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Code lập trình - Bài 13 pdf

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Bài 13: Bạn có gửi bài/không gửi bài theo từng Chủ đề Tác giả: Phan Hồng Phúc (phucorcl@yahoo.com) 1. Tạo file participated_inc.asp trong thư mục inlcudes có nội dung <% Dim rsParticipated if(lngLoggedInUserID <> 2) then 'checks to see if it's a guest i'm not sure exactly how to check if no user is logged in :( set rsParticipated = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset") rsParticipated.CursorType = 1 rsParticipated.Open "select top 1 tblThread.Thread_ID from tblThread where tblThread.Topic_Id = " & lngTopicID & " AND tblThread.Author_ID = " & lngLoggedInUserID, adoCon if(NOT rsParticipated.EOF)then 'a thread was found authored by them and they are not a guest Response.Write("<img src=""" & "./forum_images/mod/topic_read.gif"" border=""0"" alt=""" & strTxtYouHavePost & """>")'Whatever u need to indicate to the user that he/she has participated in the forum else Response.Write("<img src=""" & "./forum_images/mod/topic_not_read.gif"" border=""0"" alt=""" & strTxtYouHaveNot & """>")'Whatever u need to indicate to the user that he/she has participated in the forum end if rsParticipated.close set rsParticipated = Nothing end if %> 1. Mở file active_topics.asp a.1. Tìm dòng code If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write("<a href=""javascript:winOpener('pop_up_topic_admin.asp?TID=" & lngTopicID & strQsSID2 & "','admin',1,1,480,265)""><img src=""" & strImagePath & "small_admin_icon.gif"" align=""absmiddle"" border=""0"" alt=""" & strTxtTopicAdmin & """></a>") a.2. Thêm xuống dưới Response.Write(vbCrLf) %><! #include file="includes/participated_inc.asp" ><% Response.Write(vbCrLf) 2. Mở file forum_topics.asp a.1. Tìm dòng code If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write("<a href=""javascript:winOpener('pop_up_topic_admin.asp?TID=" & lngTopicID & strQsSID2 & "','admin',1,1,480,265)""><img src=""" & strImagePath & "small_admin_icon.gif"" align=""absmiddle"" border=""0"" alt=""" & strTxtTopicAdmin & """></a>") a.2. Thêm xuống dưới Response.Write(vbCrLf) %><! #include file="includes/participated_inc.asp" ><% Response.Write(vbCrLf) 3. Mở file _language_file_inc.asp a.1. Tìm dòng code Const strTxtAddMedia = "Nh&#7841;c Media" a.2. Thêm xuống dưới Const strTxtYouHavePost = "B&#7841;n c&#243; g&#7917;i b&#224;i" Const strTxtYouHaveNot = "B&#7841;n kh&#244;ng c&#243; g&#7917;i b&#224;i" 4. Copy file post vào thư mục forum_images/mod Bài 14: Sắp xếp bài viết trong từng Box cho việc hiển thị Tác giả: Phan Hồng Phúc (phucorcl@yahoo.com) 1. Hình vẽ 2. Tạo file form_sort_inc.asp trong thư mục inlcudes có nội dung <br /> <fieldset STYLE="PADDING: 2px;BORDER: solid 1px;WIDTH: 250px;"> <legend STYLE="FONT-WEIGHT: bold;"><%=strTxtSortBy%></legend> <div> <table> <form name=frmsort action="" method=Get> <input type=hidden name=FID value="<%=intForumID%>" /> <tr> <td> <select name=SO onchange="frmsort.submit()"> <% Dim arrSortBy(5), arrLabelSortBy(5), nSortBy arrSortBy(1) = "T" arrLabelSortBy(1) = strtxtTopics arrSortBy(2) = "A" arrLabelSortBy(2) = strtxtAuthor arrSortBy(3) = "R" arrLabelSortBy(3) = strtxtReplies arrSortBy(4) = "V" arrLabelSortBy(4) = strtxtViews arrSortBy(5) = "" arrLabelSortBy(5) = strTxtLastPost For nSortBy = 1 to Ubound(arrSortBy) if Request.QueryString("SO") = arrSortBy(nSortBy) then Response.Write "<option selected value=" & arrSortBy(nSortBy) & ">" & arrLabelSortBy(nSortBy) & "</option>" else Response.Write "<option value=" & arrSortBy(nSortBy) & ">" & arrLabelSortBy(nSortBy) & "</option>" end if Next %> </select> </td> <td><%=strTxtOrderBy%></td> <td> <select name=OB onchange="frmsort.submit()"> <option value="desc"><%=strTxtDESC%></option> <option <%if Request.QueryString("OB") = "asc" then Response.Write "Selected"%> value="asc"><%=strTxtASC%></option> </select> </td> <td><input class=button type=submit value="<%=strTxtResult%>" /></td> </tr> </form> </table> </div> </fieldset> <br /> 3. Mở file forum_topics.asp a.1. Tìm dòng code %></td> <td align="right" nowrap><! #include file="includes/page_link_inc.asp" ></td> a.2. Thay thế bằng %> <! #include file="includes/form_sort_inc.asp" > </td> <td align="right" nowrap><! #include file="includes/page_link_inc.asp" ></td> 4. Mở file ha_language_file_inc.asp a.1. Tìm dòng code Const strTxtYouHaveNot = "B&#7841;n kh&#244;ng c&#243; g&#7917;i b&#224;i" a.2. Thêm xuống dưới Const strTxtSortBy = "S&#7855;p x&#7871;p theo" Const strTxtOrderBy = "chi&#7873;u" Const strTxtASC = "T&#259;ng d&#7847;n" Const strTxtDESC = "Gi&#7843;m d&#7847;n" Const strTxtResult = "K&#7871;t qu&#7843;"  . Bài 13: Bạn có gửi bài/ không gửi bài theo từng Chủ đề Tác giả: Phan Hồng Phúc (phucorcl@yahoo.com) 1. Tạo. c&#243; g&#7917;i b&#224;i" 4. Copy file post vào thư mục forum_images/mod Bài 14: Sắp xếp bài viết trong từng Box cho việc hiển thị Tác giả: Phan Hồng Phúc (phucorcl@yahoo.com). file="includes/participated_inc.asp" ><% Response.Write(vbCrLf) 2. Mở file forum_topics.asp a.1. Tìm dòng code If blnAdmin OR blnModerator Then Response.Write("<a href=""javascript:winOpener('pop_up_topic_admin.asp?TID="

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2014, 11:20

