Research purpose Based on theoretical research on the adversity quotient in pedagogical activities of secondaryschool teachers, studying the current situation and factors affecting the A
Major: Psychology Code:
HA NOI – 2024
Trang 2Department of Psychology – Hanoi University of Education
Review 1: Professor, Dr Tran Quoc Thanh
Vietnam Psychological Association
Review 2: Associate Professor, Dr Nguyen Van Hong
University of Education - Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Review 3: Associate Professor, Dr Nguyen Van Luot
University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National
University, Hanoi
The thesis will be presented before the Board of thesis review
at Hanoi University of Education on h day month year
The thesis can be found at:
National Library, Hanoi or the library
of Hanoi National University of Education
Trang 31 Ha Thanh Hue (2023) “Adversity quotient in pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers in Phu Tho province” Proceedings of the international scientific conference Psychology and Education in the context of social change, Dan Tri Publishing House, pp 530-538.
2 Ha Thanh Hue (2023) “The current awareness of secondary school teachers in Phu Tho province about the causes of difficulties in the process of innovating teaching methods” Proceedings of the 7th international conference on school Psychology -
“Promoting mental health at school” Ho Chi Minh City National University Publishing House, pp.692 -701.
3 Ha Thanh Hue (2024) “Difficulties in pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers in the Northern Midlands and Mountains provinces” Journal of Science – Hanoi National University of Education ISSN 2354 – 1075, Volume 69, Issue 1,
2024 pp 73-84.
4 Ha Thanh Hue (2024) “Overview of research on the role of resilience in pedagogical activities” Vietnam Journal of Psychology ISSN 0866 – 8019 No 5/2024, pp.102-111.
Trang 4PREAMBLE 1.The reason for choosing the topic
In recent years, the education sector as a whole, and particularly in the Northern Midland andMountainous Region, has been implementing comprehensive reforms in all aspects of education andtraining Increasing societal demands on education have placed significant pressure on teachers.Teacher salaries, when compared to the workload and to other professions, remain relatively low,which impacts teachers' commitment to their profession Additionally, societal issues affecting theeducational environment compromise the quality and effectiveness of education, posing challengesfor teachers in fostering moral and ethical values among students Middle school students, at adevelopmental stage marked by significant physical and psychological changes, often facepsychological challenges, adding further complexities for teachers
The Northern Midland and Mountainous Region faces numerous difficulties due to geographic,climatic, and socioeconomic conditions, which in turn affect the resources available for education.From a cultural perspective, the area’s diversity in ethnicities and cultural practices poses additionalchallenges that deeply influence the quality of educational activities in the region
To overcome these challenges, teachers require a strong capacity for resilience This concept
of resilience was first studied by American psychologist Paul G Stoltz in 1997 under the term
"Adversity Quotient" (AQ) Stoltz defined AQ as a measure of one’s ability to confront and adapt
to changes, pressures, and difficult situations AQ is seen as a key factor in assessing anindividual's agility, flexibility, determination, and perseverance when facing life’s difficulties, and
it directly correlates with resilience
To effectively carry out their educational responsibilities amid numerous challenges, middleschool teachers in the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region need resilience to meet thedemands of the educational sector and to support the economic and social development of theregion Teachers play a central role in advancing the national priority of "education and training asthe top policy" and in realizing the goal that "investment in education is investment indevelopment." [23]
Despite its importance, as of yet, no research has been conducted on resilience in theteaching profession in this region, particularly among middle school teachers This gap inresearch calls for serious attention Studying resilience in the educational activities of middleschool teachers in the Northern Midland and Mountainous Region will provide significanttheoretical and practical value, helping to address existing challenges and fostering furtherdevelopment Based on these reasons, we have decided to undertake the research topic:
“Resilience in the Pedagogical Activities of Middle School Teachers in the Northern Midland andMountainous Provinces.”
