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.Syzygies and Homotopy TheoryFor further volumes: www.springer.com/series/6253.Algebra and docx

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Syzygies and Homotopy Theory For further volumes: www.springer.com/series/6253 Algebra and Applications Volume 17 Series Editors: Alice Fialowski Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary Eric Friedlander Northwestern University, Evanston, USA John Greenlees Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK Gerhard Hiß Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Ieke Moerdijk Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands Idun Reiten Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Christoph Schweigert Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany Mina Teicher Bar-llan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel Alain Verschoren University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium Algebra and Applications aims to publish well written and carefully refereed monographs with up-to-date information about progress in all fields of algebra, its classical impact on commutative and noncommutative algebraic and differential geometry, K-theory and algebraic topology, as well as applications in related domains, such as number theory, homotopy and (co)homology theory, physics and discrete mathematics Particular emphasis will be put on state-of-the-art topics such as rings of differential operators, Lie algebras and super-algebras, group rings and algebras, C ∗ -algebras, Kac-Moody theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, Hopf algebras and quantum groups, as well as their applications In addition, Algebra and Applications will also publish monographs dedicated to computational aspects of these topics as well as algebraic and geometric methods in computer science F.E.A Johnson Syzygies and Homotopy Theory Prof F.E.A Johnson Department of Mathematics University College London London, UK feaj@math.ucl.ac.uk ISSN 1572-5553 e-ISSN 2192-2950 Algebra and Applications ISBN 978-1-4471-2293-7 e-ISBN 978-1-4471-2294-4 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-2294-4 Springer London Dordrecht Heidelberg New York British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Control Number: 2011942989 Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 16E05, 20C07, 55P15 © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licenses issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers The use of registered names, trademarks, etc., in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) or Du côté de Chez Swan To the memory of my parents Preface The underlying motivation for this book is the study of the algebraic homotopy theory of nonsimply connected spaces; in the first instance, the algebraic classification of certain finite dimensional geometric complexes with nontrivial fundamental group G; more specifically, directed towards two basic problems, the D(2) and R(2) problems explained below The author’s earlier book [52] demonstrated the equivalence of these two problems and developed algebraic techniques which were effective enough to solve them for some finite fundamental groups ([52], Chap 12) However the theory developed there breaks down at a number of crucial points when the fundamental group G becomes infinite In order to consider these problems for general finitely presented fundamental groups the foundations must first be re-built ab initio; in large part the aim of the present monograph is to precisely that The R(2)–D(2) Problem Having specified the fundamental group, the types of complex we aim to study are, from the point of view of homotopy theory, the simplest finite dimensional complexes which can then be envisaged; namely n-dimensional complexes X with n ≥ which satisfy πr (X) = for r < n, (∗) where X is the universal cover of X These restrictions alone are not sufficient to specify the next homotopy group πn (X); nor, however, is the choice of πn (X) entirely arbitrary We shall explain in detail throughout the book how to parametrize the possible choices for πn (X) as a module over the