The measured information of the device will be stored in Firebase Database throughThe Things Network TTN Server and the team's NodeJS server.. The application and operation of LoRa techn
VU DINH BAO PHUC - 19522048
Trang 2First, we would like to thank the University of Information Technology teachers
While studying and practicing at the school, with the dedicated teaching and guidance
of the teachers, they have equipped me with professional knowledge and soft skills,giving us solid baggage in the future Life and work in the future
Next, we thank the Department of Computer Engineering for always creatingfavorable conditions for us to study and develop
In particular, to complete this graduation thesis, we would like to express our deepgratitude to Mr Trinh Le Huy for his enthusiastic guidance and equipment supportfor us during this thesis At the same time, we would also like to thank former students
Nguyen Binh Phuong, Le Xuan Minh, Nguyen Minh Khoa, and Tran Quoc Son from
the research group of Mr Huy We also want to thank all the companies and
developers providing free services, open-source libraries, and projects These tools
and libraries are necessary for my thesis to be as complete as it is now
Finally, we would like to thank our family, who always encouraged us throughout
this thesis
Ho Chi Minh city, July 26", 2023
StudentsNguyen Quang Tien Vu Dinh Bao Phuc
Chapter 1 OVERVIEW 00000 ceccccccccescceseeesecesnecescecsaeeescecesceceaeecsaeeeaeceeeceaeessaeenaes 2
1.1 IntroduCHON SG G1 1 TH HH HH HH HH 21.2 The current situation of LoRa’s developmen( -.- «5s <+<£+<cxsex++ 3
1.2.1 — Global situation of LoRa’s development ‹ s5 +++<<++ss++s 3
1.2.2 Domestic situation of LoRa’s developmen( ‹ -«<++ss++ 3
| Pam Ko) 0) Coad X0)- | ee 5
1.4 Implementation method 0 cece ccecceeseesseeeseecesneceeeeeaeceeneceeeceseecsaeeesaeeeees 51.5 Contents Tồ nh 5
Chapter 2, METHODD SH 9 TT TH HH HH nh nh ghi ng 7
2.2.1 AVAaT(ÀCS ĂĂ TQ HH TH HH HH HH ke 92.2.2 DisadVanfaBes HH HH» ệt 102.3 A[CWAV HH HH HH HH HT ni, 10
"` 6000 g 11
2.4.1 Feature 1 e ỐẦ 12
2.4.2 Component archIt€CfUTe- - 5 1 1v 13
2.4.3 No nh 142.4.4 DiSadVanfage€s HH HH HH HH HH Hệ 152.5 The Things Network S€TV€T G1 ngư, 162.6 NOdCIS ooo - 16
2.6.1 Advantages Node]Š - HH HH kg 172.6.2 DisadVanfaBe€s Ăn ng HH nghệ 18
Trang 42.7 R€aC{f-ÌNa(IV© - LG L LH g1 1 xe 19
2.7.2 DiSadVanfaỹ€S QnH*nHHTH HT 212.8 Firebase Database - - HH HH HT HH 22
2.8.1 AdVantages he 232.8.2 DiSad vantages cecccescccessceseceseeceseceseeceseeceaeeeeseceeeceaeeceaeeeeaeeesneesaes 24Chapter 3 PROPOSAL SOLUTION 0 ice ceceesceceeseneeseesesessecsessessessesseeeneens 25
3.1 SysteM oan 25
E VAN s nšäašẦẦ 27
3.2.1 RAK3172 modUle - c2 3111311 * 3 ESkkrikerkrerkrree 27
3.2.2 GPS Quectel LC76F module + << + s + +2 ++++zsee+ 28
3.2.3 Hardware device OV€TVICW HH krt 29
3.2.4 Antena me TS U vựnm / ì 30
3.2.5 Operating ImO€S 4 eee 1E 1E931 E3 11 1 vn ng ngư 343.3 S€TV€T HH HH HH HH HH 34
3.3.1 The Things Network S€TV€T - Ăn ret 343.3.2 NodeJS S€rV€Y LH HH HH TH HH Hệ 363.4 Firebase Database - su HH nhện 373.5 Application €SIET - c1 TH HH HH ngư 38Chapter 4 RESULFTS Ăn g gkrưy 40
4.1 Hardware (€VICG LH ng nh ng ng rờ 40
4.1.2 Hardware đesIgn Ăn HH Hư 414.1.3 Actual @VIC - - - << << 11000005501 kkkkkkkek 43
Trang 54.2 Software T@SỤ{S 0000010100111 55555 44
4.2.1 Database and S€TVT - - G1 HH ng rưy 44
4.2.2 — NodeJS SGTV€T on HH TH ng HH, 46 4.2.3 0) 0) | (6r-1 8 (0) | Q1 HH HH ng ngư 48 4.3 Experimental f€SỤ(S - - c1 HH HH nh 51
CN 5i 2iàáv0i)) 000 0 ï 5 54
4.4.1 | Energy consumption of the board in sleep mode -‹ 54
4.4.2 Energy consumption of the board in active mode - ‹‹ 56
4.5 Overall result 00 58 Chapter 5 _ CONCLUSIƠN SG SH HH HH HH HH HH 59
5.1 Conclusion based on measured r€SuÏfS - 5+ + +s£+£sesseessesse 59
5.2 Advantages and disadvantages - - + «+ kg tr 60
5.2.1 — AVAnẨÀ€S QQQ HT HH HH TH 60 5.2.2 DisadVan(age€s Ă SH ch HH HH ng như 60
5.3 Difficulties encounf€r€C - - - s11 HH rưy 60
5.4 Future WOFĂK << 0100 g1 kvkkkkkEk 61
Figure 2.1 The layers in the LoRa System, - - 5 2c 1323139 1 rrrerree 8Figure 2.2 LORaWAN n€tWOFK - -.- ch HH HH ng HH re 9Figure 2.3 RAK7240 SITUCfUT€ - Ác ST HH ngư 11
Figure 2.4 Component architecture of the MQTT protocol ‹ «++s<«++ 13Figure 2.5 Firebase provides real-time syncing across deVICes - 22Figure 3.1 Functional block diagram of the system - - «5+5 s «+ <++ss+sses 25
Figure 3.2 System OV€TVICW HH TH HH TH HH HH 26Figure 3.3 The RAK3172 modu]ẹ - + + E331 * EEEEESEeeEkkserereereeeereere 28Figure 3.4 LC76F GPS mOdUÌẸ - G5 3 3191911 9111 vn Hàng HH ng rưệt 29Figure 3.5 LoRa anf€TTIẠ - << 111v HH HH HH nh 31Figure 3.6 GPS an(t€TTẠ - G01 2111210111101 139101 1911 vn ng HH ng 33
Figure 3.7 Overview diagram of the (Ì@VICC - s6 + + re 33
Figure 3.8 Gateway interface on TTN S€TVCT - Ăn series 35Figure 3.9 The end device’s configuration settings on TTN platform 36
Figure 3.10 NodeJS server COTISOÏ Ác HnnnHnHnHnHkrn 37Figure 3.11 Firebase Database data Structurẹ ccceeceeeseeeseeceneeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeenneesaes 37
Figure 3.12 The platform interfaces that can be applied to the application 38Figure 4.1 Device block diagram .0 ce ceeccecescesecesceeeseeeeseeeeeeceneeeaeeesaecesneeeeneeeaes 40Figure 4.2 Top side of the 3D PCB model ceeecsseeeseeeseceeeeeeeeeeeaecesaeeesneesaes 42Figure 4.3 Bottom side of the 3D PCB model . - 5< + *+++sexsseessesss 42Figure 4.4 Our team's circuit board after soldering and finishing 43
Figure 4.5 Our team's circuit board after soldering and finishing .- 43
