hydrocarbons PAH, other petroleum hydrocarbons PHC and phosphorus, derivedfrom engine oil, in several Lake Tahoe soils and sediments.. The PAH profile in marina sediments, road runoff lo
Trang 1Implications of vehicle emissions in Lake Tahoe soils and sediments
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Environmental Science and Health
By: Veronica Edirveerasingam
Dr Glenn C Miller/ Dissertation Advisor
August, 2006
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We recommend that the dissertation
prepared under our supervision byVERONICA EDIRVEERASINGAM
entitledImplications of vehicle emissions in Lake Tahoe soils and sediments
be accepted in partial fulfillment of therequirements for the degree of
Trang 4hydrocarbons (PAH), other petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) and phosphorus, derived
from engine oil, in several Lake Tahoe soils and sediments The PAH profile in marina
sediments, road runoff locations and from water collected immediately after running a 4
stroke engine in a tank had similar signatures, and data collected in this study offered
strong evidence that engine emissions were the primary source of these hydrocarbon
contaminants in Lake Tahoe soils and sediments Two PAH’s, fluoranthene and pyrene
were observed at relatively high concentrations, and were signature compounds in the
sediments In addition, a strong and positive correlation existed for PAH and TPH in
road runoff soils and marina sediments indicative of PAH related to vehicle emission
Phosphorus is an additive to most 4-cycle engine oils and observed at a
concentration of 700-1500 mg/L in new and used engine oils Although this source of
phosphorous is potentially significant for nutrient addition to Lake Tahoe, it comprises
only a relatively small fraction in the soils and sediments, compared to natural
concentrations The Tahoe soils examined had a total phosphorus content of 500-1000
mg/kg and an available phosphorus content of 20-100 mg/kg Assuming 0.1 % of
phosphorus content in the oil and a TPH content of 3000-5000 mg/kg in the highly
vehicle affected areas, the phosphorus contribution from engine oil is only 3-S5mg/kg
Alternatively, the hydrocarbon contaminated sediments released more phosphorus
into the water under anaerobic conditions and suggests that petroleum hydrocarbons can
drive anaerobic processes that eventually will release phosphorus This is likely an issue
in marina sediments, as well as flooded catchment basin sediments
Trang 5The three catchment basins examined in the Kings beach area appeared effective
in retaining the contaminants The inlets had high TPH, and PAH concentrations in
comparison to the outlets and soil cores collected at different depths in each basin had
hydrocarbon concentrations low in the native depths and high in the layer where sediment
had accumulated PAH leaching was evaluated in basin soils and the results indicated
that only a small fraction (<0.1%) of PAH compounds would leach
Trang 6I thank Dr Glenn Miller, for giving me the opportunity to work in his lab and
complete my degree Appreciation is extended to all my committee members, Dr Dale
Johnson, Dr Jerry Qualls, Dr John Sagebiel, and Dr Mark Walker for all their input and
for their valuable advice
Special thanks for my colleagues who held my hand and encouraged me to never
give up and push forward Their words were “no pain no gain” I thank the agencies that
funded this project (Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and Lahontan water Quality
Board) and to all those helping hands Janis Hall and Elizabeth Harris Gratitude is
extended to Dr Sandra Carroll, Kendra Zamzow, Cindy Hoonhout, Jim Woodrow and
Victoriya Lepak for help with the lab instruments My sincere appreciation to Mary
Miller at Desert Research Institute (DRI) for analyzing total phosphorus in soil samples
and to Dr Rick Susfalk who is also at DRI for his valuable input related to phosphorus in
Lake Tahoe soils
I thank my parents and brothers for their constant encouragement At a very
young age, they made me believe that education is important fora woman Above all, I
thank God for the opportunity that was given me
CHAPTER 1: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons profile and total
petroleum hydrocarbon loading in Lake Tahoe sediments
ADSUract 0 cece cece ee eeeeeeseeveeveuveuveuveueeueeuvaueaueveevnrvnrvnrvnrvnrenens
ÍnffOUCfIOHT cece cece cece eee ee eee eeteeteeteeteeteeteeteeteenees
Materials and methodS cece eee e eee ng nh snes ss
(a) Four stroke engine operation to examine PAH compounds
from engine emissions In WAf€T c cà e ene ene
(b) Road dust and marina sampling
(c) Sediment characterization and TOC analysIs
(d) Total petroleum hydrocarbon determination
(e) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon determination
Results and discussion (a) The distribution of PAH and PHC in marina sediments and along in the road runoff areaS cà se PAH vs TPH TPH vs TOC PAH vs TOC (b) The concentration of PAH in different sieve size fractions in both marinas and road runoff locaflOns
(c) PAH profile observed in engine emission and in marina S320 2 EE EE EEE EEE EEE Ee (d) Road runoff and marina locations PAH profile
Literature cited
17 17 18
Trang 80u iuynỚaỤẦỤp
[ntfOdUCtION HH nh nha
Materials and methods c2 nh key
(a) Sampling ÏOCatIO'S ch ky
(b) Leaching experImert
(C) ANAlySiS 0 ca EEE EEE EE eee
(d) Statistical anaÏVSIS cece cece ence nh kh
Results and đISCUSSIOT c CS SH nh nena ena ng
(1) Sources of PAH and TPH to the Tahoe basin
(II) Catchment basins c {cớ
(a) Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH),
total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH), and total organic carbon
