normally including a Structured QueryLanguage application programminginterface HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a Protocol Secure combination of the Hyperte
DANG QUOC KHOA - 18520911 CAO QUYET CHIEN - 18520526
The Assessment Committee is established under the Decision , date
— by Rector of the University of Information Technology
| - Chairman
Trang 4First of all, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to Dr Nguyen Thanh
Binh, who have enthusiastically guided and supported me throughout the
process of studying and researching to complete the thesis Besides teaching andcommenting on academic knowledge, presentation skills, programs, research,reports, the teacher also cares about the health and psychological status ofstudents as well as always listen, share, inspire and motivate me to completethis thesis The knowledge and skills that have been imparted by him willdefinitely be a valuable baggage for my future growth
In addition, I would also like to thank the teachers in the Faculty of InformationSystems and all the teachers in the University of Information Technology -Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, for teaching me knowledge
and skills for last four years
Again, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr Nguyen Thanh Binh and the
teachers who have always accompanied and supported me during my university
Dang Quoc KhoaCao Quyet Chien
Trang 5VN 0.2 mn—Ỷ ỮỀ SẼ 6đ 6“ 122.2 ONIN’ f€S - .c- cu 1119 1n HT nh TH Tu TH HT HH nhện 12
2.2.1 Types Of [ŒSÍ Q0 HH TH HH HH nh 12
2.2.2 The difference Of f€SfS - - c9 ng HH He 132.2.3 Exam creation and OrØaTI1Z4fIOT - - 5 3+ 13+ E**skESesereeeeeeeeeeeers 132.3 Anti-cheat SUPCLVISION 0n e 142.4 Technologies and Platforms 5 3113311139113 11 11 1111k rrree 15
2.4.1 Multiple layer archit€CfUTC - - S133 139 119 11191111 11g rrrg 15 V€TVICW HH HH HH HH n nk Model SfTUCfUTC Gv HH ng ng ệt 162.4.2 T'YD€SCTID Qui 17
Trang 6", N0) ,.0 2.2 dA 17
"ổn 17 COMMS - 18
2.4.3 nh 18 VCTVICW LH HH TH HH HH HH Hiện 18 "6ð nh e - 20 CO HH ng ng TH HH TH nh 21 “` vàn nố ố ố 22 V€TVICW HH HH HH nh kh 22 POS LH HT HT TH HH HH HH HH HH 22 "N9 na 23
"“ m8 ẻ 23 VCTVICW HH 1 HH HH HH HH HH in 23 PLOSI cocci +++ MO /ẩẤ7C 23
"5 n9 ta 24
2.4.6 (0.090 11 24 V€TVICW HH HH HH HH kh 24 P1 co nhăâẼỆỄỪỪỪỪỪŨỪŨỪŨỪ 24
"n9 e 25 Chapter 3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN nen 27
3.1.1 Overview arCHIfŒCẨUTC - -c- s s1 TH nh ng Hết 28 3.1.2 Component architecture speCIfICafIOT - 5c +<**+sksseeeeseeeeers 30
3.2 Smart Online Test "mOTI{OTITE - 5 << 121 11 1 11 vn ng nệt 32
Trang 73.2.1 co on 32 AuthentICAfIOT - co ng ng HH nhện 32Kao 34K2 so áo 373.2.3 Face @f€CfIOH s2 HH TH HH nền 393.3 Use-case diagram ccceesccessecesecsseeeseceseecececsseecsneceeecsacecsaeecsaeeeeeseaeeseaeees 4l
K69 o2 413.3.2 suy vo ch 433.3.3 List Of US€-CAS€S, LH HH TH HT HH Hệ 433.3.4 Use-case SD€CIÍICAfIOTN SG 2211221111211 11 11 9 111 11111 11 ng ng kg 44
SP ni 44
St i0 ố 47E6 no TẾ m een Ws TU 7a ốn 503.3.4.4 Create ØTOUD ch 523.3.4.5 Add MeEMbETS G2 s + 11190 93099 9v nh ng ng nến 553.3.4.6 VIEW STOUDS 0 583.3.4.7 Create QU€SẨIOH - Q1 HH HH HH kh 613.3.4.8 Update QU€SẨIOH G- Án S99 HH TH HH ệt 643.3.4.9 Delete qu€SfIOH c3 91T TH HH HH ng nh nh n 663.3.4.10 VieW QU€SfIOTNS G1 1H HH HH kg 693.3.4.11 Create exam f€eImpÌAf - - + 1+ 1v 9v v.v HH ng 723.3.4.12 Update exam tempÏaf€ - - - << s11 1v ng ng ng 763.3.4.13 Delete exam fempÌAf - - - + 1v v.v HH ng ng 783.3.4.14 View exam fermpÌf€S - - 5 5s knHnHnHnHnH Hhng ggrư 81
Trang Schedule exam termpÌ4f€ - - + ve eee 843.3.4.16 Take €XAT HH HT HH nến 883.3.4.17 REVICW €XATH 2G 0 HT TH TH TH HH Hệ 913.4 in 943.5 Data diagram 0 ố - 95
3.5.1 OVELVICW € - 953.5.2 ID€fA1ÌS Ghi 97 User CỌÏ€CfIOII Q SH HH nh 97 Group CỌ€CfIOH + 1 E01 19H HH kh 983.5.2.3 Option COlÏ€CfIOT - ĩ6 So 1111111210 19111 1191 HH ng ng nệt 983.5.2.4 Question CỌÏ@CfIOTI - c1 22212351111 1111111111111 keerrvre 99
