INTRODUCTION Cocoon About Cocoon Company Vegan Cosmetics THE COCOON VIETNAM Nature Story - Cocoon Company means "cocoon", The cocoon is the "House" thatincubates and nurtures a small ca
2 Nguyen Ngoc Thuy An
3 Tran Gia Han
4 Hua Bao Tran
5 Le Nhu Huong
6 Nguyen Hoang Anh
7 Truong Hoang Long
8 Cao Tran Nhu Phuong
About Cocoon Company Vegan Cosmetics THE COCOON VIETNAM Nature Story
- Cocoon Company means "cocoon", The cocoon is the "House" thatincubates and nurtures a small caterpillar so that one day it will become abeautiful and splendid butterfly body
- From such a meaning, Cocoon is the "house" to take care of the skin andhair of the Vietnamese people
- Familiar natural resources
- Cocoon Vietnam is a famous vegan cosmetic brand, born in 2013
- Cocoon shows the Vietnamese spirit with all-natural ingredients from DakLak coffee to Ben Tre coconut; from Tien Giang cocoa butter to Cao Bangroses
- Cocoon is the first vegan cosmetic brand in Vietnam to participate in thetwo global programs Leaping Bunny of Cruelty Free International andBeauty Without Bunnies of PETS
- Cocoon applies a closed production process, saying no to preservatives andharmful chemicals
Trang 4- low cost but the product offers a comprehensive and highly effective beautysolution.
- The logo image carries the message: Cocoon Vietnam cosmetics ownerhelps Vietnamese women become more and more beautiful and perfect.always accompanies Vietnamese women
II Mission and vision of Cocoon
Cocoon was born to bring Vietnamese women a beautiful skin, a hair that isalways healthy, youthful and full of vitality from simple ingredients and closenessthat you use every day Cocoon products always apply the benefits of food around
us combined with scientific understanding to create cosmetics that are safe andhighly effective for all consumers
Developing the cosmetic brand Cocoon is the pride of a 100% Vietnamese-madecosmetic brand
Trang 5Cocoon Product Lines
Product Lips Care Skincare Bodycare Haircare
Dak Lakcoffee cleansdead skin andnourishes thebody
Grapefruitessential oilhair
Squashshower gel
Sachiserumrestore hair
Improve dullskin fromHung Yenturmeric
Eucalyptusand mint carefor hands andbody skin
Trang 6Dak Lakcoffeecleanses deadskin
Cocoon products Skin care product line Products for acne-prone skin from squash:
with 6 main products:
Squash essence, squash solution, skin-balancing squash juice, and squash
make-up remover , squash face wash gel
Products to improve dull skin from Hung Yen turmeric: Hung Yen turmeric water,Hung Yen turmeric essence, Hung Yen turmeric face wash, Hung Yen turmericmask
Trang 7Skin moisturizing products from roses:
Rose cleansing oil, rose mask, rose water, moisturizing rose jelly, rose makeupremover, rose essence, rose face wash
Trang 8Products from grapefruit include 3 main products: pomelo conditioner, grapefruitshampoo, grapefruit hair oil
Coffee products include: body scrubs, face scrubs and lip scrubs
Vegan products contain many nutritional ingredients from nature, which havetherapeutic and nourishing effects on the skin The formula of this productcontains fewer ingredients than conventional cosmetics, thus minimizing the risk
of irritation to sensitive skin, safe to use
I Target audience: for the campaign (Since the goal of this campaign is to increase
brand awareness, it won't set too many limits)
1 Demographic
Gender: Female
Ages: 17 - 25 (genZ)
Occupation: All occupations
Low – middle income : 5-10 millions
Location: live, study or work in big cities Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang, CanTho
What are they interested in?
Product quality: products must have a clear, reputable brand The finished products in the product must ensure quality, eco - friendly
Benefits brought when used, such as improve and take care of skin There are many kind to skin types satisfy their demand
The distribution channel must be wide so that they can easily find and buy products anytime, anywhere
2 Behavior:
Buy an average of about 6 products/month
Share experiences through many forms on social networks
Benefits sought: Variety for skin, reasonable price,safe ingredients
Trang 10 Easy loyal, buy a certain brand, change according to the product quality
Regularly interacts on social networks
Often attracted by articles with beautiful images References: friends, colleagues, influencers
3 Psychological
Always want to become more beautiful
Admire people who have a beautiful, attractive appearance
Love valuable prizes, love to be given gifts
Catching up with the trend
Reason for joining: want to share my story with everyone, want to overcome mylimits, like prizes, be invited by friends, expand relationships, can take care of myskin free way
Matters of interest: interested in natural products, interested in beauty, skin care,interested in beauty programs and contests
Recently, there are countless beauty contests held based on the standards ofbody, skin or facial contours Besides, information and advertising images ofmany beauty brands that we approach every day has made our mindsunconsciously form "models" of beauty for women These self-assuredstereotypes can prevent women from realizing and enjoying their own beauty,affecting their confidence and pride However, in today's modern times, in a
Trang 11society that emphasizes the individual like today, along with the development ofmass communication channels, we have access to more "models" of beauty Itseems that each person gradually finds for themselves a "standard" of beauty thatdoes not follow a fixed standard.
