Loyalty measurement results of student customers using Viettel's mobile telecommunications service: .73 Chapter 5: Conclusions and suggestions .... Figure 1.1: The brand loyalty pyramid
Instructor : Le Minh Quang, Ph D
Student : Dang Thu Phuong
Faculty : Political Economy
Class : QH - 2020 - E Kinh te CLC 3
Ha Noi, 10/2023
Analyzing customer loyalty among Hanoi students
for Viettel’s telecommunications services
Instructor : Le Minh Quang, Ph DStudent : Dang Thu Phuong
Faculty : Political Economy
Class : QH - 2020 - E Kinh te CLC 3
Ha Noi, 10/2023
Trang 3leadership, staff and experts of the Faculty of Political Economy, University ofEconomics and Business, Vietnam National University, Ha Noi for creating favorable
conditions for facilities, information and guidance during the research process
Also, the completion of this study could not have been possible without Dr Le
Minh Quang His guidance and advice carried me through all the stages of writing this
Last but not least, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family,
friends and classmates for constantly motivating me and providing me with invaluablesupport while I completed the challenging task of finishing the paper
Trang 4Reference information from the study is fully and carefully cited.
If not true, I would like to take full responsibility for the content of our research
Trang 5LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS He.LIST OF FIGURES :.:scscsssossssssssssssssosesnssssosessesssosesansssoscsnnsssonescosssoscsaosssesessonesesess
Chapter 1: Literature T€VÏ€W Sàn HH Hư
l1 Research DADCTS s 2c / 2220//602/0/0634/99309336399597936 25399
1.1.1 Domestic research s-c+c+cccxccertrterrerrrrrrrerrerrrrrrrrree
1.1.2 FOoreignresearch s-ss tt gưưến
WZ, TGSEAIGHDHDS 2///4/4/23./424020/060/1/2//12/3/20/02000/120323912020202000/121.3 TDefimiion ald COMCEPIS cscscscssccsasssscssscsssssssssessssssesesasasssascsessasesosasazasczssvssessaas
WS “Comoe pt OF Loyalty s.scscscs.ssssessscsssesesssssssscsasesesosessssssssasesasasessssssssesasesesese1.3.2 The role of customer loyalty cccccccseseseseescseesesseseseseesesseneneneeseess
1.3.3 Customer satisfaction ccccccesecsesseeseseesessssssieseesessssessessssssesseesseneseeses
1.3.4 Telecommunication service CONCEP - ¿55-555 S+>c+e+screseerer+
1.4 Types of brand ÏOyaÏty - - ¿+ + St #1111 1111 1kg
1.5 Levels of brand loyalty
1G, The role of bramd Voy alty si.c.5.:s:ssasesasssessssssssasasasasssosessssssssasesosascsassssssesesasozese1.7 Loyalty research models from previous Studies -‹-‹-‹-+-+++1.7.1 Research models that influence loyaÏty - ¿+ + + +<+xzz++s++1.7.2 Research models evaluate the level of customer loyalty
1.8 Proposed research mOdel - - ¿+ + St +t#E‡EE#kekeverkrkerererkrkrrerrree
Trang 62.1 Introduction to Viettel cccccsccccseeereereeeereerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcer.2
2.1.1 History of formation and development of Viettel
2.1.2 Field Of activity c.cccsecsesseseeseseseseeseesssesessesssssssessseseeessnsseeseensseesesseses 25,
2.1.3 Accomplishments and Achievements
2.1.4 Viettel’s performance OV€TVICW se ccssieieeeerrre 8
Chapter 3: Materials and methodology
3.1 Description of factors in the research model -:-+-s-s<-+-e-e-++- OD3.1.1 Customer loyalty
3.1.2 Customer satisfaction -ccsccsrerrerrrrerrrrrrrrerrrrrrrrrcre OT
3.1.3 Service quality
3.1.4 Barriers to COnVeTSỈON -cccccccccereererrerrrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrc AO)
3.1.5 Attitude towards marketing communication activities - 4I2.1.6 CũỹtOTtệf tFUSF c cisec i.kketiiekkeLiksessekdkiasssssstese.f2,3.2 Research Methods :sssssscssssssrsessssseasessssssasesssnneasessssssassasssssescssasssessscasssensaes 433:21 ‘Quantitative data amal ysis <<:::.:::2:5:scscsesssasasasassesescseassasararasseatseszsceasarares4)
3.3 Sample selection method and sample siZe - ¿+5 +e5s5+5<+ce<ec<-+ f7
Chapter 4: Results and discussions 0.0 cccccsseseesesseesesesesesestsseseseeesseeeseeesne 4Q
4.1 Survey results of factors affecting the loyalty of students in Hanoi to Viettel's
telecommunications S€TVÏC€S 5222232221 t2xE222121 2121211111121 11 xe 48
Trang 74.2 Check the scale -cccccccccsrrererrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcee 1
4.3 Loyalty measurement results of student customers using Viettel's mobile
telecommunications service: 73
Chapter 5: Conclusions and suggestions 5-5 Stttrkekekerrkerree 76
5.1 Conclusion 765.2 Propose some solutions for Viettel to maintain and increase customer loyalty
Trang 8EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis
KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science
AMA American Marketing Association
Trang 9Figure 1.1: The brand loyalty pyramid 15Figure 1.2: Measuring customer loyalty to mobile information services - 18
Research in Ho Chi Minh City market
Figure 1.3: Proposed research model 21
Figure 2.1: Viettel’s global presence 27
| Figure 2.2: Vietnam Telecom Market Leaders 28Figure 2.3: Revenue top telecom companies in Vietnam from 2019 to 29
Trang 10sectors, largely attributable to the substantial contributions made by the
telecommunications service industry Over the past few years, this industry haswitnessed remarkable growth, evolving into a fundamental component of our
infrastructure and effectively facilitating progress in digital transformation, as well asthe development of a digital economy and society The market for telecommunicationsservices has become increasingly dynamic with the presence of prominent brands such
as Mobiphone, Vinaphone, and Viettel The intensifying competition among theseproviders offers customers a wide range of options, enabling them to select the products
