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Practicing Organization Development (A guide for Consultants) - Part 72 ppt

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ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 681 Business. At Brigham Young University, he has served as chair of the Department of Organizational Behavior, director of the Master’s Program in Organizational Behavior, and on the University Council on Faculty Rank and Status. T erri Egan is an associate professor of applied behavioral science at Pepper- dine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management and a core faculty member of the MSOD program. She teaches courses in leadership, team effectiveness, managerial decision making, critical thinking, business ethics, and organizational change and development. Her award-winning research has been published in a number of academic journals, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Journal of Public Administration, and The Information Society. She is on the advisory board of the Clearinghouse for Information on Values and Ethics in Organization and Human Systems Devel- opment. In 2000, Ms. Egan combined her love of horses with her expertise and experience in management and leadership development to co-found Saddle Sojourns, Inc. (www.saddlesojourns.com), a full-service organization develop- ment and change management consultancy. Beyond rivers, rocks, and ropes courses, Saddle Sojourns integrates outdoor experiential training on horseback with classroom-style seminars designed to enhance professional and personal effectiveness. S aul Eisen, Ph.D., provides consulting and facilitation to organizations and communities in the United States and other countries. Among his clients have been educational institutions, Fortune 500 companies, and community organizations. Dr. Eisen is a professor of psychology and the coordinator of the organization development master’s program at Sonoma State University, providing professional preparation for consultants, trainers, and internal staff specialists. His work has been widely published in professional journals and books on organization development, and he is a frequent presenter at regional and national conferences. Dr. Eisen holds an MBA from UCLA and a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Case-Western Reserve University. He is a member of the STS Roundtable, the National Organization Development Network, and the Bay Area Organization Development Network. He can be contacted at saul.eisen@sonoma.edu and his website at Sonoma State University is www.sonoma.edu/programs/od/. G lenda H. Eoyang is founding executive director of the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, a network of individuals and organizations develop- ing theory and practice at the intersection of complexity and social sci- ences. Since 1988, she has explored the world of complexity in physical systems and used the insights she gains to develop concepts, methods, tools, and tech- niques to improve innovation and productivity in human systems. Her published 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 681 682 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS works include Coping with Chaos: Seven Simple Tools (Lagumo, 1997); Facili- tating Organization Change: Lessons from Complexity Science (Pfeiffer, 2001), which she wrote with Ed E. Olson; and numerous articles and lectures. She is also editor of and contributor to Voices from the Field: An Introduction to Human Systems Dynamics (HSD Institute Press, 2003). She can be reached at www.hsdinstitute.org or geoyang@hsdinstitute.org. A nne E. Feyerherm is associate professor of organization and management at Pepperdine University, chair of the Management Department, and a core faculty of the MSOD program. She has published in several volumes of the JAI series on organization development and special issues and in journals such as the Leadership Quarterly and has presented research at national and inter- national conferences. Her consulting practice is based in an appreciative inquiry methodology and has focused on change management, managing diversity, and trans-organizational issues. She can be contacted by e-mail at afeyerhe@ pepperdine.edu or by phone at (310) 568–5545. A llan Foss is the manager of leadership development for PPG Industries, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In his role, Mr. Foss is responsible for implementing strategic initiatives to develop the breadth and depth of lead- ership talent across PPG. His efforts specifically target those individuals being developed as potential candidates for senior leadership roles within the com- pany. Mr. Foss has extensive experience in implementing organization and indi- vidual development initiatives in the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industries. This experience includes designing comprehensive leadership development cur- ricula, implementing multi-national high performance teams, implementing self- managed teams, and facilitating talent management initiatives. He earned his master of science degree in organization development from Bowling Green State University. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. He can be reached by e-mail at afoss@ppg.com. R onald E. Fry, Ph.D., is an associate professor of organizational behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management, where he directs the Center for Advances in Appreciative Inquiry (AI) and the new Master’s Program in Positive Organization Development and Change. He was part of the group that originated the AI approach and continues to both apply and study the applica- tions of AI in the field. He has recently co-edited Appreciative Inquiry and Organizational Transformation: Reports from the Field. (Greenwood, 2001). He and Professor David Cooperrider currently conduct the AI Certificate Program in Positive Change for Business and Society. He currently oversees AI applica- tions in a variety of systems such as World Vision, Lubrizol, Imagine Uruguay, Roadway Express, and the U.S. Navy. Dr. Fry received his B.S. in engineering 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 