LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Quantification of reducing sugars by DNS method...0000 cece Figure 2.1 The moisture content of sample Figure 2.4 The Brix degree of sample Figure 2.5 Sample af
Instructor: Nguyen Thi Cam Vi, PhD
Group: 01 -03 Members: Tran Pham Thanh Thao — 620H0130 Tran Pham Thanh Tuyen — 620h0169 Dinh Thi Thao Vi — 620H0286
Le Nguyen Mai Phuong — 620H0278
MA TERLALL - . 2 20 2201211211121 11111112111 13 1111831111111 111011111 11 HH TH HH ng Hành 1 1.1 Experiment comtent 0 0.000000ccccccccccccccccccecessceceseeseeseecessescesseseesecessaeeessseeeeeensiseeees 1 1.2 Implementation sfeps - 00 2221112221111 0111221111011 12 0111120111111 key 1 1.2.1 Determination of moIsfure COn€TI - G1 2011211211121 1111 1119515185111 11 1kg 1 1.2.2 Determination of protein conf€TIE : 2221221112111 121 1121221111111 1 11k 2 1.2.3 Determination oÊpHÏ degree - - 1 2221221121 112 12111111115 581 111821111 3 1.2.4 Determination of total dissolved soÌIds - - Sc S2 1+ 112111512511 151212 z2 3 1.2.5 Determination o£ Vitam1m CÔ GOTIf€TIÍ c2 1222121121 1151151 1151511115211 x52 4 1.2.6 Determination of pectine €onIf€TI( - 1S: 12221212112 11112115115 111111581 5 tk, 5 1.2.7 Determination of reducing sugØar conf€TI 2c 12221222222 12s ey 6 1.2.8 Determination of ash COTETI - - c2 2112111111211 21 1115311111111 1181181111111 re 7
2.1 Result of moisture COIR€TI 5= 5 < HH TH nh HH 9 2.2 Result of protein COT€TIÍ - < se HH h0 9
2.4 Total đissolve€(Ì sO@ÌÏÏS, các có s2 9 2 HS SH g1 9.19 g9 558 SE 11 2.5 Result of Vitamin CÔ COnf€TI <5 sọ họ ưng 12
2.8 Result of ash COntent cccccccccccsssssssssnssscccccssssssnssssssssssssccccccssssssnsnsnasccsecacsanaeenes 17
Trang 3LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Quantification of reducing sugars by DNS method 0000 cece Figure 2.1 The moisture content of sample
Figure 2.4 The Brix degree of sample
Figure 2.5 Sample after titration with Iodine solution
Figure 2.6 Sample after titration with NaOH
Figure 2.7 Precipitate after adding CaCh
Figure 2.8 Boil for 5 minutes
Figure 2.9 Vacuum filtration to collect precipitate
Figure 2.10 Collect the precipitate and wash with hot distilled water
Figure 2.11 Put sample into muffle furnace machine
OF THE RAW MATERIAL 1.1 Experiment content
1 Moisture content Moisture dryer
2 Protein content Bradford method
4 Total dissolved solids Brix meter
5 Vitamin C content Iodine titration method
6 Pectine content Ranganna method
7 Reducing sugar content DNS method
8 Ash content Muffle furnace machine
1.2 Implementation steps
1.2.1 Determination of moisture content
a Principle
Determine moisture content based on the principle of drying to a constant point, and also on the principle of infrared rays
b Method
Open the lid of the device, put about 1-2 g of pineapple ingredients into the machine, close the lid, and dry for about | hour After | hour, the machine displays humidity on the screen Calculate the results:
Moisture = 100% - % dry matter after drying
For traditional moisture drying scales, it is necessary to calculate moisture in % mass:
Trang 5
m: sample mass before drying
m1: sample mass after drying
1.2.2 Determination of protein content
a Principle
This method is based on the change in the maximum absorption wavelength of the dye Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 when complexed with protems The drug color changes from light red to light blue and the maximum absorption wavelength of the dye solution ranges from 465 nm to 595 nm The absorbance at 595 nm is directly related to protem concentration The change in optical density at wavelength 595nm is proportional
to the protein concentration in the sample Based on the protein standard chart, calculate the protein content in the research sample
To determine protein in the sample, it is necessary to build a standard curve with a standard protein solution of known concentration The standard proteim solution is usually Bovine plasma y-golbulin or bovine serum albumin (BSA) After adding the protein solution to the dye solution, the color will appear after 2 minutes and last for up to | hour Measure the solution with a spectrophotometer to get the OD, the absorbance will
