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INNOVATIVEINFORMATION SYSTEMS  MODELLINGTECHNIQUES EditedbyChristosKalloniatis  INNOVATIVE INFORMATIONSYSTEMS MODELLINGTECHNIQUES  EditedbyChristosKalloniatis            Innovative Information Systems Modelling Techniques Edited by Christos Kalloniatis Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Romina Skomersic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published May, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechopen.com Innovative Information Systems Modelling Techniques, Edited by Christos Kalloniatis p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0644-9    Contents  Preface IX Chapter 1 Information Systems: From the Requirements to the Integrated Solution 1 José Francisco Zelasco and Judith Donayo Chapter 2 An Architecture-Centric Approach for Information System Architecture Modeling, Enactement and Evolution 15 Hervé Verjus, Sorana Cîmpan and Ilham Alloui Chapter 3 Patterns for Agent-Based Information Systems: A Case Study in Transport 47 Vincent Couturier, Marc-Philippe Huget and David Telisson Chapter 4 Health Care Information Systems: Architectural Models and Governance 71 Paolo Locatelli, Nicola Restifo, Luca Gastaldi and Mariano Corso Chapter 5 Globalization and Socio-Technical Aspects of Information Systems Development 97 Gislaine Camila L. Leal, Elisa H. M. Huzita and Tania Fatima Calvi Tait Chapter 6 Mobile System Applied to Species Distribution Modelling 121 Álvaro Silva, Pedro Corrêa and Carlos Valêncio Chapter 7 World Modeling for Autonomous Systems 135 Andrey Belkin, Achim Kuwertz, Yvonne Fischer and Jürgen Beyerer Chapter 8 Analysis of Interactive Information Systems Using Goals 157 Pedro Valente and Paulo N. M. Sampaio VI Contents Chapter 9 A Scheme for Systematically Selecting an Enterprise Architecture Framework 183 Agnes Owuato Odongo, Sungwon Kang and In-Young Ko    Preface  Information Systems are the software and hardware systems that support data‐ intensive applications. One of the most critical stages of an Information System development cycle is the System Design stage. During this stage the architecture, components,modules,interfacesandsystemdataaredefinedandmodeledinorderto fulfill the respective requirements that the develope d Information System should meet. For accomplishing this task a number of requirement engineering methodologies have been proposed and presented in the respective literature aiming ontheelicitation,analysisandmodelingofthesystemrequirements. Along with the respective requirement engineering meth od s a number of modeling techniques have been deve loped in order to assist analysts and designers to conceptualise and construct the respective models leading to the successful implementation of the InformationSystem.Anumberofmodels exist for supporting designers and analysts in various actions taking place during design phase like capturing the right concepts, assisting the analysis and desig n of the Information  System,systemsimulationaswellasforconstructingmodelinglanguagesforspecific systems. The main types of modeling presented are the agent‐based modeling, the datamodelingandthemathematicalmodeling. However, the rapid development of new Information Infrastructure combined with theincreaseduserneedsinsp ecificareasofInformationTechnology(mostlyrelatedto Webapplications)hascreated theneedfor designingnew modelingtechniquesmore innovative and targeted on specific areas of Information Systems in order to successfully model the rapidly changed environment, along with the newly introducedconceptsanduserrequirements. Therefore,thisbookaimstointro ducereaderstoanumberofinnovative Information modeling techniques, it is titled “Innovative Information Systems Modelling Techniques”andincludes9chapters.Thefocus ison theexploration andcoverage of the innovations of recently presented modeling techniques and their applicability on theInformationSystems’modeling.  ChristosKalloniatis DepartmentofCulturalTechnologyandCommu nication,UniversityoftheAegean, Greece 1 Information Systems: From the Requirements to the Integrated Solution José Francisco Zelasco and Judith Donayo Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina 1. Introduction Database integrity of an information system from its beginning to the end of its life cycle is an important issue of concern among specialists (Melton & Simon, 2002) (Guoqi Feng et al, 2009), (Post & Gagan, 2001) (Eastman C. et al, 1997) (An Lu & Wilfred Ng, 2009). The proposal solution, concerning all the aspects of an information system project, is introduced here with the aim of ensuring the integrity of the database throughout the development of the system. The general aim of this chapter is to propose a method derived from MERISE (Tardieu et al, 1985), consisting of an interconnected set of tools and those heuristics to improve the requirements engineering issues, facilitating the design of specifications, allowing alternatives of organization in terms of workstation, tasks, etc. Establish the requirements for the development of a computer system involves collecting information and expectations from users of various levels of responsibility and belonging to areas that may have, if not conflicting, at least different interests. However, the demands of different users, should reconciled into a set of specifications that will be acceptable, in a concerted way, for all of them. It is essential, to fix up the final solution, to present the proposed options in an understandable way to all users (Zelasco & Donayo, 2011). Consequently, the information produced must be stricter and simpler, and should facilitate, in terms of design, the use of tools such as those proposed by the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the Unified Process (UP) (Zelasco et al, 2007). In this presentation we will lay special emphasis on those tools that are related to data structuring and that make their monitoring easier during the optimization and the distribution of data on the physical level, while protecting their consistency. As an introduction to the process of conception, we will introduce a diagram called sun (Figure 1) (Tardieu et al, 1985) in which we can see the stage of creation articulated in three levels of abstraction: 1. Conceptual level: what the company does, as a whole, to answer the external actor stimuli. 