Launching the campaign "Cocoon - Nurturing rose-like skin" with themission of honoring unique beauty, each person has a unique beauty
When using Cocoon products, the customer's desire for the product is to wanttheir skin and hair to be beautiful, bright, healthier and more importantly, theyare not really confident about their body And Cocoon organizes a photo contest
to exploit this aspect, to show customers that everyone has characteristics thatthey themselves consider to be defects but in fact, other people rarely care butonly themselves just worried about it When seeing the photos, customers willsee their own silhouette somewhere, helping Cocoon increase sympathy withcustomers
- Not confident about yourself => Cocoon will help you to be more confident
Together with cocoon confidently be yourself
a Organize a photo contest
- Campaign purpose: Increase brand awareness, increase followers and brandawareness :
Trang 12• Increase fanpage followers from 200,000 to 400,000 followers.
• Increase brand awareness by 800,000 people
• Increase engagement for posts on fanpage by 400%
• Help 600,000 people know about Cocoon's Rose Lotion
b Name of the contest: PHOTO CONTEST: COCOON LIGHT WITH COCOON Confidently
c Detail:
- Message: Any beauty is worth cherishing Each of us has our own beauty withoutnecessarily following a standard All your photos and stories will be welcomed atthe Cocoon Photo Contest
Form of organization: Organize an online photo contest with a nationwide scale.Contest entries include:
Contestant's photo (recommended to take with rose cream product) or postwith hashtag #kemduonghoahongcocoon
Content caption about beauty, self-care or simply about the points that Ifeel most loved on my body with a call to the online community to vote for
me by interacting with the article
Sent via Cocoon's email (a new email dedicated to controlling the top of theimage sent)
- Communication:
Trang 13Cocoon will bring information about the contest through 3 platforms:
Facebook Fanpage: Cocoon Vietnam
Instagram: @cocoon.vietnam
Trang 14+ Official website:
Trang 15Entries will only be posted via Facebook fanpage: Cocoon Vietnam.
Trang 16Time to take place: The contest will take place within 1 month from 8/3/2023 After the end of the contest period, the organizers will check and uploadphotos in turn of candidates who fully meet the criteria of the competition.
Post media aboutthe contest andpublicize theprogram's email
Fanpage, website,instagram
2 1/2/2023- The organizers Online Gmail
Trang 177/2/2023 check the
entries and sendemail
notifications tocandidates
3 8/2/2023 Post candidates
Updatecandidates'entries at thesame time onfanpage
5 1/3- 7/3/2023 Time for the
organizers tocheck andcalculate votingpoints
The organizerscalculates votesfor eachcontestant
In company
6 8/3/2023 Announcement
of results andawards
The organizersannounce thewinners andaward prizes
Announcement:website, fanpage, IGPrizes awarded by banktransfer
Trang 18The time for the audience to vote for their favorite contestant will be held in 3weeks by liking, commenting and sharing:
For like will be added 1 point
For comments will be added 2 points
For sharing, 3 points will be added
Rules :
Like and comment, share must be real account and public
Voting is only counted when the voter likes Cocoon's fanpage
It is strictly forbidden for contestants to use the hacking tool to like,comment or share if the organizers detect it, they will immediately beremoved from the contest
The images posted by the contestant must conform to the fine customs andtraditions of the Vietnamese people and do not violate the rules of ethicsand the law
Why Cocoon does this:
By showing women that any beauty deserves to be cherished, encouragingwomen to be confident in their own beauty, where beauty is not only inappearance but also in thinking , their way of life and the story of their life
This will play a key role in making women feel better about themselves, Cocoonhas a positive impact on them Besides, Cocoon is also a companion to go withthem
Trang 19Message: Besides, understanding the psychology of young people who lovebeauty and admire beauty, especially shimmering photos on social networks,besides regularly interacting on social networks, Cocoon organizes the contest notonly to help customers express themselves, but also to increase recognitionthrough interaction at contest entries and calling for votes.
