THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF E-COMMERCE FOR CONSUMERS. 1. Greeting Hello everybody. On behalf of group 5, I’d like to welcome you. Today our group is here to talk about “The advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce for consumers”. 2. Introducing the group’s members Group 5 consists of 5 members that are Vu Ngoc Linh, Nguyen Thao Ly, Tran Thi Phuong Mai, Nguyen Duy Manh, Tran Quang Manh. 3. Introducing the group’s topic Today’s socio-economic development, along with the need for trade between manufacturing industries, requires a centralized place to introduce and exchange products of enterprises. That is one of the main reasons why e-commerce was born. E-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate by providing a platform for global reach, streamlined operations, and convenient online shopping experiences. It has become an integral part of the modern economy and offers a wide range of opportunities for businesses and consumers alike. So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of e- commerce? Some solutions and suggestions to overcome the disadvantages of e- commerce will be presented by Group 5 today. 4. Outlining the presentation The presentation is in 3 main sections: Section 1: What is e-commerce: This section is intended to explain to us what e- commerce is, the types and functions of e-commerce. Section 2: Covers advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce in every field of life. Section 3: Some solutions and suggestions to overcome these disadvantages.
MinistryofEducation&Training Thuong Mai University
Lecturer:NguyenThiXuanPhuong Group: 05Class:231_ENTI1011_45
Trang 2Group5-231_ENTI1011_45 Page2
1.1 Thedefinitionofe-commerce 7
1.2 Typesofe-commerce 7
1.3 Functionsofe-commerce 8
1.4 Currentstatusofe-commerce 8
2.1 Advantages 10
2.2 Disadvantage 12
3.1 Onlinepaymentsecurity 13
3.2 Ensurethelegitimacyoftheproducts 14
3.3 Avoidphishingandscamswhenusinge-commerce 14
3.4 Producttestingandinspectionissues 15
3.5 Findthebestoptimalchoicewhenpurchasing 15
3.6 Technologysolutions 16
Solutions of e- commerce +Synthesis
Functionsofe- commerce + Conclusion+
Trang 4Contributingideasrelatedto“Advantagesanddisadvantagesofe-2 Completingtheoutlineofthetopic.
3 Dividingthetaskofsearchingfortopicsandinformation
Trang 5Dutiesformembers:Searchinginformationaboutthetopicandcompletingthetasksthat are assigned.
Trang 64 Outliningthepresentation
Section 1: What is e-commerce: This section is intended to explain to us what e- commerce
is, the types and functions of e-commerce
Trang 7In a narrow meaning, ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce, refers tot h e
b u y i n g a n d s e l l i n g o f g o o d s a n d s e r v i c e s o v e r t h e I n t e r n e t I t
s p e c i f i c a l l y e m p h a s i z e s o n l i n e t r a n s a c t i o n s b e t w e e n b u s i n e s s e s( B 2 B ) o r b u s i n e s s e s a n d i n d i v i d u a l c o n s u m e r s ( B 2 C ) T h i s
When you log into Amazon, Shopee, Lazada accounts and purchase a book or cosmetics,this is a classic example of an E-commerce transaction
Trang 81.2 Typesofe-commerce
Business to Business (B2B):This is Business to Business transactions Here the companies
aredoingbusinesswitheachother.Thefinal consumerisnotinvolved.Sothe
Trang 9onlinetransactionsonlyinvolvethemanufacturers,wholesalers,retailersetc Forexample, CGVcinemas often sell movie tickets or Got It gift suppliers sell shopping vouchers for companies togive as gifts to customers and employees.
Business to Consumer (B2C):Here the company will sell their goods and/or services
directly to the consumer The consumer can browse their websites and look at products,pictures and read reviews Then they place their order and the company shipst h e g o o d s
d i r e c t l y t o t h e m Nowadays, there are innumerable virtual stores and malls on theinternet selling all types of consumer goods Amazon is the most recognized example ofthese sites It dominates the B2C market
Consumer to consumer (C2C):Here the consumers are in direct contact with each other No
company is involved It helps people sell their personal goods and assetsd i r e c t l y t o a n
Consumer to Business (C2B):This is the reverse of B2C, it is a consumer to business So
the consumer provides a good or some service to the company For example, in onlinesurveysites, customers provide information to organizations or businesses about their opinionsabout products or services Businesses use these surveys to improve their products or servicesand create value for customers Besides, an IT freelancer demos and sells his software to acompany This would also be a C2B transaction
1.3 Functionsofe-commerce
Online Buying and Selling: The primary function of e-commerce is to facilitate online
buying and selling of goods and services It enables businesses to showcase theirproductsorservicesonwebsitesoronline marketplaces,andcustomerscanbrowse,select andpurchase items online
Communication via email: Email is an important tool for communication in the business
environment It allows organizations to send and receive information quicklyand
Trang 10efficiently.Emailcanalsobeintegratedwithotherfunctions,suchasservicemanagement, to provideinformation and support to customers.
