Chapter 12:
Thrift and Insurance
Trang 2Credit Unions
⚫Credit unions (CUs) are nonprofit
depository institutions composed of
members with a common bond, such as
an affiliation with a particular labor union, church, university, or residential area
⚫Serve as an intermediary for members
⚫Offer interest on share deposits to
members who invest funds and channel those funds to members who need loans
Trang 3Credit Unions
⚫Because CUs do not issue stock, they are technically owned by the depositors (or
⚫The deposits are called shares, and
interest paid on the deposits is called a
⚫If CUs accumulate earnings, they can use the earnings either to offer higher rates on deposits or to reduce rates on loans
Trang 4Advantages of Credit Unions
⚫CUs are nonprofit and therefore their
income are not taxed
⚫Offer higher deposit rates, lower fees on checking accounts, lower required
minimum balances
⚫Have relatively low noninterest expenses because their office and furniture are often donated or provided at a very low cost
through the affiliation of their members
Trang 5Disadvantages of Credit Unions
⚫May not have the incentive to manage
operations efficiently
⚫May also not have the funds to invest
heavily in new technology
⚫Difficult to diversify beyond their affiliation and among various products
⚫CUs increasingly have been merging CUs are also trying to diversify their products
by offering other services to their
Trang 6Credit Union Sources of Funds
⚫Credit unions obtain most of their funds from share deposits by members
⚫Credit unions also offer share certificates, which provide higher rates than share
deposits but require a minimum amount (such as $500) and a specified maturity
⚫Most CUs also offer checkable accounts called share drafts
Trang 7Credit Union Sources of Funds
⚫Borrowed funds: From other CUs or from the Central Liquidity Facility (CLF) The CLF acts as a lender for CUs to
accommodate seasonal funding and
specialized needs or to boost the liquidity
of troubled CUs
⚫Capital: Their primary source of capital is retained earnings
Trang 8Credit Union Uses of Funds
⚫Credit unions use the majority of their funds for loans to members to finance automobiles, home improvements, and other personal expenses They are
typically secured and carry maturities of five years or less
⚫CUs purchase government and agency securities to maintain adequate liquidity
Trang 9Exposure of Credit Unions to Risk
⚫Liquidity risk: If a CU experiences an
unanticipated wave of withdrawals without an offsetting amount of new deposits, it could
become illiquid => sell securities, borrow from other CUs or CLF
⚫Credit risk from their loans (often secured)
⚫Interest risk: Movements in interest revenues and interest expenses of CUs are highly
correlated The spread between interest
revenues and interest expenses remains
somewhat stable over time
Trang 10Credit Unions in Vietnam
⚫People Credit Funds (PCFs): Established using credit unions’ model
⚫Not true credit unions, more like small
commercial banks
⚫Circular 04/2015/TT-NHNN tries to
changes PCFs to true CUs but still long ways to go
Trang 11Insurance Companies
⚫Provide contractual risk management for:
Risks of insurable asset losses (auto
Risks of liability claims (product liability)
Risk of large medical costs (health insurance)
Risk of disability (disability insurance)
Risk of premature death (life insurance)
Risk of longevity (annuities)
Trang 12Insurance Companies, cont.
⚫Major capital market intermediary
Major investor in corporate (life) and state and municipal bonds (property/casualty)
Major long-term commercial mortgage lender (life)
⚫Mutual or stock form of ownership
⚫Premium and investment revenue
⚫Losses and loss adjustment expenses
Trang 13Insurance Concepts
⚫Pure vs financial risk
⚫Insure fortuitous (random), independent risk occurrence
⚫Premium covers losses, administrative expenses and profits
⚫Insured contracts for known loss
(premium) in return for protection
⚫Moral hazard and adverse selection
Trang 14⚫ Life insurance companies
⚫ Provide risk management contracts for individuals and businesses
Risk areas include premature death, health
maintenance costs, and disability
Life insurance provides cash benefits to the beneficiary
of a policy on the policyholder’s death
Life insurance premiums reflect
⚫ Probability of making payment to the beneficiary
⚫ Size and timing of the payment
Have portfolios of policies and use mortality figures and actuarial tables to forecast claims
Trang 15Cash Value Insurance
Types of Life Insurance Policies
Whole Life
Variable Life Universal Life
Term Insurance
Term Group
Trang 16Types of Life Insurance Policies
⚫Whole life insurance includes both a death benefit (term insurance) and a savings
component that
Builds a tax sheltered cash value amount for
the future for the owner of the policy
Generates periodic cash flow payments over
the life of the policy for the insurance company
to reinvest
Pays fixed death benefit at death
Trang 17Types of Life Insurance Policies
⚫Term life insurance characteristics
Temporary, providing death benefits only over a specified term
Premiums paid represent insurance only with
no saving component
Considerably lower cost for the insured than
whole life—able to buy more insurance
protection for any amount of premium
Term is for those who would rather invest their savings in other contracts or securities
Trang 18Types of Life Insurance Policies
⚫Variable life insurance
Whole life with variable cash value amounts
Cash values invested in equities and will vary with the investment performance
