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STEAM GENERATOR SYSTEMS: OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY AND EFFICIENCY Edited by Valen n Uchanin Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency Edited by Valentin Uchanin Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2011 InTech All chapters are Open Access articles distributed under the Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike Attribution 3.0 license, which permits to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work in any medium, so long as the original work is properly cited. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published articles. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Ana Nikolic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer Martina Sirotic Image Copyright prochasson frederic, 2010. Used under license from Shutterstock.com First published March, 2011 Printed in India A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechweb.org Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency, Edited by Valentin Uchanin p. cm. ISBN 978-953-307-303-3 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at www.intechopen.com Part 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Preface IX Material Degradation and Fracture Mechanisms 1 Degradations of Incoloy 800 Steam Generator Tubing 3 Dumitra Lucan Analysis of Oxide on Steam Generator Tubing Material in High Temperature Alkaline Leaded Solution 21 Dong-Jin Kim, Seong Sik Hwang, Joung Soo Kim, Yun Soo Lim, Sung Woo Kim and Hong Pyo Kim Burst and Leak Behaviour of SCC Degraded SG Tubes of PWRs 41 Seong Sik Hwang, Man Kyo Jung, Hong Pyo Kim and Joung Soo Kim In-situ Monitoring of SCC of Alloy 600 SG Tubing in PWR using EN Analysis 61 Sung-Woo Kim, Hong-Pyo Kim, Seong-Sik Hwang and Dong-Jin Kim Effect of Long-Term Thermal Influence on Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints for Carbon Steels used in Power Engineering 75 Zilvinas Bazaras and Boris Timofeev Primary to Secondary Leakage at PSB-VVER Test Facility, Simulated by CATHARE 2 Code 99 Luben Sabotinov and Patrick Chevrier Reliability of Degraded Steam Generator Tubes 117 Leon Cizelj and Guy Roussel Contents Contents VI Nondestructive Evaluation and Diagnostics 143 The Development of Eddy Current Technique for WWER Steam Generators Inspection 145 Valentin Uchanin and Vladimir Najda Detection of Magnetic Phase in the Steam Generator Tubes of NPP 165 Duck-Gun Park, Kwon-Sang Ryu and Derac Son Optical Methods for On-line Quality Assurance of Welding Processes in Nuclear Steam Generators 185 Adolfo Cobo, Jesús Mª Mirapeix, David Solana, Alfonso Álvarez-de-Miranda, Pilar-Beatriz García-Allende, Olga Mª Conde and José Miguel López-Higuera Heat Transfer and Coolant Flow Processes 203 Countercurrent Flow in a PWR Hot Leg under Reflux Condensation 205 Noritoshi Minami, Michio Murase and Akio Tomiyama Evaluation of Non-condensable Gas Recirculation Flow in Steam Generator U-tubes during Reflux Condensation 227 Michio Murase, Takashi Nagae and Noritoshi Minami Coolant Channel Module CCM. An Universally Applicable Thermal-Hydraulic Drift-Flux Based Separate-Region Mixture-Fluid Model 247 Alois Hoeld The Thermal-hydraulic U-tube Steam Generator Model and Code UTSG-3 (Based on the Universally Applicable Coolant Channel Module CCM) 289 Alois Hoeld Computation of Flows in Steam Generators 327 Jonas Bredberg Semi Analytical Analysis of Steady State Condition of Steam Generator 353 Zaki Su’ud Safety and Maintenance Management 369 Issues for Nuclear Power Plants Steam Generators 371 Lucia Bonavigo and Mario De Salve Part 2 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Part 3 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Part 4 Chapter 17 Contents VII Shielding Analysis of the Secondary Coolant Circuit of Accelerator Driven Systems 393 Toshinobu Sasa and Hiroyuki Oigawa Starting Fast Reactors Again 413 Didier Costes Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Pref ac e Operational productivity, reliability and safety of power generating plants are strongly connected with eff ectiveness and behaviour of applied steam generator system. It is especially crucial for nuclear power plants with two circuit heat ex- change arrangement when only few millimeters of tube wall material separate the primary and secondary circuits. Whereas the fi rst circuit is connected with reactor core and has high level of radioactive contamination, the tube integrity preserva- tion is very important for ecological safety. In addition, it is necessary to note that the steam generator components are exposed to permanent and simultaneous infl u- ences of high temperature, pressure, stresses and corrosion-erosion wear. Therefore, the material degradation of steam generator components in a common sense (united diff erent corrosion phenomena, fatigue cracking, structure changes and another fracture processes) is one of the most relevant and inseparable factor for appearance of the leakage between the primary and the secondary circuits. Because of long-term operation and fracture inevitability the role of nondestruc- tive evaluation based on diff erent physical phenomena for on-time defect detection to prevent possible accidents is also very signifi cant. At present, the eddy current method became the most applicable for steam generator tube operational inspection along the full tube length with application of diff erent types of internal probes due to many advantages in comparison with other methods. By optimizing of the heat transfer, cooling and fl aw processes on the base of theo- retical simulation and computer codes the higher level of the nuclear power plant effi ciency and availability can be achieved. This book consists of 19 chapters allocated between