2 Research purpose
Based on theoretical research on the adversity quotient in pedagogical activities of secondaryschool teachers, studying the current situation and factors affecting the Adversity Quotient inpedagogical activities of secondary school teachers in the provinces of the NMAMR, proposingpedagogical psychological measures to on theadversity quotient for teachers in this area
3 Research subjects and objects
3.1 Research subjects
Research on the structure and level of adversity quotient in pedagogical activities ofsecondary school teachers in the Northern midland and mountainous provinces and the factorsaffecting the ability to adversity quotient in pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers inthis area
3.2 Research subjects
Junior high school teachers in the Northern midland and mountainous provinces
Trang 5The resilience capacity in the pedagogical activities of middle school teachers in theNorthern Midland and Mountainous Provinces is influenced by both subjective factors within theindividual teacher—such as positive psychological health, negative psychological health, lowself-efficacy attribution, high self-efficacy attribution, learning from observing colleagues’behaviors and experiences, and learning from personal experiences in overcoming adversity - andobjective factors, including encouragement from policies and managers and support from thosearound them Among the subjective factors, positive psychological health has the strongest impact
on resilience, while among the objective factors, support from others is the most influential
If some appropriate psychological and pedagogical measures are proposed, it willenhance the adversity quotient in the pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers inthe Northern Midlands and Mountainous areas
5 Research tasks
5.1 Developing the theoretical framework of the dissertation: competency, adversityquotient (AQ), AQ in pedagogical activities, and AQ in the pedagogical activities ofsecondary school teachers
5.2 Survey and assess the current state of challenges, the state of resilience capacity, and the
influencing factors on resilience capacity in the pedagogical activities of middle school teachers
in the Northern Midland and Mountainous Provinces
5.3 Propose suitable psychological measures to enhance resilience capacity in the pedagogicalactivities of middle school teachers in the Northern Midland and Mountainous Provinces
6 Scope of the study
6.1 Limitations on the content of the study
The pedagogical activities we studied include teaching activities, student educationactivities and activities to meet the requirements of the education sector
Regarding the ability to adversity quotient of teachers, the thesis focuses on studying thecomponent competencies according to the CORE model including: Ability to control oneself inthe face of difficulties; Ability to identify the source of difficulties and responsibility for solvingdifficulties; Ability to solve difficulties; Ability to endure difficulties
6.2 Limitations on the research object
Objects of the exploratory survey: 120 secondary school teachers Objects of the officialsurvey: 600 secondary school teachers Objects of in-depth interviews: 14 secondary schoolteachers, 4 managers Objects of the case study: 4 secondary school teachers
6.3 Limitations of the research area
The thesis was conducted at 20 secondary schools in 4 provinces in the Northern midlandand mountainous region: Phu Tho, Ha Giang, Lang Son, Dien Bien Each province selected 5schools for survey
7 Approaches and research methods
7.1 Research approaches
7.1.1 Activity approach
Researching adversity quotient in the pedagogical activities of secondary school teachersrequires studying this activity in many aspects, at many levels and in many different aspects in
Trang 6teaching activities, educational activities, activities to meet the requirements of the industry, onlythen can we see the specific manifestation of this ability Consider activities as both the origin andthe driving force to promote the adversity quotient of teachers.