ch S290 1003.5.2.6 Schedule cOlÏ€CtIOTI - G1 E219 9 19119 ng nưy 1013.5.2.7 Exam COlÏŒCfIOH - 5 s6 s1 E621 931 91 9101 31 ng ng ngư 1013.5.2.8 AnswerQuestion (Answer) collec(IOn << «<< ss++<++<<s+ 102 UserExam c€ỌÏ€CfIOII - G1 1E ng ng ệt 103
3.6 User interface €SIØI - G0 TH HH kh 105
3.6.1 Diagram of user interface €SIg11 - s6 + sksiksskrseeree 1053.6.2 List of User ITfTÏAC€WS - G- Án ST HH TH HH HH nườ 106E9 107 UI o0 ào 1073.6.3.2 UI of LOBIT DA - - 5 G1 HH HH kp 1083.6.3.3 UI of List question page 5c 1S ng kg iệp 1093.6.3.4 UL of Add question page - sàn net 110
Trang UI o0» no 1113.6.3.6 UI of Add and Edit tempÏaf€ s55 s + *++seeseeesersrsee 1133.6.3.7 UL of List template page - eseeeeeseceseesceseeseeseeseeeeaeeneens 1173.6.3.8 UI of Dashboard template page eee eeseeseeceseeeeneeeeneeeseeeenereas 1183.6.3.9 UL of List eXam Page ee cecesccssecsteceesteesececesseeseesseeseeseeesseenees 1193.6.3.10 UI of Do eXaIm - G0 11 ng ng ng ng ng 1203.6.3.11 UI of Review exam D4Ø© - HH ng giết 1213.6.3.12 UI of List group page Gv ng nrkt 1223.6.3.13 UI of Add group page - - c HH ng nếp 1223.6.3.14 UI of Edit group D4Ø cà HH ng ray 124Chapter 4 IMPLEMENTATION AND DEPLOYMENÏT - -<<<+ 126
4.1 Deployment diagram 0 6ĩọỌỪ 1264.2 9) ii 127
4.2.1 Add Question DaØ© c1 HH HH ng ket 1274.2.2 Edit queSfIOn DÀ© - ng HH kg 1274.2.3 Delete question confirm DODUD + «+ + +sE+Evsssersersreerrke 1284.3 Exam OrgamiZation 0n 128
4.3.1 Template manaØ€Im€II - - 5 s11 v.v HH ng ng g 128 Add template page - nh nh ng ng như 1284.3.1.2 Dashboard template page - c1 HH ng re, 1324.3.2 Exam TnanaØ€TTTI( 5 c5 21 3823183911191 1 9111 91 1 11 1 ng ng kết 132 Do exam D4ÀG Án TH HH HH kh 1324.3.2.2 REVIEW CXAM Page - c1 ng kg ke 133
4.3.3 Group managð€IN€TILL ¿+ + E1 E E3 k1 vn ngưng 133
Trang Create STOUP Page ce cceececesceesneceseceneeceneeesaeceseeceneeseaeeesaeeetaeeesees 1334.3.3.2 LiSt SOUP 1n - 134
4.4 Exam real-time TIOTI{OTITIE 5 <2 1 941 E31 511 1 9v ngưng 134
Chapter 5 CONCLUSIƠNN - Đà HH HH HH ng HH Hưng 135
5.1.1 In terms of r€S€ATCH G- G1 ng ng nh ngư 135
5.3 FUtUTe WOLK ŒHd 135
Trang 11Figure 3.4 Face detection and recognition using ARCEace «+ << «+2 33
Figure 3.5 Verification process based on face recognition method 33Figure 3.6 Monitoring process based on face đÌafa - s5 s-sss+s+ssexssesesers 34Figure 3.7 Different “key points” are used to determine students’ feelings 35Figure 3.8 Monitoring process based on skeleton data -«- «<< <<x+s<+sx+ 36Figure 3.9 Shaping the skeleton through body’s "key pOITIfS” - -««-s «s2 37Figure 3.10 Processing ÍÏOW -c- ket 38Figure 3.11 Work of face detection - 2c 121191 HH ng ng rt 40Figure 3.12 System’s use-case đ1aØTAm - - c6 E333 E£*EESeEESeereeeeereerereere 41Figure 3.13 Use-case diagram for manage ØTOUDS - - ¿5s x£++£+ees+eseereee 42Figure 3.14 Use-case diagram for manage QUeStiONS «+ +- «<< x++ss++ 42Figure 3.15 Use-case diagram for manage exam templates - - -«- 43
Figure 3.16 Activity diagram for Sign UD 5< 1 E9 11v re 45
Figure 3.17 Sequence diagram for Sign UD - - - - + + + eieerrereere 46Figure 3.18 Activity diagram for Sign 1T - -c <1 1E ESESeeereeeeereerereere 48Figure 3.19 Sequence diagram for Sign 1H - 5 5 + xxx EvEseEEeeeeersereersersee 49Figure 3.20 Activity diagram for LÒOUI -G < S119 11v H g gre 51Figure 3.21 Sequence diagram for LOBOUI c S1 1+3 + vs ksrieerrrereere 52
Figure 3.22 Activity diagram for Create ðTOUD - cv svseeiesrere 53
Figure 3.23 Sequence diagram for Create ØðTOUDD - - 5-5 cv seeeeeseeereere 54
Trang 12Figure 3.24 Activity diagram for Add mem€TS s5 + 5+ 3s >svesseese 56Figure 3.25 Sequence diagram for Add mermbeTs - 5s + *++sexsseseeers 57
Figure 3.26 Activity diagram for VieW ØTOUDS - - sgk 59Figure 3.27 Sequence diagram for VieW ØTOUDS c Series 60Figure 3.28 Activity diagram for Create qQU€SEIOII c5 + + sessesersee 62Figure 3.29 Sequence diagram for Create QUueStiONn cee eseeeeeeseeeeseeeeeseeseeseees 63Figure 3.30 Activity diagram for Update queSfION - c5 52-5 <+++sssssees 65Figure 3.31 Sequence diagram for Update questIOn «+ ++-s<+++++seesssess 66Figure 3.32 Activity diagram for Delete quesfIOn: - 5-5 S5 *++scx+seesssess 68Figure 3.33 Sequence diagram for Delete questiOn - 5 5< £+«£<s<+sssessee 69