be proportional to the amount of protein in the sample The amount of sample protein in the measurement solution is determined by scoring on the standard curve along the OD and down the horizontal axis The value obtained on the horizontal axis is the amount of sample protein in that solution
b Method
After chopping and grinding pineapple to collect fruit juice, dilute the juice in order of
10 times, 50 times and 100 times respectively
Trang 6Aspirate 0.1 mL of sample
Take out 0.9 mL of distilled water
Then add 5mL of Bradford reagent solution
Let the sample stabilize for 10-15 minutes
Prepare blank sample: 1 mL distilled water + 5 mL Bradford
Measure the test sample at a wavelength of 595 nm and calculate the value
AOD = OD, - ODy =y
Compare the OD results of the sample with the standard curve and calculate the protein content according to the formula:
+ Protein content in protein fluid sample at K times concentration:
_AOD=b 1 193
C 0.1 + Tofal protem content in the crude protein sample: Cl =C x V
1.2.3 Determination of pH degree
a Principle
pH is a measure of H" ions in fruit juice, thereby determining the acidity in pineapple juice
b Method
Dip litmus paper into the pineapple fluid sample If the pH index is | - 7: acidic environment From 7 to 14: alkaline environment If the litmus paper shows the number 7: the environment is neutral
1.2.4 Determination of total dissolved solids
a Principle
Trang 7Degree Brix (°Bx) is the most common scale for measuring dissolved solids It is used
to express the concentration (% by weight) or density of sugar in a solution Brix level has the effect of controlling sugar levels in the food production industry such as:
— Making wine
— Beer production
— Production of refined sugar
— Processing honey and fruit juice
— Milk processing
— etc
Each degree brix (°1) is equivalent to a 1% sugar concentration when measured at
20 °C A solution with a Brix degree of 10%, that is, every 100g of solution contains 10g
of dissolved solids and 90% water
b Method
Open the glass plate of the brix meter, drop 1-2 drops onto the surface of the prism Close the lid and read the results
1.2.5 Determination of Vitamin C content
a Principle
To quickly determine the vitamin C content in raw materials without the color indicator 2,6 dichlorophenoli indophenol, people often use the Iodine titration method All ascorbic acid will be oxidized by iodine The remaining iodine will give a blue color
to the starch solution That means the reaction is over
b Method
Take 10 mL of pineapple juice into a volumetric flask and make up the volume to 100
mL with distilled water Add 5 drops of 1% starch and then determine with KIO3/KI
Trang 80.01N until blue color appears, do this 3 times The determination results do not deviate
by more than 0.03 mL
Carry out the control sample in parallel, replacing pineapple juice with 1% HCL Vitamin C content is determined according to the formula:
y= la—b}x 0.0886 x 100 x Vdm
X: vitamin C content (mg/100 mL) or (mg/100g);
a: number of mL KIO;/KI 0.01N used to titrate samples containing vitamin C;
b: number of mL KIO;/KI 0.01N used to titrate the control sample;
Vdm: volume of standard sample;
V: initial sample volume used for calibration
1.2.6 Determination of pectine content
a Principle
Pectine is a polymer of galacturonic acid and its methyl esters, D-galacturonic molecules linked together by alpha -1,4 - glycosidic bonds The Ranganna method 1s based on obtaining calctum pectate salt in the form of precipitation by acid
b Method
Put 50 g of pineapple sample into a 1L beaker and add 400 mL of 0.05N HCl Then, boil for about 2 hours until completely evaporated, cool and make up to 500 mL with distilled water
Take 100 mL from the solution mixture into erlene and add 250 mL of distilled water then neutralize with IN NaOH, use phenolphthalein as indicator, wait for overnight
Trang 9Add 50 mL of IN Acetic acid + 25 mL of IN Calcium chloride, leave for 1 hour at room temperature.Boil for 5 minutes and vacuum filter to collect the precipitate After that, wash with hot distilled water and dry at 105 °C, weigh and calculate according to the formula