group ring Z[G] and the extent to which an admissible choice determines the homotopy type of X Given a complex X as above we can construct the cellular chain complex ∂n ∂n−1 ∂2 ∂2 Cn → Cn−1 → · · · → C1 → C0 , ix 280 C Group Rings with Trivial Units We note that for any x, y ∈ G xU(A, B)y = U (xA, By) The following is useful in simplifying calculations: For any x, y ∈ G |U (xA, By)| = |U (A, B)| (C.2) The following [80] gives a convenient sufficient condition for R[G] to have trivial units Theorem C.3 Let R be a (possibly noncommutative) integral domain; if G satisfies the T UP condition then R[G] has only trivial units Proof Let α ∈ R[G]∗ ; put β = α −1 and write α = m ar gr ; β = n bs hs r=1 s=1 where supp(α) = {g1 , , gm }, supp(β) = {h1 , , hn } so that ar , bs = for each r, s Now suppose that α nontrivial so that ≤ m If n = write β = bh so that α = b−1 h−1 is trivial, contradiction Thus ≤ n; by the T UP condition ≤ |U(supp(α), supp(β))| Without loss of generality we may suppose that supp(α), supp(β) are indexed so that g1 h1 and gm hn are uniquely represented as products in supp(α) supp(β); then in the expression m n αβ = ar bs gr hs r=1 s=1 the coefficients of g1 h1 and gm hn are respectively a1 b1 and am bn As A is an integral domain these are both nonzero Thus ≤ | supp(αβ)| In particular, αβ = 1, which is a contradiction Thus α is a trivial unit One sees easily that no nontrivial finite group can be T UP; it follows that: Every T UP group is torsion free (C.4) The T UP notion originates in the thesis of Higman but has undergone some refinements since (cf [80]) In particular, the following, though not explicitly stated in this way is essentially due to Higman [42]: Theorem C.5 Suppose that for every nontrivial finitely generated subgroup H of a group G there exists a T UP group ΓH and a nontrivial homomorphism ϕH : H → ΓH ; then G is T UP Proof Let A, B be finite subsets of G such that ≤ min{|A|, |B|} We show by induction on |A| + |B| that ≤ |U (A, B)| For the induction base take |A| = |B| = By left translating A by some element x ∈ A, right translating B by some element y ∈ B and appealing to (C.2) we may assume A = {1, a}, B = {1, b}, then AB = {1, a, b, ab} If a = b then {a, b} ⊂ U(A, B) and so ≤ |U (A, B)| If a = b then AB{1, a, a } As a = then also a = a so the only way to obtain U (A, B) < is to have a = But then AB ∼ C2 is a finitely generated subgroup of G which = C Group Rings with Trivial Units 281 admits no nontrivial homomorphism to any torsion free group, contradicting the hypothesis on G Hence a = and ≤ |U(A, B)| For the induction step suppose that A, B are finite subsets of G with ≤ min{|A|, |B|} and assume, given finite subsets A , B of G, that ≤ |U(A , B )| provided that ≤ min{|A |, |B |} and |A | + |B | < |A| + |B| (∗) We must show that ≤ |U(A, B)| After suitable left and right translation to A, B respectively we may suppose that ∈ A ∩ B Let H be the subgroup of G generated by A ∪ B and let ϕ : H → Γ be a nontrivial homomorphism to a T UP group Γ We first claim that: There exist a1 , a2 ∈ A and b1 , b2 ∈ B such that ϕ(a1 )ϕ(b1 ) and ϕ(a2 )ϕ(b2 ) are uniquely represented in ϕ(A)ϕ(B) (∗∗) If it is the case that ≤ min{|ϕ(A)|, |ϕ(B)|} then (∗∗) follows from the T UP property for Γ When |ϕ(B)| = then, by nontriviality of ϕ, |ϕ(A)| = Thus choosing a1 , a2 ∈ A so that ϕ(a1 )ϕ(1), ϕ(a2 )ϕ(1) are uniquely represented in ϕ(A)ϕ(B) verifying (∗∗) in this case Similarly, when |ϕ(A)| = then |ϕ(B)| = and we may again verify (∗∗) Now put A = ϕ −1 (ϕ{a1 , a2 }) ∩ A and B = ϕ −1 (ϕ{b1 , b2 }) ∩ B If ϕ|A and ϕ|B are both injective then a1 b1 and a2 b2 are uniquely represented in AB If ϕ|A is not injective choose i such that |ϕ −1 ϕ(ai )| ≥ There are two cases; either (i) |ϕ −1 ϕ(bi )| = or (ii) |ϕ −1 ϕ(bi )| ≥ If (i) then choosing ∈ A such that ϕ(ai ) = ϕ(ai ) and = it is easy to see that bi and bi are uniquely represented in AB If (ii) then put K = {k ∈ Ker(ϕ) : k ⊂ A} and L = {l ∈ Ker(ϕ) : lbi ⊂ B} Then K, L are subsets of G with ≤ min{|K|, |L|} and |K| + |L| < |A| + |B| By induction, choose k1 , k2 ∈ K, l1 , l2 ∈ L such that k1 l1 , k2 l2 are uniquely represented in KL Then k1 l1 