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Ready for fce updated edition 2008 course book

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Tiêu đề Ready For FCE Updated Edition 2008 Course Book
Tác giả Roy Norris
Năm xuất bản 2008
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As weU as providing relevanl practice in reading, writing, listening and speaking, each unit of Ready for FCE includes one or more Lan uage focus sectíons, which revise the main grammar

Trang 2


Trang 3

1 Habituat behaviour tend to; frequeocy

adverbs; used to and would

2 be used to, get us e d to and u se d to

1 Jndirect ways of asking questions

2 Gerunds and infinitives A

3 Gerunds and infinitives B

1 Music Multiple matching (FCE Part 3)

Obligation, necessity and permission

1 Too and enough

2 Definihg relative clauses

3 Non-deflning relatíve dauses

1 The present perfect

2 Con t rasting ideas

3 Expressing preferences

The future and time linkers

1 Modal verbs of speculation

2 Question tags

1 Fi l ms Gapped text (FCE Part 2)

2 Take: Expressions and phrasal verbs

Recording prepositions Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) The world of work

Give: Expressions and phrasal verbs

Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) 'Rock of ages'

1 Gapped text (FCE Part 2)

2 Multiple choice (FCE Part 1)

1 Multiple choice (FCE Part 1 )

2 Gapped text (FCE Part 2)

1 Q Nothing but the truth 1 Pa ss i ves 1 Crime and bunishment Multiple choice (FCE Pa rt 1)

Page 1 22 2 P ast necessity 2 P hrasa l ver s

11 What on Earth's going on 7 1 Condit i onals 1 Weather Multip l e matching (FCE Part 3)

Page 134 2 So, neither and nor 2 Put: Expressions and phrasa l verbs Text about Christina Tugwell

12 looking after yourself 1 Countable and uncountable nouns A Health matters Multiple matching (FCE Part 3}

Page 146 2 Countable and uncountable nouns B

3 W ays of l ook ing

14 As pretty as a picture Hypothetical situat i ons 1 The Arts 1 Gapped text (FCE Part 2) Page 174 2 Anima l s 2 Mu l tiple match i ng (FCE Part 3)

3 Television

4 Phrasal verbs

1 5 Mind your language Expressing purpose 1 Phrasal verbs with turn 1 Multiple choice ( FCE Part 1)

3 American English ; Education

Addit i ona l materia l

P age 200


Word l ist Page 202

Grammar reference Page 206

Trang 4


lnforma l letters

1 Letters: Asking far information (FCE

Part 1)

2 Articles (FCE Part 2)

Essays (FCE Part 2)

Part 3: Multiple matching

1 Reviews (FCE Part 2)

2 Short stories (FCE Part 2}

Letters : An app li cation (FC E Part 2)

Descriptions (FCE Part 2)

Part 3 Word formation

Emails (FCE Part 1

Essays ( FC E Part 2)

Articles (FCE Part 2)

lnformal letters (FCE Part 2)

Short s t ories (FCE Part 2)

Part 1 : Email s

1 An article/A story ffCE Part 2)

2 Articles ( FC E Part 2)

Essays (FCE Part 2)

Formai l etters (FCE Part 1)

1 Reports (FCE Part 2)

2 Letters: Giving informatiqn (FCE

Part 1)

Use of English Transforma t i ons (FCE Part 4)

Word format i on: Affixes Word format i on (FCE Párt 3)

Word formation: Suffixes -ful and -less

Word formation (FCE Part 3)

Word fo r mation: Adjectives ending i n

- ing and -ed

Transformations ( F CE Part 4) Word fo r matio n ( F CE Part 3)

1 Word formation (FCE Part 3)

2 Multip l e - choice cloze (FCE Part 1) Open cloze: Prepositíons (FCE Part 1) Word format i on: Nouns and adjectives Open cloze: Relatíve clauses Transformations (FCE Part 4)

Open cloze (FCE Part 2) Transformations (FCE Part 4)

Word formation: -en suffix

Tr ansformat i ons : Future forms (FCE

P art 4 Word formation (FCE Part 3) Multiple-choice cloze (FCE Part 1) Open cloze (FCE Part 2) Word formation: Adjectives Word formation (F.CE Part 3) Transformations (FCE Part 4)

Mu l tiple - cho i ce c l oze (FCE Part 1)

Open cloze (FCE Part 2}

Transformations (FCE Part 4)

1 Multip l e-choice cloze (FCE Part 1)

2 Word formation (FCE Part 3}

Open cloze (FCE Part 2) Transformations (FCE Part 4) Word formation (FCE Part s)

Listening Multip l e matching (FCE P art 3)