Pectine recovery efficiency: Y(%)¢ Bi * 100
Y: Pectine recovery efficiency (%);
P: weight of pectin extracted (g);
Bi: weight of raw material (g)
1.2.7 Determination of reducing sugar content
a Principle
The principle of the DNS method is based on the detection of free carbonyl (C=O) groups of reducing sugars Specifically, when reacting with the reagent, oxidation of the aldehyde functional group (in glucose) and ketone functional group (in fructose) will take place 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid is reduced to 3-amino 5-nitrosalicylic acid (ANS), which has an orange-red color in alkaline medium and maximum absorbance at 540 nm
Budng khi, t°
— ZA
3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) 3-amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid (ANS)
Figure 1.1 Quantification of reducing sugars by DNS method
Trang 10b Method
Take | mL of sample containing 1 mL of DNS reagent, boil in a water bath at 100°C for 5 minutes, and let cool Then, add 10 mL of water to the test tube and shake well to make the solution homogeneous Measure optical density at wavelength 540 nm Based on the standard sugar equation to determine the amount of reducing sugar formed Calculate results:
X=an.V While,
X: amount of sugar in the solution to be determined (g);
a: the amount of reducing sugar in the sample (g);
n: fluid dilution factor;
V: measured fluid volume (ml)
1.2.8 Determination of ash content
The test sample is heated in the temperature range from 500 °C to 550 °C to burn all organic compounds, then the remaining ash is collected and the mass of the eel is weighed
Weigh 10-15 g of pineapple sample and put it in a crucible of known weight The test sample is slowly burned on an electric stove lined with an asbestos mesh until completely burned into black carbon (when burning, the test sample must not be allowed to bur into
a flame)
Put the crucible containing the test sample into the furnace, slowly raise the temperature to about 500°C - 550°C and maintain it for about 6 to 7 hours until the test
Trang 11sample turns into white ash If after the above time, the ash 1s still black, take the crucible out, let 1t cool, then add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide or concentrated nitric acid and continue heating the sample until it tums into white ash
Turn off the power to the furnace, wait for the temperature to cool down, then take out the bowl of ash, place it in a desiccator, let cool for 30 minutes and then weigh, accurate
to 0.001 g Continue heating at the above temperature for 30 minutes, cool and weigh Proceed with heating and weighing until a constant mass is obtained
Formula to calculate total ash content
Total ash content (A;) is expressed as a mass percentage, calculated according to the formula:
me—M 100
Ash content =
m: the weight of empty crucible (g)
m1: the weight of the crucible with the sample before heating (g)
m2: the weight of the crucible with the ash after heating (g)
2.1 Result of moisture content
oo Fe 8G
Figure 2.1 The moisture content of sample After 1.107 g of pineapple was put into the automatic moisture scale, the percentage moisture was 87.33%
Moisture content= 100% - 87.33% = 12.67%
2.2, Result of protein content
After diluting the sample 1000 times, measuring OD at wavelength 595 nm is obtained
Trang 1310
2 0.03 oe
0.01 aac
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Nong d6 albumin (Hm/mL)
Sample diluted at 100 times measured OD at 595 nm as 0.687
The blank sample measured OD at 595 nm as 0.096
Standard curve: y= 0.0503x + 0.0127 (R*= 0.9918)
AOD = y = 0.687 - 0.591 = 0.096
- Protein content of sample in crude pineapple juice sample diluted at k times concentration:
_ 0.096= 0.127, 1 58 C= 99503 X07 x 10" = 16.56 mg/mL
P=x X n= 16.56 x 100 = 1656 + Total protein content in the crude protein sample:
V 1
Protein (ug/g) =P x m 1656 X = = 16560 (ug/g)
Trang 1411
2.3 Result of pH degree test
The resulting pH is 4.0 This is because pineapples are highly acidic They typically score between a 3 and 4 on the pH scale
2.4 Total dissolved solids
Figure 2.2 The Brix degree of sample The result of Brix degree of pineapple is 9%