and services that best cater to their needs and yield optimal benefits Notably, oncetelecommunications businesses have established a customer base, it becomes crucial forthem to continually enhance customer satisfaction in order to achieve success, foster
customer loyalty, improve competitiveness, and expand their market share Howerver,telecommunications service providers face challenging tasks, as they not only need to
attract new customers, but also grapple with the dilemma of maintaining and cultivatingcustomer loyalty
Researching customer satisfaction when using mobile telecommunications services
is one of the keys to the success of any providing companies Increasing customer
satisfaction with the services provided is an important factor in retaining customers,while improving the competitiveness of the business contributes to attracting more newcustomers to use the service In the past few years, the customer segment with a good
income has tended to slow down Recognizing that problem, mobile telecommunicationscompanies have shifted their target to a potential segment - people with low incomes,
limited ability to access and use mobile telecommunications services, including
Trang 11customer group For this purpose, this study has focused on studying the loyalty of
student customer groups in the Hanoi area, through investigating, synthesizing data,identifying and analyzing the impact of factors on student customer loyalty
2 Research objectives
¢ General objective:
The study aims to understand factors affecting the loyalty of student customers inHanoi and evaluate the level of loyalty of those customers to telecommunicationsservices From there, evaluate and propose solutions to improve customer loyalty to
Viettel's telecommunications services
e Specific objectives:
- Systematize the theoretical basis of factors affecting loyalty and evaluate the level
of loyalty of telecommunications services
- Identify factors that influence the loyalty of student customers in Hanoi to
Viettel's telecommunications services
- Evaluate the level of loyalty of student customers in Hanoi with Viettel's
telecommunications services
- Propose solutions to improve customer loyalty regarding to the quality of Viettel'stelecommunications services
w Research object and scope of the study
e Research object: Loyalty of student customers in Hanoi to Viettel'stelecommunications services
e The scope of the study:
- Time range: from 09/29/2023 to 10/11/2023
Trang 12Chapter 1: Literature review
Chapter 2: Current situation of ViettelChapter 3: Materials and methodologyChapter 4: Results and discussions
Chapter 5: Conclusions and suggestions
Trang 13The works below all do in-depth research on the effects, especially loyalty or
technological improvements, to be able to retain and expand the customer base in thetelecommunications technology industry in Ha Noi specific
1.1.1 Domestic research
(1) Research "Factors affecting customer satisfaction with Vinaphone mobile
services in Tra Vinh province" by Tran The Nhan - 2020 The results show that thevariables affect in the same direction as The level of influence on the dependent variable
in descending order is as follows: Price structure, Creative value, Functional value,
Promotional value, Corporate image, Social value, and the lowest impact is Customer
Service The model explains 70.9% of the variation in customer satisfaction withVinaphone Tra Vinh mobile service
(2) Research by Nguyen Minh Loi and Duong Ba Vu Thi, 2020
This study was conducted to understand the impact of factors on customer satisfactionwith Viettel Quang Tri's mobile telecommunications services This research results show
that there are 6 factors that affect Viettel Quang Tri customer satisfaction
(3) "Factors affecting customer loyalty in the Vietnamese telecommunicationsindustry" - Tran Hong Nguyen and Nguyen Thi Ngoc Tram — 2018 Research results
indicate that service quality, price, after-sales support and prompt supplier response are
important factors in building customer loyalty
(4) "Determinants of customer loyalty in the Vietnamese mobiletelecommunications market" Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan and Tran Huu Nguyen - 2016
This essay researched on factors that shape customer loyalty in the telecommunicationsmarket mobile in Vietnam
Trang 14social responsibility, and service recovery They highlight the importance ofunderstanding customer perceptions, satisfaction, trust, and commitment in building and
maintaining loyal customer relationships in the telecommunications sector
(1) Kamiru's doctoral thesis (2015) explored various aspects of competition theory,
development orientation, marketing orientation, Porter's strategic management, and theassessment of resource-based development capabilities within the telecommunications
services industry The thesis specifically focused on the impact of marketing strategies
in creating a competitive advantage among mobile service providers in Kenya It also
drew parallels with research conducted in Vietnam, indicating consistency in the thesis'scontent The theoretical framework presented in the thesis was well-organized and
comprehensive The article addressed three primary questions: Which types ofinequalities are relevant to the concept of the digital divide?; How does inequality inaccess and use of information and communication technologies differ from other scarce
and non-material resources? And does the information society give rise to new forms ofinequality or exacerbate existing ones? The research findings on the digital divide were
classified into four distinct approaches: motivational, physical, skills, and usage There
was a noticeable shift in focus from physical access to skills and usage as key factors in
understanding and addressing the digital divide
(2) Research by Lai et al (2009)