Trang 11Process Management Function: Process management is particularlyimportant for
optimizing business operations Automating and improving business processesmay involveconnecting computers and devices to share information and data more efficiently This canhelp increase productivity and reduce errors
Service Management Function:Improvingservicequalitythroughtechnologyisa significant
application in business Websites and online applications enable customers to accessinformation and services conveniently Examples like tracking shipments and locating cargoworldwide can enhance the customer experience and increase satisfaction
Transaction Function:Online transactions allow customers to shop and conduct services
online easily Websites like Amazon and provide platforms for buying andselling products and services This creates a powerful business opportunity and enhancescompetitiveness
1.4 Currentstatusofe-commerce
According to the e-commerce market research in 2022 by Metric (an e-commerce dataresearch company), Vietnam is becoming the second largest market in Southeast Asia, justbehind Indonesia Compared to the current world e-commercesituation, Vietnam isdeveloping strongly The global e-commerce growth rate has a rate of 16.24% in 2021 and
is forecast to break through to 24.5% in 2025 In Vietnam, this figure is more than20%in2021,with a size of 16billionUSD.By2025,the growthrate of e-commerce in our countrycan reach 29%, reaching 39 billion USD (Metric, 2022)
Market shareof the e-commerce market in Vietnam:ThedatacollectedbyMetric hasshown that Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, and Sendo are the four e-commerce platforms with the largestmarket share in Vietnam Specifically, Shopee takes the lead in the e- commerce market, withtotal revenue of up to 43.12 billion, which accounts for 72% of the largest market shares in 6months, from November 2021 This is followed by Lazada with 20.9%, equivalent to totalrevenue of 12.54 billion (Metric, 2022)
Trang 12In addition, customers can also get more information about product quality thanks to othercustomer reviews.
b) Customization
Customization in commerce is the process of customizing the experience of an commerce website to align with the needs and preferences of an individual shopper Thiscould include showing personalized product recommendations, tailored content or specialoffers based on a customer’s past purchases or browsing behavior When you return toshopping, websites will recommend trending items you desire, thereby making shoppingmore convenient and more personalized Sellers will also rely on those data to sell productsaccording to customers' tastes without you having to tell them what you like
e-c) Community
Online shopping also creates communities - where people using the samee- commercesite join to chat and exchange with each other Participating in those communities, you canknow the quality stores in each item from people's buying experiences Furthermore, thereare individuals who specialize in buying and reviewing products for people - they are calledreviewers You will also be given advice on how to handle any difficulties or obstaclesregarding orders from everyone in the group Such groups will often also have discountvoucher hunts or share vouchers to help you buy things more economically
Trang 13d) Convenience
In “e-world”, convenience means the ability to select, purchase and in some cases useproducts from your desktop at any time For example, e-commerce websites and onlinestores are open 24/7 allowing customers to shop at any time convenient for them This isparticularly beneficial for people with busy schedules or those in different time zones.Online usage of products is, of course, even available for digital products such as music orother data services For instance, Amazon's creative Christmas ad shows a shopper battlingagainst a gale-swept street clutching several bags, emphasizing the convenience of onlineshopping
e) Choice
Shopping online gives a wider choice of products and suppliers than via conventionaldistribution channels E-commerce platforms often offer a vast array of products fromvarious sellers and brands Shoppers can easily compare products, prices, and reviewswithout the need to visit multiple physical stores The success of online intermediaries such
as Shopee ( or Lazada ( is the evidence of this Similarly, provides Tesco with a platform to give consumers a wider choice of products(financial, travel, white goods) with more detailed information than are physically availablein-store
f) Costreduction
Have you ever dreamed of one day you could go shopping without looking at the prices ofthem? If yes, let’s take a quick look at the selling website or some shopping application.There are thousand and thousand of products with the prices you cannot imagine TheInternet is widely perceived as a relatively low-cost place of purchase a lower cost-base asthey have lower staff and distribution costs than a retailer that runs a network of high-streetstores A simple price differential is a keyapproach to encouraging the usage of onlineservices Moreover, e-commerce platforms frequently offer discounts, promotions, and couponcodes These special offers can significantly lower the cost of products, especially during salesevents like Black Friday or the double day like September 9th, October 10th In the late 1990s,low-cost airline easyJet encouraged the limited change behavior required to move from phonebooking to online booking by offering a £2.50 discount on online flight bookings