bi and k2 l2 bi are uniquely represented in AB, so that in every case we have shown that ≤ |U(A, B)| The most obvious example is: The infinite cyclic group C∞ is T UP (C.6) The group G is locally indicible1 when every nontrivial finitely generated subgroup H ⊂ G admits a surjective homomorphism ϕ : H → C∞ ; this amounts to taking ΓH uniformly to be C∞ in the hypotheses of Theorem C.5 Thus as a consequence of Theorem C.5 we obtain the following, which was explicitly proved by Higman in [42]: Every locally indicible group has the T UP property Higman’s original terminology [42] is ‘indicible throughout’ (C.7) 282 C Group Rings with Trivial Units In particular, free groups are locally indicible so that: Free groups have the T UP property (C.8) One notes the following general properties: A subgroup of a T UP group is T UP (C.9) The class of T UP groups is closed under extension (C.10) A locally T UP group is T UP (C.11) A right ordered group is T UP (C.12) Higman also showed: The class of locally indicible groups is closed under both extension and free product (C.13) It follows from this that a great many torsion free groups familiar from low dimensional topology are T UP; for example the fundamental groups of surfaces of genus ≥ Appendix D The Infinite Kernel Property Throughout we work in the category of unitary associative rings which are augmented by means of a (necessarily surjective) ring homomorphism : Λ → Z Morphisms in this category are commutative triangles of ring homomorphisms ϕ E Λ d d ©   d ‚ ˆ Λ     Z When M is a Λ-module, we write M ⊗Λ Z = M ⊗ Z If P is a countably generated ˆ ˆ projective Λ-module, then, for any ring homomorphism ϕ : Λ → Λ, P ⊗ϕ Λ is proˆ Over Z, every projective module is free of jective and countably generated over Λ uniquely determined rank Thus if P is a countably generated projective Λ-module then P ⊗Λ Z ∼ Zα for some uniquely determined value of α (α = 1, 2, , ∞), and = we define the rank, rk(P ) of P by means of rk(P ) = α = rkZ (P ⊗Λ Z) We say that Λ has property K(∞) when there exists an exact sequence → P → Λb → Λa , where a, b are positive integers and P is a projective Λ-module of infinite rank ˆ Proposition D.1 Let Λ ⊂ Λ be an extension of augmented Z-algebras, and suppose ˆ ˆ that Λ is free as a (left) Λ-module; if Λ has property K(∞) then so also does Λ Proof Suppose that Λ has property K(∞); that is, there exists an exact sequence i ϕ of Λ-modules → P → Λb → Λa where a, b are positive integers and P is ˆ ˆ Λ-projective of infinite rank Since Λ is free as a left Λ-module, the functor—⊗Λ Λ α ⊗ Λ ∼ Λα we obtain an exact sequence ˆ= ˆ is exact Since Λ Λ ϕ ˆ ˆ ˆ → P ⊗Λ Λ → Λb → Λa i F.E.A Johnson, Syzygies and Homotopy Theory, Algebra and Applications 17, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-2294-4, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012 283 284 D The Infinite Kernel Property ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ Moreover P ⊗Λ Λ is Λ-projective, and (P ⊗Λ Λ) ⊗Λ Z ∼ P ⊗Λ Z so that P ⊗Λ Λ = ˆ ˆ also has infinite rank Hence Λ has property K(∞) We recall the following from Sect 6.3: Theorem D.2 The following conditions are equivalent for any ring Λ: (i) if M is a finitely presented Λ-module and Ω ∈ Ω1 (M) then Ω is also finitely presented; (ii) if M is a finitely presented Λ-module and then Ωn (M) is defined and finitely generated for all n ≥ 2; (iii) if M is a finitely generated Λ-module such that Ω1 (M) is finitely generated then Ωn (M) is defined and finitely generated for all n ≥ 2; (iv) in any exact sequence of Λ-modules → Ω → Λb → Λa → M → 0, where a, b are positive integers, the module Ω is finitely generated; (v) in any exact sequence of Λ-modules → Ω → Λb → Λa , where a, b are positive integers, the module Ω is finitely generated A ring Λ which satisfies any of these conditions (i)–(v) is said to be coherent Otherwise we shall say that Λ is incoherent Let Modfp (Λ) denote the category of finitely presented Λ-modules We may express the condition alternatively thus: Λ is coherent ⇔ the category Modfp (Λ) is abelian (D.3) Clearly we have: Proposition D.4 If Λ has property K(∞) then Λ is incoherent