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Handbook of Plant Nutrition - chapter 22 potx

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Section V Conclusion CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 597 CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 598 599 22 Conclusion Allen V. Barker University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts David J. Pilbeam University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom CONTENTS 22.1 Status of Current Knowledge and Research 599 22.2 Soil Testing and Plant Analysis and Nutrient Availability 599 22.3 Accumulation of Elements by Plants 600 22.4 Genetics of Plant Nutrition 601 22.5 General Remarks 602 References 603 22.1 STATUS OF CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH Chapters in this handbook summarize research for each of the plant nutrients and several beneficial elements, and readers should refer to the individual chapters for information on past, current, and future research on these elements. However, some conclusions can be drawn about the kinds of cur- rent research that are being carried out in plant nutrition, and literature that addresses this research in a general way can be identified and will be presented in this summary. Traditionally, research in soil fertility and plant nutrition has addressed soil testing and plant analyses and nutrient availability for plants, nutrient requirements of different crops, fertilizer use, and crop utilization of nutrients in materials applied to soil. Interest in these traditional fields con- tinues, but topics including accumulation and transport of nutrients and nonessential elements have received recent attention. Research in genetics of plant nutrition has risen with the growth in the field of molecular biology. 22.2 SOIL TESTING AND PLANT ANALYSIS AND NUTRIENT AVAILABILITY Consideration of the environmental and economic consequences of soil fertility practices is an essential component of research in plant nutrition. Soil tests are developed to assess the availability of plant nutrients in soils, and these tests are calibrated for the major field and vegetable crops, and provide the basis for lime and fertilizer recommendations. Recommendations for amounts and application of fertilizers are continually modified to optimize economics of production as the costs of fertilizer application, the value of crop yields, and subsidy regimes change. Criteria for inter- preting the results of soil testing and plant analyses are developed through field and glasshouse research that relates test results and plant composition to crop yields. Research in soil fertility and plant nutrition also covers application to the land of agricultural, municipal, and industrial wastes CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 599 and by-products (1), atmospheric contributions to plant nutrients in soils, short- and long-term availability of plant nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, and many other factors as well as soil testing and plant analyses. Work on soil fertility and plant nutrition often involves multidisciplinary research in other areas of soil science and plant physiology. Basic and applied information in such areas as soil–plant rela- tions, nutritional physiology, and plant nutrition technology have been summarized in books and monographs (2–4). Regular meetings of scientists working on plant nutrition occur, leading to con- tinual developments in the subject. For example, 11 symposia on iron nutrition and interactions in plants have been held, with the most recent one covering topics that include the genetics of iron effciency in plants and molecular biology of iron absorption (5). Some plant nutrients, such as potassium and sodium, are involved in plant responses to salt and water stress (6,7), giving rise to further studies on comparative physiology. Research on nutritional stresses include studying the physiological and biochemical detail of the absorption and transport of nutrients (8–11), and also studying plant composition with respect to factors such as organic acid biosynthesis in relation to nutrient accumulation or deficiency (12). The complexity of the relations between plants and soils, and the complexity of the assimila- tory pathways and cycling of nutrients within plants, has caused some workers to develop models to aid our understanding of the acquisition and uptake of nutrients by plants (13). Some of these models, such as those developed by Warwick HRI for nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus for a variety of crops in different geographical locations (http://www.qpais.co.uk/nable/nitrogen.htm) are freely available on the internet. Interest in nutrient absorption and accumulation is derived from the