2. Organizational or logical level: (namely, involving internal actors), who does what, where (workstation) and when. 3. Operational or Physical level: how it is done and with what equipment. There is a distinction here between the tasks performed by men known as men’s tasks, which give [...]... entails a manufacturing enterprise, its customers and suppliers The supply chain information system is a softwareintensive system comprising several software components It is governed by an EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) software solution that itself comprises an ERP system The ERP system includes components dedicated to handling respectively stocks, invoices, orders and quotations These software... process (Favre et al., 2006) Every process is centered on design models of systems to develop Models are used for several purposes: to understand specific aspects of a system, to predict the qualities of a system, to reason on the impact of change on a system and to communicate with different system stakeholders (developers, commercials, clients, end-users, etc.) Among the objectives of such approaches... Techniques When analyzing the object persistent properties in previous subsystems, it is assumed that some anomalies may occur However, in the minimal conceptual model these anomalies would be considered as a sub product of the verification process Since verification mainly aims to ensure that each subsystem yields the essential information to the proper functioning of other subsystems This interaction is... interoperability as well as new exchanges, technological mutations and organisational transformations Enterprise agility and adaptability leads to a new challenge: flexibility and adaptability of its information system Most information systems are nowadays software-intensive systems: they integrate heterogeneous, distributed software components, large-scale software applications, legacy systems and COTS In this context,... converges to each set of occurrences of each class If this does not happen it is because the indispensable class that avoids this ambiguity has been omitted It should be verified that each class has a set of occurrences, so as not to confuse unique objects (company s Board) with data classes, which is a frequent mistake among beginners It should be pointed out that this minimal scheme can be the basis for... software-intensive information system engineering domain, as software intensive information systems often lack support for dynamic evolution When existing, such support doesn’t ensure the consistency between design decisions and the running system Thus, generally first the system model is evolved, and then the implementation, without necessarily mantaining the consistency between the two system representations This... context, designing, building, maintaining evolvable and adaptable information systems is an important issue for which few rigorous approaches exist In particular information system architecture (Zachman, 1997) is an important topic as it considers information system as interacting components, assembled for reaching enterprise business goals according to defined strategies and rules Thus, information system... person in that workstation and those operations to be automated will be established These actions are called “men s tasks” and “machine tasks” This classification corresponds to the called Operational Treatments Model (OpTM) and gives rise to the user s manual and the systems analysis at the level of each use case For the OpMT it can establish an analogue diagram between man tasks and machine tasks,... the persistent properties and the minimal established scheme is verified This is to be done by updating and querying each one of the corresponding entities/properties This heuristic ensures that the minimal data scheme meets the needs of each subsystem, but the main advantage of this mechanism is to ensure that each subsystem provides all the elements required by the other subsystems In this way the... The restocking system may ask for restocking if the current product 22 Innovative Information Systems Modelling Techniques stock is not big enough to satisfy the client s order A restocking procedure consists in contacting a supplier in order to satisfy the order We first assume that the supplier is always able to satisfy a restocking demand Dynamic planned evolution The architecture that supports planned . INNOVATIVE  INFORMATION SYSTEMS  MODELLING TECHNIQUES EditedbyChristosKalloniatis  INNOVATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS MODELLING TECHNIQUES  EditedbyChristosKalloniatis            Innovative. as men s tasks, which give Innovative Information Systems Modelling Techniques 2 rise to the user s manual and the tasks performed by machines known as machine tasks, leading to the information. modifications of previous subsystems developed in order to satisfy the subsequent ones. The verification process consists of contrasting the object persistent properties of each system with the

Ngày đăng: 28/06/2014, 22:20