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  • Teacher and students’ activities

  • Contents

    • Complete the dialogue

      • Use the suggested words to complete the letter

        • Pelmanism

          • Activity 1:

Nội dung

Date: ………………………… Period : …… UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Division of lessons: 1. Getting started + Listen and read 2. Speak 3. Listen + Write 4. Read 5. Language focus Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read I .Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about some places Lan went to with a foreign friend and some activities they took part in together. II.Language contents: a/ Grammar: I wish you had a longer vacation b/ Vocabulary: correspond(v) friendliness(n) a mosque(n) peaceful atmosphere mausoleum(n) pray(v) to be impressed by depend on III. Techniques: Chatting, Rub out & Remember, T/F statements, Word cue drill IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, stereo, cards. V. Procedures : Teacher and students’ activities Contents T asks Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions T can use the pictures to answer T presents new words to Ss Ss repeat and say the meaning Ss copy 1. Warm up: 5minutes/ marks * Chatting Do you have any penpals? Where does s/he live? Has s/he ever visited your city? What activities would you do during the visit? If s/he visit Tayninh ,What will you introduce s/he? 2. Presentation 10minutes *New words _correspond(v) (if two people correspond, they _regularly write to each other) a mosque _to be impressed by( admiring someone or _something very much) _pray(v) _friendliness(n) _peaceful atmosphere (n) _mausoleum(n) T explains new model sentences and helps Ss to understand the meaning. Note: “ was staying… last week” shows an action was lasting T introduces the content of the text.”Lan has a penpal and this is the first time this friend has come to Hanoi You read the text and decide whether the statements are True or False Ss listen to the stereo and choose T or F T gives the keys T asks Ss to read the text silently and choose the correct answer ( page 7 ) Ss work in groups Each group gives the key and T checks T asks Ss to recommend places of interest in their city Ask them to discuss where they should take their friends to and what activities they should do Ss work in pairs T can do first with one student T: I think we should take our friends to Dong Ba market.We can do shopping or I’ll just introduce them a Vietnam market S: Good ideas! I believe they will be interested in it. _depend on(v) • Rub out and remember @ Model sentence I wish you had a longer vacation 3.Practice : 15minutes T/F statements 1. Lan’s penpal comes from Malaysia 2. Kuala Lumpur is a small city 3. The girls visited Hang Luoc street on Monday 4. They will write letters to each other again Keys: 1T 2F 3F 4 T Choose the correct option to complete the sentences: 1/ C 2/ B 3/ D 4/ B 4. Production:10minutes Cues: .Lang Co Beach -> swimming / beach in Hue .Linh Mu Pagoda, TuDuc tomb -> sightseeing/ beautiful sight .Ba Den mountain -> walk / see the temple 5.Homework : 5 minutes -Learn new words by heart -Write ashort paragraph about what they have just discussed with their partner. - Do exercises 3,4 page 7 in workbook -Prepare lesson 2 : Speak COMMENTS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ………………………… Period: ……………… UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON 2 : SPEAK I .Aim : By the end of the lesson students will be able to make and respond to introduction. II.Language contents: a/ Grammar: none b/ Vocabulary: Let me introduce myself Pleased to meet you… III. Techniques: Introduce myself, role play, open prediction IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures. V. Procedures : Teacher & Students’ activities Contents T asks Ss to work in groups of three or four .The first student introduces about himself/herself.Then the second student will report the information about S1 and continues to introduce about himself/herself T introduces the situation: Nga is talking to Maryam.They are waiting for Lan outside her school T presents some phrases T asks Ss to do exercise a on page 8 Ss work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete dialogue Ss practice before class T corrects and gives the keys T asks Ss some questions to check Ss’ understanding 1.Warm up 5minutes/Marks *Introduce Myself S1: My name is Linh I am fifteen years old. There are four members in my family I like watching TV in my free time S2: Her name is Linh She is fifteen years old I am……………… 2.Pre-speaking 15minutes:  Pre- teach : New words: Let me introduce myself Pleased to meet you…. Keys: 1c 5b 4d 2e 3a 6 Questions: 1/ Have Nga and Maryam met each other before ? (No) 2/ Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Hanoi? (Yes) 3/ What does she like in Vietnam? ( Vietnamese people is very friendly and Hanoi is a very interesting city) 3. While- speaking: 15minutes T sets the scene: “ You are talking to Maryam’s friends . Introduce yourself” “Now you use the information in the book and make similar dialogues introducing yourself to Maryam’s friends” Ss work in pairs Ss practice.Teacher can give marks Teacher asks students to make questions from the statements. Students make short conversations about