need to increase crop produc- tivity by better nutrition and also to improve the nutritional quality of plants as foods and feeds. Investigations occurring in many different research locations are determining and helping to understand factors that affect nutrient absorption and accumulation in plants. The U.S. Plant, Soil and Nutrition Laboratory at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (http://www.uspsnl.cornell.edu/index.html) con- ducts studies in the chemistry and movement of nutritionally important elements in the soil and the absorption of the elements by plant roots. Scientists at the laboratory also investigate factors that affect the concentration and bioavailability of nutrients in plant foods and feeds, and are developing methods to evaluate soil contamination of foods derived from plants. The laboratory is conducting research on identifying and investigating genes that facilitate and regulate plant nutrient uptake and transport. The Plant Physiology Laboratory of the Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor University, Waco, Texas (www.bcm.tmc.edu/cnrc), is a unique cooperative venture between a college of medicine (Baylor) and an agricultural research agency (USDA/ARS). This laboratory is dedicated to under- standing the nutrient transport systems of plants as a means of improving food crops. 22.3 ACCUMULATION OF ELEMENTS BY PLANTS Understanding how plants accumulate and store metallic elements are research topics of current interest, and the direct toxicity of elements to plants has been a long-standing topic of interest in plant nutrition research. Meharg and Hartley-Whitaker (14) reviewed literature on the accumulation and metabolism of arsenic in plants. Nable et al. (15) discussed research on the toxicity of boron in soils, noting amelioration methods of soil amendments, selection of plant genotypes that are toler- ant of boron, and breeding of boron-tolerant crops. The mechanisms of toxicity of trace elements are complex, and plants vary considerably in their responses to trace elements in soils. To understand and manage the risks to plant and animal life posed by toxic elements in soils, it is essential to know how these elements are absorbed, trans- located, and accumulated in plants. A special issue of New Phytologist was dedicated to metal accu- mulation, metabolism, and detoxification in plants and in the use of plants in remediation of contaminated soils (16). Cobbett and Goldsbrough (17) considered the roles of metal-binding ligands 600 Handbook of Plant Nutrition CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 600 in plants in metal detoxification, and there has been considerable interest in engineering plants for metal accumulation for purposes of phytoremediation of soils (or for providing better nutrition in diets and rations of humans and livestock) (18). Accordingly, the genetics of plants with regard to metal accumulation is a major topic of interest. Babaoglu et al. (19) noted that Gypsophila sphaerocephala Fenzl ex Tchihat. has the potential to accumulate boron (over 3000 mg B/kg in leaves) from soils in which boron is phytotoxic and that the boron-rich plant material may be transported to areas where boron is deficient. Selenium, although often regarded as an element that is dangerous when it accumulates in plants that are ingested by animals, has received considerable attention in programs such as that at Cornell University, as selenium is now seen as being deficient in the human diet worldwide. The fact that its uptake by plants can be enhanced by supply of more selenium to the plants is important in this context (20). These issues are addressed in a chapter on selenium in this handbook. Terry et al. (21) also reviewed the literature on the physiology of plants with regards to selenium absorption and transport, pathways of assimilation, and mechanisms of toxicity and tolerance of plants to selenium. Aluminum toxicity is a long-standing issue for research in plant physiology, and a chapter in this handbook addresses aluminum as a factor in plant and animal nutrition. Rout et al. (22) also reviewed the physiology and biochemistry of aluminum toxicity in plants and discussed ways of increasing the tolerance of plants to aluminum. The use of organic materials in metal detoxification or in the increase in nutrient availability in soils is also a topic for study (23). Similarly, the role of mycorrhizal associations in alleviating metal toxicity in plants is a topic of current research. Jentschke and Godbold (24) discussed the possibil- ities of a role of fungal activities in immobilization of metals or otherwise restricting the effects of soil-borne metals on plant growth. 