Figure 4.6 Live data on TTN S€TV€T G Q1 HH TH HH ng 44IanisEJAN0I0)00) Gì 1+ 44Figure 4.8 Uplink message payÌOặ - -.- sgk Hy 45Figure 4.9 Gateway ITOTITAfIOH G5 3 111911910193 911 9119 ng nh 45Figure 4.10 Measurement information in the databasẹ - -« «<< x+s<+sx+ 46Figure 4.11 NodeJS server COTISOÏÌẹ 4 + 11 ng nHng ng rên 47
Trang 7Figure 4.12.
Figure 4.13
Figure 4.14
Figure 4.15
Figure 4.16
Figure 4.17
Figure 4.18
Figure 4.19
Figure 4.20
Figure 4.21
Figure 4.22
Invalid parameters on server COISỌ€ - 5c ++csseeess 47
I0 Up oi 48
s10) 50
The profile SCre@N oo eee 51
University of Information Technology heatmap . ‹ 52
Measurement information 1n ÏTÌP - - «<< £+s£eseeseeseeseree 53 Energy consumption of the board when GPS is Off - 55
Energy consumption when GPS and RAK are is sleep mode 55
Energy consumption when RAK and GPS are in sleep mode 56
Energy consumption of the board when active .- -«« 57
Energy consumption of the board when sending LoRa packets 57
Table 3.1 Price vi i9 017 30Table 3.2 Antenna SD€CIÍICAfIOT - 2G 1 12101119101 9101993112 HH ng ng 32Table 4.1 Heatmap color SCaÏG - - c1 18211183111 E911 189111 11 811 8111 re 49Table 4.2 Example points to demonstrate heatmap display - -«-«+ 50Table 4.3 Device energy COTSUITDẨIO - 5 5 63119311511 911 3 91v ren 58Table 5.1 Achieved result compared to topic’s GOA eeeeseeceeeceeseeeeeeeeeeteeeaeeeee 59
Trang 9TIN The Things Network
MCU Microcontroller Unit
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
ITP Information Technology Park
LDO Low-dropout regulator
LPWAN Low Power Wide Area Network
AWS Amazon Web Services
M2M Machine to Machine
QoS Quality of Service
loT Internet of Things
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards
AMQP Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
RHCP Right Hand Circular Polarization
RSSI Received signal strength indicator
P2P Point-to-Point
LNA Low-noise amplifier
SNR Signal-to-noise ratio
The topic "RESEARCH, DESIGN, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MEASURINGDEVICE AND LORAWAN GATEWAY'S COVERAGE DISPLAY SYSTEM" isresearched and developed by the team; the project uses GPS module LC76F to locate
and combine with the RAK module which is capable of transmitting and receiving a
signal through LoRa wave, instead of using MCU (Microcontroller Unit) like ESP32,STM32 to control LoRa chip/module This helps optimize the size of the circuitboard The group's hardware device is used to locate and determine the signal strengthbetween the device and the gateway
The measured information of the device will be stored in Firebase Database throughThe Things Network (TTN) Server and the team's NodeJS server The team used theReact-Native framework to implement the application to display the location andsignal strength of devices and gateways stored on the Firebase Database
The system had been used for measuring and testing at the University of Information
Technology campus
Trang 11Chapter 1 OVERVIEW
1.1 Introduction
Nowadays, the great development of science and technology has changed everyaspect of our lives The daily needs of people are constantly increasing, especially inthe field of technology, leading to the number of technological devices produced eachyear increasing exponentially In that development trend, IoT (Internet of Things) isthe field of leading focus in research and development thanks to the ability to connectmany devices [2] For IoT technology to work optimally, choosing an appropriateprotocol for communication between devices is extremely important The protocolsused in IoT today are very diverse, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Z-Wave, NFC,Cellular, and LoRa Each protocol type has its advantages, disadvantages and is usedfor different purposes Among the above protocols, LoRa is one of the most popularIoT communication protocols today, LoRa stands out for its long-range, energy, andcost savings and the ability to connect to a wide range of devices [1] With theadvantages of LoRa, it is being applied in many different fields such as environmental
monitoring, energy management, and remote warning system The application and
operation of LoRa technology are quite simple, it only needs a Gateway device toreceive information from end-node devices and transmit it to a cloud server In anopen area and with very few obstacles, LoRa technology works extremely effectively
On the other hand, when used in clustered spaces with many obstacles, LoRa doesnot always work optimally In that case, the connectivity of LoRa technology depends
on quite a lot on the location of the Gateway so that the signal strength to the node devices is as good as possible [3] Therefore, the research, design, andimplementation of a device capable of measuring together with a system to displaythe coverage of the Gateway will help determine the ideal Gateway's location
Trang 12end-1.2 The current situation of LoRa’s development
1.2.1 Global situation of LoRa’s development
LoRa is a wireless communication technology that supports the Internet of Things
(IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications It provides a comprehensive
communication range, low power consumption, and low cost, enabling remoteconnectivity for IoT devices
In recent years, LoRa has attracted the attention of companies and organizations
worldwide Some essential news and trends in the field of LoRa are [16]:
LoRa network deployments: Telecom operators and technology companies aredeploying LoRa networks in many countries worldwide This has made LoRa
a popular lo communication technology supported in many areas
Application in various industries: LoRa is being applied in several industrialsectors such as environmental monitoring, smart agriculture, energymanagement, asset management and traffic monitoring This technology