"How quality, value, image and satisfaction create loyalty in the Chinese
telecommunications market" by Lai et al (2009) was conducted to propose and test of amodel integrated to examine the relationship among service quality, value, brand image,
satisfaction and loyalty in the Chinese mobile telecoms market Lai et al (2009) built a
Trang 15customer loyalty Satisfaction has a significant intervention effect on the relationship
from perceived value, company image to loyalty Value plays a mediating role in therelationship between service quality and loyalty, corporate image and loyalty At the
same time, value has a great influence on customer loyalty Service quality directlyaffects both perceived value and company image Higher service quality significantly
enhances a company's image thereby improving customer satisfaction and perceivedvalue Image also has an indirect impact on satisfaction through value; and does notdirectly impact customer loyalty but it also plays an important role in enhancing
customer value and satisfaction
(3) Research by Ocloo, C E., & Tsetse, E K (2013)
Quality service has become very important in retaining customers in the mobile phoneindustry With the rise of multiple mobile network providers, customers are becoming
more and more sophisticated in making decisions regarding which services or products
to consume Research has been conducted to find out whether service quality has arelationship with customer retention and whether there is an interaction betweencustomer satisfaction and retention Result shows that there is a relationship betweenservice quality and satisfaction while customer satisfaction greatly influences customer
retention These findings have implications for industry executives on key areas thatneed attention to improve customer satisfaction to ensure customer retention
(4) "Determinants of customer loyalty in the mobile telecommunications market: across-cultural analysis" by A O Ayaburi and M Asare-Bediako (2015): This study
investigates factors influencing customer loyalty in the mobile telecommunicationsmarket across different cultural contexts This research suggests that telecom companies
Trang 16between service quality and customer loyalty in the Korean mobile telecommunication
services" by C Kang and S J Park (2010): This research emphasized the mediatingeffect of customer satisfaction and switching barriers on the relationship between service
quality and customer loyalty Telecom companies should focus on enhancing customersatisfaction and reducing switching barriers to foster loyalty
(6) In Avila's (2017) research, the author examined the diffusion and competitivedynamics of mobile phone services in Guatemala The study was published in the
esteemed Journal of Telecommunications Policy The analysis primarily focused onvarious external factors such as the country's GDP per capita, population, demographics,
as well as market-related aspects including investment, number of operators, tariffs, and
telecommunications regulations Additionally, the research considered technologicalfactors like the introduction of digital technology and the number of phone lines The
article delved into the internal telecommunications issues within organizations and
emphasized the advantages of implementing telecommunications services for business
development It identified the objectives and presented factors that influenced the
development of telecommunications services in the study The article also providedguidelines for conducting research when formulating a telecommunications services
business strategy Avila's article encompassed different research areas that werecarefully chosen during the planning and execution of the strategic assumptions outlined
in the study Furthermore, the article discussed limitations that could impede the
effective implementation of telecommunications service business development
Trang 17policies in the books or topics mentioned above will not be suitable for current conditions
in our country With the above research projects, the questions raised by the topic havenot yet been solved, especially the comprehensive and assessments after a number of
years of implementing telecommunications service development policies in the context
of Vietnam's increasingly deep international integration Many existing studies may still
have methodological limitations such as small sample sizes, convenience sampling, or
reliance on self-reported data
There may also be a lack of studies specifically focusing on the customer loyalty
of Hanoi students towards Viettel's telecommunications services Further research in thiscontext would contribute to a better understanding of the unique factors influencing
loyalty among this particular demographic With the increasing prevalence of digitalplatforms and services in the telecommunications industry, exploring how these
technological advancements affect customer loyalty among Hanoi students could be an
important research gap This could include examining the influence of mobile apps,online customer support, or personalized digital experiences on loyalty outcomes
Investigating the factors that create switching barriers and influence customerretention among Hanoi students could be a relevant research gap This could include
exploring contractual obligations, pricing strategies, network coverage, or customerservice experiences that deter students from switching to competitors Another research
gap could involve examining the impact of competitors’ telecommunications services on
customer loyalty among Hanoi students Investigating factors such as competitivepricing, service quality, promotional activities, or brand reputation of rival companieswould contribute to a comprehensive understanding of loyalty in a competitive marketcontext.