their friends. Example exchange: Tuan: Are you Paul? Paul: That’s right, I am. Tuan: Very nice to meet you . Let me introduce myself. My name is Tuan. I am 15 years old Paul: Me too. Do you live in Hanoi? Tuan: Yes, I do.Is it the first time you have been to Hanoi? Paul:Yes. Hanoi is a very nice city. People here are friendly Tuan: Where do you live in England? Paul: I live in Liverpool. It is an industrial city in the North of England 3. Post_ speaking : 7minutes Make the questions for the answers 1.Last vacation, I went to see my penpal,Lan 2.She lives in Hanoi,Vietnam 3.We have been penpals for over two years open speaking: Friends 4.Homework :3minutes -Copy one dialogue into their notebook -Do exercise : You are talking to a friend who has just come back from an overseas trip.Ask her / him about it. a) ( where/ go?) b) ( How long/ stay there?) c) ( what/ weather like?) d) ( what/ visit?) e) ( what/see?) f) ( speak English/ all the time?) g) ( watch/ TV?) h) ( make/ new friends?) i) ( like/food?) j) ( what/ like most?) -Prepare lesson 3 listen -write COMMENTS: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………… Period: ………………………… UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON 3: LISTEN - WRITE I .Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen specific information to select the correct pictures. II.Language contents: a/ Grammar: none b/ Vocabulary: none III. Techniques: jumbled words, open prediction IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, stereo. V. Procedures : Teacher & Students’ activities Contents Teacher writes 4 words whose letters are not correct position. Students work in groups to rearrange into the correct words. The team which is faster with more correct words wins the game.Teacher gives Ss marks. Teacher sets the scene: “ Tim Johnes’s Mecian pen pal, Carlos is visiting the USA.” Ask students to look at the pictures and tell the class what there is in each one, where the place is, what the people are doing. Then teacher helps Ss find the differenes. _What is difference between picture 1 and picture 2 in a) ? => In picture 1, we aren’t allowed to walk on grass. In picture 2, we aren’t allowed to pick flowers. _ What is the difference between P1 and 2 in b) ? => In P1, the bus is red and its number is 103. In P2, the bus is blue and its number is 130. _ What is the difference between P1 and P2 in c) ? => In P1, it is the Mexican restaurant. In P2, it is the American one ( humburgers ) 1.Warm up 5minutes/Marks *Jumbled words: + tccah => catch + rkap => park + ondp => pond + rssag => grass 2.Pre-listening: 15minutes: Possible answers: • They are going to the park. • They are talking about a bus. • They are going to the restaurant. Teacher sets the scence: “Tim Johne’s Mexican pen pal, Carlo, is visiting the USA. Listen to their conversation and check (  ) the mumbers of the correct pictures. The above differnces may help you.” Ss listen to the tape to check their guesses. Give feedback. Ss listen to the tape the second time to choose the correct picture. 3. While- speaking: 15minutes * The tape script: Tim: Are you hungry, Carlo Carlo: Yes. T: Okay.Let’s go to the restaurant downtown. If we go through the park, we can catch a bus on Ocean Drive. C: That’s fine.I really like walking in the park. You’ re lucky to have a place like this close to your home.It’s so beautyful with all the trees and flowers and a pond in the middle. T: Carlo! Be careful. You’re walking on the grass. The park keeper is growing some more- you’ll kill the new grass! C: Oh, sorry. I didn’t see the sign. T: Come on. It’s time we caught the bus. C: Is that our bus, Tim? T: No.That’s a 103 bus.We want the number 130 C: Where are you going to eat? T: It’s up to you. There is a new Mexican restaurant in town. C: Oh, no. I can eat Mexican food at home.I love American food. I’d rather eat hamburgers. T: Okay. I know exactly where we need to go! Key: a) 1 b) 2 c) 2 3. Post_ speaking : 7minutes Listening comprehension:say T/F 1. Tim invited Carlo to the restaurant. 2. Tim is walking on the grass. 3. They will go to the restaurant by bus. 4. Carlo would rather eater humbuger 4.Homework :3minutes -Do erxercises in the text book Prepare lesson 4 Read COMMENTS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: …………………………………… Period:………………………………… UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 4: Read I . Aim: By the end of the lesson,SS will have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASEAN II.Language contents 1.Grammar: none 2.Vocabulary: divide(v) unit of currency comprise (v) official (a) Islam (n) language of instruction compulsory (a) III. Techniques: Guessing game, Matching,True/ False sratements IV. Teaching aids : a map of Malaysia, sub-board, 6 cards V. Procedures : Teacher & Ss’ activities Contents T holds class to play “Guessing game” T gives marks 10 if Ss give the correct answer from the statement 1 Mark 9 -> statement 2 Mark 8 -> statement 3 T says” Today we will learn about Malaysia, a member country of ASEAN” T presents some new words Ss repeat and say meaning Ss copy new words 1.Warm up /Marks  Guessing game: What country is it ? 