offers a flexible and cost-effective solution for collecting data from IoT
devices in different environments
Standardization and collaboration: Standardization organizations like theLoRa Alliance are working to ensure compatibility and global development ofLoRa Collaboration between companies, service providers, and governments
is also being pursued to harness the potential of LoRa
Competition with other technologies: LoRa is one of many technologies in theIoT field Other technologies, such as NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT), are alsodeveloping and competing with LoRa The choice of technology will depend
on the specific requirements of each application and deployment location
1.2.2 Domestic situation of LoRa’s development
The development of LoRa (Long Range) technology in Vietnam has shownsignificant progress in recent years and continues to attract the interest of businesses,
Trang 13organizations, and the loT community LoRa is a wireless communication technology
suitable for loT and M2M applications, offering long-range connectivity, low power
consumption, and cost-effectiveness [17]
The deployment of LoRa networks in Vietnam started in major cities such as Hanoi,
Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang [17] Telecom operators and technology companieshave invested in building LoRa infrastructure and deploying base stations andgateways to create an extensive LoRa network coverage in the area
LoRa applications in Vietnam have diversified across various industries Forinstance, in smart agriculture, monitoring soil moisture, temperature, air humidity,and other environmental parameters, providing farmers and agricultural managerswith valuable information to optimize cultivation and water management [16]
Participation in the LoRa Alliance, an international organization promoting LoRatechnology, has significantly developed LoRa in Vietnam [17] The LoRa Alliancemembers, including manufacturers, service providers, and other partners, collaborate
to establish standards, enhance compatibility, and drive global advancements in LoRatechnology Vietnam's involvement and contribution to this community havefacilitated support and knowledge exchange to develop LoRa within the countryfurther
However, the LoRa landscape in Vietnam is still in the developmental stage and mayhave yet to reach all regions and scales Building LoRa infrastructure andimplementing applications require investments and efforts from businesses andorganizations Government support and a favorable business environment for LoRaprojects are crucial in fostering the technology's development in Vietnam
With potential expansion and growth, Vietnam is expected to continue driving and
utilizing LoRa technology in IoT and M2M applications Vietnam companies and
organizations will continue researching, developing, and deploying LoRa in aintelligent and efficient ways to meet market demands and benefit the community
Trang 141.3 Topic’s goal
- Capable of positioning via GPS and measuring signal strength between
end-node devices and outdoor Gateway RAK7240
- Compact device: 5cm x 10cm, simple to use
- The device can connect within 3km, in an obstacles-free area and [km in an
urban area
- Capable of connecting to the outdoor Gateway RAK7240, sharing location
data and signal strength between the device and the gateway
- Design an application that can display the device’s location and the gateway
along with the signal strength between the device and the gateway
- Design a system including a server to transmit and receive information
between The Things Network server and Firebase database
1.4 Implementation method
The topic focuses on developing and implementing devices that locate andcommunicate with gateways As for the innovative mobile app, the team will reusethe open-source code shared on the Internet The system design process will bedivided into two main phases In phase 1, the team will focus on developing a devicethat can locate via GPS and measure the signal strength between that device and theGateway The device will connect to the Gateway, and those parameters will becaptured by the Gateway and forwarded to the server of TTN In phase 2, afterobtaining the measured parameters in phase 1, the team will design a server to deliverthose parameters for storing and displaying the Gateway's coverage area
1.5 Contents of the thesis
The topic consists of 5 chapters:
e Chapter 1: Overview - An overview of the background, the topic's objectives
and the method of implementing the topic
e Chapter 2: Method - Theoretical basis of the thesis
Trang 15Chapter 3: Proposed solution - Propose solutions to implement the topic and
achieve the objectives of the topic
Chapter 4: Results — Achieved result
Chapter 5: Conclusion - Compare the results achieved with the objectives ofthe topic
Trang 16Chapter 2 METHOD
2.1 LoRa protocol
LoRa [7], short for Long Range Radio, is a wireless communication technology
developed by Cycleo LoRa is characterized by its ability to transmit data over longdistances with a low power consumption This saves energy and facilitates datatransmission/receiving
LoRa technology uses a transmission method called Chirp Spread Spectrum Thistechnique transforms data into a signal with a frequency range higher than the originaldata This process is done by hashing the data with high-frequency pulses, creating asignal with a broader frequency range Then, this high-frequency signal is further
encoded in a sequence of chirp signals, i.e., sinusoidal signals whose frequency varies
with time This encoding process helps to increase the stability and accuracy of thesignal before it is transmitted to the antenna for sending