Trang 181.3 Definition and concepts
According to Michael Levine: “Brand loyalty is unchanging shopping habits
Customer satisfaction is the central factor affecting brand loyalty, they tend to find other
brands to replace On the contrary, if a brand can exceed customer expectations, they
will feel loyal to that brand
According to Dick and Basu (1994), brand loyalty can be defined as the state where
a consumer possesses a positive attitude towards this brand and consistently chooses to
purchase products from this brand However, this type of loyalty may be superficial and
susceptible to change
Besides, Oliver (1999, 33) describes loyalty as a deep commitment to continue
patronizing and repurchasing a preferred product or service in the face of situational
influences and marketing efforts that could potentially lead to switching behaviors Thislevel of loyalty is characterized by enduring behavioral patterns and a profound
psychological connection, making it resistant to change
When studying customer loyalty, researchers typically adopt three primaryapproaches: the behavioral approach, the attitudinal approach, and a general researchmethod (Oh, 1995) However, the authors argue that an integrated approach that
considers both attitudes and behaviors is the most powerful and suitable method for
Trang 19research, as it encompasses the two major influences on consumer decision-making This
integrated approach allows for a more comprehensive understanding of customer loyalty.(Rujrutana & Yaowalak, 2011)
1.3.2 The role of customer loyalty Competitive advantage
Frederick Reichheld is a customer loyalty researcher and author of the best-selling
book series “Influence and the Rules of Loyalty.” He believes that loyalty is acompetitive advantage to create profits and long-term standing of a company, the optimalindicator in the direction of the company's efforts to create value for customers Indeed,loyal customers are customers who have had a long-term, traditional relationship with a
company, they will always be with the company even in difficult times Furthermore,loyalty comes from customer satisfaction and trust, so it will be very beneficial for
businesses in dealing with competition from new products on the market In addition, as
analyzed above, loyalty is also associated with the actions of "repeat shopping" and
“recommending to others" of customers about the products and services they are using,
which is invaluable, it also generally becomes a competitive tool for the company whennew faces appear on the market Reduce costs
Philip Kolter - world-famous marketing expert, commented: "It will not be too
difficult for you to fully understand the important and necessary role of buildingcustomer loyalty to the brand." Because, some studies have shown that the cost to attract
a new customer is usually 6 times as much as the cost to retain an existing customer He
also said that the cost of offensive marketing campaigns is often much more expensivethan the cost of defensive marketing “Today, companies are looking for ways to keeptheir customer base.” According to him, many companies discover that the cost of
maintaining an old customer is much smaller than the cost of developing a new customer
Trang 20and even smaller than the cost of restoring an old customer who has left For that reason,
maintaining and making the most of existing customers, creating close relationships,
sharing with them, and developing them into loyal customers is a top priority for
businesses Increase revenue
The key to success in modern business is maintaining a stable number of customers
Many statistics show that 80% of a company's profits come from 20% of its loyalcustomers Many businesses make the mistake of ignoring loyal customers to pursue new
customers in the market And with such a business orientation, it will be difficult forthem to have a chance to squeeze into the already narrow business market with countlesscompetitors It can be said that loyal customers are a company's greatest asset
1.3.3 Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction has many different definitions, researcher Philip Koter
suggests that satisfaction is the degree to which a person's feeling state originates fromcomparing the results obtained from consuming products or services with those theirown expectations As for Hansemark and Albinsson (2004), “ Customer satisfaction is
an overall attitude of a customer towards a supplier service, or an emotional response to
the difference between what the customer expected anticipate and what they receive, inorder to meet some needs, goals"
In Vietnam, research on customer satisfaction mainly takes a tissue approach
Servqual model to measure the relationship between service quality factors andperformance customer satisfaction (Vo, 2017) According to the Servperf model,customer satisfaction are evaluated through their actual perception of service quality, or
In other words the customer's perceived level of enterprises’ service performance is the
best reflection criterion (Nguyen, 2020)
Trang 211.3.4 Telecommunication service concept
The telecommunications industry is a key driver behind Vietnam’s digital
transformation Telecommunications, or telecom, is the term used to describe theelectrical transfer of information over very long distances, including voice, data, and
video This general term refers to a wide range of information-transmitting devices andcommunication systems, including telegraphs, wired and wireless phones, satellites,microwave communications, fiber optics, radio and television transmissions, and mobile
phones In accordance with the United States Communications Act of 1934 and theTelecommunications Act of 1996, the Federal Communications Commission definestelecommunications service for regulatory purposes as "The provision of
telecommunications service for a direct fee." This service is offered to the public or tospecific user groups that have a direct impact on the public, regardless of the medium
Telecommunications, on the other hand, is defined as "the transmission of
information selected by the user, without any alteration in the form or content of theinformation, between specified points designated by the user." Telecommunications
services encompass the provision of voice and data services by telecommunicationscompanies over a wide geographical area The most prevalent form of
telecommunications service is telephone service, which can be delivered via wired orwireless standards Other services may include internet access, television services, andnetworking solutions for both residential and commercial purposes However, the
availability of these services may vary across different locations and service providers.Pricing structures for various telecommunications services can vary significantly and
may differ for residential and commercial customers
Trang 221.4 Types of brand loyalty
Brand loyalty is classified in two typical ways:
e Classification according to loyalty level:
- Behavioral loyalty group
Customers in this group demonstrate loyalty through consistent repeat purchasebehavior They consistently choose a specific brand over others, indicating a higher level