Figure 3.34 Activity diagram for View questions ::ccesceessecesreeeereeeeeeseeeenneeeaes 71
Figure 3.35 Sequence diagram for View questions «55+ +«£<<<<sx+se+sxs 72
Figure 3.36 Activity diagram for Create exam template -««+s«+<s+ 74
Figure 3.37 Sequence diagram for Create exam template ‹ «<<-<«++ 75Figure 3.38 Activity diagram for Update exam template - ‹ «++ssss+ 77Figure 3.39 Sequence diagram for Update exam templafe - - «+ +s«++s+ 78
Figure 3.40 Activity diagram for Delete exam template -«++s«++s+ 80
Figure 3.41 Sequence diagram for Delete exam template -««< «++ 81
Figure 3.42 Activity diagram for View exam tempÌaf€S 5 -« << << +ese 83
Figure 3.43 Sequence diagram for View exam templates - -«<<-<«++ 84Figure 3.44 Activity diagram for Schedule exam template - ‹ -««=+ 86Figure 3.45 Sequence diagram for Schedule exam templafe - ‹- «+ «+ 87Figure 3.46 Activity diagram for Take ©XâI - 5 5s cv net 89
Figure 3.47 Sequence diagram for Take €XaIm 5555 S511 Essveeeseesreers 90
Figure 3.48 Activity diagram for Review ©XAâT 2G ng re 92Figure 3.49 Sequence diagram for REVieW €XaT c5 c1 sveeeseereere 93Figure 3.50 Module điaðTam - - 5< S901 Hư 94l0 -0nSIB i12 0n 95Figure 3.52 Diagram of user interface €SIET - -¿- 6 5 + + +3 Ssesersererrxee 105
Trang 13Figure 3.53 UI of Register page ceeccessccceseeeseceseeceeeceseeeeeceaceceaeeesaeeeseeeeeeesas 107Figure 3.54 UI of Login D4E6 G1111 HH ng TH nghệ 108Figure 3.55 UI of List question page - Gv ng, 109Figure 3.56 UI of Add question DÀG - - - 1 31191191 111 1 181 ren 110Figure 3.57 UI of Edit question DaØG - - c1 191119111 1 1v ng rệt 111Figure 3.58 UI of Add/Edit template page — Information tab -« «+ 113Figure 3.59 UI of Add/Edit template page — Questions tab «<<<<«2 113Figure 3.60 UI of Add/Edit template page — Schedules tab -«<- 114Figure 3.61 UI of Add/Edit template page — New schedule popup - 115Figure 3.62 UI of Add/Edit template page — Settings tab -cccscseceees 116Figure 3.63 UI of List template page - - LH rệt 117Figure 3.64 UI of Dashboard template page - - - 5 55 + ssssersersrrrre 118
Figure 3.65 UI of List exam page ĩc HH 119
Figure 3.66 UI of Do exam p4Ø6 - - - c0 1 1111119119 1 HH ng rệt 120Figure 3.67 UI of Review exam page - c c1 11 HH ng ng nếp 121Figure 3.68 UI of List ðTOUD DÀ€ - G2 32113321119 1118 1118111111 11 ren 122
Figure 3.69 UI of Add group DÀ© - - c1 1 SH HH ng gệt 122
Figure 3.70 UI of Edit group page - c1 11H ng ng ng ngriệp 124
Figure 4.1 Deployment đ1aðTa10 - s6 + 1318931 91 1 91 9v ng ng 126
Figure 4.2 Add Question page - - - ch ngệp 127Figure 4.3 Edit question page c1 HH TH HH gệp 127Figure 4.4 Delete question confirm pOpDUD 6 56 5 S1 + E + kEsekseessrseee 128Figure 4.5 Information tab «c5 s13 919g nh ngưng 128Figure 4.6 Questions ta ĩc SH TH TH HH HH Hệ 129Figure 4.7 Selected qU€S(IOTS - - G5 1112311991113 11 911191 11H ng ng ng gệp 129Figure 4.8 New schedule DODUD - 5 c1 3 192319 11191119 1 ng ng ng rệt 130Figure 4.9 Schedules faÌ - s nTHT HH 131Figure 4.10 Settings tab - c1 1S TH TH TH HH TH nếp 131
Figure 4.11 Template dashboarrd - . + + + E1 E3 vn ng ng 132
Trang 14Figure 4.12 Do exam page cescecesscessecssceceeeessecececeacecsaeeesaeceaceceaeeceaeeesneeeaeeesas 132Figure 4.13 Review exam Page cceccceesccsssccesseeseceseeceseeceaeceeecececeaeeeseeceseeeeeeesas 133Figure 4.14 Create group page Ăn 21H TH TH ng HH rệt 133
Figure 4.16 Exam real-time mOTIOFTITE - - 5 + +2 E3 E*E+skE+eEEeerseesekesekre 134