four parts: • Material degradation and fracture mechanisms, • Nondestructive evaluation and diagnostics, • Heat transfer and coolant fl aw processes, • Safety and maintenance management. The authors from diff erent countries all over the world (Germany, France, Italy Ja- pan, Slovenia, Indonesia, Belgium, Romania, Lithuania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Ko- rea and Ukraine) prepared chapters for this book. Such a broad geography indicates the high signifi cance of considered subjects. X Preface The book is intended for practical engineers, researchers, students and other people dealing with the reviewed problems. We hope that the presented book will be ben- efi cial to all readers and initiate further inquiry and development with aspiration for be er future. In the name of all authors, I want to express our gratitude to publishing process manager Ms. Ana Nikolic for patience and understanding Dr. Valentin Uchanin Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences Department of Structural Fracture Mechanics and Material Properties Optimization Lviv, Ukraine [...]... impurities and corrosion products concentration and deposition and their removing from the CANDU steam generators is a very active field and both the experimental works and the understanding of the mechanisms involved are submitted to some rapid changes and permanently open to the research To provide information about the corrosion behaviour of the structural materials from CANDU steam generators under... elucidation of corrosion product release, transport and 4 Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency deposition mechanisms in the secondary circuit of the steam generator, which depend by physical-mechanical properties of materials and physical-chemical properties of thermal agent (temperature, pressure, pH, electrochemical potential) All steam generator tube failures result in the transfer... Calderon, 2003) 10 Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency Corrosion experiments included in the present work have been carried out on the Incoloy800 samples by autoclaving in static autoclaves at parameters specific for the secondary circuit of the CANDU steam generator: temperature 260ºC, pressure 5.1MPa The specimens used were from Incoloy-800, steam generator tube, (15.9mm... degradations Because of the unavailability of the measures for monitoring and mitigation of these degradations the performances of the steam generators decrease and determine direct and indirect losses The replacement of the steam generator is very expensive and very difficult For these reasons it becomes necessary the assurance of the steam generator performances for the entire life established by design,... in Proceedings of International Nuclear Congress ENC’98, Nice, France, pp 348-352 20 Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency Lucan, D., Fulger, M & Jinescu, Ghe (2001) The ageing of CANDU steam generator due to localized corrosion, in Proceedings of the 5-th International Seminar on Primary and Secondary Side Water Chemistry of Nuclear Power Plants, Eger, Hungary, pp 1-5 Lucan,... of the steam generator The principal objective of the research consists in the establishing of the fundamental knowledge, theories, methods and models necessary for qualitative and quantitative characterization of steam generator degradation processes The complementary research activity should be oriented towards the management of ageing and, implicitly, towards the preservation of the steam generator. .. corrosive attacks specific to Steam Generators Degradations of Incoloy 800 Steam Generator Tubing 9 Fig 1 Types of corrosion specific to the steam generator, (IAEA, 1997) 3 Experimental The generalized corrosion is an undesirable process because it is accompanied by deposition of the corrosion products which affect the steam generator performances It is very important to understand the corrosion mechanism... properties, formed on an Alloy 600 surface, because a crack initiates and propagates through a breakdown and alteration of a surface oxide, fundamentally speaking An oxide properties should be investigated for the elucidation of a lead induced mechanism and its countermeasure 22 Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency It is expected that an addition of lead into a solution... determine SCC ratio by using a SEM (JSM6360) 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Analysis of oxide in solution without lead Figs 1 (a) and (b) are the TEM images and the results of the TEM-EDXS analyses for a crosssection of the surface oxide layer that was formed in the ammonia solution without/with 24 Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency NiB at 315oC, respectively Similar appearance... NPP key components Steam Generator (SG) is one of the key components for a NPP because this equipment assures the separation boundary between the primary and secondary circuit and its unavailability suppose the NPP shutdown The synergetic action of the high pressures and temperatures, constraints (stresses, vibrations) and the chemical parameters of the cooling agents make the steam generator susceptible . STEAM GENERATOR SYSTEMS: OPERATIONAL RELIABILITY AND EFFICIENCY Edited by Valen n Uchanin Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency Edited by Valentin. product release, transport and Steam Generator Systems: Operational Reliability and Efficiency 4 deposition mechanisms in the secondary circuit of the steam generator, which depend by physical-mechanical. Mario De Salve Part 2 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Part 3 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Part 4 Chapter 17 Contents VII Shielding Analysis of the Secondary

Ngày đăng: 29/06/2014, 14:20