of commitment and habitual buying patterns
- Satisfied group
The satisfied group consists of customers who display loyalty to a brand owing to their
overall satisfaction with the product or service They have positive experiences andperceive value in their interactions with the brand
- Brand liking group
This group of customers exhibits loyalty based on an emotional attachment and positive
attitude towards the brand They genuinely hold a favorable opinion of the brand andmay actively engage with it, recommend it to others, or defend it against criticism
- Group Committed to the Brand
Customers in this group demonstrate the highest level of loyalty They possess a deepcommitment and strong bond with the brand, often identifying themselves as loyal brandadvocates They are likely to remain loyal even when confronted with competitive
© Classified by expression:
- Loyalty in attitude
Trang 23This classification pertains to customers who display loyalty through their positive
attitudes and beliefs about the brand They exhibit a strong emotional connection, trust,and favorable perceptions towards the brand
- Rejection of competing products
This category encompasses customers who actively reject or avoid alternative brands orproducts in favor of a specific brand They consciously resist switching or considering
alternatives due to their unwavering loyalty towards the preferred brand
- Loyalty tendency
Customers in this category consistently exhibit a preference for a particular brand butmay still entertain the possibility of exploring alternative options They possess a higherlikelihood of choosing the preferred brand, but they remain open to considering other
- Complaining behavior
This classification refers to loyal customers who engage in expressing dissatisfaction orvoicing complaints about specific aspects of the brand's products, services, or
experiences Despite their loyalty, they hold high expectations and desire continuous
improvement from the brand
1.5 Levels of brand loyalty
There are five steps, with prospects or customers “entering” at the base and
progressing upwards as they become more and more loyal to a product or service, or to
a brand as a whole From bottom to top, the types of brand loyalty on the pyramid looklike this:
Trang 24Committed Buyers
Brand Likers
- Satisfied Buyers with Switching Costs
- Satisfied or Habitual Buyers
Figure 1.1: The brand loyalty pyramid
Source: David A AakerThe more effective a business’ branding strategy and execution are (and the better
the product or service, of course), the more customers will be found in the upper echelons
of the pyramid In a little more detail, we have:
e At the bottom of the tower — Buyers passing by
No loyalty whatsoever to a brand Customers who buy products and services simplybecause they match their needs and price When they find a better supplier, these
customers will immediately leave They have no problem at all switching brands (hencethe name)
e At the 2nd level of loyalty - Regular buyers
This person tends to buy one brand, but isn’t passionate about it As the namesuggests, they buy the brand out of habit—they’re reasonably satisfied and don’t see anyreason to switch, but if they have issues finding their typical brand they’re happy to
Trang 25simply buy from a different brand rather than making an unusual effort to seek out theirtypical brand.
e At the 3rd level of loyalty - Buyers with switching costs
Customers who are satisfied with products and services and want to stick with the
business for a long time At this level, customers have placed their trust in the business,they find it unnecessary to switch to another brand To attract these customers, otherbrands must compensate for the costs of switching brands for these customers
e At the 4th level of loyalty - Loyal customers
This level is the transition point at which the buyer is passionate about the brand, atrue brand enthusiast Their affinity for the brand is based primarily in emotion and they
not only shop but also speak well of the business to relatives and friends
e At the highest level of loyalty — Wholehearted customers
At this level the brand plays an active role in the buyer’s day-to-day life, and thebuyer is proud of their association with the brand The brand identity of the product fits
closely with the buyer’s personal values, and a smart brand will reward this buyer withloyalty perks to ensure it’s a two-way relationship And those customers not onlyintroduce the business's products and services to others but are also willing to speak up
to defend the business against criticism This level is very difficult to achieve but not
impossible For example, Apple and Starbucks already have this class of customers
1.6 The role of brand loyalty
Customer loyalty plays a crucial role in the success of a brand Here are the key
aspects of its importance:
e Enhancing brand awareness and reputation
Loyal customers engage in positive word-of-mouth, write reviews, and offer
valuable compliments to the business This generates recognition and fosters trust among
new customers.
Trang 26e Strengthening brand power
Loyal customers remain committed to the brand, take pride in it, and even become
brand advocates They make repeat purchases on a larger scale, contributing to thegrowth and resilience of the business Additionally, loyal customers serve as effective
brand ambassadors by introducing the brand to others in their social circle
© Reinforcing brand association
Loyalty is an integral part of brand equity and closely interlinked with other brand
elements When brand loyalty strengthens, it positively impacts other brand components.Moreover, loyalty fosters a strong connection between the brand and its customers
e Increasing competitiveness
A brand with a larger base of loyal customers, who exhibit unwavering loyalty,
creates a barrier that safeguards the brand against existing and potential competitors
Loyal customers contribute to the brand's strength, revenue, and profitability, while alsoprotecting the brand in a competitive market
e Developing valuable assets
Loyalty helps businesses develop tangible and intangible assets Tangible assets
include increased revenue, profits, and higher customer spending Loyal customers notonly return for more purchases but also spend more, opt for premium or upgradedproducts, and purchase accompanying items Intangible assets encompass intellectual
property, brand assets, and more, which are created and strengthened through customerloyalty
Trang 271.7 Loyalty research models from previous studies
1.7.1 Research models that influence loyalty
Nguyen Duc Ky and Bui Nguyen Hung (2007) built a theoretical model and testedhypotheses about factors affecting customer loyalty in mobile information services in
“Chất lượng địch vụ )\ ci piety at
© ©
Figure 1.2: Measuring customer loyalty to mobile information services - Research in
Ho Chi Minh City marketSource: Nguyen Duc Ky and Bui Nguyen Hung (2007)
1.7.2 Research models evaluate the level of customer loyalty From a behavioral point of view