With the combination of the Chirp Spread Spectrum and the dominant design ofLoRa, this technology enables data transmission over distances of up to kilometerswith a low power consumption This means energy savings and increasedperformance of LoRa data transmitters/receivers
Another critical advantage of LoRa is its ability to receive data over long distanceswithout requiring high transmission power This is especially useful when receiversreceive data from a nearby source and face interference from the surroundingenvironment LoRa can decode data at a received signal strength lower than the noise
level, ensuring reliability and operability in poor environments
LoRa technology provides various benefits, it saves energy, increases signal stability
and accuracy, and allows data transmission in poor conditions while ensuringreliability This technology is widely used in IoT (Internet of Things), wireless sensornetworks, and remote communication applications
Trang 17of the various LoRaWAN networks world-wide There is usually a mix up whenpeople try to define LoRa and LoRaWAN which is probably best solved byexamining the OSI reference stack model.
Based on the OSI stack model, LoRaWAN corresponds to the Media Access protocolfor the communication network, while LoRa corresponds to the Physical layer ThusLoRaWAN defines the network's communication protocol and system architecture,while LoRa architecture enables the long-range communication link The two of themmerged to provide the functionality that determines the battery life of a node, thenetwork capacity, the quality of service, the security, and other applications served
by the network While LoRaWAN is the most popular MAC layer for LoRa, otherproprietary layers also built on the LoRa technology exist [18] Figure 2.1 is an imageshowing the layers in the LoRa system
Figure 2.1 The layers in the LoRa system
The LoRaWAN network structure is usually built in a star model, in which thegateway acts as a bridge between the terminals and the server These gateways
Trang 18connect to the internet via regular IP connections, allowing data from the terminals
to be forwarded to the server and vice versa Wireless end devices are devices
equipped with LoRa technology to communicate with gateways They can be sensors,
data collection devices, or other IoT devices Figure 2.2 describes how the systemworks using the LoRaWan network protocol
End Nodes /Gateway Server
LoRaWANTM LoRaWANTM Secure Payload
AES Secured Payload
Figure 2.2 LoRaWAN network
2.2.1 Advantages
e Low energy sensor and coverage up to kilometers
e Operates on free frequencies (no license), with no upfront licensing costs to
use the technology
e Low power means long-lasting battery life for devices Sensor batteries can
last 2—5 years (Type A and Type B)
e Single LoRa Gateway device is designed to take care of thousands of terminals
or nodes It is easy to deploy due to its simple architecture
e Itis widely used for M2M/IoT applications
e Better payload size (100 bytes) than SigFox, which is 12 bytes
Trang 19e The low bandwidth makes it ideal for practical IoT deployments with fewer
data and intermittent data transmission
e Security: one layer of security for the network and one layer for the application
with AES encryption
e Supported by CISCO, IBM, and 500 other LoRa Alliance member companies.2.2.2 Disadvantages
e Not intended for large data payloads; payloads are limited to 100 bytes
e Not for continuous monitoring (except for class C devices)
e Density of LoRaWAN: The growth of LPWAN technologies, especially
LoRaWAN, poses challenges when deploying gateways into urban areas
e The disadvantage of an available frequency is that you can get noise on that
frequency, and the data rate can be low
2.3 Gateway
Gateway acts as a bridge between the end device and the TTN server Gateway helpsforward packets from end devices to the data processing server in this case, the TTNserver The quality of the gateway greatly affects the stable operation of the system
In this topic, we use the RAK7240 WisGate Edge Prime RAK7240 is designed to beinstalled on a pole or a wall, making it especially suitable for construction sites andtower installations [19]
The Gateway comes with a mounting kit and a PoE injector to facilitate quick andeasy deployment in any scenario [19] Figure 2.3 is the structure of the RAK7240
Trang 20RAK7240 components
1 Mounting kit 8 Ethernet port cable gland
2 Backplate 9 Service port covers ®
3 2x LoRa concentrators 10 WiFi antenna
4 Main board 11 LTE antenna
5 TF and SIM cards 12 LTE/LoRa antenna
6 Metal Casing 13 LoRa antenna
7 GPS antenna connector
Some outstanding function of the RAK7240 [19]:
e You have a choice between 8 or 16 LoRa Channels (by adding a second
Concentrator module) You can either use the built-in BG96 cellular module
or add your own via the mPCle slot
e RAK7240 supports multiple backhaul connectivity options including WiFi,
LTE, and Ethernet
e To achieve a low-power, multimode connectivity solution, we based the CPU
Module (RAK634) on MTK7628 which supports 2.4G WiFi in a 2x2 MIMOconfiguration
e There is a built-in surge protection for the Ethernet port, so no external SPD
is needed
2.4 MQTT
MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) [6] is an _ event-driven
communication protocol developed for transmitting data between IoT (Internet ofThings) devices MQTT allows devices to send and receive data through lightweight,efficient, and reliable messages
Trang 21MỌTTTT operates on a publish-subscribe model, classifying devices into publishers andsubscribers Publisher devices send data messages to a central broker, and subscriber
devices register with the broker to receive notifications they are interested in MQTT
