PART 1 INTRODUCTION Summary of activities of VINH Plastic Joint Stock Company Company introduction Company name: VINH PLASTIC PACKAGING JOINT STOCK COMPANY English name: VINH PLASTIC &
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School of Indusincl Monagement GIN & BK - OISP
Vinh Plastics
Class: CC02
Lecturer Pham Tien Minh Group member:
Group Leader contact: Mai Duc Hoang Anh
Name: Mai Duc Hoang Anh Bui Ngoc Thien Huong
Email: anh.mai090974752 Lai Bao Ngoc
Phone number: 0909747521 Nguyen Hanh Doan Nhu
Ho Chỉ Minh City, May 10^, 2021
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Table of Contents
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I _ Summary ofactivrtiles of VINH Plastic Joint Štock Company nhau nho 3 I0 a1 si nh 3
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Il Summary ofplastic markt nh HH HH HH Hà HH HH HH Hà kg ky 4 "` ằee 4
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5, _ International marK@fS ch nh HH HH HH HH HH TH TH TT KH TH ty 4 PART 2 ANALYSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ch Tnhh Tnhh ng kg gà KT vi kế 5 Il 5 Financial Ratio Groups (2016, 2017, 2018) ác LH HH nh T* TH TH HH ng HT He kiện 5 IS ao 6
2 Debt/Leverage ha a a a.ằ ad 7
ET TC A0 ác h6 - - -.aa 4 8
Mi 9i sách 6 5 10
c8 ơn 11
II Comparison between plastiC COmpanii@S tt nn ch nh nh TH nen TH TH khe ty 11 1 on 0956 6 a 11
PAMNH ` ố.i an ăaO 13
Em ai nanr 14
4 — Activity/Efficiency co e -4 15
Trang 3I
Summary of activities of VINH Plastic Joint Stock Company
Company introduction
Short name: VBC
Address: Block 8, Ben Thuy Ward, Vinh City, Nghe An Province
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Mr Ngo Quang Viet
Director of the company: Mr Le Xuan Tho
History begin
Vinh Plastic and Packaging Joint Stock Company was established in November 1996 with the name Vinh Plastic and Packaging Enterprise under the Economic Cooperation Corporation - Military Zone 4 - Ministry of Defense In 2002, the enterprise transformed its ownership form and was equitized into Vinh Plastic and Packaging Joint Stock Company In order to meet the market demand, the Company has expanded production scale from an original factory, now put into operation two more new packaging factories with modern technology imported from other countries Advanced packaging production technology
¢ Charter capital of the Company: 74,999,720,000 VND (Seventy-four billion, nine hundred and ninety nine million, seven hundred and twenty thousand dong)
3 Oriented development
In the following years, the Company always tries to set the first goal of sustainable development firm The economic development of the Company is always associated with the development of the community and commune associations and positive environmental impacts The development
of the Company is a combination of the strategic economic, environmental and social goals That helps the Company grow and develop sustainably, as well as create a good image in the hearts of employees and investors like partners
4 Operational objectives
In the following year, the Company will continue to promote well the capacity of equipment in the facilities and maintain existing markets and exploiting, selecting new markets that are both effective and efficient payment function Capture the changing consumer tastes, research investment plans the bottom bag gradually replaces the traditional cement bag Continuing to invest in phase II of the House Project packaging machine at Facility II Gia Liet, Nehi Xuan, Ha Tinh as required by ISO standard 22,000 on food hygiene and safety and requirements of high quality bags Complete improve the investment in equipment for the production of 1.5-2 tons container bags and PP bags, and film covers BOPP types to meet the increasing demand for quality and quantity of the market
Trang 4I Summary of plastic market
1 Business:
Producing, buying and selling cement packaging, PP, PE packaging and plastic products Buying and selling materials, raw materials, packaging production equipment of all kinds (plastic resins, Krapt paper, machine packaging machinery .)