According to the AMA, loyalty is defined as "a situation in which customers tend
to repeatedly purchase products from the same manufacturer within a certain period of
Based on Oliver (1999), customer loyalty is defined as a deep and lasting
commitment to repurchase a product or return to a preferred service in the future, despiteemotional effects, situations or marketing efforts that have the potential to shift behavior
Trang 28According to Chaudhuri (1999), customers are considered brand loyal when they
tend to buy many products from that brand and make repeat purchases
Furthermore, Pong and Yee (2001) define loyalty in the service sector as “a customer's
willingness to consistently continue to be a customer of a particular service provider and
that is their first choice Among many suppliers, in which there is compatibility betweenbehavioral outcomes, attitudes and preferences, regardless of situational influences and
marketing efforts made to change behavior"
While according to Caruana (2002), loyal customers can be understood as
customers who repeatedly purchase from a supplier According to this definition, a loyalcustomer is someone who (a) regularly uses a service provider, (b) really likes the
provider and speaks highly of it, and (c) never thinks twice about the service provider
to use another service provider for this service
From Bandyopadhyay and Martel (2007), the definition of loyalty is often
expressed in future repurchase behavior, quantity and frequency of repurchases; andbrand change in each acquisition Similar to Lombard (2011), loyalty refers to customers’
repeat purchasing behavior, showing their preference for a certain brand or service
Typical behavioral scales of loyalty include purchase rate, purchase sequence, purchaselikelihood From an attitudinal point of view
As reported by Beerli and colleagues (2004), loyalty is a variable that in addition
to the behavioral aspect is also related to the attitudinal aspect According to Baldinger
and Robinson (1996), behavioral loyalty is influenced by attitudinal loyalty, whichmakes it possible to link loyalty according to customers’ behavioral patterns with theirattitudes as in basic level
According to several other authors, attitudinal loyalty refers to the customer'sintention to repurchase and recommend, a feeling of attachment, psychologically linked
Trang 29to a supplier and always choosing that supplier at level that as preference Thus,
attitudinal loyalty is an attitudinal approach, a perspective that emphasizes the role ofexperience and emotional aspects in loyalty and reflects customer actions; refers to acustomer's past purchasing limitation over a particular brand or group that are likely to
purchase again in the future
Futhermore, research on customer loyalty has many different approaches:
behavioral approaches (Seiders & colleagues 2005) and attitudes, perspectives (Jacoby
& Chestnut 1978) Behavioral loyalty is often expressed in a behavioral approach based
on future repurchase behavior; number and frequency of repurchases from(Bandyopadhyay and Martel 2007); (Liang et al 2009) Attitudinal loyalty is an
attitudinal approach that emphasizes the role of experience and emotional aspects inloyalty and reflects customer actions; related to a customer's past purchasing limits and
a particular brand or group of brands' likely future purchases based on past purchasing
behavior (Evanschitzky et al 2006) To study customer loyalty, there are 3 mainapproaches, specifically: behavioral approach, attitudinal approach, and general research
method (Oh, 1995) The authors believe that an integrated approach involving both
attitudes and behavior is the most powerful and appropriate approach for research
because it captures the two biggest influences of users’ decisions ( Rujrutana &
'Yaowalak 2011)
1.8 Proposed research model
1.8.1 Proposed research model
Previous theories and research have shown that customer satisfaction and servicequality are one of the factors that go hand in hand and have an important impact oncustomer loyalty However, some other studies have also shown that loyalty comes notonly from service quality but also from the "switching barrier" factor In addition, the
factors of trust and marketing communication activities have also been shown by many
Trang 30studies, to have a significant impact on customer loyalty The hypothesis to be tested is
proposed as follows:
H1: The higher the customer satisfaction, the higher the customer loyalty
H2: The higher the service quality, the higher the customer loyalty
H3: The greater the switching barrier, the higher the customer loyalty
H44: The higher the customer's trust in the brand, the higher the customer loyalty
H5: The more attractive the marketing communication activities, the higher the customer
Customer's trust in the brand
The marketing communication
Figure 1.3: Proposed research model
Trang 311.8.2 Viettel's services contribute to increasing customer loyalty
When Vietnamese consumers are considering a specific product or service, they
tend to rely on the internet and seek opinions from friends and family Particularly, theexperiences and recommendations of individuals who have used or are currently using
the service hold significant weight in their decision-making process Such personalrecommendations are considered more valuable than extensive advertising campaigns
Based on a NielsenIQ survey conducted between June and September 2021, it
was found that among over 510 customers using Viettel's mobile telecommunicationsservices, and 490 customers using services from other carriers, 85% of them were willing
to recommend the service to their relatives and friends This percentage is 10% higher
than the regional standard in Asia, which is 75% Additionally, Viettel ranked highest incustomer satisfaction for fixed internet services, with a customer satisfaction index of
According to NielsenIQ, there are several factors that influence customer
satisfaction with Viettels telecommunications products and services However, twofactors stand out as having the most impact on the customer satisfaction index (NPS):
service quality and price These factors play a crucial role in shaping the overallsatisfaction levels of customers
Viettel's signal quality and coverage are attributes that customers perceive asexceptional in both mobile telecommunications and fixed bandwidth services.Specifically, mobile telecommunications services extend beyond regular communication
functions, as smartphones and mobile data have become indispensable in the era oftechnology 4.0 Notably, 90% of Viettel's mobile subscribers utilize mobile data, which
is an impressive statistic compared to other network operators in Vietnam
Moreover, Viettel's customer service staff receive high praise for their service
quality Customers regard them as professional and dedicated across varioustouchpoints, including customer service hotlines, stores, and technical support personnel
Trang 32Additionally, Viettel's extensive store network covers a wide range of areas throughoutthe country, enabling prompt responses to customer inquiries and requests.