682 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 683 from UCLA and his M.S. and Ph.D. from MIT prior to joining the Weatherhead School in 1978 and has been honored with the University Award for Outstand- ing Teacher in the Professional Schools. W illiam Gellermann has a Ph.D. in applied behavioral science from UCLA’s Graduate School of Management, and an MBA in accounting and a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Washington. He has served on several university faculties, including Cornell, SUNY, and CUNY. For nearly forty years, he has been an OD consultant, doing work with business (Westvaco, General Foods, and the American Management Association), government, labor unions, and community groups. He co-authored the book Values and Ethics in Organization and Human Systems Development and has written numerous articles. He is currently vice president of the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations and is an ECOSOC representa- tive to the UN. D avid W. Jamieson is president of the Jamieson Consulting Group and adjunct professor of management, Pepperdine University. He has over thirty years of experience consulting to organizations on change, strategy, design, and human resources. He is a past national president of ASTD and past consultation division chair of the Academy of Management. Mr. Jamieson is co-author of Managing Workforce 2000: Gaining the Diversity Advantage (Jossey- Bass, 1991) and The Complete Guide to Facilitation: Enabling Groups to Succeed (HRD Press, 1998). He can be reached at 2265 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, 90064; david.jamieson@pepperdine.edu; (310)-397–8502. S oren Kaplan, Ph.D., is a co-founder of iCohere, a software and consulting firm that helps organizations create collaborative online communities. He works with corporations, universities, and non-profits to provide new ways to engage key stakeholders in communication, collaboration, learning, and knowledge- sharing, focused on facilitating and implementing positive organizational change. As a speaker and authority on collaboration, web communities, and online learning, Dr. Kaplan has presented at conferences, institutes, and universities, including the Organization Development National Conference, the American Soci- ety for Training and Development TechKnowledge conference, the e-Learning Forum, the Creative Education Foundation, Alliant International University, and the Harvard Business School. Prior to founding iCohere, he held numerous posi- tions at Hewlett-Packard, including manager of business strategy services, where he led an internal consulting group that assisted management teams across the company with strategic planning and organization development. Dr. Kaplan holds master’s and Ph.D. degrees in organizational psychology. He can be contacted directly at soren@icohere.com. 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 683 684 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS D avid Lipsky helps individuals, teams, and organizations get results. He accomplishes this by assisting people in identifying what they want to achieve, aligning their unique abilities, and taking action to achieve success. Key focus areas include organizational change, employee engagement and brand- ing, internal consulting, and performance management. He is currently the direc- tor of organization development at Sony Electronics. Dr. Lipsky has also worked at The Bowery Savings Bank, The American Institute of Banking, KPMG Peat Mar- wick, and Merrill Lynch. He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell Uni- versity in human ecology and received a Ph.D. in applied psychology from Hofstra University focusing on leadership effectiveness and success. He currently lives in Woodbury, New York, and can be reached at DavidLipsky@am.sony.com. M arty Mattare has spent more than twenty-five years in the business world in senior management positions for business startups and entrepreneur- ial divisions of large organizations. She also was the principal in a con- sulting company for many years, providing services in organizational positioning, hiring, and staffing. Drawing on her extensive management back- ground, Ms. Mattare has been an instructor for the past several years in the College of Business at Frostburg State University, a constituent institution of the University System of Maryland. She currently teaches a range of courses in the master’s and undergraduate level in communication, organization devel- opment, and human resource management. She also consults to nonprofit orga- nizations in evaluation and staff development and offers MBTI ® workshops and training. Ms. Mattare is currently a doctoral student in human and organi- zation development at Fielding Graduate Institute. She may be contacted at mmattare6@aol.com. G ary N. McLean, Ed.D., is a professor and coordinator of human resource development and adult education at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul. He has been an independent consultant, primarily in training and organi- zation development, for over thirty years as a principal consultant with ECCO Consulting and is a Registered Organization Development Consultant (RODC). A frequent speaker and author, with over 150 articles and twenty books, and actively involved in international HRD, he is past editor of Human Resource Development Quarterly and Human Resource Development International. He has served as president of the Academy of Human Resource Development and the International Management Development Association. A llen Orr, Ph.D., has been an organization development consultant since 1988, working in the fields of large-scale culture change, change manage- ment, and strategic planning. His client list ranges from non-profits to For- 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 684 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 685 tune 200 companies. His mission is to enable organizations to improve perfor- mance while becoming healthier human habitats. Dr. Orr is also a cultural anthropologist, specializing in planned culture change. He conducts field work in Asia and the United States on organizational