7.1.3 Systemic approach
Adversity quotient in pedagogical activities is an individual psychological phenomenon,which organically interacts with other psychological phenomena of the individual to form aunified, comprehensive system such as interaction with logical intelligence, emotionalintelligence; with personality qualities, habits, experiences gained through personal success andfailure, etc
7.1.4 Specific historical approach
The level of difficulty and the adversity quotient are both affected by objective andsubjective factors This depends on the characteristics of junior high school teachers and on thespecific conditions of localities in the NMAMR region Therefore, when studying the adversityquotient of junior high school teachers in different areas, it is necessary to take into account thespecific characteristics of local socio-economic conditions; taking into account the characteristics
of secondary school teachers compared to teachers of other levels and taking into account thespecific difficulties of the NMAMR region, the different characteristics of pedagogical activitiescompared to other professional activities in other regions
7.2 Research methods
(1) Method of researching documents and texts, (2) Expert method, (3) Questionnaireinvestigation method, (4) Interview method, (5) Case study method, (6) Observation method, (7)Situational exercise method, (8) Activity product analysis method, (9) Conversation method, (10)Data processing method using mathematical statistics
8 New contributions of the thesis
8.1 Theoretical contributions
While previous studies on resilience primarily focused on measuring resilience as a generalcapacity applicable across various fields and different subjects facing common challenges, thisresearch will concentrate on resilience capacity based on the inheritance and development ofearlier studies on Adversity Quotient This dissertation specifically investigates resiliencecapacity within a particular activity (pedagogical activities) involving a specific subject (middleschool teachers) in a defined geographical area (the Northern Midland and MountainousProvinces) Resilience capacity in the pedagogical activities of middle school teachers isexamined and assessed in relation to specific challenges in three main areas of activity: teaching,educational activities, and meeting the demands set forth by the educational sector
This work serves as an important resource for middle school teachers, educationaladministrators, and psychologists, providing a theoretical basis for studying a significant attributewithin the personality structure of individuals in general and middle school teachers in particular
Trang 7(resilience capacity) Consequently, this research contributes to the clarification and enrichment
of the theoretical foundation surrounding resilience capacity."
8.2 Contributions to Research Methodology
This study has flexibly employed a range of research methods and measurements to assessresilience capacity in the pedagogical activities of middle school teachers in the Northern Midlandand Mountainous Provinces Notably, it has skillfully combined survey methods usingquestionnaires with case study approaches, which has effectively achieved the project’sobjectives and validated the research hypotheses This methodological combination also provides
a valuable framework for future research on resilience capacity in various activities, involvingdifferent subjects and regions
8.3 Practical contributions
The thesis conducts a survey and general assessment of the current situation of difficulties inthe pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers in the provinces of NMAMR, this is animportant basis to help managers in education in general, and educational managers in theNMAMR region to have measures to influence and assist to reduce difficulties for secondaryschool teachers in this region
The thesis conducts a survey, assessment, analysis, and interpretation of the current situation
of the level of manifestation of adversity quotient in the pedagogical activities of secondaryschool teachers in the provinces of NMAMR through the component abilities, through thedivision of average scores, through the comparison of the difference in AQ of teachers according
to different research groups, the impact of the component abilities on the adversity quotient tohelp managers and researchers correctly assess the current situation of the ability to adversityquotient of teachers in this region
The thesis conducts a survey, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of the current status ofsubjective and objective factors affecting the adversity quotient in the pedagogical activities ofsecondary school teachers in the provinces of NMAMR in order to draw conclusions and proposemeasures to help improve adversity quotient for teachers, helping teachers to be more successful
