Now in its fifth generation, VMware vSphere 5 builds on previous generations of VMware’s enterprisegrade virtualization products. vSphere 5 extends finegrained resource allocation controls to more types of resources, enabling VMware administrators to have even greater control over how resources are allocated to and used by virtual workloads. With dynamic resource controls, high availability, unprecedented faulttolerance features, distributed resource management, and backup tools included as part of the suite, IT administrators have all the tools they need to run an enterprise environment ranging from a few servers up to thousands of servers.
[...]... schedule separate from VMware vSphere, they are not covered in this book As of the writing of this book, VMware vSphere 5 is the latest release of the VMware vSphere product family This book covers functionality found in version 5 Where possible, I’ve tried to note differences between 4.x and 5 For detailed information on VMware vSphere 4.0, refer to Mastering VMware vSphere 4, also published by Sybex. .. Utilization Chapter 13: Monitoring VMware vSphere Performance Chapter 14: Automating VMware vSphere Index Chapter 1 Introducing VMware vSphere 5 Now in its fifth generation, VMware vSphere 5 builds on previous generations of VMware s enterprise-grade virtualization products vSphere 5 extends fine-grained resource allocation controls to more types of resources, enabling VMware administrators to have even... features: VMware ESXi VMware vCenter Server vSphere Update Manager VMware vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client VMware vShield Zones VMware vCenter Orchestrator vSphere Virtual Symmetric Multi-Processing vSphere vMotion and Storage vMotion vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler vSphere Storage DRS Storage I/O Control and Network I/O Control Profile-Driven Storage vSphere High... Introduction What Is Covered in This Book The Mastering Series The Hardware behind the Book Who Should Buy This Book How to Contact the Author Chapter 1: Introducing VMware vSphere 5 Exploring VMware vSphere 5 Why Choose vSphere? The Bottom Line Chapter 2: Planning and Installing VMware ESXi Planning a VMware vSphere Deployment Deploying VMware ESXi Deploying VMware ESXi Embedded Performing Post-installation... up”) The new vRAM licensing model for vSphere 5, discussed in the “Licensing VMware vSphere section, would also affect this decision The key thing to remember is that a bigger server isn’t necessarily a better server vSphere Storage DRS vSphere Storage DRS, a major new feature of VMware vSphere 5, takes the idea of vSphere DRS and applies it to storage Just as vSphere DRS helps to balance CPU and memory... products found in the vSphere product suite VMware ESXi The core of the vSphere product suite is the hypervisor, which is the virtualization layer that serves as the foundation for the rest of the product line In vSphere 5, the hypervisor comes in the form of VMware ESXi This is a significant difference from earlier versions of the VMware vSphere product suite In earlier versions of VMware vSphere, the hypervisor... Networking – Chapter 5 Storage – Chapter 6 Security – Chapter 8 vSphere Update Manager Chapter 4 vSphere Client and vSphere Web Client Installation – Chapter 2 Usage – Chapters 3 VMware vShield Zones Chapter 8 VMware vCenter Orchestrator Chapter 14 vSphere Virtual Symmetric Multi-Processing Chapter 9 vSphere vMotion and Storage vMotion Chapter 12 vSphere Distributed Resource Scheduler Chapter 12 vSphere Storage... product in the vSphere product suite Recognize the interaction and dependencies between the products in the vSphere suite Understand how vSphere differs from other virtualization products Exploring VMware vSphere 5 The VMware vSphere product suite is a comprehensive collection of products and features that together provide a full array of enterprise virtualization functionality The vSphere product... what’s in each chapter: Chapter 1: Introducing VMware vSphere 5 I begin with a general overview of all the products that make up the vSphere 5 product suite This chapter also covers vSphere licensing and provides some examples of benefits that an organization might see from adopting vSphere as its virtualization solution Chapter 2: Planning and Installing VMware ESXi This chapter looks at selecting the... Chapter 6 vSphere High Availability Chapter 7 vSphere Fault Tolerance Chapter 7 vSphere Storage APIs for Data Protection Chapter 7 VMware Data Recovery Chapter 7 First I look at the actual products that make up the VMware vSphere product suite, and then I examine the major features Let’s start with the products in the suite; in particular, let’s start with VMware ESXi Examining the Products in the vSphere . Copyright © 2 011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-89080-6 ISBN: 978 -1- 118 -18 010 -5 (ebk.) ISBN: 978 -1- 118 -18 012 -9 (ebk.). This Book The Mastering Series The Hardware behind the Book Who Should Buy This Book How to Contact the Author Chapter 1: Introducing VMware vSphere 5 Exploring VMware vSphere 5 . three other published books: Mastering VMware vSphere 4, VMware vSphere 4 Administration Instant Reference (with Jase McCarty and Matthew Johnson), and VMware vSphere Design (with Forbes Guthrie