1 Sentence completion (FCE Part 2)

2 Multip l e cho ic e (FCE P art 4)

1 Multiple matching (fCE Part 3)

2 Multiple choice (FCE Part 4)

Ptepari n g fo r listening : Focus on d i tractors

s-Mu l tiple choice ( F CE Part 1)

1 True/Fa l se

2 Sentence completion (FCE Part 2)

1 Multiple matching (FCE Part 3) Stated/Not stated

1 Sentence completion (FCE Part 2)

2 Mu l tip l e (hoice (FCE Part 4)

Multiple choice (FCE Part 1)

Multiple choice (FCE Part 4)

1 Sentence comp l etio n ( F CE Part 2)

2 M ultip l e matching (FCE Part 3)

1 Sentence completion (FCE Part 2)

2 Multiple choice (FCE Part 1) Multiple matching (FCE Part 3)

Part 3 Multiple matching Part 4 Multiple choice

Formai l etters: An app l ication (FCE

Part 2)

1 Set books (FCE Part 2)

2 Essays (FCE Part 2)

Artides (FCE Part 2)

Word formations (FCE Part 3) Transformations (FCE Part 4)

1 Sen t ence comp l e t ion ( FC E Part 2)

2 Mult i p l e cho i ce (FCE Part 1 ) Word formation: Adjective suffixes -ib/e Multip l e choice (FCE Part 4) and -ab/e

Word formation (FCE Part 3) Transformations: Hypothetical situa- tions (FCE Part 4)

Multiple-choice cloze (FCE Part i) Transformations (FCE Part 4)

Multiple matching (FCE Part 3)

Speaking Talking about p h otos (FCE Part 2)

1 Collaberative task (FCE Part 3)

2 Further discussion (FCE Part 4)

Tal k ing about photos (FCE Part 2)

1 Ta l king about photos (FCE Part 2)

2 Co ll abo r ative task (FCE Part 3)

1 Collaborative task (FCE Part 3)

2 lhterview (FCE Part 1)

Su p ermarket psytho l ogy

1 lnterview (FCE Part 1 )

2 Talk i ng abpu t pho t os (FC E Part 2)

1 lnterview (FCE Part 1)

2 Talking about photos (FCE Part 2)

1 Collaborative task (FCE Part 3)

2 Furtlier discussion (FCE Part 4)

1 Co ll aborat i ve task (FC E Part 3)

2 Further discussion ( F CE Part 4) Collaborative task (FCE Part 3) Talking about photos

Co lla borat i ve task (FCE Part 3)

Part 3 : Collaborative task Part 4 : Further discussion _


Trang 5


Welcome to R eady for FCE, a course which is

designed to help you prepare for the Cambridge First

Certificate in English cxamination

Trus book conLains a wide range of activüies aimed

at improving your English and developing the

language and skills which you will need to pass the

examination As weU as providing relevanl practice

in reading, writing, listening and speaking, each unit

of Ready for FCE includes one or more Lan uage

focus sectíons, which revise the main grammar

areas, together with Vocabulary slots which will help

you to increase your word store

A significant fealure of the Use of EngHsh syllabus

in the book is the systematic approach to Word

formation At regular intervals you will find special

sections which focus on Lhc most important aspects

of word building, ensuring that you are properly

prepared for trus part of thc examination

At the end of every unit there is a two-page Review

section, which enables you to revise and practise the

new language you have encountered in the unit

Throughout the book you will find the following

boxes, whkh are designed to help you when

perfonning the different tasks:

What to expect ín the exam : these contain useful

information on what you sh uJd be prepared to see,

hear or do in a particular task in the examination

How to go about it: these give ad ice and

guidelines on how Lo deal wi th di fferent task types

and specific questions

Don't forget !: these provide a reminder of

importanl poinls to bear in mind when answering a

particular question

Further information and advice is included in the

five supplemenlary 'Ready for ' units, one for eacb

of the five papers in the examination These are

situated after every Lhird unit in the book and can be

used at appropriate moments during the course

At tbe end of the book you will find detailed

explanations of the grammar areas seen in the units

in the Grammar reference, together with a

topic-based Wordlist

Overview of th e exa m ination

The Cambiidge First Certificate in English

examination consists of five papers, each of which

can-ies 20% o[ the total marks A low mark in one

paper does not necessarily rnean a candidate will fail

the examination; il is the overall mark which counts

A, B and C are pass grades; D and E are fai! grades


There are three parts to this pape1~ wíth a total

of 30 questions Each question in Parts 1 and 2

carries 2 marks; each q estion ín Part 3 carries

1 mark Texts are taken from a variety of sources

including newspaper and magazine articles, fiction,

advertisements and brochures For more inforrnation and advice on appropriate reading strategies for each

part, see the Ready for Readíng unit on pages 38 to

41, as well as the relevant sectíons in the main units

of the book

Part Task Type Numb er Task Format

of questions Multiple 8 A text fo ll owed by multiple -

cho i ce choice ques tion s with four

options A, B C or D

2 Gapped text 7 A text from which sentences

have been removed Candidates replace each of these in the appropriate part of the text