in pedagogical activities Improving adversity quotient for secondary school teachers in theprovinces of NMAMR is an important factor contributing to improving the quality of pedagogicalactivities in the region in particular, contributing to promoting the socio-economic development
of the region in general This is an important document to help secondary school teachers,educational managers, and psychologists have a theoretical and practical basis in researching afactor of adversity quotient to overcome difficulties - an important psychological attribute ofindividuals in general and of secondary school teachers in particular to enrich the researchtreasure in the field of psychology
9 Structure of the thesis
In addition to the table of contents, introduction, conclusion, recommendations, list ofreferences and appendices, the content of the thesis is structured into three chapters as follows:Chapter 1: Theory on the adversity quotient and the adversity quotient in the pedagogicalactivities of secondary school teachers
Chapter 2: Research organization and methods
Chapter 3: Current status of the adversity quotient in the pedagogical activities of secondaryschool teachers in the Northern Midlands and Mountains
SCHOOL TEACHERS 1.1 Overview of studies on adversity quotient and the adversity quotient of teachers
1.1.1 Studies on the adversity quotient Research on the concept of adversity quotient
The concept of Adversity Quotient (abbreviated AQ) means adversity quotient, this is theability of people to face and overcome difficulties, obstacles and challenges in life [29] Stoltz P.Galso emphasized that the AQ index is also an indicator of 4 high and low levels of life skills:Facing difficulties; Turning the situation around; Overcoming adversity; Finding a way out Thestudy laid the foundation for a series of studies on the adversity index to be conducted [29] AuthorMaryanti, P (2005) stated that: adversity quotient is the ability to overcome challenging times,survive and develop in difficult situations as well as the ability to overcome changes anddifficulties [21]
The concept of Adversity Quotient (AQ), also known as the "resilience quotient," refers to
an individual's ability to confront and overcome difficulties, obstacles, and challenges in life[191] P.G Stoltz emphasizes that AQ serves as an indicator of four levels of resilience: Facingdifficulties, Turning the situation around, Rising above adversity, and Finding solutions Thisconcept has laid the foundation for a series of studies on adversity quotient
Maryanti, P (2005), asserts that overcoming adversity entails the ability to endurechallenging periods, survive, and thrive in difficult circumstances, as well as adapt and overcomechanges and hardships [160] Similarly, Cavus M.G (2015) defines resilience as the tendency torecover from difficulties or obstacles, enabling individuals to maintain an optimistic outlook onchallenging situations [109; pp 244 –255] Research on the structure of the adversity quotient
In his studies, Stoltz P.G (1997) [191], Stoltz P.G (2000) [192], and Stoltz P.G (2015)[63], proposed a structural model of adversity quotient consisting of four components, known as
the CORE model Control (C): This refers to the control factor, addressed with the question: To
what extent can you control an adverse event? This factor directly influences an individual's
strength and ability to exert impact and affects all other dimensions of the adversity quotient.Origin and Ownership (O): This encompasses the factors of origin and responsibility, explored
through the questions: Who or what is the source of the difficulty? and To what degree do I take
responsibility for the outcomes of this difficulty? Reach (R): The reach factor pertains to the scope
of the difficulty’s influence, with the question: To what extent will this difficulty affect other areas
of my life? Endurance (E): This represents the endurance factor, addressed with the questions: How long will this difficulty last? and How long can I endure this difficulty?
Kobasa S.C (1979) pioneered the introduction of a resilience framework comprising threecomponents: Commitment, Control, and Challenge [145] Maddi S.R (2002) further developed thistheory by emphasizing the same three elements: commitment, control, and challenge Maddi arguedthat resilience is not merely a personality trait but a skill that can be cultivated through difficultexperiences [159] Cole M.S., Field H.S., and Harris S.G (2004) applied the resilience model withthese three components to construct a resilience framework for students [113] Several other authorshave also adopted this three-component framework in their studies [20], [104]
Based on the review and evaluation of the two resilience models, this dissertation selects the COREmodel, which includes four components, to construct the resilience framework This model is considered