22.4 GENETICS OF PLANT NUTRITION The genetic and molecular background for plant nutrition is an area in which interest in research is expanding (5,16,25). A special section of Journal of Experimental Botany contains six invited papers from a session held at the Society for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in April 2003, addressing the genetics of plant mineral nutrition. A preface to this section mentions the topics cov- ered (26). The topics include a review of the genes that affect nitrogen absorption, assimilation, uti- lization, and metabolism in corn (Zea mays L.), and how manipulation of these genes might improve grain production. Another article describes the physiological and biochemical characteris- tics that allow plants to survive in environments containing little available phosphorus. The article explains the genetic events that occur when plants lack phosphorus and how knowledge of these events might be used to improve the efficiency of phosphorus acquisition and utilization by crops. The genetics of control of K ϩ transport across plant cell membranes is the topic of another article. Another discussion is of the generation of salt-tolerant plants through transgenic approaches and through conventional plant breeding. Another article surveys the accumulation of nutrients in the shoots of angiosperms under lavish nutrition in hydroponics and under natural environmental con- ditions. In another article, the micronutrient requirements of humans and the supply of micronutri- ents from plants to populations at risk from mineral deficiencies is discussed in relation to the varying micronutrient contents in plants. These papers illustrate basic research in plant nutrition and describe how the application of modern genetic techniques contribute to solutions for plant and animal mineral nutrition. Research in the genetics of plant nutrition covers major and minor nutrients, metals, plant stress, symbioses, and plant breeding. Several publications cover research in this area. A book by Reynolds et al. (27) has several chapters that address genotypic variation in wheat with respect to zinc and other nutrient efficiencies. A review article by Fox and Guerinot (28) summarizes knowl- edge about genes that influence the transport of cationic nutrients and addresses how genes encode Conclusion 601 CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 601 for transporter proteins. These proteins can be divided into three main types, primary ion pumps, ion channels and cotransporters (29), and the genes that code for transporter proteins for all the macronutrients and some micronutrients that have been cloned from plants (29–31). This research studies how genetics affect plant responses to nutrient availability and may allow for creation of food crops with enhanced nutrient levels or with the ability to exclude toxic metals. Smith (10) describes how the expression of genes encoding for high-affinity phosphate transporters may improve phosphate utilization by plants growing under regimes of low phosphate availability in soils. However, it is probably the case that the influx of nutrient ions is not the limiting step in nutri- ent acquisition, so ‘improving’the performance of transporters in plants by breeding may not achieve big increases in plant yield if not accompanied by other changes (29). In terms of improving yields of plants through improving the uptake and assimilation of nitrogen, expression of genes for cytoso- lic glutamine synthetase could have as large an impact on nutrient use efficiency as expression of genes for transporters (32). Keeping phosphate, or other nutrients, available at the root surface is a major problem in nutrient- deficient soils; consequently, some research addresses mobilization of nutrients in the soil as well as internal mobilization within plants. Hinsinger (33) reviewed changes in the rhizosphere that can occur with plant species, plant nutrient availability, and soil conditions that can affect the acquisition of phosphorus by plants. Root exudates that are important in the acquisition of nutrients through modifications of the soil environment are topics of research (34), so they are studied for their compo- sition and their effects on the development of mycorrhizal fungi, chelation of nutrients, solubilization of sparingly soluble compounds, and effects on soil acidity, among other actions. Breeding for improved soil–plant–microorganism interactions, especially under suboptimal environmental condi- tions, may lead to genotypes that are improved for nitrogen fixation and promotion of mycorrhizal symbiosis may bring about increased crop yields under a wide range of environmental conditions. Bassirirad (35) considered factors of global change, such as increased atmospheric carbon diox- ide concentrations, higher soil temperatures, and increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition, that may affect the kinetics of nutrient absorption by roots, noting that the information on the subject was scanty and that rigorous research was needed on the topic. Processes such as transpiration- driven mass flow, root growth, root exudation, biological nitrogen fixation, and tissue dilution are all likely to be affected by climate change (36). Ionomics has been coined as the study of how genes regulate all the ions in a cell (37). This research is stated to hold promise leading to mineral-efficient plants that might need little fertilizer, to crops with better nutritional value for humans, and to plants that may remove contamination from the soil. Possibly, a simple genetic change can increase nutrient absorption by green plants and allow crop production under conditions of limited nutrient availability or allow plants to be efficient in recovery of fertilizer-borne nutrients. Yanagisawa et al. (38) suggested that utilization of tran- scription factors might lead to modification of metabolism of crops, because a single transcription factor frequently regulates coordinated expression of a set of key genes for several pathways. They applied the plant-specific transcription factor (Dof1) to improve nitrogen assimilation, including the primary assimilation of ammonia to biosynthesize amino acids and other organic compounds con- taining nitrogen. The authors proposed that similar genetic modifications could reduce dependence on nitrogen fertilizers. 22.5 GENERAL REMARKS Current research on plant nutrition is extensive, and only a few topics can be mentioned here. Some of the topics mentioned on http://www.plantstress.com, which is sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation, are noted. With the world population increasing fast, and many people suffering from deficiencies of essential nutrients, there will be continuing pressure to improve our understanding of plant mineral nutrition so that we can grow crops that utilize mineral nutrients as efficiently as possible. 602 Handbook of Plant Nutrition CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 602 REFERENCES 1. J. Power, W.A. Dick, eds. Land application of agricultural, industrial, and municipal by-products. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 6, Madison, Wis: Soil Science Society of America, Inc., 2000. 2. T. Ando, K. Fujita, T. Mae, H. Matsumoto, S. Mori, J. Sekiya., eds. Plant Nutrition for Sustainable Food Production and Environment. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 1997. 3. H.S. Srivastava, R.P. Singh, eds. Nitrogen Nutrition and Plant Growth. 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Proc Natl Acad Sci 101: 7833–7838, 2004. 604 Handbook of Plant Nutrition CRC_DK2972_Ch022.qxd 6/3/2006 12:37 PM Page 604 Index A Acetyl coenzyme A synthase and nickel, 397, 398 O-acetylserine, 186, 519 Abscisic acid (ABA), 125, 424 Accumulator plants, 586, 589, for aluminum, 441–442, 478–479 for cobalt, 500, 509 for copper, 313–314 for iron, 335 for nickel, 406 for selenium, 517, 520–521, 594 for vanadium 589, 594 Actin, 451 Agmatine, 99–100 Akagare, 332 Alcohol dehydrogenase and zinc deficiency, 11, 412 Aldehyde oxidase and molybdenum, 376, 378 Alfisols, 115, 319 boron concentration, 245 calcium concentration, 138 cation exchange capacity, 113, 138 copper concentration, 317 potassium concentration, 106, 110 Aluminum and boron, 243 and calcium, 443, 446, 447–448, 449, 450, 452, 459 and cell walls, 443, 447–448, 458 and copper, 311 and iron, 450 and magnesium, 153–154, 446, 449, 450 and membranes, 447, 448–449, 453, 458 and molybdenum, 385, 389 and nitrate, 442, 446, 449, 450 and phosphorus, 442, 446, 459 and plant disease, 442 and potassium, 446, 449–450 and silicon, 460, 554 and vanadium, 588 and water uptake, 446, 450, 459 effect on calcium homeostasis, 452 effect on cell division, 445, 447 effect on lignification, 445 effect on photosynthesis, 446 effect on root elongation, 444–445, 449, 454, 458, 479–480 inhibition of symbiosis with Rhizobium, 447 Aluminum citrate, 460 Aluminum oxalate, 460 Aluminum oxides and boron sorption, 262 and copper sorption, 318 and molybdenum sorption, 385, 389 and phosphorus sorption, 54 and vanadium sorption, 586 Aluminum sulfate in water treatment, 470–471 Aluminum toxicity, 154–155, 442, 444–453, 468, 476–479, 601 Alunite, 461 Amidation, 24–25 -aminolevulinic acid, 588 -aminolevulinic acid synthetase, 330 Amino sugars in soil, 34, 38–39 Ammoniated superphosphate fertilizer, 42 Ammonium accumulation in plant tissues, 10, 92 accumulation in soil, 35, 36, 92 assimilation, 23–25 toxicity, 35 Ammonium chloride as fertilizer, 287 Ammonium metavanadate, 587 Ammonium molybdate as fertilizer, 387, 388 Ammonium nitrate fertilizer, 41 Ammonium