culture formation, persistence, and change. He has studied the strategies used by individuals to achieve the highest levels of career success despite coming from backgrounds that do not usually favor such success. Dr. Orr earned his Ph.D. in applied cultural anthro- pology at Columbia University, an M.Ed. from Teachers College, and a B.A. in communications from Auburn University. He can be reached by e-mail at allenorr@patmedia.net. U dai Pareek, Ph.D., is chairman of the Academy of Human Resource Devel- opment (promoted by the National HRD Network of India) and distinguished visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur, India. He is chairman of the Governing Board of the Institute of Develop- mental Research and Statistics, Jaipur, and vice president of the Management Board of IIHMR. He is advisory member for Asia and the Middle East of Human Resource Development International. He is also a member of the Academic Advi- sory Board of the Global Committee on the Future of Organization Development (sponsored by the OD Institute in collaboration with the OD Network and the International OD Association). He is chairman of HR LABS of EMTI, New Delhi. He is editor of the Journal of Health Management and has just finished his term as consulting editor of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. He is on the edito- rial boards of the Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology and the Indian Journal of Training and Development. He has authored or edited about fifty books and more than 350 papers. He has been given several national awards and has been cited in a large number of national and international biographical reference books. K ristine Quade is an independent consultant who combines her background as an attorney with a master’s degree in organization development from Pepperdine University and twenty years of practical experience. Recognized as the 1996 Minnesota Organization Development Practitioner of the Year, Ms. Quade teaches in six international OD programs. Along with others, she self- published The Essential Handbook: Behind the Scenes of Large Group Event (1996); she also co-authored The Conscious Consultant: Mastering Change from the Inside Out (2002). Her third book, entitled Organization Development at Work: Conversations on the Values, Applications, and Future of OD, is co- authored with Margaret Wheatley, Robert Tannenbaum, and Paula Griffin (2003). Ms. Quade is a member of National Training Laboratories and serves on the Board of Trustees for the Organization Development Network and can be reached at KrisQuade@aol.com. 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 685 686 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS T .V. Rao is currently chairman of T V Rao Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd. and chairman, Academic Council, Academy of Human Resources Development, Ahmedabad. He was professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India, for over twenty years, beginning in 1973. Dr. Rao is the founder president of the National HRD Network, a body with about thirty chap- ters all over India and was president of the Indian Society for Applied Behav- ioural Science (ISABS). Dr. Rao also was a visiting faculty member at the Indian Business School, Hyderabad. His consulting experience includes designing and implementing performance management and other HR systems. He has authored over thirty books in the areas of HRD, performance management, 360- degree feedback, education management, organizational behavior, and entre- preneurship. Some of his books include HRD Audit (Sage India), Performance Management (Sage India), Organization Development in India (co-editor, Response Books, Sage India), 360-Degree Feedback and Performance Manage- ment Systems (excel), and The HRD Missionary (Oxford & IBH). E dgar Schein was educated at the University of Chicago, at Stanford Uni- versity—where he received a master’s degree in psychology—and at Har- vard University, where he received his Ph.D. in social psychology. At present, he is Sloan Fellows Professor of Management Emeritus and part-time senior lecturer at the Sloan School of Management (MIT). Dr. Schein has been a prolific researcher, writer, teacher, and consultant. Besides his numerous articles in professional journals, he has authored fourteen books, including Organizational Culture and Leadership (1985, 1992, 2004), Process Consultation, Vols. 1 and 2 (1969, 1987, 1988), Process Consultation Revisited (1999), and The Corporate Culture Survival Guide (1999). He was co-editor with the late Richard Beckhard of the Addison-Wesley Series on Organization Development, which has published over thirty titles since its inception in 1969. His consultation focuses on organizational culture, organization development, process consultation, and career dynamics, and among his past and current clients are major corporations both in the United States and overseas. He has received many honors and awards for his writing, most recently the Lifetime Achievement Award in Workplace Learning and Performance of the American Society of Training Directors (2000), the Everett Cherington Hughes Award for Career Scholarship from the Careers Division of the Academy of Management (2000), and the Marion Gislason Award for Leadership in Executive Development from the Boston University School of Management Executive Development Roundtable (2002). J ohn J. Scherer, innovative consultant, author, educator, and keynote pre- senter, has been in personal and organization development work for over twenty-five years and is a pioneer in the emerging area that shares the name 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 686 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 687 of his 1992 book, Work and the Human Spirit. Co-creator in 1973 of one of the first competency-based graduate degree programs in applied behavioral science at Whitworth College, he also co-developed in 1982 the People-Performance Pro- file and the Organization Effectiveness Program. Ron Lippitt, John’s mentor, called the computer-based data-feedback process “one of the most significant contributions to our field since Kurt