Trang 9more comprehensive as it encompasses additional sub-skills that reflect resilience However, we recognizethe need to revise and clarify certain components within the model for greater precision. Research on the level of the adversity quotient
Some studies classify adversity quotient (AQ) into two levels: high and low.This research
approach is represented by Angelopoulos P.A and colleagues (2002) [95], as well as DaloosM.J.O (2015) [113]
Studies classifying AQ into three levels Elizabeth L.T (2007) established three levels ofresilience, illustrated through a metaphor of mountain climbers corresponding to the levels: high,
medium, and low [121] Stoltz P.G (2015) stated, "Human motivation lies in moving forward,
overcoming challenges to achieve set goals." He compared this process to a climber’s journey and
categorized people into three groups: individuals with low AQ - Quitters, those with moderate AQ
- Campers, and those with high AQ - Climbers, the latter being individuals who persevere and achieve their goals [63] Similarly, Nguyen Thi Diem Hang (2018), in her study titled “The
current state, causes, and solutions to enhance resilience among disadvantaged students at Hue University” [31; p.17], assessed resilience based on three levels: high, medium, and low Studies
classifying AQ into five levels Other research studies have divided AQ into five levels: low,moderately low, moderate, moderately high, and high This approach is reflected in the works of
Le Thi Thu Diem and colleagues (2018) [20], Tran Thi Kim Hue (2018) [36], Nong Thi HongLinh and colleagues (2020) [50], and Le Minh Nguyet (2022) [60; P1, p.632]
To examine the levels of resilience in our study, we chose a five-level classification system: high,moderately high, moderate, moderately low, and low Research on principles of applying and improving the adversity quotient
As outlined above, Adversity Quotient (AQ) can be improved through the application ofappropriate interventions Specifically, in Stoltz P.G.’s (2000) study, the focus was on applying
AQ principles in the workplace He proposed actions to achieve success, including: accepting andtaking responsibility for difficulties, controlling what can be changed in adverse situations,limiting the scope of difficulty’s impact, enduring hardship, reframing challenges positively, andleveraging adversity for personal growth [192]
In 2006, Stoltz P.G further explored methods to enhance AQ These methods included:changing perspectives on adversity, managing reactions to challenges, finding purpose andmeaning in difficulties, cultivating perseverance and endurance, fostering flexibility in thoughtand action, focusing on controllable factors, developing self-regulation and emotionalmanagement skills, and building community support systems [193]
By 2010, Stoltz P.G and Weihenmayer E emphasized that adversity is not an obstacle but
an opportunity for growth and empowerment Their research provided techniques to buildresilience, manage stress, and succeed in challenging environments The study also sharedinspiring stories, including that of Weihenmayer E., who climbed Mount Everest despite beingvisually impaired, demonstrating how adversity can be transformed into opportunities rather thanbarriers [194]
In Stoltz P.G.’s (2010) subsequent work, he outlined principles for enhancing AQ, such as:accepting and understanding adversity, clearly identifying the impacts of challenges, findingmeaning and limits within difficulties, reducing the time span of adversity’s influence,transforming challenges into opportunities for growth, and developing flexible and creativethinking [195]
Nguyen Thi Diem Hang (2018) emphasized raising community awareness about educatingresilience, particularly for disadvantaged students Her recommendations included: enhancingresilience among students, building and effectively utilizing networks linking students with
Trang 10families and organizations, and implementing and maximizing the effectiveness of counselingand guidance centers for students [31; pp 17–21]. Research on the method of studying the adversity quotient
*Using the Adversity Quotient (AQ) Profile to Measure Resilience
Many studies have employed the AQ Profile as a tool to assess resilience [191], [152], [81], [204], [36], [106], [167], [95]
*Using Surveys to Measure Resilience
Several research works on resilience have utilized surveys to evaluate AQ, including [83; pp 7–11], [82; pp 183–188], [78; p 450], [50; pp 69–83] Research on the relationship between the adversity quotient and the results ofactivities
It can be said that adversity quotient (AQ) is directly proportional to the level of success in allhuman endeavors Numerous studies have demonstrated this correlation, including those byMcClelland D.C et al (1975) [148]; Sia T (2001) [200]; Stoltz P.G (2015) [196]; WilliamsM.W (2003) [206]; D’Souza R (2006) [119]; Widyaningrum J (2007) [205; pp 47–56]; Huijuan