nitrate sulfate fertilizer, 42 Ammonium phosphate nitrate fertilizer, 42 Ammonium polyphosphate fertilizer, 42, 82 Ammonium sulfate fertilizer, 39, 41 Anhydrous ammonia fertilizer, 40 Anthocyanin accumulation, 5, 7, 199 Apatite, 52, 137,139 APS reductase, 185–186 Aqua ammonia fertilizer, 40 Aridisols, 138 Arsenic accumulation, 600 competition with sulfur, 197 metabolism, 600 Ascorbic acid oxidase and copper deficiency, 11, 314 Atmospheric emissions, 600, 602 of sulfur dioxide, 183–184, 187 of vanadium, 585, 586, 594 ATPase activity limited by boron deficiency, 244 in photophosphorylation, 147 inhibition by aluminum, 449 inhibition by cobalt, 502 inhibition by copper, 316 inhibition by vanadate, 587, 588, 589 role in acidification of rhizosphere, 338 role in calcium transport, 124, 131 role in potassium uptake and transport, 94, 95, 96–97, 98 stimulation by chloride, 280 ATP sulfurylase, 185–186 Augite, 137, 166 605 CRC_DK2972_index.qxd 7/14/2006 4:44 PM Page 605 Auxins, 125, 244, 245, 423, 452 Available plant nutrients, 11–12 Azurite, 317 B Band placement of boron fertilizer, 267–268 of phosphorus fertilizer, 79–80 Basaluminite, 464 Beneficial element, definition, 4, 571 Biological nitrogen fixation, 33, 35; see also Nitrogen fixation Biotite, 105–106, 166 Bitter pit and calcium, 126, 136, 139 and potassium, 100 Blossom end rot and calcium, 126–127, 131–132, 136, 139 and potassium, 100, 132 Borax as fertilizer, 266, 267 Boric acid fertilizer, 267 Boron adsorption in soil, 263 and aluminium, 243 and calcium, 245, 260–261 and chloride, 244 and lignification, 244 and magnesium, 260–261 and nitrate concentration, 243 and nitrate reductase, 243 and nitrogen, 261–262 and phosphorus, 244, 262 and potassium, 245, 262 and protein synthesis, 243 and rubidium, 244 and sugar synthesis, 243 and sulfate, 244 and zinc, 246, 262 Boron deficiency, 243–245, 246–249, 261, 262, 264, 266 Boron frits fertilizer, 267 Boron toxicity, 246, 249–251, 262, 263, 264–265, 600, 601 Boundary Line Development System (BOLIDES), 215–217 Brown-heart and boron, 242, 248 C Cadmium, 586 Caffeic acid, 244 Calcareous soil, phosphorus sorption, 54, 133, 138 Calcicole, 122, 132–133, 343 Calcifuge, 122, 132–133 Calcite, 54, 135, 137 Calcium accumulation with vanadium, 588, 589 and aluminum, 443, 446, 447–448, 449, 450, 452, 459 and boron, 245, 260–261 and copper, 310, 311 and enzymes, 124 and fruit firmness, 124, 127–128, 139 and magnesium competition, 124, 132, 149, 150, 151 and nickel, 403 and phosphorus sorption, 132–133, 138 and potassium competition, 100–101, 132 and sodium competition, 165, 572 and strontium, 125 and vanadate, 589 channels, 128, 443, 589 competition with vanadium, 587, 589 deficiency, 7, 245 role in pollen tube growth, 125 transport, 129–131 uptake, 128–129 Calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE), 140 Calcium chloride and fruit, 139 Calcium chloride as fertilizer, 287 Calcium magnesium phosphate as fertilizer, 171 Calcium nitrate and fruit, 139 Calcium nitrate urea fertilizer, 41 Calcium oxalacetate, 128 Calcium oxalate, 128 Calcium silicate fertilizer, 562 Calcium sulfate fertilizer, 139; see also Gypsum Calmodulin, 124 Cambisols, 263 Canonical discriminant analysis, 9 Carbamylputrescine, 100 Carbonic anhydrase and zinc deficiency, 11, 412 Carbon monoxide dehydrogenase and nickel, 397 Catalase and cobalt, 507 and iron deficiency, 10–11, 330 iron as a component, 330 Cation competition, see Ion antagonism Cation exchange in soil, 113, 137, 138, 140, 331, 586 in sodic soil, 570 Cation exchange in plant cell walls, 129, 131, 133, 447, 458 Cellular pH, maintenance of, 52 Cell-to-cell adhesion, 124 Cell wall structure, 122–124, 447–448, 554, 556 Chalcocite, 312, 317 chalcocite as fertilizer, 312 Chalcopyrite, 317 as fertilizer, 312 Chenopodiaceae as halophytes, 571–573 Chernozems, 317 Children’s nutrition, 600 Chitosan, 588 Chlorapatite, 137 Chloride and magnesium, 154 and manganese, 282 osmotic effect 112, 280, 284 role in maintenance of electroneutrality, 280–281 role in stomatal opening, 280 Chlorine deficiency, 279, 280, 281–282, 283–284, 285 Chlorine toxicity, 283 Chlorite, 107, 166 Chlorophyll, copper substitution for magnesium, 316 magnesium as a constituent, 4, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151 Chlorophyll a, 588 Chlorophyll b, 588 Chlorophyll biosynthesis 606 Index CRC_DK2972_index.qxd 7/14/2006 4:44 PM Page 606 [...]... Fluorapatite, 137 Fluvisols, 317, 383 Fluvo-aquic soils, 586, 587 Fly ash, 219, 524, 585 Foliar application of boron, 268 of calcium, 139 of copper, 312 of iron, 344, 345 of molybdenum, 387, 388 of potassium, 112 of sulfur, 221 of zinc, 424–428, 429 CRC_DK2972_index.qxd 7/14/2006 4:44 PM Page 608 608 Foliar uptake of chlorine 285 of iron, 337 of phosphorus, 81 of sulfur, 187–188 of zinc, 424–428 Forest decline... 