- Key messages:
Love yourself
Believe in yourself, don't worry and be self-deprecating, become the mostperfect version of yourself
Wear the crown even if you're not perfect
Honoring the natural beauty of Vietnamese people
Everyone has their own crown
Reminding young people to find and believe in themselves "Even if you onlyhave one day to live, let go of all your shortcomings and do somethinguseful"
Overcome your inferiority to shine
Crown yourself
The beauty of spreading
21st Century Girls
The beauty in each of us
I'm my own queen
Detail Media Plan
Stage 1: Awareness Stage
Trang 20Time: 8/2/2023 – 8/3/2023
- Increase fanpage followers from 200,000 to 400,000 followers
- Increase brand awareness by 800,000 people
- Increase engagement for posts on fanpage by 400%
- Help 600,000 people know about Cocoon's Rose Lotion
me by interacting with the article
= > Sent via Cocoon's email (a new email dedicated to controlling the top of theimage sent)
Trang 21By showing women that any beauty deserves to be cherished, encouragingwomen to be confident in their own beauty, where beauty is not only inappearance but also in thinking , their way of life and the story of their life
This will play a key role in making women feel better about themselves, Cocoonhas a positive impact on them Besides, Cocoon is also a companion to go withthem
Trang 22Stage 2: Attention Stage
Time: 8/3/2023 – 25/3/2023
- Used a ‘beauty for all’ specific 3 people
+ Chloe Nguyen : 150,000 views/ 2700 like
+ Hà Linh: 200,000 views/ 3000 like
+ Mai Vân Trang: 2,300,000 views/ 35k like
- Concept and released Rose Gel in 16 different skins using a 100% digitalcampaign, centered around Tiktok and influencer content
- Increase brand awareness by 800,000 people
- Confident to be yourself, not afraid of skin defects, like beauty, want toshow off your beauty, may have used or known Cocoon brand
Trang 23- In order for clients to clearly see the glossy, moisturizing impact of Rose Gelproducts on various skin backdrops, they have varying skin tones,pigmentation, and facial defects.
- By posting duet pictures/videos on tiktok, viewers may join in the campaign
- Videos with high engagement will win enticing prizes from the brand KOLs,Influencers: To challenge to be known by many people, Cocoon needs touse hot KOLs on Tiktok such as: Ha Linh, Mai Van Trang, Chloe Nguyen,…
- All posts have the hashtag #Cocoon #beautyforall
( nh ) Ả
Maquette: The advertising maquette area is very large, which
can convey a lot of content to viewers on Tiktok.
=>> 2.000.000 reaches/ 10 frequency
Purpose: By combining the power of social media with Influencers already onsocial media, the campaign can reach 1 million followers in 1 month The brandcontinues to use the digital-only approach by using YouTube tutorials and otherforms of content to increase engagement and “hype” each time a new product islaunched
Stage 3: Interest Stage
Trang 24( nh) Ả
Maquette: The advertising maquette area is very large, which
can convey a lot of content to viewers on Youtube
Trang 25Purpose: The campaign can reach 200k followers on Youtube From there, it is
possible to increase product awareness for customers and increase product sales
Stage 4: Desire Stage
Time: 21/4/2023 – 8 /5/2023
- Stimulate the purchase of consumers, protect the company's existing
customers, attract more new customers, contribute to increase thecompany's sales
- To attract more new clients or clients who are still concerned about the
pricing issue, there are numerous discount offers available
- Increase Shop traffic: 20%
- Increase sales for Shop : 10 -15% , 20 – 25%. Because when sellingsomething, the purchase volume is huge
- Attract New Buyers: 10%
- Build loyal customer groups: The top two groups representing
16% of the customers contributed
13,5% of the loyal’s profits
Content: Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Tiktok Shop,…
- To ensure the best possible product selection, each item offered during a
Flash Sale period is carefully selected
Trang 26- Always provide rival brands with enticing and affordable prices.
- Enhancing the e-commerce platform's old and new client support, and
providing several discount codes to Cocoon customers
( nh )Ả
Maquette: The advertising maquette area is very large, which
can convey a lot of content to viewers on Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, Tiktok Shop,…
Purpose: Compared to the present 4 thousand 7 hundred items, achieved thenumber of products sold of roughly 8 thousand a month on one product
Stage 5: Action Stage
Time: 28 /2/2023 – 8/3/2023
- Customers can build up points on a member card and earn different
rewards from the company There are about 5,000 registered members,
due to lack of membership card yet
- Encourage clients to purchase more products and to show interest in thebrand's next advertising campaigns
- To conserve the environment and uphold the reputation of vegancosmetics, gather old items to trade for new ones