Z (2009) [135]; Indah A.L (2010) [154]; Stoltz P.G (2010) [195]; Kiki R.A (2011) [144]; CuraJ.M & Gozum J.L (2011) [112]; Arstity H (2012) [133]; Bautista M.J.C (2015) [105]; andKhairazani A.Z & Abdulla S.M (2018) [142]
Further research into this subject has been conducted by Yazon A.D & Manaig K.A (2018)[208]; Darmawan M et al (2019) [116]; Kundan S & Sabina P (2019) [147]; Indraswati D et al.(2020) [136]; Rosiqoh R et al (2020) [186]; Juwita H.R et al [140]; and Kuhon F (2020) [146]
1.1.2 Studies on the adversity quotient in teachers' pedagogical activities
The adversity quotient (AQ) in teachers' pedagogical activities is considered an essentialattribute for educators, serving as a role model for students to emulate As stated: "AQ is part ofthe expected attitude that forms a solid foundation of character, essential for individuals to meetthe demands of life in today's educational institutions" [169; p.65] Studies on the role of the ability to overcome difficulties in teachers' pedagogicalactivities
Clunies–Ross P., Little E., and Kienhuis M (2008) asserted that pedagogical activities, like most professional occupations in society, inherently encompass various degrees of
difficulty across different work contexts [111; pp 693–710]
*The role of adversity quotient in teachers' Job performance
Bautista M.J.C (2015) identified the relationship between the adversity quotient (AQ) and the teaching outcomes of thirty instructors at West Visayas State University–LambunaoCampus during the first semester of the academic year 2008–2009 [105; p 538] Mwivanda M
and Kingi P.M (2019), in their study titled The Contribution of Adversity Quotient and Work
Motivation to Teachers’ Performance, highlighted the critical role of AQ in enhancing teachers’
work motivation [170] Muztaba S., Bahri S., and Farizal (2019) examined the influence of AQand spiritual quotient (SQ) on the job performance of primary school teachers at Al-AzharSchool, Depok The findings indicated: (1) a significant correlation between AQ and SQ amongteachers; (2) a significant correlation between SQ and teachers' work performance; and (3) asignificant relationship between AQ and SQ with teachers' overall achievements [169].Kartikasari N.P.D and Wiarta I.W (2020) investigated the contributions of adversity and workmotivation to teachers' performance in primary schools at Gugus VII Mengwi during the 2020–
2021 academic year The results demonstrated a significant contribution of both AQ and workmotivation to teachers' job performance [141; pp 469–477]
Trang 11*The role of adversity quotient in helping teachers adapt to various situations
Jennings P.A & Greenberg M.T (2009) focused on the AQ of teachers in urban schools,emphasizing the importance of environment and social support in enhancing teachers' AQ Theirresearch highlighted how supportive environments can significantly influence teachers' ability tohandle adversities in the classroom [137] Phoolka S & Kaur N (2012) suggested that teacherswith high AQ tend to be proactive and committed in adverse situations, transforming challengesinto opportunities [180; p 109] Parvath U and colleagues (2014) further argued that teacherswith high AQ are better equipped to withstand various difficulties in teaching and learning,asserting that AQ is essential for teachers to perform their duties more effectively [177; pp 23–26] Aliakbari M & Bozorgmanesh B (2015) noted that different teachers respond differently toadversity quotient, depending on their AQ Teachers’ responses to challenging situations vary,influenced by their AQ levels and their coping strategies [94; pp 1–12] Day G.U & Sammons(2016) analyzed the factors that affect teachers' resilience and recovery in challenging teachingenvironments, exploring how AQ contributes to teachers' ability to bounce back and adapt tostressors in the classroom [118] Hidayat W & Sariningsih R (2018) argued that AQ involvesassessing how well an individual can rise above unnecessary blame, whether from themselves orothers It identifies the shared responsibility in challenging situations and leads to action andproblem-solving The benefits of AQ become clear when examining how teachers maintain apositive mindset while managing stressors in their working environment [134; pp 109–118]
*The impact of teachers' adversity quotient on student academic performance
Musili M.M (2015) explored the influence of factors related to teachers on studentacademic performance in Kenya The study highlighted how various teacher characteristics,including their ability to overcome adversity, affect student outcomes [168] Mwivanda M &Kingi P.M (2019) found a significant positive correlation between the "Control" component ofAdversity Quotient (AQ) and student academic performance They suggested that providingappropriate and timely support for teachers, along with professional development programs,could enhance teachers' AQ and, in turn, improve student academic outcomes This studyemphasized the importance of strengthening teachers' AQ in the context of education and itsdirect link to student success in schools [170]