is designed to work with limited bandwidth and unstable networks, making it apopular choice for IoT applications The protocol allows devices to send data to otherdevices in real-time, reducing latency in data transmission and increasing systemavailability
Using MQTT, developers can design IoT applications with various features without
worrying about handling complex communication protocols MQTT is also supported
by popular IoT platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and MicrosoftAzure, simplifying the deployment of IoT applications
MQTT is ideal in cases like:
e Places where telecommunications networks are expensive, or bandwidth is
low or unreliable
e When running on embedded devices, speed, and memory resources are
e This protocol uses low bandwidth in high latency environments, which is ideal
for M2M (Machine to Machine) applications
e MQTT is also the protocol used in Facebook Messenger
2.4.1 Feature
e The Pub/Sub message passing model provides one-way distributed
communication, separate from the application part
e The transmission of the message is instant, regardless of the content being
e Using TCP/IP as the background protocol
e There exist three levels of reliability for data transmission (QoS: Quality of
Trang 22e QoS 0: Broker/client will send data exactly once; sending is confirmed by
TCP/IP protocol only
e QoS 1: Broker/client will send data with at least one acknowledgment from
the other end, meaning there can be more than one acknowledgment of datareceived
e QoS 2: Broker/client ensures that when sending data, the receiver only
receives it once; this process must go through 4 handshake steps
e The transmission data wrap is small and minimized to reduce the load on the
transmission line
2.4.2 Component architecture
Figure 2.4 is component architecture of the MQTT protocol is described in detail inthe figure below [6]
Figure 2.4 Component architecture of the MQTT protocol
e The main components of MQTT are Client (Publisher/Subscriber), Server
(Broker), Sessions, Subscriptions, and Topics
e MQTT Client (Publisher/Subscriber): Clients will subscribe to one or more
topics to send and receive messages from the respective topics
Trang 23MQTT Server (Broker): Broker receives subscription information
(Subscriptions) from the client, receives messages, and delivers the messages
to the corresponding Subscriber based on Subscriptions from the client
Topic: The topic can be considered a queue of messages, and templates areavailable for subscribers or publishers Logically, topics allow the client
exchanges information with predefined semantics For example, temperature
sensor data of a building
Session: A session is defined as the connection from the client to the server.All the client and server communication are part of the session
Subscription: Unlike a session, a subscription is logically connected fromclient to topic Once subscribed to a topic, the Client can receive/sendmessages (message) with that topic
2.4.3 Advantages
MOQTT is an ultra-lightweight binary communication protocol that transmits data
between IoT (Internet of Things) devices and host systems Here are some criticaladvantages of MQTT:
Save bandwidth: MQTT uses TCP/IP protocol and a publish-subscribe model
to transmit data This protocol is very lightweight and has a small packet size,which reduces network traffic and saves bandwidth
High reliability: MQTT supports guaranteed delivery, which ensures that
messages sent from the source will reach the destination reliably If a message
is not sent successfully, MQTT will automatically retry until it succeeds
Energy efficient: The MQTT protocol is designed to work efficiently withresource-constrained devices such as lo devices MQTT uses a keep-alivemechanism and can keep the connection open for a long time withoutconsuming much energy
Multi-platform support: MQTT is a platform-independent protocol that allowsdata transmission across many platforms and devices, such as mobile devices,
Trang 24personal computers, IoT-embedded devices, servers, etc This makes MQTT a
flexible choice for communication between components in a distributed
Ease of deployment and integration: MQTT has rich libraries and open-sourceversions, making protocol implementation and integration quick and easy Inaddition, MQTT also supports many programming languages and is ready touse with popular technologies and frameworks
Openness and standards: MQTT is developed and managed by Organizationfor the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), ensuringthe openness and standardization of the protocol This makes MQTT widelyused and compatible with many different systems and technologies
2.4.4 Disadvantages
Does not support strong security: The MQTT protocol does not provide robust
security features such as end-to-end encryption or strong authentication Thismeans that data protection and confidentiality during data transmission must
be handled outside the MQTT protocol, for example, using SSL/TLS for thetransport layer
Complexity when implementing complex features: MQTT is designed to be
simple and light, so it does not provide complex features like AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) If you need to implement features like
an assurance of trust, session management, or latency management, you musthandle them customarily or use other, more complex protocols
Limited scalability: Although MQTT is scalable with a publish-subscribe
architecture, it limits the number of subscribers and publishers a broker canhandle Managing and scaling an MQTT broker can be challenging if yourapplication requires handling thousands or millions of IoT devices