3 Multiple 15 A text preceded by multiple matching matching questions which

require candidates to find specific

information in a text or texts

P aper 2 Writing 1 hour 20 minutes

There are two parts to this paper, each of which carríes the same number of marks Part 1 is

compulsory, so must be answered by aH candidates,

whereas in Part 2 candidates choose one from four

tasks Candidates are required Lo write between 120 and 150 words for Part J, and between 120 and 180 for Part 2 For more informaUon and advice on the questions ín this paper, see the Ready for Writing unit on pages l 18 to 12 J, as well as the relevant sections in the main units of the book

Part Task Type


Letter or email


of Tasks

1 (compulsory)

4 (candidates

choose one)

Task Format Candidates write a letter or an email in response to a given situation Prompts are provided in

the form of written input material

such as a letter an advertisement and/or notes

A situa tion -based writing task with

a clear context, purpose for writing and target reader

Candidates write one of the following:

- article - essay - letter

- report - review - short story

T e l ast question has two options, eac h b ased on one of th e two se t

reading t exts Candidates write eit h er an article, an essay, a l etter,

a report or a rev i ew

Trang 6

Paper 3: Use of E ng li s h 45 minutes

of Questions

each g a p wíth the correct farm of a given word


Paper 4: Li stening abou t 40 m i n u tes

of Questions

with one o r more speakers

Multiple - choice questions have 3 options, A, B or C

Candidates w r ite a word or short phras e to comp l ete sentences

3 Mu l tip l e s Flve short monologu e s, each

m a tching l a sting approxim a tely 30 seconds

The extracts are a 11 r e lated to

a common theme Candid a tes

m a tch ex t racts with prompts

Mu l tip l e -choice qu es t i ons h a v e

f { ,,

options, A, B or C


P aper 5: S peak in g 1 4 m i n tes

given marks for range and correct use of grammar

to questions from the interviewer

Each candidate talks about two pictures tor about 1 minute, and comme n ts briefly

on the other candidate's pictures

Cand i dates are gíven v i sual materia l and then speak to each other about it in order

to comp l ete a task

The i nterviewer leads a discussion which is re l ated to

th e topic of Part 3


Trang 7



.; ll

Vocabulary 1: Clothes

1 Find the following items of clothing and accessori.es in the pictures above Which item

is not there? What other items can you see?

waistcoat bracelet scarf

jumper trainers cardigan

dungarees blazer bowtie

tracksuit bottorns dinner jacket high-heeled shoes

match to the picttU"es above?

tigh t-fitting baggy casuaJ


colomful plain


unfashionable srnart

trendy shabby waterprooE

A fit suit match go with

that He looks aJrigbt though, except perhaps for those trousers Do you think they

B wear put on get di ' essed

Asit was Sunday I got up and had breakfast in my dressing gown I didn't

Trang 8

4 Using the vocabulary from exercises l , 2 and 3 describe what the people are wearing

C> 5 Describe the clothes that you most like wearing Use the vocabulary from exercises 1

2 and 3 and the Wordlist on page 202 to help you Say why you like them, when you

C - R ,.,ea _di_ng., : , _ _ )

Gapped text


What do you imagine the Jifestyle of teenage fashion models is like?

What do Lhey need protection from?

recommend lhis lifestyle to teenagers?

to use

Check that the whole sentence fits in with the mean i ng of the text before and after the gap

To help you do this, parts of the text are written in bol d These show connection s between the language in the text and the language in the missi ng sentences

ln addition, connec t ions between prono uns

and other words are shown i n i t a li cs

No w look at gap number 1 and answer the fol l owing questions

a What pronouns could be used in the missing sentence to refer to 'our girls'?

b Which sentence (A - H ) contains one of these pronouns and ment i ons 'talking' and 'getting a job'?