Writing cd(M) for the cohomological dimension of the Λ-module M we have: Proposition D.5 Let M be a finitely generated Λ-module such that, for some m ≥ 2, (i) Ω1 (M), , Ωm−1 (M) are defined and finitely generated; (ii) Ωm (M) is infinitely generated; (iii) cd(M) ≤ m; then Λ has property K(∞) Proof By (i), there exists an exact sequence → Ω → Λem−1 → · · · → Λe1 → Λe0 → M → 0, (∗) where e0 , , em−1 are positive integers By (iii), there is an exact sequence → Pm → Pm−1 → · · · → P1 → P0 → M → (∗∗) D The Infinite Kernel Property 285 Comparing (∗) and (∗∗) by means of Swan’s generalization of Schanuel’s Lemma [91], we see that Ω ⊕ Q ∼ Pm ⊕ Q = for some projective modules Q, Q In particular, Ω, being a direct summand of the projective module Pm ⊕ Q , is necessarily projective However, by (ii), Ω is not finitely generated The sequence → Ω → Λem−1 → Λem−2 shows that Λ has property K(∞) These considerations apply when Λ is the integral group ring Λ = Z[G] of a group G We say that a group G has property K(∞) when the integral group ring Z[G] has property K(∞); likewise, we say that G is incoherent when Z[G] is incoherent If H is a subgroup of G, then the induced ring extension Z[H ] ⊂ Z[G] is a morphism of augmented Z-algebras Furthermore, as a left Z[H ]-module, Z[G] is free on the basis G/H From Proposition D.1 we see that: Proposition D.6 Let H be a subgroup of a group G; if H has property K(∞) then so also does G For subgroups of finite index, the relation is one of equivalence: Proposition D.7 Let H be a subgroup of finite index in a group G; then H has property K(∞) ⇐⇒ G has property K(∞) Proof By Proposition D.6, it suffices to show (⇐=); thus suppose that there is an exact sequence of Z[G]-modules → P → Z[G]b → Z[G]a , where P is a projective Z[G]-module of infinite rank Let i : H → G be the inclusion so that i ∗ is the functor which restricts scalars from Z[G] to Z[H ] Then i ∗ (Z[G]) ∼ Z[H ]d ; applying i ∗ to the above gives an exact sequence = → Q → Z[H ]db → Z[H ]da where Q = i ∗ (P ) However, Q ⊗Z[H ] Z ∼ (P ⊗Z[G] Z[G]) ⊗Z[H ] Z = ∼ P ⊗Z[G] (Z[G] ⊗Z[H ] Z) = ∼ = P ⊗Z[G] Zd ∼ (Z∞ )d = ∼ = Z∞ Thus Z[H ] also has property K(∞) In consequence, possession of property K(∞) is an invariant of commensurability class 286 D The Infinite Kernel Property If G, H are commensurable then H has property K(∞) ⇔ G has property K(∞) (D.8) As usual we denote by Z the trivial Z[H ]-module having Z as underlying abelian group Suppose that the group G is finitely generated by the set {x1 , , xg } Then ∂ we have an exact sequence of Z[G]-modules Z[G]g → Z[G] → Z → where is the augmentation map, and ∂ is the Z[G]-homomorphism defined by the × g matrix ∂ = (x1 − 1, , xg − 1) The augmentation ideal I = Ker( ), being isomorphic G to Im(∂), is finitely generated As Ω1 (Z) is represented by I we have: G If G is finitely generated then Ω1 (Z) is finitely generated (D.9) Recall that the cohomological dimension cd(H ) of the group H is the same as the cohomological dimension cd(Z) of the trivial Z[H ]-module Z If cd(H ) ≤ 2, then any representative of Ω2 (Z) is projective; from Proposition D.5 we obtain immediately: Proposition D.10 Let H be a finitely generated group; if cd(H ) ≤ and Ω2 (Z) is infinitely generated, then Z[H ] has property K(∞) Corollary D.11 Let H be a finitely generated group; if cd(H ) ≤ and Ω2 (Z) is infinitely generated, then H is incoherent We proceed to produce a class of groups satisfying the hypotheses of Proposition D.10 Thus for n ≥ let Fn be the (nonabelian) free group of rank n, and let F1 = C∞ be the infinite cyclic group Choose n ≥ 2, and let ϕ : Fn → C∞ be a surjective homomorphism; we define H (n, ϕ) to be the fibre product H (n, ϕ) = Fn × Fn = {(x, y) ∈ Fn × Fn : ϕ(x) = ϕ(y)} ϕ,ϕ Proposition D.12 H (n, ϕ) has property K(∞) Proof It is easy to check that H (n, ϕ) is both a normal subgroup and a subdirect product of Fn × Fn The finite generation of H (n, ϕ) thus follows from [48] (1.21) The argument of Grunewald ([35], Proposition B) now shows that, over H (n, ϕ), the derived module Ω2 (Z) is infinitely generated Finally, since cd(Fn ) = and H (n, ϕ) is a subgroup of Fn × Fn then