No message archiving: MQTT only focuses on message transmission betweendevices and brokers but does not provide message archiving in case of
Trang 25connection loss or device inactivity This means that if a device is inactiveduring the message storage period, it will lose information and cannot receive
messages sent during that time
However, these disadvantages are sometimes a big deal and can be solved throughadditional methods and technologies MQTT remains an efficient and popular datatransfer protocol in IoT system deployments and distributed applications
2.5 The Things Network Server
The Things Network (TTN) Server [9] is an open-source, cloud-based network serverdesigned for LoRaWAN IoT applications It provides a scalable and reliableinfrastructure for managing LORaWAN devices, gateways, and applications
TIN Server uses a distributed architecture, with multiple components workingtogether to provide the necessary functionality The components include the Router,
Broker, and Handler The Router handles the LoORaWAN traffic, while the Broker
manages the communication between the Router and the Handler The Handlerprocesses the data received from the Router and stores it in a database
TIN Server supports various data integration options, including HTTP (HypertextTransfer Protocol), MQTT, and Webhooks It also provides a user-friendly web
interface for managing devices, gateways, and applications The interface lets users
view device data, configure devices and gateways, and set up integrations with other
TIN Server is open-source and can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud Itprovides a cost-effective solution for managing LORaWAN devices and applications,allowing developers to focus on building their IoT solutions rather than managinginfrastructure
2.6 NodeJS
NodeJS [10] is an independent development platform (Platform) built on V8JavaScript Engine This interpreter executes JavaScript code that makes building web
Trang 26applications such as video clips and forums possible, especially a narrow socialnetworking site that quickly and easily expands NodeJS can run on many differentoperating system platforms, from Windows to Linux, and OS X, which is also anadvantage NodeJS provides rich libraries in various JavaScript Modules that simplify
programming and optimize development time
The main idea of NodeJS is to use non-blocking, quickly directing data input andoutput through real-time tasks Because NodeJS has fast scalability and can handlemany connections simultaneously with high throughput If requests in traditional web
applications create a new request processing thread and occupy the system's RAM,
the system's resources will be used inefficiently Therefore, the solution that NodeJS
offers is to use a single thread (Single-Threaded), connecting compatible with
non-blocking I/O to execute requests, allowing tens of thousands of concurrentconnections to be supported
2.6.1 Advantages NodeJS
e Performance and scalability: NodeJS uses a non-blocking and event-driven
I/O model, allowing concurrent processing of requests without being blocked
by a single thread This ensures high performance and scalability, especiallywhen dealing with high-traffic applications and many concurrent requests
e Rapid development: NodeJS uses JavaScript, a popular and accessible
programming language This reduces the complexity of applicationdevelopment, enables code sharing between the server and client side Can usethe same resources as JavaScript libraries and development tools, speeding upthe development process
e Extensible ecosystem: NodeJS has a robust ecosystem with thousands of
open-source modules available through Node Package Manager These modulesprovide rich and ready-to-use functionality for handling tasks such as fileprocessing, emailing, database queries, string processing, etc As a result,application development and expansion have become fast and convenient
Trang 27Single-threaded but capable of multi-threading: Although NodeJS runs on a
single thread, its asynchronous processing model and non-blocking I/O
operations can handle thousands of concurrent connections This reduces theserver load and increases the application's responsiveness
Good integration with new technologies: NodeJS constantly updates andsupports the latest features and technologies in the development community
It provides the ability to use new ECMAScript features, supports ES6
modules, and collaborates with popular frameworks and libraries such asExpress.js,, React, and many more
Strong community team: NodeJS has a large developer community and manycontributors This ensures continuous updates, maintenance, support, andknowledge sharing among community members
2.6.2 Disadvantages
Single-threaded: While single-threaded can provide performance and
multithreading capabilities, it can sometimes become a limitation whendealing with tasks requiring synchronous and complex handling It isnecessary to ensure the use of non-blocking and asynchronous methods toavoid blocking the main thread and reducing performance
Memory management: NodeJS uses memory management in the form ofgarbage collection This can lead to inefficient memory usage and causeapplication stuttering if not managed carefully
Concurrency: Although NodeJS has good concurrency, it is unsuitable for
tasks requiring intense multi-threading In cases like image processing or
complex computations, using NodeJS alone can cause performancedegradation
Reliance on third-party modules: Although NodeJS has a rich module
ecosystem, depending on third-party modules can present stability and security
Trang 28risks It is necessary to select trusted modules and check their compatibility,and update support.