e When you think you have found th e

sentence, read the whole paragraph again to

check t hat it fit s

Now complete the rest of the gaps with an

appropriate sentence


Trang 9


After recent a counts of drug-taking amongst teenage

models in the care of their model agencies, the catwalk world

has once again come under public scrutiny Jess Hallett used

to be booker, taking bookings fo r models, organizfog their

itineraries and generally rnnning their li es She talks about

the lengths she went to in order to protect her girls

Whi l e bad b h v iou r i n t he m ode ll i n g w orld evidently

exis t s, the r e are mony in t he fash i on i ndus t ry who wo r k

v ery h rd to lry a nd m ake sur e i t doesn ' t 1 spent a l most len

years as a b ooke r , and beca m e emotionally i nvo l ved wi t h

almos t v ery gi rl i n my care Boo k ers care for ond protect

the s e y oung mode l s to suc h a point thai th e y ar e often t oo

lired at the end o t the da y even t o go home

We d id a ll ki n ds of things for our girls _ l 1 _._ I _ _ ,

Some t i m es we had to talk to them and chee r them up

even when they did get the job they wanted; s u ch as

the co v er of I talian Vogue ' or t he Chone l show i n Paris T h ey

were terrified t hey were going to d o i t a dly and the boo k er

woul d r eassure them an d teli t h em they loo k e d fantast i c

The t r end of usi n g girls as yo u ng as 14 or 15 means o lot of

responsibil i ty The consequences of not taking good

care of them or e t oo h uge for ony o genc y t o consider

l 2 1 1 B a c stage al any show in New Y ork, P a r i s or

Milon , you see bookers F r om all over t he world, t h ere to

supporl their gi rl s ond make sure thai ano t her agency d oesn't

t y t o a tt rm:t t he m with a b e tter contract

1 3 1 1 1 '11 n v er for ge t t h e t ime when Ch a rles de

G aulle o i rpor t wos closed down b ecause o f o st r ike a n d Kate Moss had to get to Paris for a very imp orto n j ob The

C h nn el Tu n el h dn' t be e n built t h en, so 1 flew w i th he r to Brosse l s with the idea of getting the train from t he r e

l 4 I 1 The whole journey took 12 hours, but

w i th a st u dio f u ll o f p e op l e waiting fo r her a t the othe r end, we

h d n o c h oioe

One danger we ha d t o p r ot e ct mode l s from wos their parents 1 5 1 1 l t wos qui t e cleor t h i she was humiliated by his behaviour a nd wasn' t at all inte r ested in

ca r eers ond trovelle d with t he m wh e e ve r t h ey c ou l d

T he fact i s t h t the majority of gir/s love the lifestyle

1 7 1 1 T he Russian model Li da E gorova t ol d me rece n t l y how happy she wos, work i ng with c r ea t ive and talente d people S h e was wealthy ond l iv i ng i n P ar i s; on d the

n ig ht before she had met M adon n a a ! a party W hat more

co ul d any gi rl want?

A On e fa t h e r insisted that hi s dau g te r E And conside.ring how many of the m

was better-looking than anyone in there are n wadays, you don't hear

my boss because I wouldn't employ

F However, it seemed that the rest of

h er

Euro e had the same idea, so '"'e had

B If you don't look after th em to persuade a taxi driver to take us all

properly then someone else wül the way to Paris

e O t h e r s never allowed Lhem to go G Sh e said sh e was having a wonderful

anywhere unaccompanied time and couldn't imagine doing any

D Whether it was be ause t h ey were other job

having a harci time at school, had split H Models tend to travel a lot and

up wíth their boyfriend, r hadn't whe11ever necessary a booker will

got a job th ey really wanted, their accoin any them on a trip

booker was the one t li ey talked to

When you have Einished, check that t.he sentence whicb you have not used does not fit

into any of the gaps

Jess Hallett finishes wih the words: 'What more could any girl want?' Do you agree

with this assumption?

Do you think that children who are encouraged to step into adult roles, such as

catwalk modelling, are being exploited?

Do you think i t is right that models should be so lúghly paid?

Trang 10

1 : Habitu a l behaviour

A General tendencies

Which of the alternatives in this sentence is not possible?

Models tend to!use to/usuallv trave/ a /ot

e Look in the Grammar reference on page 206 to see

how tend to is ued

2 Make three general statements about the habits of the

following groups of people in your country using tend to

• pop stars • teenagers • old people

• teachers • people in big cities

Exam pl e:

Pop stars in my country tend to arrive late for concerts and

interviews lt's very írrítatíng, especíally as you have to pay

so much to go and see them perform

B Freque cy adverbs

Look at the following extracts from the text

They are often too tíred at the end of the day even

to go home

Sometimes we had to talk to them and cheer them up

e ven when they did get the jpb they wanted

/'// never forget the time when Charles de Gaulle aírport

was c/osed down

Parents were usually encouraged to get invo/ved in theír

daughters' careers

Others never allowed them to go anywhere


2 What is the normal position in the sentence for frequency

adverbs with the following?

a main verbs b the verb to be e auxiliary verbs

Pr a ctic e

For sentences 1-6, decide if the position of the adverb is

possible lf it is not possible, correct the sentence

1 hardly ever get clothes tor my birthday or tor Christmas

2 1 have sometimes breakfast in my pyjamas

3 Always 1 fold my clothes up betore 1 go to bed

4 Someone in my family is always borrowing my clothes

- it's so irritating!