2 Raw materials into production
PP, PE plastic resins materials The company mainly uses imported goods and partly uses domestic production
Kraft paper is imported from Russia, Korea accounts for about 50%, the rest is originated from Vietnam and Southeast Asian countries Some other input materials such as: sewing thread, printing ink and other materials used domestically all meet technical requirements as well as ensure the quality required by customers
3 Product market
With the motto: “ 1 Customers decide the success of the Company; 2 Product quality is the
deciding factor for customers; 3 The employee decides on the two above factors ”,
implementing the above principle, so in recent times the company's products have stood firm and developed domestically and internationally
4 Domestic market
Currently the company is a supplier of large KP, KPK bags, Jumbo, Sling bags for cement
factories such as: The Vissai; Nghi Son Cement; Song Gianh Cement; But Son Cement; Thanh
Thang Cement; Hoang Mai Cement with production from 100 to 120 million bags of cement / year and 2,400,000 bags of Jumbo, sling / year The company is also providing PP, OPP bags for fertilizer factories, sugar production, and bags for the agricultural sector such as: Ninh Binh
Fertilizer; Lam Thao fertilizer; Binh Dien fertilizer; Thach Thanh Sugar Factory; Quy Hop
Street; Thanh Chuong Tapioca Factory
5 International markets
Jumbo bag products; Sling; PP bag; OPP; The Company's PK is present in New Zealand, Japan,
Korea, USA, Fiji, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Cameroon markets and is
highly appreciated by the market for product quality as well as delivery progress
| 5 Financial Ratio Groups (2016, 2017, 2018)
Total debt ratio
term debt ratio
Times interest earned ratio
s sales in i
Receivables turnover
Fixed assets turnover
Total asset turnover
Market to book ratio
Trang 61 Liquidity ratios: the ability to pay bills in the short-run
Current | In general, current ratio measures | The current ratios of VINH company in 2016, Ratio capability of a business to meet its | 2017 and 2018 were higher than 1, which short-term obligations with current | means that the current assets of VINH could
The ratios for VINH company in 3 | years
years remained above 1 time
Quick The quick ratio of VINH started In terms of quick ratio which is measured the Ratio with 0.77 in 2016, then reach the _| ability to meet current liabilities by using peak at 0.81 times in the next year | current assets excluding inventory It is clear and finally decreased to 0.68 in that all figures were lower than 1 in the
2018 period of 3 years Therefore, our group think
that the company depended mainly on inventory account
Cash Ratio | The cash ratios in the first 2 year | The cash ratios of VINH through 3 years
then declined by 0.01 in 2018 All | liabilities than cash and cash equivalents were lower than 1 That means the company had insufficient
cash on hand to pay off short-term debts Net NWC to TA measures the degree | The higher working capital over total assets working | that working capital should meet _| ratio is indicative of liquidity and financial capital to | daily obligations in relation to strength However, we see that high ratio in
total assets
management of inventory
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the same in the next 2 years with 0.07
2 Debt/Leverage ratios: The ability to meet long-term obligations
In the years 2016 to 2018, the debt
Debt ratio ratio witnessed a upward trend which
equity multiplier express the similar
is ranged from 0.41 to 0.46
—— purpose, they show the extent of debt
i 1.591 £2016 Debt equity | was in the year 0 » Dut sheet Companies finance their assets
i later i in 2 | ratio ater it went up in 2 years later, at through debt and equity, which forms
1.68 in 2017 and 2.08 in 2018 the foundation of those formula The equity multiplier also had the According to the table above, VINH same trend which is grow in the scale reported the high equity multiplier
3.87 and 4.35 respectively conclude that the company faced Equity more leverage since a large portion of multiplier the assets was financed using debt,
and only a small portion was financed
by equity
recession year by year increased by
5% from 2016 to 2017 And then
drop to 14% in 2018 LTD ratio indicates the extent of debt
financing relative to capitalization (permanent financing) We see that