Lewin.” He lives in Seattle, where he heads The Scherer Leadership Center (www.scherer enter.com), conducting seminars designed to “equip leaders to transform their lives and their organizations.” B everly Scott is a consultant to organizations and senior leaders who brings clarity, focus, integrity, and a sense of purpose to her work. She has over twenty-five years of experience in a full range of organization development services. Her current work includes coaching and development of internal and external consultants, leadership development and coaching, team building, and strategic organization alignment and change. She has used her consulting expe- rience in the private, public, and volunteer sectors. Her most recent book, Con- sulting on the Inside, was published in 2000 by ASTD. She is active in both the local and national OD Network, currently serving as past chair of the National Board of Trustees. Ms. Scott has presented her work at recent conferences of the Organization Development Network, the American Society for Training and Development, Global Business and Technology Association, Institute of Man- agement Consultants, and the Association for Internal Management Consultants. She has served as a speaker and facilitator for many professional association meetings. She has masters’ degrees in sociology and in human resource devel- opment and has completed doctoral course work at the University of Michigan. T errence Seamon is the training and OD manager for NUI Elizabethtown Gas in Union, New Jersey. He comes to this role with over twenty years of experience in several industries, including energy, chemicals and pharma- ceuticals, and telecommunications. A strategic business partner, he has worked with all levels in an organization and all functional areas from sales to R&D to operations to administration. Before NUI, he worked at AT&T, where he was the culture manager in the Organizational & People Effectiveness Team in the corpo- rate HR department. Mr. Seamon’s interests include organizational learning and culture, community building, collaboration and negotiation, knowledge transfer, change management, performance improvement, and process management, as well as innovation and creativity. He holds an undergraduate degree in human communication and a master’s degree in creative arts education, both from Rut- gers University. C harles Seashore, Ph.D., is chair of the faculty of the doctoral program in human and organization development of the Fielding Graduate Institute. He is also a founding member of the faculty in the American University/NTL 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 687 688 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS Institute master’s program in organization development. Dr. Seashore serves as an OD consultant to many health care organizations, including academic med- ical centers and teaching hospitals. He is a past chair of the board of the NTL Institute and co-authored the book What Did You Say? The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback with colleagues Edith Seashore and Jerry Weinberg. He was the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Organization Devel- opment Network in 2004. M ary Nash Shawver, M.S., M.Ed., (mshawver@thenashgroup.com), has sixteen years’ experience in upper-level management and leadership posi- tions in the private sector as well as the public sector, including state gov- ernment. In her consulting practice, she focuses on facilitating and enhancing effectiveness of individuals, teams, and organizations. An experienced, effec- tive teacher and facilitator of workshops for preschoolers through adults, Ms. Shawver also draws on her strong background in research and evaluation as well as her experience as a qualified user of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI ® ). She is currently a doctoral student at Fielding Graduate Institute’s School of Human and Organization Development. J ulie Smendzuik-O’Brien serves as organizational improvement program coor- dinator with the Minnesota state colleges and universities, the largest public higher education system in Minnesota. She works with the senior leadership of the thirty-three institutions comprising the system, offering facilitation, strate- gic planning, quality management, appreciative inquiry, large scale change, team building, and business process improvement services. Previously, she served two other Minnesota state agencies in professional, mid-level, and senior-level man- agement positions and consulted with federal and state agencies in Washington, D.C., and Michigan, respectively. She holds a master’s degree in public admin- istration, has a Certified Quality Manager designation from the American Soci- ety for Quality, serves as evaluator for the Minnesota Council for Quality Award (2003), and is a member of the national and Minnesota OD Networks. She can be reached by e-mail at Julie.Smendzuik@so.mnscu.edu. R obert Tannenbaum (1915–2003) was one of the founders of organiza- tion development as a field of study, research, and practice; his humanis- tic vision profoundly influenced the field—and continues to do so. In the 1950s he was instrumental in establishing UCLA’s Department of Behav- ioral Science in Management as a key center of thought and practice in the fields of organization development and leadership training. During his tenure at UCLA, he helped found the Western Training Labs, which devel- oped a version of T-groups that became known as Sensitivity Training. His work influenced and supported the evolution of the NTL Institute of Applied 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 688 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS 689 Behavioral Science, fostering the increased understanding of self and of one’s impact on others as essential competencies for management and leadership. After his retirement from UCLA, he continued consulting and counseling executives and change agents on the use of self in facilitating organizational effectiveness. Dr. Tannenbaum’s seminal contributions always began with the ones he made interpersonally—with students, colleagues, and clients—and his every- day