cd(H (n, ϕ)) ≤ From Propositions D.6, D.10 and D.12 we see that: Corollary D.13 Let G be a group which contains a subgroup isomorphic to H (n, ϕ); then Z[G] has property K(∞) In particular, F2 × F2 contains a copy of every H (2, ϕ) so that F2 × F2 has property K(∞) Furthermore, for m, n ≥ 2, Fm is contained as a subgroup of index D The Infinite Kernel Property 287 m − in F2 so that as Fm × Fn is commensurable with F2 × F2 then Fm × Fn also has property K(∞) Thus from Propositions D.7 and D.10 we obtain: Theorem D.14 Let G be a group which contains a copy of Fm × Fn for some m, n ≥ 2; then Z[G] fails to be coherent One may observe that a group G contains a copy of Fm × Fn for some m, n ≥ precisely when G contains a copy of F∞ × F∞ Thus a group G which contains a copy of F∞ × F∞ also has property K(∞), and again fails to be coherent It follows from these observations that many familiar infinite groups fail to be coherent; in particular, this is true of ‘most’ semisimple lattices To see this, in general terms, note that by the Arithmeticity Theorem of Margulis [72], a typical lattice Γ in a general noncompact semisimple Lie group is arithmetic; 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278 Eichler condition, xiii, 262 E-triviality, 47 En -triviality, 48 Extension of scalars, 273 F Farrell-Tate cohomology, 241 Fibre square, 43 FT(n)-condition, 121 Full determinant, 34 module, 147 G Generalized Swan module, 231 classification, 234 completely decomposable, 235 rigidity, 231 Geometrically realizable, x, 162 Group dihedral, 185 free, 23 infinite cyclic, 23 quaternionic, 176, 199 restricted linear, 15 H Heller operator (= n ), xiv, 122 Homotopy, 152 Hopfian strongly, 227 Hyper-stability, xv, 12, 117 I Injective module, xvi F.E.A Johnson, Syzygies and Homotopy Theory, Algebra and Applications 17, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-2294-4, © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012 293 294 K Karoubi square, 49 M Milnor patching condition, 48 Minimality criterion first, 214 second, 222 third, 246 Module coprojective, xvi, 96 full, 147 generalized Swan, 231 hyperstable, 12 projective, xvi relation, 260 stable, xii, stably free, N Nakayama lemma, 170 P Patching conditions, 42, 48 Projective 0-complex, 78, 129 n-complex, 152 globally, 40 locally, 40 module, xvi resolution, xv, 75 Pullback, 65 Pushout, 65 Q Quasi-augmentation sequence, 227 Quaternion algebra, 176, 201 factor, 176 group, 176, 199 R R(2)-problem, x, 255 Radical, 20, 170 Resolution free, xi, 75 projective, xv, 75 Restriction of scalars, 273 Ring coherent, 122, 284 generalized Euclidean, 19 group, ix, 128 incoherent, 122, 284 local, 22, 170 Index weakly coherent, weakly Euclidean, 15, 21 weakly finite, S Schanuel’s Lemma, xii, 94 dual version, 96 SFC property, 10 Singular set, 55 Smith normal form, 17 Stability relation, Stabilization operator, 25 Stable module, xii, tree structure on, xii, xiii, Stably free cancellation, 10 lifting, 52, 53 module, Swan isomorphism criterion, 235 mapping, 145 module, 227, 228 projectivity criterion, 115, 235 Syzygy, xi, 121 generalized, xv, 106 T Tate cohomology, xvi, 114 Theorem Bass-Sheshadri, 168, 169 Browning, xvii, 262 Cohn, 23 Edwards, xix, 257 Gabel, Grothendieck, 11, 167, 206 Hurwitz, 201 Jordan-Zassenhaus, 175 Milnor, 37, 48 Morita, 22, 171 Swan-Jacobinski, xii, 175 Wedderburn, 175 Yoneda, 88 Tree structure, xii, T UP condition, 24, 279 U Units lifting property, 16 strong lifting property, 20 W Weak homotopy equivalence, 152 Y Yoneda product, 153 . ..Syzygies and Homotopy Theory For further volumes: www.springer.com/series/6253 Algebra and Applications Volume 17 Series Editors: Alice Fialowski... noncommutative algebraic and differential geometry, K-theory and algebraic topology, as well as applications in related domains, such as number theory, homotopy and (co)homology theory, physics and discrete... Algebra and Applications will also publish monographs dedicated to computational aspects of these topics as well as algebraic and geometric methods in computer science F.E.A Johnson Syzygies and Homotopy

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