Table 2.1 Differences between quiz, exam, and practice Set - - -«+s+2 13Table 2.2 Pros and cons Of DÌ 5 << + 13193 91 3 9111 1 nh ng ngư 20Table 3.1 Component architecture for cÏlenf-S1đe - s5 55 + ++sesseersseerss 31Table 3.2 Component architecture for S€TV€T-SIE - c5 S5 SE **vsseerseeeres 32Table 3.3 SySf€T1”S actors - QG c 13 1211211911111 HH ky 43Table 3.4 Sysfern”S IS€-CAS€S - Q01 HH TH HH HH HH tr 44Table 3.5 Use-case specification Of Sign UD - «xxx riet 44Table 3.6 Use-case specification Of Sign 1T - - <6 + + v ve 47Table 3.7 Use-case specification Of LÒOUI - c1 vn ng ng re 50Table 3.8 Use-case specification of Create ØTOUD - cSSc S*xsseerseeeree 53Table 3.9 Use-case specification of Add meimbe€rS - - 5+ 5< +++£+s£+s+sss 55Table 3.10 Use-case specification Of VieW QTOUPS :cccseseseeseeseseeeeeceeseseeseeseens 58Table 3.11 Use-case specification of Create QuestiOn - 5 +«<<s<+x+se+sx+ 61
Table 3.12 Use-case specification of Update quesfIOI - - 55555 <<<<< +2 64Table 3.13 Use-case specification of Delete questIon - «+ +-««++<++seexss 67
Table 3.14 Use-case specification of View QUESTIONS 55+ +-< + << s+sss++ 70Table 3.15 Use-case specification of Create €Xa1m - - 255 * 2+ ++vsseerseeerss 73Table 3.16 Use-case specification of Update eXam - 6c + cscssessssessee 76Table 3.17 Use-case specification of Delete CXam 5 5s +k+sversseeese 79Table 3.18 Use-case specification of View CXaMs cà nen sierske 82Table 3.19 Use-case specification of Schedule exam 5 5+ c+xecsseeess 85Table 3.20 Use-case specification of Take €Xam - - cv sereeeeree 88Table 3.21 Use-case specification of ReVieW €XAI se set 91Table 3.22 Tables (collections)’s d€SCTIDẨIOTI - 5 S1 3112 EskEsersersersee 96Table 3.23 List of attributes within each Collections - 5-55 cssssses 97Table 3.24 User collection SD€CIÍICAfIOH - G2 3211133111911 91111 rreree 98Table 3.25 Group collection SD€CIÍICAf1OII 5 11211911 vn ngư 98Table 3.26 Option collection SD€CIÍICAfIOII - 5c 21112 E£EESreekeeeereeeeree 99
Trang 16Table 3.27 Question collection SD€CIÍICAfIOH 5 5 11+ *vssseeeesersrsee 100Table 3.28 Setting collection sp€CIÍICAafIOTI - - SG vn net 101Table 3.29 Schedule collection speCIfICafIOT - - 5 6S kg ng rưy 101Table 3.30 Exam collection SD€CIÍICAfIOT - 5 5 33+ * +2 E+vEESeeeesererserersee 102Table 3.31 AnswerQuestion collection specification - 5555 <S+£+xsscss 103Table 3.32 UserExam collection specification ciceseesesceeeseeseeseeseeseeeeeeees 104Table 3.33 List of user interfaces eee G0111 2301 91 91 nh TH ng như 107Table 3.34 Register page SD€CIÍICAfIOIN - SG G5 1112111391119 1 9 19 1 rệt 108Table 3.35 Login page SD€CIÍICAfÍOTN - 5 0 1190011230 19119 112311 nh ng nư 109Table 3.36 List question page sSD€CIICAfIOH vn ri 110Table 3.37 Add question page SD€CIÍICAfION 2G 11 niệt 111Table 3.38 Edit question page SD€CIfICAFIONI 5 5S S* + site 112
Table 3.39 Add/Edit template page speCIÍICafIONn .c- 55c s se ssereseree 117
Table 3.40 List template page SD€CIÍICAfIOH SG S111 Set 118Table 3.41 Dashboard template page speCIfiCatIOn 7-5555 s+sssssessses 119Table 3.42 List exam page SD€CIẨICAfIOTI - - SG 221121131133 19111 vn ru 119
Table 3.43 Do exam page SD€CIÍICAfIOII - G111 niệt 121
Table 3.44 Review exam page SD€CIÍICAfIOT - 5 5 5 S1 * + EE+seEeeeeesersrsee 121
Table 3.45 List group page SD€CIÍICAfIOIN 2c c1 191119 1 9 it 122
Table 3.46 Add group page SD€CIÍICAfIOII G5 S111 Set 123Table 3.47 Edit group page SD€CIÍICAfIOH G5 2c 123119111 net 125
Trang 17Abbreviation Full form Meaning
Q&A Question and answer Question and answer
Al Artificial Intelligence AI technology or artificial intelligence
ARCFace Additive Angular Margin | Additive Angular Margin Loss for
Loss Deep Face is a loss function used in
face recognition tasks
CNN Convolutional Neural A Convolutional Neural Network is a
Network Deep Learning algorithm
2DHPE 2D Human Pose Human pose estimation aims at
Estimation localizing human anatomical keypoints
or body parts in the input data
RGB Red-Green-Blue Red-Green-Blue
RGB-D An RGBD camera is a type of depth
camera that provides both depth andcolor data as the output in real-time
CPM Convolutional Pose Pose Machines provide a sequential
Machines prediction framework for learning rich
implicit spatial models
CRUD Create-Read-Update- CRUD is the 4 most important features
Delete to work with Database of a Website.