*The role of adversity quotient in helping teachers achieve educational goals
Parvathy U et al (2014) argue that in education, the adversity quotient (AQ) is an essentialcapacity for teachers striving to achieve educational goals They assert that teachers need a high
AQ to better perform their tasks and meet objectives in teaching and learning [177; pp 23-26]
*The role of adversity quotient in classroom management
Bautista M.J.C (2015) emphasizes that how teachers adjust and cope with adversity reflected in their AQ - is a crucial factor that influences their ability to manage the classroomeffectively [105] This suggests that AQ directly impacts teachers' success in maintaining controland creating a positive learning environment Marashi H & Naghibi Z (2020) found that the AQ ofboth introverted and extroverted teachers is a significant predictor of their classroom managementabilities The study highlights how AQ, regardless of personality type, plays an important role inteachers' capacity to manage and maintain order in their classrooms [164]
*The role of adversity quotient in shaping teachers' psychological aspects
The influence of AQ on teachers extends beyond just practical tasks; it also plays a pivotal role
in shaping various psychological aspects of teachers, such as resilience, stress management, andemotional regulation High AQ enables teachers to better navigate the emotional andpsychological challenges of their profession, contributing to their overall well-being andeffectiveness in their roles According to Day & Harris (2010), they explored the factors affectingteachers' Adversity Quotient (AQ) and the impact of AQ on job satisfaction in teaching [117]
Trang 12Kupari P & Nissinen K (2013) [19] argued that Adversity Quotient is an aspect of self-esteem,motivation, determination, creativity, positive attitude, optimism, and emotional stability.According to Saeid N & Eslaminejad T (2017), these qualities are crucial because schools in the21st century are becoming increasingly challenging [188; pp 225–232]. Studies on factors affecting resilience in teachers' pedagogical activities
Bandura A (1997) showed that when teachers lack self-confidence, they tend to feel helpless
in the face of difficult situations, which diminishes their adversity quotient (AQ) [102] Lazarus
R S & Folkman S (1984) argued that negative psychological factors such as job dissatisfaction,feelings of being undervalued, and internal conflicts can reduce teachers' coping abilities, therebyaffecting their AQ Teachers under stress often tend to respond negatively or avoid situations,rather than actively addressing challenges [153] Fredrickson B L (2001) conducted research onpositive emotions such as optimism, gratitude, and hope, which have been shown to enhanceteachers' resilience and Adversity Quotient [125] Kyriacou C (2001) identified anxiety and stress
as common negative psychological factors in teaching, noting that anxiety undermines teachers'ability to respond quickly and decisively to unexpected situations, leading to a lower AQ [149].Jennings P.A & Greenberg M.T (2009) emphasized that factors such as the teacher's workingenvironment, support from management and colleagues, as well as the ability to manage personalemotions and maintain a positive mindset, play an important role in developing teachers'Adversity Quotient [137]
Fernet C, Guay F, Senécal C & Austin S (2012) pointed out that a negative workenvironment and lack of motivation can lead to burnout among teachers, weakening their ability
to overcome adversity [123] Gu & Day (2013) explored the concept of psychological resilience
in teachers and emphasized that positive psychological factors such as a sense of success in theirprofession, job satisfaction, and the ability to maintain an optimistic attitude play an importantrole in enhancing teachers' ability to cope with challenges [129] Bautista M.J.C (2015) identifiedfactors that influence teachers' Adversity Quotient, including: a positive work environment,support from colleagues and superiors, which helps teachers feel encouraged and motivated toovercome challenges; the ability to organize and manage time effectively, which reduces stressand enhances their ability to cope with difficulties [105, p.538] Maslach C & Leiter M.P (2016)focused on the phenomenon of burnout in the teaching profession, a common negative emotionalstate among teachers [162] Indraswati D and colleagues (2020) confirmed that factors such asleadership skills and the motivational support from administrators towards teachers contribute toincreasing teachers' Adversity Quotient [136] Author Lê Minh Nguyệt (2022) concluded thatseveral factors influence the Adversity Quotient of secondary school teachers, including the fact thatmore challenging circumstances can serve as motivation to enhance teachers' resilience Challenges
