Edited by Enri Damanhuri POST-CONSUMER WASTE RECYCLING AND OPTIMAL PRODUCTION POST-CONSUMER WASTE RECYCLING AND OPTIMAL PRODUCTION Edited by Enri Damanhuri Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production Edited by Enri Damanhuri Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2012 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. As for readers, this license allows users to download, copy and build upon published chapters even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Romina Skomersic Technical Editor Teodora Smiljanic Cover Designer InTech Design Team First published May, 2012 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at www.intechopen.com Additional hard copies can be obtained from orders@intechopen.com Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production, Edited by Enri Damanhuri p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0632-6 Contents Preface IX Section 1 Post-Consumer Waste and Recycling 1 Chapter 1 Assessing the Efficiency of a Proposed Project in Waste Management 3 Scorţar Lucia-Monica Chapter 2 The Role of Informal Collectors of Recyclable Waste and Used Goods in Indonesia 23 Enri Damanhuri and Tri Padmi Chapter 3 An Analysis of Policies in Support of Waste Collecting in Rio de Janeiro – Three Case Studies 45 Maria Scarlet do Carmo Chapter 4 Group Collection of Recyclables in Japan 67 Shigeru Matsumoto Section 2 Analysis Tools for Recycling System 79 Chapter 5 Concept of Dual Traceable Ownership System (DTOS) as a Sustainable Design for Product Recycling 81 Jun Fujimoto and Dean Poland Chapter 6 The Economic Aspects of Recycling 99 Beatriz Ferreira, Javier Monedero, Juan Luís Martí, César Aliaga and Mercedes Hortal Chapter 7 Electronics Waste: Recycling of Mobile Phones 129 Pia Tanskanen Chapter 8 Design for E-Waste Recycling Deposit System and Expense Mechanism in China 151 Hua Zhong VI Contents Chapter 9 PET Containers in Brazil: A Logistics Model for Post-Consumer Waste Recycling 167 Tatiene Martins Coelho, Rosani de Castro and José Alcides Gobbo Junior Section 3 Recycling Process and Optimal Production 183 Chapter 10 Modelling of Recycling in LCA 185 Tom N. Ligthart and Toon (A.)M.M. Ansems Chapter 11 Optimal Production Decision in the Closed-Loop Supply Chain Considering Risk-Management and Incentives for Recycling 211 Takashi Hasuike Chapter 12 Research on Multi-Step Active Disassembly Method of Products Based on ADSM 225 Zhifeng Liu, Xinyu Li, Huanbo Cheng and Yifei Zhan Chapter 13 Material Flow, Energy Flow and Energy Flow Network in Iron and Steel Enterprise 243 Wen-qiang Sun and Jiu-ju Cai Chapter 14 Evaluation of the Energy Consumption of Recycling Process 259 Toshiharu Goto Chapter 15 Size Reduction by Grinding as an Important Stage in Recycling 273 Marek Macko Preface Depletion of mineral resources is one of the major problems in the world. We have consumed available resources as if they were unlimited, and at the same time we generate a huge quantity of waste, thereby contaminating the Earth. The amount of waste in our society reflects how much resources we consume. We, as modern society, create more products and packaging which is visually appealing but cannot be easily decomposed. Energy demands, resource limitations, and environmental pollution are closely linked. Available resources and the environmental capacity to absorb waste are limited, and consequently may threaten the existence of a sustainable society. It is a well-known fact that resource recovery and recycling benefit the environment. Resource recovery and recycling offer great potential to enhance resource management and reduce waste disposal. They will prolong the lifespan of landfills, and restrain natural resource depletion to ensure sustainable development of resource- intensive industries. Resource recovery and waste recycling are very important practices for community and industrial activities, and they contribute to the solution of the problems. As the population of the world increases, recycling is becoming increasingly more important. This approach provides effective solutions to cope with depletion of natural resources and waste generation caused by the mass production and mass consumption of the present highly civilized social system. Waste recycling is a process for reusing materials, either directly, indirectly, or through energy utilization. Recycling is the process of separating, collecting and remanufacturing or converting used or waste products into new materials. It involves a series of steps to produce new products; turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable resources. The term “waste recycling” in its simplest sense means the return of a discarded material or article to the same product system, such as the return of waste paper to make new paper. The recycling of materials has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emission, energy consumption, and other environmental impacts due to the substitution of virgin materials with recycled materials. The emissions from extraction and manufacturing of products from virgin materials can be minimized. This book is concerned with several aspects of waste materials recycling, and is divided into three sections. The first section addresses the current problem of X Preface household waste generation in Romania, followed by an explanation of roles of stakeholders, both informal and formal sectors, in post-consumer waste activities. Case studies in Brazil, Indonesia and Japan are presented. Many countries, such as Japan, encourage their residents to use group collection programs, and some municipalities even provide financial support. The second section discusses the analysis tools for recycling system, particularly the concept of dual traceable ownership system, the economic aspects of recycling, recycling of mobile phones, design for e-waste recycling deposit system in China and