5 When 1 go shopping tor clothes, 1 rarely can find jeans

which fit me perfectly

6 Occasionally 1 wash my own clothes, but normally my

mum or dad does it

e Check your ideas on page 206 of the Grammar


2 C> Say whether or not the sentences in exercise 1 are

true for you Use f ~ quency adverbs and tend to


Well, unfortunately number 1 is not true for me My aunt

often buys me clothes but they're usually not very tasteful

or fashionable, so I don't tend to wear them often

e U se d to and would Used to and would can be used to talk about past habits Look at these sentences from the reading text

a The booker would reassure them and te// thetn they looked fantastic

b There were some parents who would let theír daughter

go alone to fashion shoots

e Jess Ha/lett used to be a booker

2 ln sentences a and b used to is also possible ln sentence e

wou/d is not possible Why is this?

8 Check your ideas on page 206 of the Grammar

e neither used to nor would

From a very early age 1 often (1) looked at models in catalogues and (2) said: 'l'd like to do that.' 1 (3) was a very small child so one day my mum (4) gave me one of her tops to wear as a dress and on sunny days 1 (S) walked

up and down the garden path as if 1 was modelling it on the catwalk 1 (6) loved that top and 1 really (7) believed that one day l'd be a model 1 (8) found it recently when 1 was cleaning the house and 1 (9) smiled to myself

2 Write six sentences comparing your life now with your life five

years ago Write about things which have change


/ dídn't use to have a j ob , ut n o w I work on Saturdays so I have more mon ey


Trang 11


Vocabulary 2: Get

The following sentences aD contain phrasal verbs or expressions with get Decide which answer A , B , C or D best füs each gap and underline it There is an example at

0 That jumper looks so old and dirty When are you going to get _ _ _ of it?

1 Here's my telephone number If you have any probJems, just get in with me

2 1 hearcl she was a lovely wornan Unfortunately, 1 never got the _ _ _ to meet her

A occasion B opportunities C possibilities D chance

3 1 asked him how much he got _ _ _ but he refused to tell me

4 Come on, hurry up and get _ _ _ ! Your bus leaves in five minutes

S Hís parents are worríed about his behaviour He's always getting into at school

6 His girlfriend left him in March and he still hasn't got _ _ it

7 I cau't speak French very well, but I always manage to get with a

dictionary and a few gestures

8 He wanted to get to the town centre but he got _ _ _ the wrong bus and ended

3 get to the station e become

4 get a headache d become ill with

S get somebody to do something e catch

6 get something for Christmas f arrive at/reach

7 get a newspaper g go out

8 get out of the house h buy

2 Look back at the text on teenage models and find examples of get Decide on the meaning ín each case

C) 3 Discuss the following questions

• How long does it take you to get to work/school?

• When did you last get away for the weekend?

• What presents did you get far your last birthday?

• Do you often get angry?

• Where do you usually get your clothes?

Trang 12

C -.~is ,,, te~n - ing r : -_ ) Mu l tiple matching 0 1 1-1 5

to use

Before you do the task„

• You will have 30 seconds to read the descriptions U se this time to try to predict some of the ideas and language you might hear (se e below)

• You are not expected to understand everythin g yo u hear


Match each of the people in the b ox to the appropriate occasion A-F in the

word may be used for each occasion and some words may be used !:\,vice

eg A wcdding: guest, wi tn ess

each of the situations?

Now you are ready lo do tbe task

e a job inlerview Speaker 3

D a sporting event Speaker 4

E a film premiere Speaker S

F an examination

• Some of the ex t racts may contaln distractors

(key words or expressio ns which could cause you to make the wrong decis ion)

• Pay close attention the second time you hear the recording You may discover that you

need to change your answers

2 Where does each occasion take place?

eg A wedding usually takes p l ace in a

church or a regist1y office

3 What clothes would you wear on the occasions A-F mentioned in the listening task below?

eg If l was going to a wedding l

would buy a11 expensive dress I would probab l y wear high-heeled s hoes

C) Have you ever been in a situation where somcone's appearance caused surprise?


Ngày đăng: 20/12/2024, 16:36


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