Service pricing is also a crucial factor in customers’ decision-making process, andViettel's rates are deemed appropriate and competitively priced This affordability factor
contributes to customers choosing Viettel as their preferred service provider
Viettel, along with other carriers, faces the challenge of attracting young customers who
are starting to use mobile services and possess a certain level of technologicalunderstanding The speed of internet access and reasonable pricing are crucial factors
that influence customers’ decision to choose Viettel's services According to a NielsenIQsurvey, Viettel achieved a satisfaction level of 8.4 among customers aged 18 to 45 years
old This high satisfaction level presents an opportunity for Viettel to expand its marketshare among young customers However, it also poses a challenge that requirescontinuous investment in technology, expansion of value-added services, and
improvements in the stability and quality of telecommunications services
The NPS (Net Promoter Score) customer satisfaction index is considered an
important factor contributing to a business's success With 85% of customers willing to
recommend Viettel's service to others, the company solidifies its position and brand in
Vietnam's mobile telecommunications market
With the introduction of 5G services and a range of e-wallet and e-bankingapplications, many people believe that Viettel will become an integral part of shaping
the daily lives of Vietnamese individuals, contributing to their overall well-being
Trang 33Chapter 2: Current situation of Viettel
2.1 Introduction to Viettel
Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group, commonly known by the trading
name Viettel or Viettel Group, is a Vietnamese telecommunications and technologycorporation established on June 1, 1989 With the motto "Creativity for people", ViettelGroup thrives at home and abroad
2.1.1 History of formation and development of Viettel
June 1, 1989, Viettel Group was established with the name Electronics andInformation Equipment Corporation (Sigelco) with about 40 employees, who were
soldiers from units of the Communications Corps The main industry is construction andinstallation of telecommunications projects
In 1995, the name of Information Electronics and Equipment Company waschanged to Military Electronics and Telecommunications Company (transaction name
Viettel) and officially became the second telecommunication service provider in
In 2000, Viettel launched 178 the VoIP service platforms, marking a transformation
of Vietnam's telecommunications industry
By 2005, Viettel's Internet network was expanded nationwide In September 2003,
Viettel began providing fixed telephone services in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, thenexpanded to other provinces and cities across the country
Viettel excelled in becoming the telecommunications enterprise with the largest
market share in Vietnam in 2008
In 2009, this network tried to go international with business activities in Laos and
Cambodia This has brought great success to Viettel Also in 2009, Viettel created a bigboom when building the largest 3G network infrastructure in Vietnam at that time
Trang 34From 2009 to 2018, Viettel continuously expanded international markets by
deploying operations from Asia to Africa and Latin America There were 10 companiesbearing Viettels brand are operating on 3 continents Among them, in 5 markets,Viettel's subsidiaries were in the leading position in terms of subscriber market share,
revenue, and profit: Cambodia, Laos, Burundi, East Timor, Mozambique
In 2019, Viettel was among the first 50 network operators in the world to deploy
BNB-IoT internet connection technology With the term 5G being very famous abroad,Viettel successfully tested Vietnam's first 5G call in 2019
In 2020, despite being affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic, Viettel stillcompleted its production and business plan, achieving total revenue of more than 264
trillion VND, an increase of 4.4% compared to 2019 and reached 102.4% of the year's
2.1.2 Field of activity
The group operates in various industries, which encompass the telecommunicationsand information technology services industry, electronics and telecommunicationsequipment research and production industry, defense industry, cyber security industry,and digital service provision industry Among its diverse portfolio, Viettel Mobile stands
out as the company's flagship product, representing the leading network operator in theVietnamese telecommunications services market Although Viettel initially focused on
telecommunications construction and installation, it has expanded its operations to
include five additional industries: telecommunications and IT services, research andproduction of telecommunications electronics equipment, international operations, cybersecurity, and digital service provision Specifically, Viettel's business areas are asfollows:
- Information and communication activities
- E-commerce, postal and delivery activities
Trang 35Providing financial services, payment services, payment intermediaries, andmonetary intermediaries
Providing video game services, electronic news sites, and social networks
Management consulting, surveys, designs, investment projects
Construction and operation of projects, equipment, telecommunications, IT, andtelevision network infrastructure
Research, develop, and sell military technical equipment and support tools fornational defense and security
Research, development, and sales of dual-use products
Scientific research and development activities
Research, development, and sales of machinery and equipment fortelecommunications, IT, television and multimedia
Research, develop, and sell products and services of civil cryptography and
network information security
Advertising, market research
Consulting activities on management of trade introduction and promotion
CA electronic signature
Bankplus (Money transfer service, fee payment on mobile phones)