⚫Universal life insurance
Combines the features of term and whole life with competitive rate of return
Variable premiums over time—buys terms and invests difference in a variety of investments
Builds a varying cash value based on
contributions and investment performance
Trang 19Types of Life Insurance Policies
⚫Group plans
Employees of a corporation offered life
insurance or purchased life insurance on life of employee
Cash value or term insurance
Low cost (term) because of its high volume
Can cover group members and dependents
Trang 20Sources of Life Insurance Company Funds
⚫Cash value reserves—accumulated cash
values owed insureds (liability)
⚫Pension reserves—accumulated “insured” pension commitments (liability)
⚫Annuity reserves—accumulated annuity
commitments (liability)
⚫Unearned premium income—premiums
received; not yet earned (liability)
⚫Loss reserves losses incurred, not yet paid
⚫Capital funds
Trang 21Uses of Life Insurance Company Funds
⚫Major investor in corporate bonds
Trang 22Uses of Funds—Policy Loans
⚫Policy loans are loans to policyholders
Whole life policies
Borrow up to the cash value of the policy
Guaranteed interest rate is stated in the policy
Usually used by borrowers during periods of rising rates to lock in the lower rate associated with their policy
Trang 23Insurance Company Capital
Build capital by issuing new stock (stock
companies) or retaining earnings
Used to finance investments in fixed assets
Cushion against operating losses
Capital requirements vary depending on asset risk
Credibility with customers is also enhanced by adequate capital
Mutual companies owned by policyholders— includes earnings retained over time
Trang 24Asset Management
⚫Performance is significantly affected by
the performance of the assets
Companies get premiums for several years
before paying out benefits
Companies try to manage the risk of losses with offsetting investment gains or diversity of assets they hold
Diversify into other businesses to offer a wide variety of financial products
Trang 26Premium Calculation
⚫Ex: A life insurance company has 100,000 40-year old policyholders who have policy value of $1 million
⚫The actuarial table show that the fatality rate (death rate) for 40-year-old people is
4 per 1000 per year
⚫The average number of deaths per year:
100,000 x 4/1000 = 400
Trang 27400,000,000/1.08 = 370,400,000
Trang 29Property and Casualty Insurance
⚫Property and casualty (PC) insurance
protects against fire, theft, liability, and
other events that result in economic or
Trang 30PC Versus Life Insurance Companies
⚫PC have shorter contracts
⚫PC have more varied risk areas
⚫Life companies larger due to long-term
savings and pension contracts
⚫PC has wider distribution of Occurrences
PC’s need liquid, marketable assets
PC’s earnings more volatile
Trang 31PC Company Costs and Profits
Loss Adjustment expenses: The cost of
investigating and adjusting losses
Brokerage and other expenses
Loss expenses: Total losses paid out in claims
Dividend - The return of part of the policy's premium for a policy issued on a participating basis by either
a mutual or stock insurer A portion of the surplus
paid to the stockholders of a corporation
Investment incomes
Trang 32PC Company Costs and Profits
➢Combined Ratio After Policyholder
Dividends = Loss ratio + Loss adjustment and other expenses ratio + Dividend ratio
➢Operating ratio = Combined Ratio After Policyholder Dividends – Investment rate
of return
➢Profit = 1 – Operating ratio
(All the ratios are calculated on the basis of total premium)
Trang 33PC Company Costs and Returns
⚫Loss ratio is the ratio of total losses paid out
in claims divided by the total earned
⚫Combined Ratio After Policyholder
Dividends - The sum of the loss, expense
and policyholder dividend ratios not reflecting investment income or income taxes This
ratio measures the company's overall
underwriting profitability, and a combined
ratio of less than 100 indicates an
underwriting profit
Trang 34PC Company Costs and Returns
⚫Operating Ratio (IRIS) - Combined ratio
less the net investment income ratio (net investment income to net premiums
earned) The operating ratio measures a company's overall operational profitability from underwriting and investment
activities This ratio doesn't reflect other operating income/expenses, capital gains
or income taxes An operating ratio of
more than 100 indicates a company is
unable to generate profits from its
underwriting and investment activities
Trang 35Property Casualty Investment Needs
⚫Tax sheltering major municipal/state bond investor
⚫Liquid, marketable assets
Marketable corporate and government bonds
Listed common stock
⚫Inflation hedge common stock
⚫Reinsurance contracts manage pure risks
Trang 37Other Insurance Operations
⚫Health care insurance
⚫Business insurance
⚫Bond insurance
⚫Mortgage insurance
Trang 38Exposure to Financial Risks
⚫Interest rate risk
Fixed rate assets in company portfolios have market values sensitive to interest rate changes
Firm measures and manages risks
⚫Credit risk
Mortgages, corporate bonds and real estate
holdings can involve default
Investment-grade securities
Diversify portfolio among debt issuers
Trang 39Exposure to Financial Risks
Trang 40Exposure to Financial Risks
⚫Liquidity risk occurs because a high
frequency of claims may require the
company to liquidate assets
Life insurance companies have high cash flow from premiums to offset normal cash needs
In case of large disaster (9/11) may be forced to sell assets to generate cash even if market