1. It’s considered to be one of the cleanest country in the world 2. The country and the capital city share the same name 3. Its population is about 3 milloon people (Singapore) 1/ It is a country in Asia 2/ It has the Petronas Twin Towers 3/ The capital city is Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 2. Pre- reading : Pre-teach Vocabulary:  New words Divide(v) Unit of currency Comprise(v) Official(a) Language of instruction Islam(n) Compulsory(a) @Matching A B 1.Area 2.Population a. thuû ñoâ b. toân giaùo chính T holds class to match Ss work in 8 groups After Ss match ;T can ask “What’s the capital of Malaysia? What is its population? What language is spoken in this country?” T corrects T asks Ss to read the text to find out the answers to their questions Ss read silently Ss read and do exercise a on page 10(individually) T asks Ss to read the text to do the True or False statements Ss work in groups T gives feedback to the whole class Ss complete the blanks with the suitable words Ss work in pairs 3. climate 4.unit of currency 5 capital city 6.official religion 7.national language 8. compulsory thức c.diện tích d.dân số e.ngôn ngữ chính f.ngôn ngữ hai g.khí hậu i.đơn vò tiền tệ 3.While-reading a) Answers: 1.329,758 5.Kuala lumpur 2.over 22 million 6.Islam 3.tropical climate 7.Bahasa Malaysia 4 ringgit 8.English b) Decide whether the statements are True or Faulse: 1. T 2. F (There are more than two religions) 3. F (English, Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken) 4. F (One of the three:Malay,Chinese,Tamil) 5. F (English is a compulsory second language, not primary language of instruction) 4.Post : Complete the dialogue Mai: Hi, Maryam.I am going to visit Malaysia on my summer holiday .I’d like to know something about your country.Can you help me? Maryam:…… , certainly. Mai: What……is spoken in your country? Maryam:………., English,Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken. Mai: Do children have to study any foreign language in school? Maryam:Yes,… is a compulsory second language in secondary school. Mai:Ah,I see. …….about the people? Maryam: I think they are friendly 5.Homework: -Learn words and read the text again -Do exercise 8 in workbook -Prepare : Language Focus COMMENTS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………… Period: ……………………… UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL Lesson 5 LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Aim: Write a personal letter. II. Language contents: a/ Grammar:none b/ Vocabulary: none III .Techniques: Chatting IV. Teaching aids: Textbook, sub-boards V. Procedures: Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents T asks Ss some questions to warm up the lesson. T can ask Ss to work in pairs T sets the scene: “Imagine you are visiting your relatives or friends in another part of Viet Nam or a different country” Before writing, T asks Ss to work in pairs ,asking and answering about their trip by using the following sentences T asks 2 or 3 Ss to tell the class about their visit T reminds Ss about the format of a personal letter by asking the questions :”What are the parts of a personal letter?” A. Heading_ Writer’s address and the date B. Opening_ Dear…, C. Body of the letter 1. Warm up/ Marks  Chatting _ Have you ever visited any other places in Viet Nam? _ When did you go ? _ How did you get there? _ Did you visit any places of interest? _ Did you buy anything? _ When you are away from home, do you keep in touch? 2. Pre- writing: 1.Where are you now? How did you get there? 2. Who did you meet? 3. What you have done?  What places have you visited?  Who have you met?  What kinds of food have you tried?  What souvenirs have you bought? 4. How do you feel now? 5. What do you think interest you most? 6. When are you returning home? 3.While- writing : Suggested ideas: Dear Mai, D. Closing_ Your friend/ regard / Love T asks Ss to write a letter to their family, telling them about their visit Ask them to look at the outline on page 11 and ask them what part of the letter they are going to write ( body of the letter) Ask Ss to wrap their letters, compare with their partner’s, and correct if they can. Ss can work in groups T calls some Ss to read the letters Then ask them to complete this letter Ss write on the sub- board I arrived at Hue Railway Station at 7 am on Sunday. Uncle Hung took me home by taxi. I’ve visited the Imperial City. I was amazed by magnificient monuments there.I also went to Dong Ba Market, the biggest market in Hue. This is the place where I bought a lot of souvenirs. Yesterday uncle Hung and I went to eat beef noodle . I enjoyed it very much. I’ll leave Hue on Saturday . I am so happy. People in Hue are very nice and friendly.I will meet them very much. The train is scheduled to come to Ha Noi at 5pm. Please pick me up at the station. I am looking forward to meeting and telling you about the trip in Hue. See you then, Yours Lan 4.Post-writing: Use the suggested words to complete the letter Dear Lan, 1.Very happy/get your/ mail 2.I/back/ from / holiday / countryside 3. It / one / most / interesting/ trip/have 4.I/play/lats/tradition games/eat /fresh/ fruits 5.What/you?/Nice/ weekend? 6. Please write back/ me/ soon/ possible Love, Lien 5.Homework: -Write their letters (after correction) on notebooks -Prepare: Language focus COMMENTS: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2014, 16:00

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