138 PART III: TOEFLVocabulary Review www.petersons.com EXERCISES: PUTTING IT TOGETHER Directions: Now, do this crossword puzzle to review some of the vocabulary you have practiced. Across Down 1. Yield 1. Unfeeling 6. Eager 2. Harmful 8. Angry 3. Abbreviation for kitchen 12. Piece of land, as in parking _____ 4. Abbreviation for street 13. Preposition: _____ the same time 5. Quality, characteristic 14. Negative word 6. Equipment 15. Prefix meaning against 7. Poison 16. Unmoving 8. Wounds 17. Inter 9. Careless and impolite 19. Have you _____ Tom? 10. Prefix meaning before 20. Cause 11. Antonym of yes 23. Very valuable object 15. Entrance, means of reaching 25. Ability 18. Neither/_____ 06_TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40138 Chapter 6: All About Prefixes 139 exercises www.petersons.com Across Down 26. Use the eyes 20. Subject pronoun 28. Informal word for friend 21. Has the sun always _____ 29. Conclave 22. Vigor 31. What is expected, usual, or average 24. Clear and definite 33. Scold, rebuke 25. Soothe, relieve 36. Wrong, faulty 27. Circum, peri 39. Abbreviation for North America 30. Conjunction 40. Suffix used to form a noun from occur 32. Prefix meaning two 41. Atmosphere 34. Uni, mono 42. An infant is totally _____ 35. Feminine pronoun upon its mother. 36. Indefinite article 37. Abbreviation for medium 38. Abbreviation for separate 06_TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40139 140 PART III: TOEFLVocabulary Review www.petersons.com ANSWER KEY Words in Context 1. D 4. C 2. A 5. D 3. B Prefixes 1. agree 6. excessive activity 2. false virtue 7. underground room 3. existing 8. not moral 4. complete 9. squeeze 5. deep blue 10. arrogant Synonyms 1. D 5. B 2. A 6. B 3. D 7. D 4. B 06_TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40140 Chapter 6: All About Prefixes 141 answers www.petersons.com exercises Putting It Together 06_TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40141 142 PART III: TOEFLVocabulary Review www.petersons.com SUMMING IT UP • Learning prefixes will help you work out the meanings of words. • There are more than fifty prefixes in English. 06_TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40142 chapter 7 143 All About Suffixes OVERVIEW • Suffixes • Strategies for learning suffixes • How suffixes work • Suffixes that describe state of being • Suffixes that indicate occupations • Suffixes that show resemblance • Suffixes that show amount • Twelve useful suffixes • Summing it up SUFFIXES A suffix is a combination of letters added to the end of a word or word root. Suffixes are used either to form new words or show the function of a word. For example, the suffix -ist or -ian added to a noun describes people, forming words like “motorist” and “musician.” In this chapter, you will learn some common suffixes that identify nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to help you recognize errors in word forms. You can also improve your vocabulary as you learn how these common suffixes change words from one part of speech to another. STRATEGIES FOR LEARNING SUFFIXES Remember that suffixes or word forms are the most common type of error tested on the TOEFL. • Check for word form errors that include the use of words related to certain fields and the people who work in the field (botany, botanical, a botanist). • Check for word form errors involving adjectives and nouns (developing/ development). • Check for other word form errors, such as a noun in place of a verb (belief/ believe). 07_TOEFL Vocab,Ch7,143-166 8/9/06, 12:02143 144 PART III: TOEFLVocabulary Review www.petersons.com HOW SUFFIXES WORK Suffixes Are Added to the End of Roots to Create Many Words In the same way that prefixes are placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning, suffixes are placed at the end to change a word’s meaning. Here are some examples: Word + Suffix = Word Definition allege ation allegation assertion, claim recognize tion recognition identification alien ation alienation estrangement, cut off from peril ous perilous dangerous hazard ous hazardous dangerous capacity ous capacious large, roomy tonsils itis tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils bronchi itis bronchitis inflammation of the lung region appendix itis appendicitis inflammation of the appendix Suffixes Are Always Attached to Words Without a Break Even though you may have seen the suffix written with a hyphen (as in -eous, -ion, -ment), the suffix is attached without a hyphen. The following chart shows some examples: Word + Suffix = New Word Definition combust ible combustible flammable pasture al pastoral country-like palace ial palatial like a palace abstain ious abstemious moderate, sober wasp ish waspish irritable, crabby fellow ship fellowship sociability Suffixes Are Different Lengths As with prefixes, suffixes can be as short as one letter or far longer. The following chart shows some examples: Number of Letters Suffix Word Pronunciation Meaning One-Letter Suffix d promulgated (prom-mul-gay-ted) to publish or disseminate widely Two-Letter Suffix ed besmirched (bee-smirchd) to soil; make filthy Three-Letter Suffix ity instability not stable Four-Letter Suffix ment inducement (in-doos-ment) incentive Five-Letter Suffix ation vacillation (vah-ci-lay-shun) indecision 07_TOEFL Vocab,Ch7,143-166 8/9/06, 12:02144 . 138 PART III: TOEFL Vocabulary Review www.petersons.com EXERCISES: PUTTING IT TOGETHER Directions: Now, do this crossword puzzle to review some of the vocabulary you have practiced. Across. article 37. Abbreviation for medium 38. Abbreviation for separate 06 _TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40139 140 PART III: TOEFL Vocabulary Review www.petersons.com ANSWER KEY Words in Context 1 B 06 _TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40140 Chapter 6: All About Prefixes 141 answers www.petersons.com exercises Putting It Together 06 _TOEFL Vocab,Ch6,117-142 8/4/06, 12:40141 142 PART III: TOEFL