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VINH relied much on long-term debt
as LTD ratio of the company was quite high over the period
Time interest
earned ratio
4.33, 3.68, 3.58
Times interest earned ratio decreased
significantly over the course of 3
years under each respective data:
The positive number of time interest earned ratio and cash coverage ratio indicates that VINH company can
afford the income taxes (The earning
profit before tax > Interest)
Cash coverage
3-year period
14.95, 4.73 and 5.00 are figures of
cash coverage ratio that represent the
fluctuation of this quantity over the
3 Activity/Efficiency ratios: how efficiently or intensively a firm uses its assets to generate
Inventory | The figure for inventory Over 3 years, there was the improvement of the Turnover | turnover starting from 6.35 in | figure for VINH company Higher inventory
2016 hit the peak in the next | turnover typically means that VINH was selling
year with 7.46 and decreased | their goods quickly and there was also
by 0.16 in 2018 significant demand for those products
Inventory | In 2016, 2017 and 2018, the However, the high figure also means that there Turnover in | inventory turnover in days was insufficient inventory and the company
missed out on sale opportunities
Receivable | The receivable turnover was | We propose that the ratio was quite low from turnover | 4.08 in 2016 and slightly 2016 to 2018 However, an upward trend of
decreased at 3.85 in 2017 But
then in 2018 it was recovered
receivable turnover during 3 years indicates
improvement of VINH company (quicker
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at 4.14 which was nearly two
times it was in 2017
collection process) The company’s collection
of account receivable was more efficient and VINH had a larger proportion of quality
Average Over the same period, the
Collection | networking turnover rate was_ | CUStomers that pay debts quickly
Period fluctuated from 89 days in
2016 to 98 days in 2017 and
then drop down at 88 days in
Net-working | NWC turnover was increased | VINH company witnessed the efficient
turnover | in 2017 and reached the liabilities for supporting sales with regard to
plateau at 28.80 in 2018 high net-working capital turnover
Fixed assets
The number of fixed assets
turnover witnessed that
reached the highest point at
12.41 in 2016 In 2017, it had
a dramatic decrease at 9.08
and then slightly increased at
9.90 in 2018
Total asset
The figures reached the peak
at 2.11 in 2016 but slightly
went down at 1.91 in 2017
and minimally came back to
the play at 2.06 in 2018
decreased, generally its data was high compared
to the market
In terms of total asset turnover, a downward trend indicated that the efficiency using the company’s asset to generate sales was reduced through years
4 Profitability ratios: measure how efficiently a firm uses its assets and manages its
Profit It is clear that there was a Profit margin in 2016 was 3.78% that margin | downward trend from 3.78% in _| means 100 dollars of sales may profit
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2016 to 2.99% in 2018 3.78 dollars A downward trend for profit Return on | The figure was continueously margin showed that VINH experienced assets reduced year by year from 7.96% lower effectiveness in generating profits (ROA) | to 6.15% (2016-2018) with the given investment in assets Return on | The fluctuation of ROE started
Thi that 100 dollars of
equity | from 27.35% in 2016 to 25.80% | "P3 áievew 664086
(ROE) | in 2018 in common shareholder’s equity earned
shareholders saw a 127.35% of return on
their investment this year The improvement of ROE in 2018 indicate
that VINH was a growing company
5 Market performance ratios: how the market values the firm relative to the book values
Earnings | The EPS had a EPS measures earning capacity of an ordinary share per share | significant drop from | The lower a company’s EPS, the less profitable it is (EPS) 8,847 VND to 3,717 considered to be
VND (2016-2018)
Price Starting from 7.91 in
earnings | 2016, VINH company
ratio (PE) | witnessed a dramatic pay for each dollar of earnings A considerable
decrease in the next
year with just 4.85
times and increased
inconsiderably to 4.98
in 2018 decline in EPS of VINH indicated the lower value
so the investors would pay less for a company's”
shares if they think the company has lower profits relative to its share price