Automated entertainment switchboard: 1060
Consulting on labor information and job introduction: 1066
Economic and social information consulting hotline: 1068
Providing products and services in the fields of telecommunications, IT, radio,
television and multimedia;
Trang 362.1.3 Accomplishments and Achievements
In 2021, after over three decades of development, Viettel emerged as the leading
telecommunications enterprise in Vietnam, boasting approximately 67 millionsubscribers nationwide The subsequent rankings are held by Vinaphone, MobiFone,Vietnamobile, and Gtel, in that order Viettel's beautiful sim numbers have gained
significant popularity and are considered best-sellers in the beautiful sim number market
In terms of brand value recently, Viettel's worth has surged to nearly $9 billion in
2023, marking a $144 million increase compared to 2022 This group standed at the 9th
most valuable brand in Asia and the 17th globally Notably, Viettel has experienced eightconsecutive years of growth in the rankings of the world's 500 most valuable brands
Furthermore, Viettel has expanded its operations and investments to 10 foreignmarkets across Asia, Latin America, and Africa In 2019, it was recognized as one of thefastest-growing telecommunications companies worldwide Viettel has also establisheditself as one of the top 15 largest telecommunications companies globally in terms of
subscriber count and among the top 40 companies in terms of revenue
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Figure 2.1: Viettel’s global presenceSources: Viettel global report 2023
Trang 372.1.4 Viettel’s performance overview Vietnam Telecom Market Scenario
Vietnam telecom market has witnessed strong growth in recent years and isexpected to attain stronger growth over the forecast period to 2025 It is also estimated
to reach USD 29.6 billion by 2032 with a CAGR of 4.4%
The growth in the industry is mainly driven by increasing population,communication service, and rising adoption of smartphone services The major part of
the market growth in Vietnam is attained by premium connectivity and content services
in the country However, consumers enjoy robust and forward-looking regulatory
regimes for these services Although Telecom service revenues were increased as usersare mainly adopting work-from-home practises and are spending more time streaming
video, games and other forms of entertainment being at home during this pandemic era
Vietnam Telecom Market Leaders
Trang 38Based on the service type, Vietnam telecom market has experienced major growth
from Value-added services The growth in Value-added services is mainly due toincreasing subscribers in the emerging economies and growing demand from networkoperators to offer efficient mobile services Based on the transmission type, still, wireline
is accounted for the major market across the world and is expected to have continuedgrowth over the forecast period, the growth in wireline is mainly due to increased
demand for wired communication services
Leaders continue to enjoy significant market share at high competition and racing
for innovation ranging from mass-market entertainment to high-end businessconnectivity The key strategies adopted in the industry are introducing new and
affordable products and services, mergers, acquisitions, expansion of services or networkand bandwidth Most of the market share of terrestrial mobile telecommunicationsservices in Vietnam are held by three giants including Viettel (54.1%), MobiFone
(25.6%), and VNPT (18.4%)
45 Unit: Billion USD
|Viettel VNPT Vinaphone
Figure 2.3: Revenue top telecom companies in Vietnam from 2019 to 2021
Sources: Vietnamcredit
Trang 39$3 Vietnam Unit: Billion USD
Figure 2.4: Profit of top telecom companies in Vietnam from 2019 to 2021
Sources: VietnamcreditFurthermore, during the first half of 2023, the Military Industry andTelecommunications Group maintained its leading position in the telecommunicationsindustry, generating a revenue of 81,000 billion VND and a profit of 24,100 billion VND
These figures represent 46.4% and 53.4% completion of the yearly plan, respectively.Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) ranked second, with a total
revenue of 26,323 billion VND The parent company alone contributed 18,600 billionVND, achieving 47.1% of the annual plan In the first six months of 2023, VNPT'sconsolidated pre-tax profit reached 2,196 billion VND, and the parent company's pre-tax
profit amounted to 1,386 billion VND, both of which achieved 49.7% of the annual plan.Mobifone Telecommunications Corporation (Mobifone) secured the third position with
an estimated revenue of 13,482 billion VND for the parent company However, the tax profit experienced a decline of 10.7% and 30.5% compared to the same period in2022
Trang 40pre-In other words, Viettel remained the top network operator, capturing 53.8% of the
mobile subscriber market share Notably, 4G subscribers accounted for 78% of the totalsubscriber base, and 5G services were being tested in 55 out of 63 provinces and citiesacross the country In the foreign telecommunications market, Viettel observed a growth
rate of over 20% during the first half of 2023 The company maintained its leadingposition in five countries: Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, East Timor, and Burundi
Vettel Construction Joint Stock Corporation | Stock Cade: CTR Ut billon YN.
Figure 2.5: Viettel’s performance by business segment between 2022 and 2023
Sources: ViettelAfter nearly 20 years of foreign investment, Viettel is currently in the top 20 of
the world's leading enterprises in telecommunications investment, on par with developedcountries To achieve this achievement, Viettel has launched an investment strategy
abroad very early with the desire to expand the market and create new development
space Viettel has done business in 10 foreign markets, spanning 3 continents (Asia,Africa, America) There are 7/10 foreign markets of Viettel ranked in the top in terms of
mobile market share in the host countries