2.7 React-Native
React Native [11] is an open-source mobile application framework developed byFacebook It allows developers to build native mobile applications using JavaScriptand React, a popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces
React Native provides a set of components and APIs that allow developers to createmobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase
This approach enables faster development and easier maintenance of mobileapplications React Native also provides access to native platform features such ascamera, contacts, and location services, allowing developers to build high-performance applications with a native look and feel
One of the critical benefits of React Native is its ability to provide a smooth andresponsive user experience Using native components and animations, React Native
applications can achieve high performance and offer a native-like experience, even
on older devices React Native also supports hot reloading, allowing developers topreview changes to the application in real-time, which can speed up the development
React Native has a large and active community of developers, and many third-partylibraries and plugins are available to extend its functionality It's also backed byFacebook, which provides regular updates and improvements to the framework
React Native is a robust, flexible framework that allows developers to build performance, native mobile applications using JavaScript and React Its ability toprovide a native-like experience and its large and active community make it a popular
high-choice for building mobile applications
Trang 292.7.1 Advantages
React Native, a cross-platform mobile application development framework offersmany notable advantages Here are some advantages of React Native:
e Use once, deploy on multiple platforms: One of the essential advantages
of React Native is code reusability Programmers only need to write codeonce and then can deploy the app on both iOS and Android platforms.This saves development time and effort, reduces complexity, andensures app consistency across different platforms
e Almost the same performance as a native app: React Native uses the
primary user interface components of the operating system, helping to
achieve almost the same performance as native app UI components arerendered directly into native components, which speeds up the renderingand responsiveness of the app
e Use JavaScript: React Native uses the JavaScript programming
language, a popular and flexible programming language This is
convenient for many programmers who already have some knowledge
of JavaScript and helps streamline the learning and application
development process
e Extensive community and good support: React Native has a large
community, and the community provides a lot of documentation,tutorials, and open-source libraries This makes it easy for developers tofind solutions and support during application development
e Hot-reloading and live-reloading: React Native supports hot-reloading
and live-reloading, allowing developers to make changes in the code andsee immediate results in the application without starting up again Thissaves time during application development and testing
Trang 30e Easy integration with external libraries and modules: React Native
allows developers to easily integrate external libraries and modules
thanks to community support and compatibility with protocols like
Native Modules and Native UI Components
2.7.2 Disadvantages
While React Native has many advantages, some disadvantages should be noted:
e Third-party libraries: React Native relies heavily on third-party libraries
to access native platform features, which can lead to compatibility issues
and dependency management challenges
e Performance: Although React Native has significantly improved
performance compared to previous versions, performance issues can still
be encountered when dealing with applications with complex interfaces
or requirements for extensive data management Interface componentsrendered via a bridge can cause latency and degrade the application'soverall performance
e Limitations of external modules: Although React Native can integrate
external libraries and modules, not all modules are fully compatible withReact Native This can make finding and using the correct librarieschallenging, especially for special features and application-specificrequirements
e Development time: Although using React Native saves time compared
to developing separately for different platforms, some aspects of platform mobile app development can take much time This includeshandling compatibility issues, optimizing performance, and testingdifferent platforms
cross-e Uscross-er intcross-erfaccross-e limitations: Although Rcross-eact Nativcross-e providcross-es somcross-e
essential interface components, it is impossible to directly access all of
Trang 31the operating system's native interface elements This means it can bechallenging to create complex interfaces and customize some of theunique features of each platform.
e Dependency on Bridge: React Native uses a bridge to communicate
between JavaScript code and native components, which can create alayer of abstraction and increase latency in the communication process
This can affect the performance and user experience of the application.
