC: A05B Use: choleretic RN: 67-48-1 MF: C5HI4ClNO MW: 139.63 EINECS: 200-655-4 LD,,,: 53 mgtkg (M, i.v.); 3900 mglkg (M, p.0.); 3400 mglkg (R, p.0.) CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimcthylethanan~inium chloride trimethyl- 2-chloro- amine (I) ethonol Choline chloride ethylene choline hydroxide oxide (q v.) Reference(s): Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem., 4. AuA., Vol. 9,586. US 2 623 90 1 (Nopco; 1952; appl. 1950). Formulation(s): emulsion 400 mgl5 ml Trade Name(s): D: Geriatrie-Mulsin (Mucos)- I: Betotal (Carlo Erba)-comb. numerous combination comb. Colina Cloruro (Tariff. preparations F: Desintex-Choline (M. Integrativo) Richard)-comb. Choline dihydrogen citrate ATC: C04AX; M03AB Use: lipotropic KN: 77-91-8 MF: C6H707 . C5HI4NO MW: 295.29 EINECS: 201-068-6 LD,,,: >4800 mglkg (M, i.v.); >4800 mgtkg (M, p.0.); >4800 mglkg (R, i.v.); A800 mglkg (R, p.0.) CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium salt with 2-hydroxy-l,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid (1:l) choline hydroxide citric ocid Choline dihydrogen citrate (q. v.) Choline hydroxide C 455 Reference(s): US 2 870 198 (Nopco; 1959; appl. 1954). Formulation(s): amp. 300 mglml Trade Name(s): D: Neurotropan (Phonix)- Hipagrume (SynthC1abo)- I: Ipocol (Arnaldi)-comb.; comb. comb. wfm F: Citrocholine (ThCrica)- Kalicitrine (Promedica)- Liverin (Perkins)-comb.; comb. comb. wfm Hepacholine Sortriol Romarine-choline Rybutol (Bergamon)- (SynthClab0)-comb. (At%-ocid)-comb. comb.; wfm Choline hydroxide Use: parasympathomimetic RN: 123-41-1 MF: CSH,,NO2 MW: 121.18 EINECS: 204-625-1 LD%: 21.4 mgkg (M, i.v.1 CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium hydroxide Intermediate for choline salts. trimethyl- ethylene Reference (5): Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem., 4. Aufl., Vol. 9,586. GB 379 260 (F. Korner; appl. 1932; D-prior. 1931). DRP655 882 (Prod. AminCs S. A., Briissel; appl. 1931; B-prior. 1931). Renshaw, R.R.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. (JACSAT) 32, 128 (1910). US 2 774 759 (American Cyanamid; 1956; appl. 1955). Choline hydroxide alternative synthesis from trimethylamine and 2-chloroethanol: DE 801 210 (BASF; appl. 1948). US 2 623 901 (Nopco; 1952; appl. 1950). amine oxide Pade Narnefs): USA: Cholinellnoritol Tablets Lipo-C (Legere); wfm (Solgar); wfm Choline salicylate (Salicylate de choline) ATC: N02BA03 Use: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic RN: 2016-36-6 MF: C5H14N0 . C7Hs03 MW: 241.29 EINECS: 217-948-8 LD,,: 2690 mgkg (M, p.o.1 CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium salicylate (1: I) 456 C Choline stearate salicylic acid choline chloride sodium solt Choline salicylate Referertce(s): US 3 069 321 (Labs. for Pharmac. Dev.; 18.12.1962; appl. 4.4.1960). BE 583 5 13 (Mundipharma; appl. 12.10.1959). Formulation(s): drops 200 mglml; gel 87.1 mglg; sol. 500 mg1100 ml Trade Name(s): D: Audax (Mundipharma) F: Givalex (Norgine Pharma)- I: Givalex (Norgine)-comb. comb. J: Salicol (Sais); wfm Satibon (Grelan) Mundisal (Mundipharrna)- Pansoral (1nava)-comb. USA: Trilisate (Purdue Frederick) comb. GB: Bonjela (Reckitt & Co1man)-comb. Choline stearate ATC: C05 Use: anti-inflammatory, liver therapeutic RN: 60154-01-0 MF: C18H,s02. CSHl4NO MW: 387.65 CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium octadecanoate (salt) Reference(s): US 2 774 759 (American Cyanamid; 1956; appl. 1955). choline hydroxide stearic acid Formulation(s): ointment 2.95 gllOO g Choline stearate Trade Name(s): D: Chomelanum (Schur) (4. v.) Choline theophyllinate ATC: RO~DAO~ (Cholinophylline; Oxtriphylline; Oxytrimethylline) Use: bronchodilator RN: 4499-40-5 MF: C7H7N402. C5H,,N0 MW: 283.33 EINECS: 224-798-7 CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium, salt with 3,7-dihydro-l,3-dimethyl-IH-purine-2,6-dione (1:l) Chymopapain C 457 cholinc theophylline hydrogen carbonate Choline theophyllinate Reference(s): US 2 776 287 (Nepera; 1957; appl. 1954). Fomulation(s): f. c. tabl. 200 mg; s. r. tabl. 400 mg, 600 mg Trade Name(s): D: Euspirax (Asche) Teofilcolina (Salfa); wfm Theophyl-Choline GB: Choledyl (Warner); wfm Teofilcolina sedativa (Perkins)-comb. with Sabidal (Zyma); wfm (Salfa)-comb.; wfm theophyllineacetate; wfm I: Sclerofillina (Medici J: Ishicolin (Kanto-Isei) Domus); wfm Theocolin (Eisai) Chymopapain . ATC: MO~ABOI Use: intervertebral disk damages therapeutic RN: 9001-09-6 MF: unspecified MW: unspecified EINECS: 232-580-8 LD,,: 42.3 mgkg (M, i.v.); 36.1 mgkg (R, i.v.1 CN: chymopapain Proteolytic enzyme from the latex of Carica papaya with an approximate molecular weight of 27000. It is differentiated from papain in electrophoresis behavior, in solubility and in substrate specifity. Isolation by acidify of papaya-latex with HCl, salting out with NaCl and following chromatographic purification. The formulation contains L-cysteine as reducing agent. Reference(s): Jansen, E.F.; Balls, A.K.: J. Biol. Chem. (JBCHA3) 137,459 (1941). US 2 313 875 (E. F. Jansen, A.K. Balls; 1943; appl. 1940). US 3 558 433 (Baxter Labs.; 26.1.1971; appl. 7.1 1.1967). medical use: US 4 439 423 (Smith Labs.; 27.3.1984; appl. 13.5.1981). US 3 320 131 (Baxter Labs.; 1967; prior. 1963, 1964). Formulation(s): vial 4 iu, 5 iu, 10 iullOOO iu. Trade Name(s): D: Discase (Travenol); wfrn USA: Chymodiactin (Smith); F: Chymodiactine (Knoll) wfm a-Chymotrypsin (Alphachymotrypsin) ATC: B06AA04; SO1 KXOl Use: anti-inflammatory, proteolytic RN: 9004-07-3 MF: unspecified MW: unspecified EINECS: 232-671-2 LD,,,: 89 mgkg (M, i.v.); 26 g/kg (M, p.0.): 84 mgkg (R, i.v.); >4 glkg (R, p.0.) CN: chymotrypsin Isolation from homogenized bovine pancreas by 1. extraction with 0,25 normal H2S0,. 2. Fractionated ammonium sulfate precipitaion of a-chymotrypsinogen (further fractions contain deoxyribonuclease, chymotrypsinogen B, ribonuclease, trypsinogen). 3. Activation of a-chymotrypsinogcn by dissolution in 0,005 normal HCl, standardization to 0,l molar CaCI, and 0,l molar borate buffer pH 8.0; separation of inactive precipitate after 24 h; precipitation of CaZt as sulfate. 4. Fractionated ammonium sulfate precipitation (twice). 5. Crystallization from borat buffer at pH 8.0 (twice). 6. Desaltmg by gel chromatography or dialysis. 7. Sterile filtration. 8. Lyophilization. Reference(s): Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem., 4. Aufl., Vol. 10, 536. properties, review: Niemann, C.: Science (Washington, D.C.) (SCIEAS) 143, 1287 (1964). Formulation(s): amp. ca. 5 mg15 ml; ointment ca. 5 mg/30 g Trade Natne(s): D: Alpha-Chymocutan (Strathmann) Alpha-Chymotrase (Strathmann) Enzym-Wied (Wiedemann)-comb. Wobe-Mugos (Mucos)- comb. F: Alphachymotrypsine Choay (Sanofi Winthrop) AlphacutanCe (Leurquin) Cirkan (Sinbio)-comb. GB: Chymar (Armour); wfm Chymocy clar (Armour); wfm Chymoral (Armour)-comb.; wfm Deanase (Consolidated Chemicals); wfm I: Ribociclina (Puropharma)- comb. Zonulasi (SmithKline Beecham) J: Chymoral (Tokyo Tanabe) Chymotase (Mochida) Chymozym (Teikoku Hormone) Kimopsin (Eisal) Zonolysine (Mochida) USA: Orenzyme (Merrell Dow); wfm Cianidanol ATC: VOYD ((+)-Catechin; (+)-Catechol; Cianidol; Cyanidanol; Use: liver therapeutic (inhibition of lipide peroxidation) Cyanidol; Dexcyanidanol) RN: 154-23-4 MF: C,5H,,0, MW: 290.27 EINECS: 205-825-1 CN: (2R-trans)-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-2H-I-benzopyran-3,5,7-triol Cibenzoline C 459 Ingredient of various plants and trees ("catechu" from Uncaria gambir and Acacia catechu), obtained by extraction w~th water or ethyl acetate. Reference(s): Freudenberg, K. et al.: Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. (BDCGAS) 54, 1204 (1 921). Freudenberg, K. ct al.: Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges. (RDCGAS) 55, 1737 (1922). Freudenberg, K. et al.: Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. (JLACBF) 444, 135 (1925). absolute configuration: Hardegger,E. et al.: Helv. Chim. Acta (HCACAV) 40, 1819 (1957). new crystal modifications: US 4 5 15 804 (Zyma; 7.5.1985; GB-prior. 