reverse logistics model post- consumers for PET in Brazil. The third section of this book focuses on the recycling process and optimal production. It consists of modeling of recycling in LCA, optimal production decision in the closed-loop supply chain, multi-step of products approach based on ADSM, material and energy flow in iron and steel enterprise, the energy consumption of recycling processes, and mechanism to reduce the size of different materials in recycling industries. I hope that this book will convey both the need and means for recycling and resource conservation activities to a wide readership, at both academician and professional level, and contribute to the creation of a sound material-cycle society. As an editor of this book, I would like to thank all the authors for their considerable contribution. I also express my gratitude to Ms. Romina Skomersic, the Publishing Process Manager at InTech, who did an excellent job at encouraging us to do our tasks within the deadlines. Without her this book would not have been published. Enri Damanhuri Department of Enviromental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia [...]...Section 1 Post-Consumer Waste and Recycling 1 Assessing the Efficiency of a Proposed Project in Waste Management Scorţar Lucia-Monica Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Romania 1 Introduction This paper addresses a current and very important problem, namely household waste generation that, on the one hand, affects the environment and human health and on the other hand, it reflects how... recycling and treatment, and finally storing waste remains In the current waste management strategies, the trend is an integrated system based on prevention of waste, minimizing waste quantity, recycling and reusing of waste, treatment with a large number of technology, and ultimately, waste remains disposal, also taking care of population and environment health ( "waste management hierarchy") At the beginning... recoverable waste consists of: 6 Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production For the urban areas: In order to selectively collect waste, we propose organizing selective waste collection points, each having four containers for recoverable waste We propose the collection of four fractions of recoverable waste: glass (in a 2compartment container), metal, paper/cardboard and plastic In houses areas,... biodegradable waste to be processed is considered 30% A 70% of dry matter is recovered as compost used for agricultural areas and the remaining 30% is considered final residue being deposited 8 Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production Next, we consider as useful the forecast of the total amount of household waste deposited at the landfill, by aggregating the quantities of waste that remains... covered about 130 million inhabitants or 56% of the total population (Table 3) 26 Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production MSW Generation (thousands tonnes) ISLANDS Sumatera 8.7 Java 21.2 Bali and Nusa Tenggara Islands 1.3 Kalimantan 2.3 Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua 5.0 TOTAL 38.5 Source: Solid Waste Statistics year 2008 Table 1 MSW generated in Indonesia, 2006 Item % wet-weight TS-2 Hard... benefits of recycling are much more 12 Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production effective than any other action to protect the environment Recycling conserves energy Much less energy is needed to transform recycled materials into new products, compared with the production of raw materials Following the implementation of such a project it is very important to consider the social and environmental... on these data from local authorities and taking into account the waste generation index for urban and rural areas (according to County Plan for Waste Management), a forecast has been done for the quantities of household waste generated in this area Generation indicators are calculated both for municipal waste and for household waste, based on the generated quantity and on the number of persons served... provision of waste collection system, transport, neutralization, recovery, incineration and final disposal; waste- collection points with a sufficient number of containers for selective collection; Separate collection and timely transportation of all quantities of waste produced in localities; Arranging for final storage of waste (landfill), appropriately sized and equipped to protect the health and the... proper waste management has been a major challenge, but concerns about gradual waste reduction through recycling have been raised in recent years During the last few years, because the problems of solid waste disposal are all too obvious, public pressure and growing environmental awareness have also caused a change in the policy concerning waste management This report will discuss used goods and waste recycling. .. operation): 247.098 euro Assessing the Efficiency of a Proposed Project in Waste Management Table 2 Prediction of the waste quatities (ton) 9 10 Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production Table 3 Prediction of the total expenditure of the operation of the proposed project (Euro) Assessing the Efficiency of a Proposed Project in Waste Management 11 The ascertainment of the depreciation was achieved . Damanhuri POST-CONSUMER WASTE RECYCLING AND OPTIMAL PRODUCTION POST-CONSUMER WASTE RECYCLING AND OPTIMAL PRODUCTION Edited by Enri Damanhuri Post-Consumer Waste Recycling. Post-Consumer Waste Recycling and Optimal Production, Edited by Enri Damanhuri p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0632-6 Contents Preface IX Section 1 Post-Consumer Waste and Recycling. for Post-Consumer Waste Recycling 167 Tatiene Martins Coelho, Rosani de Castro and José Alcides Gobbo Junior Section 3 Recycling Process and Optimal Production 183 Chapter 10 Modelling of Recycling