2.8 Firebase Database
Firebase Database [12] is a cloud-based NoSQL database provided by Google as part
of the Firebase platform It is designed to provide a scalable and secure infrastructure for managing data for web and mobile applications Firebase Database uses a
document-centric data model, storing data as JSON objects, making it easy fordevelopers to store and retrieve data without worrying about complex SQL queries or
data normalization Firebase Database provides real-time updates to clients, making it ideal for building applications that require real-time data synchronization [12] Figure 2.5 describes the ability to synchronize data in real time of Firebase Realtime
Trang 32Firebase Realtime Database is a specific type of database offered by Firebase thatprovides real-time data synchronization and offline support It is built on the FirebaseDatabase infrastructure and uses the same document-centric data model as FirebaseDatabase Firebase Realtime Database provides a flexible, hierarchical data model thatallows developers to store and retrieve data efficiently It also offers real-time updates
to clients, enabling developers to build real-time collaborative applications, chatapplications, and other applications that require real-time data synchronization.Firebase Realtime Database includes built-in security features, such as FirebaseAuthentication and Firebase Security Rules, providing a secure infrastructure for
managing real-time data
2.8.1 Advantages
Firebase has many advantages that make it a popular choice for app development:
e Development time: Although using React Native saves time compared
to developing separately for different platforms, some aspects of platform mobile app development can take much time This includeshandling compatibility issues, optimizing performance, and testingdifferent platforms
cross-e Eascross-e of uscross-e: Fircross-ebascross-e providcross-es a simplcross-e intcross-erfaccross-e that makcross-es it quick for
new users and developers to get started without in-depth knowledge ofthe cloud infrastructure
e Good integration: Firebase integrates well with many development
platforms and technologies, including React Native, Android, 10S, Web,
and other programming languages This simplifies cross-platformdevelopment and integrates Firebase features into apps
e Realtime data updates: Firebase supports live and instant data updates
across devices and servers through services like Realtime Database and
Trang 33resources and expanding databases is easy and automated with Firebase.
Security: Firebase provides tools and security features to protect data andusers It supports user authentication, access management, and data
encryption during transmission and storage
DisadvantagesHowever, Firebase also has some disadvantages:
The free version has limited features: Firebase offers a free plan withlimited resources and scalability As the application grows and scales,upgrading to a paid plan may be necessary to meet the application's
Reliance on Google services: Firebase is developed and managed by
Google, which can create a dependency on the company and can befrustrating if there are changes or restrictions on Google's part
Restrict access to infrastructure: Firebase provides cloud computingservices that do not allow access to lower-level infrastructure, such as a
physical server This may limit specific customizations and controls
3.1 System overview
The system consists of six main components: hardware device, gateway, TTN server,NodeJS server, Firebase Realtime Database and mobile application Figure 3.1 is thefunctional block diagram of the system
Get GPS information from GPS module
The NodeJS server gets
the information sent by
the Gateway to the
\ TIN server
Valid longitude and latitude
Figure 3.1 Functional block diagram of the system
e Hardware device: The team designed a device to send data about location
information and signal strength to the gateway This device is responsible for
collecting measurement data and sending them to the gateway for forwarding
onto TIN
Trang 35e Gateway: Gateway is a station that receives information from devices and
forwards it to TTN Server Gateway ensures the connection and data
transmission between the device and the system
e TTN server: TTN server receives data from the gateway and performs
necessary processing before data is collected by the NodeJS server
e NodeJS server: Server is designed by the team to get information from TTN
Server, then store it in Firebase Realtime Database NodeJS server ensureseasy and efficient data synchronization and storage
e Firebase Realtime Database: The application uses this real time database to
store information Data is fetched by NodeJS server from TTN server andstored on Firebase Realtime Database This ensures that the data is always up
to date and available for display on the mobile app
e Mobile Application: Finally, the mobile application will pull the information
from the Firebase Realtime Database and display it on the user interface Themobile application allows users to view location and signal strengthinformation on a heatmap and manage personal and account information
Figure 3.2 is an overview diagram of the system
Trang 363.2 Hardware design
3.2.1 RAK3172 module
RAK3172 [13] is a low-power, long-range transceiver module for LoRa and
LoRaWAN applications based on the STM32WLESCC chip Its firmware is based
on RAKwireless Unified Interface V3 (RUI3), which allows you to create differentfunctionalities using RUI APIs It provides an easy-to-use, small-size, low-powersolution for long-range wireless data applications This module complies with Class
A, B, & C of LoRaWAN 1.0.3 specifications It can easily connect to LoRaWANserver platforms like TTN , Chirpstack, Helium, etc It also supports LoRa Point-to-Point (P2P) communication mode, which helps you implement your customized long-range LoRa network quickly
It can work as a stand-alone device by creating custom firmware via RUI3 APIs orcan be deployed as a LoRa modem with an external host like a microcontroller ormicroprocessor that configures and sends commands to the module using AT and
Binary commands via a UART interface
Product Features:
e LoRa module for Smart City, Smart Agriculture, Smart Industry
e Compact Form Factor: 15 x 15.5 x 3.5 mm 32 Pin Stamp Pad for PCB SMT
mounting I/O ports: UART/I2C/SPI/ADC/GPIO
e Temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °C
e Supply voltage: 2.0 ~ 3.6 V
e Frequency range: 150 MHz to 960 MHz
e Low-Power Wireless Systems with 7.8 kHz to 500 kHz Bandwidth
e Ultra-Low Power Consumption 1.69 A in sleep mode
e Core: ARM 32-bit Cortex—M4 with MPU Up to 256 KB flash memory with
e 64KB RAM