Trang 142.2 Disadvantagesofe-commerce
a) Confusionduetosomanychoices
Having many stores on e-commerce sites helps you have more choices, but sometimes
it also brings disadvantages When you approach an item that you have never bought before,you will not know which store sells the good item for you, you will be confused andhesitant in choosing You will spend a lot of time researching and choosing.Also,sincethestores willhaveidenticalpicturesfortheirproducts,youwilllikelychoose to buy afake store without knowing it
b) Nopossibilityoftriedandtestedproduct
Customers lack the facility of touching and feeling products in case of onlineshopping They are sometimes more satisfied by purchasing at physical outlets by properlychecking the product before buying The ability to speak with a sales assistant about yourneeds and issues is often more helpful than trying to find or compare products on your own
Of all the disadvantages of e-commerce, losing the ability to look your customer in the eyeand explain to them the value of your goods is the biggest loss Also, online shopping onlyprovides a handful of pictures of the product and information on size/fit/fabric If you’relucky, you might see a video Many shoppers still need more information available to makechoices Tactile considerations, such as how an item feels or how the texture comes intoplay, as well as how clothing will fit, all make a big difference when it comes to consumerpurchases
c) Shippingproblems
Another major disadvantage of online shopping is that customers need to wait forlonger time periods to get their products delivered In the case of offline shopping,customersgeton-spotdeliveryoftheirproducts Productscanbelostordamagedwhilein transit, andorder tracking systems are unable to accurately locate the product People choose the same-day, one-day, or two-day delivery, paying extra money to get their product delivered.However, these products often do not get delivered within the stipulated time and consumershave to wait for days before they finally receive their product Similar challenges are faced by
product.S o p l e as e b e a w a r e o f d e l i v e r y andl o g i s t i c s p r o b l e m s Y o u c a n d o y o u r own
Trang 15of consumers' information Moreover, some online marketplaces may have counterfeit orfake products, which can be challenging for consumers toi d e n t i f y b e f o r e p u r c h a s e
e) DependenceonTechnology
Using the Internet for shopping, certainly, has both pros and cons Because commerce relies on technology a lot Therefore, technical glitches, website crashesor serveroutages can disrupt the shopping experience Consumers may face frustration andinconvenience when these issues occur Besides, not all consumers are equally comfortablewith technology Those with limited digital literacy may find e-commerce platformschallenging to navigate, leading to potential difficulties in making online purchases Finally,e-commerce platforms may not be optimized for all devices and browsers Consumers mayencounter compatibility issues when using older devices orl e s s c o m m o n w e b
Moreover,businessescansetupanautomatedsystemthatwillmake phonecallsor voice interactions
to confirm customer's transactions
Trang 163.2 Ensurethelegitimacyoftheproducts
One possible solution for consumers' concerns about counterfeit products when shoppingonline is to improve the authenticity verification processes and implement stricter measures
to ensure the legitimacy of the products being sold
Enhanced product description and images:Online marketplaces and websites should
provide detailed and accurate product descriptions along with high-quality images thatclearly show the product's original packaging, logos, and other attributes This will helpconsumers better assess the authenticity of the product before making a purchase
Collaboration with brand owners:Online marketplaces should collaborate with brand
owners to implement stricter controls and monitoring This can involve working together toreport and take down counterfeit listings promptly, sharing information about knowncounterfeit sellers, and implementing technologies such as brand-specific serial numbers orholograms for authenticity verification
Seller verification:Online platforms should implement a strict verificationprocess for
sellers, ensuring that only authorized and legitimate sellers are allowed to list their products.This can involve verifying business licenses, conducting background checks, and cross-referencing with authorized distributors
Moreover, when the products are returned because the customers are not satisfied with theproduct, it may create heavy loss on shipment and reputation Cost of logisticsh a s
a l w a y s b e e n a n i s s u e f o r e - c o m m e r c e p l a y e r s
e s p e c i a l l y for those who deliver for free With this problem, our team came up with aproposal This cost of operation can be minimized with proper returns management with aseamless interaction platform with logistics partners and vendors
3.3 Avoidphishingandscamswhenusinge-commerce
As we mentioned, nowadays there are many hackers using fraudulent e-commerce websites
to steal customer information To make sure that the personal information of your customers
is never compromised, businesses must check their websites regularly or may hire an expertsoftware professional if they don't have much idea about computers
Choose trusted payment processors:Select a trusted third-partypayment processor
that offers secure payment options