in professional development activities and personal conditions within the professional environmentcan act as barriers, diminishing teachers' ability to overcome adversity [60; P1, p.630] Methods for studying teachers' adversity quotient in pedagogical activities
The main methods used to study the adversity quotient in teachers' pedagogical activitiesinclude: adversity profiles [2]; [12]; [14]; [22]; [23]; surveys [15], and a combination of surveysand adversity profiles [4, P1, p.630]
1.1.3 Issues drawn from existing studies on teachers' adversity quotient in pedagogical activities
*Some achievements of the studies
The studies have proposed the concept of adversity quotient as the ability to face andovercome difficulties It is a factor that predicts human success; Studies have built a structuralmodel of the adversity quotient, including 4 component abilities: Control, Ownership, Reach,Endurance Studies have been successful in using three main forms to survey the adversity quotient
Trang 13, which are building an adversity quotient profile (including a number of hypothetical situations tosurvey the subject's choice to solve that hypothetical situation); building a questionnaire to directlymeasure aspects of the adversity quotient; combining the adversity quotient profile andquestionnaire; Studies have affirmed and proven the importance of the adversity quotient for people
in different fields of activity, including pedagogical activities; Studies have shown that there aresubjective and objective factors affecting the ability to overcome difficulties of people in generaland teachers in particular; Studies also affirm that the adversity quotient is a dynamic factor that canchange, not fixed Studies also propose ways to improve the adversity quotient for individuals ingeneral and teachers in particular
Through an overview of research documents on the adversity quotient of teachers, we find that
- The issues that have not been resolved or have not been thoroughly resolved are:
+ Ability to overcome difficulties and the adversity quotient plays a decisive role in success
in all areas of activity Therefore, adversity quotient is needed in all areas of activity and each area
of activity has its own characteristics, so it is necessary to build a separate structure model ofadversity quotient for each area of activity
+In each field of activity, there will be different forms of difficulties, so when studying the adversityquotient, it is necessary to analyze and compare it with the specific difficulties of each field of activity.+ The survey of the adversity quotient in each activity, each different profession, eachdifferent culture is different Therefore, in each study, it is necessary to pay attention to building asurvey tool suitable for the specific type of activity, suitable for the culture and to achieve theresearch purpose
- The issue that needs and can be further studied in our thesis is:
+ We conduct research on the adversity quotient model in the pedagogical activities ofsecondary school teachers based on the CORE model, but there are adjustments to the name,addition of component abilities in the adversity quotient structure to suit the pedagogical activities
of secondary school teachers, associated with a specific economic and cultural area of Vietnam.+ The study will focus on highlighting the difficulties in the pedagogical activities of secondaryschool teachers and the specific difficulties of secondary school teachers in the TD&MNPB provinces(areas considered to have many difficulties compared to the whole country) From there, there is abasis to evaluate the adversity quotient of teachers in this area
+ The thesis designs a questionnaire based on the inheritance of the overcoming difficultiesprofile of Lazaro - Capones, A (2004) [20] as a survey tool for the thesis
+ The thesis will evaluate the level of adversity quotient in pedagogical activities ofsecondary school teachers in the NMAMR provinces on 5 levels: elementary, basic, average,advanced, expert
+ The thesis focuses on studying a number of factors affecting the adversity quotient inpedagogical activities of secondary school teachers in the NMAMR provinces Proposeappropriate measures to improve the AQ for teachers in this area
1.2 Some theoretical issues on the adversity quotient in the pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers
1.2.1 Pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers
Middle school teachers are teachers who participate in teaching at secondary schools, withfull qualities and capacities according to the regulations of the industry
1.2.2 Characteristics of pedagogical activities of secondary school teachers Concept of pedagogical activities
Pedagogical activities are the professional activities of teachers in educational institutions,including teaching activities, educational activities and activities to meet the requirements setforth by the industry