interactions with almost everyone he encountered. However, they also include his written words. His 1961 book, with Irving Weschler and Fred Mas- sarik, Leadership and Organization, was significant in making the academic and practical argument for the use of group dynamics in developing leaders and teaching them how to operate effectively. His articles (with Warren Schmidt) “How to Choose a Leadership Pattern” (1958) and “Management of Differences” (1960) both set Harvard Business Review records for reprint requests and were reprinted in publications worldwide. In 1985 he produced a seminal book (with Newton Margulies and Fred Massarik) titled Human Systems Development. He received many honors that he valued greatly but about which he seldom talked. They included an honorary doctorate from the Saybrook Institute, Fel- low of the NTL Institute, and Diplomate from the American Board of Profes- sional Psychology. He was the first recipient of the National OD Network’s Lifetime Achievement Award, in 1999. A nna Tavis is a global organization effectiveness and leadership develop- ment consultant and executive coach who successfully delivers long-term business results by aligning business strategy and organization culture with competency-based human performance. She is also head of global talent man- agement and management and leadership development at Nokia, Finland. Dr. Tavis speaks four languages and has lived and worked in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. She brings a depth of insight, wisdom, and humor to all the practical applications of her work. Her consulting experience includes external consultancy with many Fortune 500 companies, a senior internal con- sulting position for a global technology conglomerate, and extensive academic, publishing, and speaking expertise. Her degrees include a doctorate from Prince- ton University, two master’s from Princeton, an executive MBA certificate from the University of Southern California, and undergraduate degrees from Hertzen University, Russia, Bradford University, UK, and Dartmouth College. She can be reached by e-mail at anna.tavis@nokia.com. G reg Thompson has spent twelve years in leadership roles in social service agencies, nine years in corporate training, and is currently a consultant to small and mid-sized organizations. His consulting work, designing per- formance feedback systems and facilitating emotional intelligence assessments, 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 689 690 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS is informed by his master’s degree in organization development and his ongo- ing development of self as a Ph.D. student in human and organization devel- opment at Fielding Graduate Institute. He can be reached by e-mail at Research@esme-greg.com. A nn Van Eron is principal and founder of Potentials, an international coach- ing and organization development consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations and the individuals working in them to better understand and fully develop their capabilities. She has worked with corporations, government agencies, and educational institutions. In addition to coaching and consulting, she facilitates team development interventions with organizations internation- ally. She develops and facilitates training programs on many topics, including effective interpersonal communication, change management, coaching, man- agement and leadership skills, and diversity initiatives. Prior to founding Poten- tials, Dr. Van Eron served as a corporate officer with a Fortune 50 service corporation. She completed her bachelor’s degree at Georgetown University and earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in organizational psychology from Columbia University. She can be contacted at www.Potentials.com or 312/856–1155. D .D. Warrick is a professor of management and organization change at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, where he holds the lifetime title of President’s Teaching Scholar and has received many Outstanding Teaching Awards and the Chancellor’s Award, the highest award granted by the university. He is also the president of the Warrick Agency Training and Devel- opment Company and has been a consultant and trainer for many Fortune 500 companies, smaller organizations, public agencies, and universities. Dr. Warrick is the author or co-author of five books and numerous articles and has received many awards for his contributions, including a number of commendations from the Academy of Management, the David Bradford/McGraw-Hill Outstanding Educator Award, and the Outstanding Organization Development Practitioner of the Year and Outstanding Human Resources Professional of the Year awards. He received his BBA and MBA degrees from the University of Oklahoma and doctorate from the University of Southern California. A lan Weiss is one of the rare people who can say he is a consultant, speaker, and author, and mean it. His work has taken him to fifty-one countries and forty-nine states. The New York Post has called him “one of the most highly respected independent consultants in the country,” and Success magazine, in an editorial devoted to his work, called him “a worldwide expert in executive education.” His friends call him “the rock star of consulting.” Mr. Weiss has consulted with the best-of-the-best: Mercedes-Benz, Merck, The Federal Reserve, Hewlett-Packard, Chase, American Press Institute, American 39_962384 about.qxd 2/3/05 12:24 AM Page 690 . universities, including the Organization Development National Conference, the American Soci- ety for Training and Development TechKnowledge conference, the e-Learning Forum, the Creative Education. organization development consultant since 1988, working in the fields of large-scale culture change, change manage- ment, and strategic planning. His client list ranges from non-profits to For- 39_962384. CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS is informed by his master’s degree in organization development and his ongo- ing development of self as a Ph.D. student in human and organization devel- opment at Fielding Graduate

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