24.2.1982). salts with basic amino acids: US4285 964 (Continental Pharma; 25.8.1981; appl. 30.8.1979). GB 2057 437 (Continental Pharma; appl. 19.8.1980; USA-prior. 30.8.1979). US 4507 314 (Midit, Soc. Fiduciaire; 26.3.1985; appl. 20.7.1983). Fomulation(s): tabl. 750 mg Trade Name(s): D: Catergen (Zyma); wfm Catergen (Zyma); wfm Transepar (DompC); wfm F: Caterghe (Zyma); wfm DrenoliveR (Biochimica J: Catergen (Kanebo-Sankyo) I: Ausoliver (Ausonia); wfm Zanardi); wfm Cibenzoline ATC: COIBG07 Use: class I antiarrhythmic RN: 53267-01-9 MF: C,,H,,N, MW: 262.36 EINECS: 258-453-7 CN: 2-(2,2-diphenylcy clopropy1)-4,5-dihy dro-1 H-imidazole 2. H~O or with H,c-?" 0-OH 1. hydrozine acrylonitrile 0 2. mercury oxide or with N2 benm- peracetic acid diphenyldiazo- phenonc methane 1 -cyano-2,2- ethylenediamine diphenyl- p-toluenesulfonote cyclopropane (1) I Cibenzoline I 460 C Ciclacillin Reference(s): DOS 2 359 795 (Hexachimie; appl. 30.9.1973; GB-prior. 30.1 1.1972,6.2.1973). DOS 2 359 816 (Hexachimie; appl. 30.9.1973; GB-prior. 30.1 1.1972,6.2.1973,2.8.1973) US 3 903 104 (Hexachimie; 9.1975; GB-prior. 30.11.1972, 6.2.1973, 2.8.1973). US 3 905 993 (Hexachimie; 16.9.1975; GP-prior. 30.1 1.1972, 6.2.1973). synthesis of diphenyldiazomethane: Staudinger, H. et al.: Chem. Ber. (CHBEAM) 49 (1916), 1932 Adamson, J.R. et al.: J. Chcm. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 (JCPRB4) 1975, 2030. Formulation(s): cps. 130 mg; tabl. 130 mg; vial 100 mg Trade Name(s): F: Cipralan (UPSA; 1985) Exacor (Monsanto) Ciclacillin (Cyclacillin) ATC: JOlCA Use: antibiotic RN: 3485-14-1 MF: C,sH23N304S MW: 341.43 EINECS: 222-470-8 LD,,: 5010 mgkg (M, p.0.); 5010 mgkg (R, p.0.); 2500 mgkg (dog, p.0.) CN: [2S-(2a,5a,6~)]-6-[[(1-aminocyclohexyl)carbonyl]amino]-3,3-dimethyl-7-0~0-4-thia-1- azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid Ciclacillin I Reference(s): US 3 194 802 (American Home; 13.7.1965; appl. 7.2.1963; prior. 26.2.1962). US 3 553 201 (American Home; 5.1 .l9i'l; appl. 3.10.1967; prior. 13.5.1966). alternative synthesis: DOS 2 755 903 (Dobfar; appl. 15.12.1977; I-prior. 16.12.1976). enzymatic: DAS 2 050 982 (Kyowa Hakko; appl. 16.10.1970; J-prior. 24.10.1969). via silyl-derivatives: US 3 478 018 (American Home; 11.1 1.1969; appl. 2.10.1967). Formulation(s): gran. 10 %; tabl. 250 mg, 500 mg Trade Name(s): D: Ultracillin (Griinenthal); Teejel (Napp)-comb.; wfm Vastcillin (Takeda) wfm J: Bionacillin-C (Takeda) Wyvital (Wyeth) GB: Calthor (Ayerst); wfm Citosarin (Toyo Jozo) USA: Cyclapen (Wyeth); wfm . 13 2-8 9-8 MF: C,,H,,CINO, MW: 211.65 EINECS: 20 5-0 8 2-3 LD,,: 1 1.155 gfkg (M, p.0.); 10 @kg (R, pa.) CN: 2-( 2-chloroethy1 )-2 ,3-dihydro-4H- 1,3-benzoxazin-4-one solicylornide (1) 3-chloro-. bronchodilator RN: 449 9-4 0-5 MF: C7H7N402. C5H,,N0 MW: 283.33 EINECS: 22 4-7 9 8-7 CN: 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanaminium, salt with 3,7-dihydro-l,3-dimethyl-IH-purine-2,6-dione (1:l) Chymopapain. l,4,4a,5,5a,6,ll,l2a-octahydro-3,6,lO, 12,12a- pentahydroxy-6-methyl- 1,11 -dioxo-2-naphthacenecarboxamide i monohydrochloride RN: 6 4-7 2-2 MF: C,,H23ClN20, . HCl MW: 515.35 EINECS: 20 0-5 9 1-7 LD,,:

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 02:20