ODM Object Document ODM is like an ORM for non-relational
Mapping databases or distributed databases
SOLID Single responsibility - SOLID is an acronym for the first five
Open-closed - Liskov object-oriented design (OOD)
Trang 18substitution - Interfacesegregation - dependency
DI Dependency Injection Dependency injection is basically
providing the objects that an objectneeds (its dependencies) instead ofhaving it construct them itself
VSCode Visual Studio Code An Integrated Development
JSX JavaScript XML It is simply a syntax extension of
HTML HyperText Markup Hypertext Markup Language and is a
Language language used by web browsers to
interpret and represent text
DOM Documents Object Model | It is the data representation of the
objects that comprise the structure andcontent of a document on the web
SEO Search Engine Search engine optimization is the
Optimization practice of creating and optimizing
relevant, authoritative content in a waythat helps visitors (and search engine
crawlers) find answers to their keyquestions
UI User Interface User Interface
RDBMS Relational Database A database management system that
Management System incorporates the relational-data model,
Trang 19normally including a Structured Query
Language application programminginterface
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is a
Protocol Secure combination of the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol with the Secure Socket Layer /
Transport Layer protocol
JSON JavaScript Object It is an open data interchange format
Notation that is both human and
BL Business logic Layer An intermediate between the
Presentation Layer and the Data AccessLayer
DAL Data Access Layer It is a layer of a computer program
which provides simplified access to
data stored in persistent storage
GUI Graphical User Interface | It is a type of user interface through
which users interact with electronicdevices via visual indicator
SSD Single Shot Multibox It is a single-stage object detection
Detector method that discretizes the output space
of bounding boxes into a set of defaultboxes over different aspect ratios andscales per feature map location
Trang 20There are many online learning systems available today that allow users to gainknowledge about a specific field or take a quick test Thanks to that, users canpractice, review their knowledge and self-assess their abilities by taking tests in acertain topic Tests made by users will be returned results almost immediately, itshows them the quality of the test through the number of correct answers, thenumber of wrong answers Then, they can refer to the answers from the system togain experience for the next test or prepare for the actual exam However, the test isgenerated passively, the user has to choose one of the available tests to execute It isnot really effective for users who want to practice on demand In addition to thecandidates’ practice, the organization of the online exam is also a matter of concern,especially since the outbreak of the epidemic (Covide-19) Therefore, the goal ofthis thesis is to build a system that helps users create exam questions quickly andrationally, and organize fair and transparent online exams In order to create testswith multi-level, diverse and flexible questions, the organization of the examensures correctness, authenticity and seriousness The system poses three problems
to be solved: building question banks, creating - configuring - scheduling exams,and applying monitoring algorithms to detect exam cheating
After searching, surveying, evaluating we found modern web applicationdevelopment technologies, advanced monitoring algorithms For building questionbanks, creating and administering exams, we choose React for the frontend because
it is a powerful framework that enables developers to quickly and convenientlycreate web applications; Typescript comes with React to make the code moretransparent, easy to scale; Ant Design is an add-on library to providecomprehensive components and beautiful behavior for applications NestJS is usedfor the backend because NestJS is a NodeJS framework for developing scalable and
efficient server-side applications, is a combination of OOP (Object Oriented
Programming), FP (Functional Programming), FRP (Functional Reactive
Programming) MongoDB is used as the database, it is a document-oriented
Trang 21database used to store large volumes of data and Heroku is used to publish theapplication As for the exam cheating problem, face-api.js was chosen because it is
a popular library for face recognition in the browser, implemented on the core oftensorFlow.js, it supports many proper functions and is friendly to above webbuilding technologies
Trang 22Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION
1.1 Objective and motivation
Digitization is a process that is being widely deployed in all areas of life From
state management to specific professions Digitalization of education is also aprominent instance of that trend In education digitization, we have thefollowing orientations
e Digitization in educational management: focusing on the management
process, statistical data around students, teachers, parent communication.Provide tools to visualize, predict, automate and digitize administrative data
e Digitization in professional teaching: focusing on solving the digitization
of teaching, learning and reference materials Systems to support learning,
support exams, support self-study processes while ensuring quality,
standardization and high efficiency
Today, along with the outbreak of the epidemic, online teaching has becomepopular, along with the need to organize exams, practice and assess onlinequality However, in the current conditions, the organization of exams or onlinetests in schools encounters many shortcomings in the stages of the process of
organizing the exam, creating exam questions as well as organizing a quality
exam Moreover, online learning also makes reviewing knowledge as well as
finding a review environment into a painful problem Although there are many
software and systems on the market that support online exams such as Moodle,Microsoft Team, LMS, but these systems have the following weaknesses:
e There are still many limitations in supporting question types with specific
content such as media, latex notation,
e The configuration of the exam is still simple, there are very few options
for users to set based on the context and exam format
Trang 23e Does not support the method of assessing and classifying questions by
difficulty or by skills
e More serious is that there is no way to monitor the honesty of students