425–427 Zinc nitrate-ammonium nitrate-urea (NZMTM) fertilizer, 415, 424–427, 429 Zinc nutrition, 601 Zinc sulfate-induced defoliation, 426–427 Zinc sulfate as fertilizer, 422 423, 424, 425–428, 429 ZnEDTA, 422 CRC_DK2972_index.qxd 7/14/2006 4:44 PM Page 614 DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 1 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM FIGURE 1.1 Interveinal chlorosis of iron-deficient borage (Borago of cinalis L.) (Photograph... Sodium and inhibition of protein synthesis, 93–94 and inhibition of uptake of calcium, 165, 572 and inhibition of uptake of magnesium, 152, 165, 572 and inhibition of uptake of potassium, 93–94, 100–101, 557, 572 and nitrate assimilation, 572 and nitrate uptake, 572 Sodium absorption ratio, 165, 263 Sodium bicarbonate soil test for phosphorus, 73, 75 Sodium borates, 246 Sodium-calcium borates, 246... 342, 343, 355 Iron deficiency chlorosis paradox, 336 Iron EDTA, 587 Iron efficiency, iron-efficient plants, 336, 343, 600 Iron oxides in plants, 335 Iron oxides in soil, 331–332 and sorption of boron, 262 and sorption of molybdenum, 389 and sorption of phosphorus, 54 and sorption of selenium, 523 and sorption of vanadium, 586 Iron toxicity, 332, 334 Iron uptake, 336–338, 600 Irrigation and boron, 265–266... to the potential size of full maturity (Photographs by Allen V Barker.) DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 3 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM FIGURE 1.4 Stunting and development of red color and loss of green color of phosphorus-deficient tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) (Photograph by Allen V Barker.) FIGURE 1.5 Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata L.) plants showing symptoms of stunting Left: stunting... patches, and rotting of the core of the head (Photograph by Umesh Gupta.) DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 15 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM FIGURE 8.3 Symptoms of boron deficiency in rutabaga (Brassica napobrassica Mill.) showing a soft, watery area of a cut root (Photograph by Umesh Gupta.) FIGURE 8.4 Symptoms of boron toxicity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) showing scorch at margins of lower leaves (Photograph... in 15 liters of nutrient solution (0.002M KCl); (B) Wheat grown in the absence of halide; (C) Wheat grown in absence of chloride and with 1.5 mmol bromide in 15 liters of nutrient solution (0.0001M KBr) Photographs from Engel et al (9) Reprinted with permission of the authors and Soil Science Society of America DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 17 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM FIGURE 11.2 Iron-deficient cucumber... 58 Hydrogen sulfate emissions by plants, 217–219 uptake by plants, 187–188 Hydrogenase and nickel, 397, 398, 399 Hydroxyapatite, 137 Hydroxyferulic acid, 244 Hypomagnesia, 146, 155 I IAA oxidase, 244 Illite, 105–107, 263 Index Imogolite, 319 Inceptisols, 113, 138, 245, 317 Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 281, 424 inhibition of breakdown by cobalt, 501, 502, 508 inhibition of synthesis, or increased degradation,... deformations, and anthocyanin enrichments of sulfur-deficient oilseed rape plants (Brassica napus L.) (from left to right) (Photographs by Ewald Schnug.) DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 10 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 11 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM FIGURE 7.9 White flowering (left) and morphological changes of petals (right) of sulfur-deficient oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.)... (Brassica napus L.) (Photographs by Ewald Schnug.) FIGURE 7.10 Enrichment of anthocyanins during ripening of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) (left) and reduction of number of seeds per pod (right) (Photograph by Ewald Schnug.) DK2972_Color Insert.fm Page 12 Monday, July 17, 2006 1:39 PM FIGURE 7.11 Macroscopic sulfur deficiency symptoms of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at stem extension (Photograph . by Plants 600 22. 4 Genetics of Plant Nutrition 601 22. 5 General Remarks 602 References 603 22. 1 STATUS OF CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH Chapters in this handbook summarize research for each of. immobilization of metals or otherwise restricting the effects of soil-borne metals on plant growth. 22. 4 GENETICS OF PLANT NUTRITION The genetic and molecular background for plant nutrition is an. 383 Fluvo-aquic soils, 586, 587 Fly ash, 219, 524, 585 Foliar application of boron, 268 of calcium, 139 of copper, 312 of iron, 344, 345 of molybdenum, 387, 388 of potassium, 112 of sulfur, 221 of

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