during the examTherefore, the need for a complete system of exam bank management, onlineexam organization process combined with automatic exam monitoring throughfacial recognition algorithms becomes urgent to ensure the quality of studyingand taking exams even without going to school, and create a reliable data sourcetowards building a data warehouse for storing knowledge systems
1.2 Current works
Currently, some web applications that support the user to practice knowledge orattend online exams such as EduEx [1], Quiktest [2], Quizizz [3], Aztest [4],Quizguru [5], Exalab [6], Quizguru is an innovative platform for conductingonline tests and quizzes Students in high schools, colleges, and universities canbenefit greatly from the question-and-answer system that is included in thisresource This online exam system has panels for the instructor, the operator,and the student, and the student will receive their result in a timely manner Inaddition, QwikTest is an open-source online examination software andassessment tool that lets educational institutions and organizations develop andadminister web-based and mobile-based examinations QwikTest can beaccessed through a web browser or through a mobile device QwikTest hasaddressed a wide variety of use cases, one of which is the development ofadaptive learning environments through the utilization of practice sets It issuitable for use in any and all corporate settings, as well as by private teachersand educational institutions Quizizz is an illustration of a type of system thatcan do tests quickly, in contrast to the two methods that were just discussed It is
an application that can be used to test one's knowledge in a variety of topic areas
in addition to one's social knowledge using answers in the form of multiple
Trang 24choice questions Students can access multiple-choice questions that belong to avariety of categories and levels on Quizizz, allowing them to try the questionsand determine where they currently stand academically Alternatively, teachersand parents can access questionnaires that have been contributed by other usersand use these questions to teach and tutor their children Overall, Quizizz is auseful educational tool that can be utilized in the classroom as well as at home.However, most of them do not support online-exam and anti-cheat.
e Subjects within the scope of the thesis are directed to
- Exam organizers or educational organizations who want to create
internal exams
- Candidates who take the exam1.3.2 Study scope
In this thesis topic, this project has 3 objectives:
e The first objective: Build question banks with two types such as
system question banks and individual question banks
e Second objective: Organize the scheduled online exam based on the
configurations of an exam already created in the system
Trang 25e Third objective: Monitor the entire process when candidates take the
exam, to ensure the purity of the exam result
There are two main scopes:
e Environment scope: Website, Application
e Function scope
- User can view, create questions, edit and delete questions; create
exams based on their own question bank or system question bank
- User can take the assigned exam, see the exam result
2.1 Question bank
In all stages of education, exams are a fairly common assessment and evaluationtool, and there are numerous varieties of examination questions They are furthercategorized into seven types of examination questions: multiple choice, essay,matching, and ordering [7]
Multiple Choice
Single Answer YS _
Multiple Choice
Multiple Answers ee
Trang 272.1.1 Multiple choice
Multiple Choice Questions are made up of a single question (the stem) and anumber of replies (the options), comprising both the right answer and severalerroneous ones (distractors) Students typically mark the proper response onthe machine-readable response sheet by filling in the corresponding circle, or
by circling the corresponding number or letter
2.1.2 Essay
Written responses to essay questions are sophisticated prompts that can range
in length from a few paragraphs to many pages Similar to short answerquestions, they provide students the chance to express their comprehensionand show ingenuity, but also make it challenging for them to fake their way
to a correct response Although they can be created rather quickly andreadily, marking these questions can take a lot of effort, and finding aconsensus among the graders can be challenging
Short answer questions are more structured, but essay questions are less so.Students can show that they can creatively combine the course informationthanks to this openness Essays are hence a preferred method for assessing
higher levels of cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
However, the amount of work necessary to react successfully increasesbecause the majority of the structure must be provided by the pupils Manytimes, writing a five-paragraph essay takes students longer than writing fiveone-paragraph responses to short answer questions Due to the increasingworkload, there are fewer essay questions that can be included on a single
exam, which can limit the entire breadth of the exam to a small number of
themes or subject areas Give pupils the choice of responding to one of two
or more questions to prevent panic or blanking out on their part
Trang 282.1.3 Matching
When answering matching questions, students must match each of a group ofstems (such as definitions) with a possible answer from the exam's choices.These questions are frequently employed in courses where acquiringcomprehensive knowledge is a key objective since they are frequently used
to evaluate recognition and recall
2.1.4 Ordering
The ordering question type displays several short sentences in a randomorder which are to be dragged into the correct sequential order [8]
The system will focus on creating questions with content supported by a variety
of formats rather than multiple question types So we will prioritize multiple
choice question type instead of supporting all 4 types above
2.2 Online test
The above question bank was formed to serve the organization of the onlineexam To understand the concept, purpose of the exam, the way that an exam iscreated First, we should have an overview of the different types of test
2.2.1 Types of test
There are three types of test [9]:
e Quiz: A quiz is the shortest, most common, and most casual form of
evaluation It frequently suggests a brief or informal test Scores may
or may not be included to calculate the student's total course grade
e Exam: An exam is a more formal test with sections that implies a
deeper and more final assessment An exam's format and length aretypically lengthier and more comprehensive than a quiz Scores will
factor into the student’s overall course grade.
Trang 29e Practice set: Practice sets help keep students engaged and prepare
them for tests with immediate feedback Students can also earnrewards through practice sets Practicing helps students focus on weak
2.2.2 The difference of tests
Let's explore the differences between a quiz, exam, and practice set
Features Quiz Exam Practice Set
Purpose Informal Formal Practice
Format Objective OPiective “ Objective
Length Short Long Short/Long
Score Yes Yes No
Limited Time Yes Yes No
Section Based No Yes No
Earn Rewards No No Yes
Table 2.1 Differences between quiz, exam, and practice set
While there is no formal standard, these terms often refer to a hierarchy ofevaluations — with a quiz as the most casual, an exam as the most serious
2.2.3 Exam creation and organization
To create a really good exam, the creator needs to know more or less aboutapplied statistics in education, about scientific research methods to read andunderstand studies on multiple-choice as well as essay; At the same time,you can do your own research to be able to process the data, consider thereliability and validity of the test questions created by yourself, in order tobetter analyze and correct the questions in the exam
Trang 30To prepare a test, the first thing to determine is what the purpose of theassessment is? Evaluation in the learning process or assessment at the end ofthe term, at the end of the course? Which subject to evaluate? What content?For which audience? Understanding that will help us define the requirements
of the audit content and take the right measure The subject of the assessmentcan govern the selection of the appropriate assessment content for it Fromthere will determine the type of assessment (Q&A or written?) Afterdeciding on the test type, it is necessary to select the assessment tool (orquestion types) Once a question type has been selected, one must determine
the length of time allowed and the number of questions in the selected
format Next is to prepare questions and answers, and determine the score
Once the exam creation is complete, it is necessary to select a platform totake the test (on paper or on a computer) and conduct a simulation of theexam process If deemed appropriate, the test will be conducted, tested,marked, graded the results of the test and finished the process If the test isincorrect or inappropriate, the test should be adjusted or changed according
to the situation [10]
2.3 Anti-cheat supervision
\andidates log into the system with their Candidates press Requires camera and Identity verification
account and go to the exam page the start button microphone to be enabled
“Finnish Exam Identity verification ga [TESS Uns SL PERTE TY He Start Exam
submit button exam process
Figure 2.2 Anti-cheat process overview
The fight against exam cheating is done through two types, one is the examlogic, the other is the measures to check and monitor the exam process Exam
Trang 31logic is related to the organization of the exam, for example questions are notdisplayed once but sequentially with fixed duration, time limit to answer eachquestion, etc We have referenced research articles on facial analysis as well asskeletal analysis, they are useful for monitoring the exam process of candidates.And in this thesis we will monitor through the application of face detection
library [11] [12]
2.4 Technologies and Platforms
2.4.1 Multiple layer architecture Overview
Layers are abstract horizontal pieces that make up an application Theselayers represent the software's various levels and forms of abstraction.The layers aid in the division of the application into more manageable
pieces and the provision of multiple implementations Each layer should
have its own collection of models that cannot be accessed from anotherlayer Furthermore, each layer should be able to reach only the layerunderneath her or at the same level [25]
Trang 322.4.1.2 Model structure
Controllers (Routes)
Figure 2.3 System’s model structure
Controllers: The sole purpose of a controller is to receiveapplication requests and deal with routes
Service Layer: Only business logic should be included in this
section of the block For example, all of the CRUD processes and
methods that govern how data is created, saved, and updated
Data Access Layer: This layer manages and offers logic foraccessing data stored in some form of persistent storage [26]
Trang 332.4.2 Typescript Overview
) Official logo
(b) Logo from community S
Figure 2.4 Logo of TypeScript
TypeScript is an open source project developed by Microsoft, it can beconsidered as an enhanced version of Javascript by adding the optionalstatic type and object-oriented classes that are not available in Javascript
e TypeScript can be used to develop applications that run on
client-side (Angular2) and server-client-side (NodeJS)
e TypeScript supports object-oriented programming, provides better
descriptions of objects, and allows testing that the source code is
working correctly
e Can program JavaScript at the same time as TypeScript
TypeScript is converted to JavaScript code through the TypeScript
or Babel compiler Pros
The pros of Typescript are:
e Strict typing: Everything stays the way we define it A variable
must always be an integer? Itll always be a number, then
Trang 34Structural typing: It is essential if you want to completely definethe structure you employ Because JavaScript allows for a widerange of weird operations, relying on a predefined structure is amuch safer option.
Type annotations: A convenient approach to specify which typeshould be used
Type inference: TypeScript performs implicit typing so that yourdevelopers don't have to provide types where the compiler can findthem on its own Cons
There is no such thing as a perfect thing in the world, whether it is real ordigital TypeScript is not exempt from this rule, and it has a fewdrawbacks
Excessively convoluted typing system: Can be difficult to use attimes This isn't really a TypeScript disadvantage, but rather aconsequence of it being fully compatible with JavaScript
Compilation is required: It requires compilation, whereasJavaScript does not But, let's face it, most JavaScript applicationsnowadays require a build phase
False sense of security: TypeScript has the potential to give you afalse sense of security The language can check types for us andalert us if there is an error in our code However, leaning tooheavily on this carries a substantial danger
2.4.3 Nestjs Overview
Nest.js is an open-source [28] framework, and it is one of the
fastest-growing Node.js frameworks for building efficient, scalable, and
Trang 35enterprise-grade backend applications using Node.js It is known forproducing highly testable, maintainable, and scalable applications usingmodern JavaScript and TypeScript [29] The highlight of the Nestframework is the power of dependency injection which facilitates codereuse by injecting one module into another [30].
Figure 2.5 Definition of dependency injection [31]
Referring to dependency injection (DD, we must first remember the
principle of Dependency Inversion in SOLID principles
Dependency Inversion
e High-level modules are independent of low-level modules
e Classes communicate with each other through interfaces
So what is DI?
In a nutshell, DI is a design pattern for code that follows the principles ofDependency Inversion That is, the modules do not communicate directly
Trang 36with each other, but through the interface, the low-level module willimplement the interface, the high-level module will call the low-levelmodule through the interface [31].
Pros and cons of Dependency injection [31]:
It is easy to see the relationship
between the modules (Because
the dependencies are injected into
Objects are fully initialized from
the start, which can _ reduce
Some of the benefits of using Nest.js include [29]:
e Powerful but user-friendly: The framework is easy to work with
for developers, making even the most complicated and powerfulfeatures accessible The framework also takes care of otherimportant aspects of development, such as security
e Angular-style syntax (backend): Angular is a very popular
frontend framework with a concentration on architecture andstructuring Nest.js functions as Angular for the backend by
Trang 37utilizing Angular style and syntax to assist you in structuring yourcorporate project.
TypeScript: Nest.js supports TypeScript out of the box, which
improves efficiency and allows for the rapid development of
maintainable apps by displaying compilation faults and warnings.TypeScript is well-integrated with VSCode for a user-friendlydevelopment environment
Thorough documentation: Nest.js features some of the bestdocumentation for any framework, which is very easy tounderstand It saves debugging time to rapidly scan the manualand find the solution to your problem
Fast development and good architecture: Nest.js saves you timewhile building out your application Cons
"Every advantage has a disadvantage," as the saying goes, and Nest.js is
no exception So, let’s explore the cons of Nest.js [29]:
Difficult for beginners: Nest.js might be difficult to learn and
master for novice developers who do not come from an Angularbackground Furthermore, because not every JavaScript developeruses TypeScript, the framework can be tough for these developers
as well But, like any other technology, it takes time andexperience
Exhausting debugging: While TypeScript has many advantagesand benefits, it also has significant debugging challenges,particularly for novice developers in the TypeScript community
Trang 382.4.4 React Overview
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a free and open-source
front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI
components [32] Pros
There are pros of ReactJS [33]:
Easy to learn and use: ReactJS comes with a good supply ofdocumentation, tutorials, and training resources
Creating dynamic web applications becomes easier: ReactJSprovides less coding and gives more functionality It employs theJSX (JavaScript Extension), which is a syntax that allows HTMLquotes and HTML tag syntax to render certain subcomponents Italso facilitates the creation of machine-readable codes
Reusable components: A ReactJS web application is composed ofseveral components, each with its own logic and controls These
components are in charge of producing a short, reusable piece of
HTML code that can be used wherever it is required The reusablecode makes it easy to design and manage your apps TheseComponents can be stacked with other components to createsophisticated applications from simple building blocks Topopulate data in the HTML DOM, ReactJS use a virtual DOM-based technique The virtual DOM is fast because it simplymodifies individual DOM items rather than reloading the entireDOM every time
Performance enhancement: ReactJS improves performance due tovirtual DOM
Trang 39e Known to be SEO friendly: ReactJS helps developers to be easily
navigated on various search engines This is due to the fact thatReact.js applications can execute on the server, and the virtual
DOM will render and return to the browser as a standard web
e Scope for Testing the Codes: ReactJS applications are extremely
easy to test It provides a platform for developers to test and debugtheir programs using native tools Cons
The high pace of development: The high pace of development has anadvantage and disadvantage both In the event of a disadvantage, because
the environment is always changing, some developers may not feel
comfortable relearning new ways of doing things on a frequent basis.With all of the constant upgrades, it may be difficult for them to absorball of these changes They must keep their abilities up to date anddiscover new methods to do things [33]
2.4.5 Ant Design Overview
Ant Design is an open-source React UI library and design system that
includes a slew of simple components The framework is made up of UIcomponents that may be used in any project Ant Design is being utilized
to build user interfaces for major Chinese corporations such as Alibaba,Tencent, and Baidu Ant Design offered a set of out-of-the-box
components that are suitable for use on a large scale [34] Pros
There are some pros of Ant Design [35]:
e Polished and user-friendly interface
Trang 40e Easy to integrate and customize forms.
e Support iOS, Android and web applications design
e Beautifully animated components and quick release rhythm
e Typescript and Es6 support
e Very affordable
e Support both English and Chinese Cons
There are some cons of Ant Design [35]:
e Lack of in-depth documentation compared to other frameworks
e Less number of available themes
e Poor accessibility support
e Large file size
2.4.6 MongoDB Overview
MongoDB is a NoSQL document database It is a document-based
open-source application for high-volume data storage It makes use of a
document-oriented data model as well as an unstructured query language
It allows developers to quickly use and master the tool due to itsscalability and versatility Pros
There are some pros of MongoDB [36]:
e Performance Levels: MongoDB stores most of the data in the
RAM It enables faster query execution performance
e High speed and higher availability: MongoDB is a
document-based database solution It has attributes like replication and