(TOC) content in the baSInS ccccc sees eases
(b) PAH compounds and TPH in different sieve fractions in Coon,
Salmon, and Hwy 28 basin nh
(IIT) Leaching of the PAH compounds in different depths
Conclusions 00.0 cece cece eeeceeecesesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvesvenss
Literature CI{€C eee eee eee eee eee tsetse eee tsetse teens
CHAPTER 3: Phosphorus in engine oil and its availability in soils
and sediments
ADSUract 0 cece cece cece ceeeseeveuveueeuveueeuueueeuueueeuvavvanvanvnnvanvanvannass
IntrOoductiOn 0 ccc cece cece cece cee eeeceeeeeceeeeeeeteeteeteeteeeeneentee eee
Materials and methodS ng ng nh khu
Trang 9(b) Phosphorus content in new and used engine oIÌs 112
(c) water extractable phosphorus in engine oIÏs 112
(d) Release of available phosphorus in sediments and soils under 113anaerobic and aerobic cOndItIO'S
Results and đISCUSSIOT nh nh nha 115
(a) Phosphorus content in new and used engine oiÌs 115
(b) Water extractable and available phosphorus in 4 stroke and 118used engine OIÏÌS ‹ ene en nen en nh kh hy
(c) Available phosphorus and petroleum hydrocarbon in soils and 122S€dIIN€TIS ence eee tees neta ene ene ng nh nh nh nen
(d) Release of bioavailable phosphorus under anaerobic and 132aerobic conditions in soils and sediments
ConcÌÏUSION eee e cece cece cece eee e eee ee eee seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sees 138
CHAPTER 4: Summary and Conclusions 143
Trang 10hf{p://€SC.SVTT€S.COIT( ng Hi nh tư
Location of the road runoff and marina samples
The quantification ion, confirmation ions, and retentiontime for each PAHs c cv
PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis and TPHconcentration (mg/kg) dry wt basis in road runoff andmarina locations in Lake Tahoe sediments
Percent total organic carbon as a result of total petroleumhydrocarbon in road runoff and marina locations
Road runoff and marina TOC (%) and PAH (ng/g) dry
MANOVA showing the differences in PAH compounds
in road runoff and marina sediments when they werenormalized to fluoranthene
Trang 11CHAPTER 2
Table 2.1: Less vehicle affected sampling locations in Kings 50
Table 2.2: Highly vehicle affected sampling location in Kings 51
Beach 0 cece cc eceeeeceee ences ee eeeeneeneeeeneeneenenens
Table 2.3: Soil types in the Kings Beach (Descriptions were 54
obtained from the USDA Soil conservation service andForest service in cooperation with University ofCalifornia Agricultural Experiment Station and NevadaAgricultural Experiment Station Soil Survey of theTahoe Basin area California and Nevada, March 1974)
Table 2.4: Depths used for each basin for statistical analysis 59
Table 2.5: Concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) 62
mg/kg dry wt basis and polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAH) ng/g dry wt basis for sites lessaffected by vehicle traŸllc ‹-
Table 2.6: Concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) 63
mg/kg dry wt basis and polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAH) ng/g dry wt basis for sites affected
by vehicle trafflc c {c2
Table 2.7: PAH, TPH, and TOC content of Coon basin 76
Table 2.8: PAH, TPH, and TOC content of Salmon basin 77
Table 2.9: PAH, TPH, and TOC content of Hwy 28 basin 77
Table 2.10: | PAH concentrations (ng/g) dry wt basis at different 78
depths in Coon basin cà
Table 2.11: | PAH concentrations (ng/g) dry wt basis at different 78
depths in Salmon
basin ‹ Table 2.12: | PAH concentrations (ng/g) dry wt basis at different 79
depths in Hwy 28 basin cc ene ee
Trang 12Leachate results of the Coon basin at 14cm depth (n=3).
Leachate results of the Coon basin at 20cm depth (n=3)
Leachate results of the Salmon basin at 14cm depth (n=3)
Leachate results of the Salmon basin at 20cm depth (n=3)
Leachate results of the Hwy 28 basin at 12cm depth
Leachate results of the Hwy 28 basin at 20cm depthCle) re
Annual phosphorus loading budget for Lake Tahoe fromReuter et al., 2001 ccc ee ccce ch nhau
Percent total organic carbon (TOC) and total petroleumhydrocarbon (TPH) of soils from three depths in
catchment basins and marina sediments
Concentrations of elements (mg/L) found in 2 strokeengine oils, 4 stroke engine oils and used oils (analyzed
by Stavely Fluid analysis services, Sparks, NV)
Extractable total phosphorus and available phosphorusfrom I ml of new and used oils into wafer
Extractable total and available phosphorus in 49 ml ofwater (mg/L) when Iml of the following new and usedOils Were MIXEd 0 cece eet e eee eee ene
Trang 13Kings Beach eee ee eee eee nena een es
Total petroleum hydrocarbon and bioavailablephosphorus from highly vehicle traveled areas
Total petroleum hydrocarbon, TOC content, andbioavailable phosphorus of the marina sediments inmg/kg dry wt basis and percentage (1%=10,000 ppm)
Percent of bioavailable phosphorus as a result of engineoil in less vehicle affected sites, sites highly affected byvehicle activity, and marInaS ‹
Eh readings of anaerobic and aerobic sediments and
Release of phosphorus under aerobic and anaerobicconditions in 11 marina sediments and 6 soils from twocatchment basInS
Figure 1.1: Pictures of some of the road runoff and marina sampling
Figure 1.2: Lake Tahoe sampling locatlons
Figure 1.3: — Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (ng/g) dry wt basis vs
total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/kg) dry wt basis inroad runoff loCatIOnS cà
Figure 1.4 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (ng/g) dry wt basis vs
total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/kg) dry wt basis inMarina ÏOCafIOPS na
Figure 1.5: TOC (%) vs TPH (%) in marina locations except Elk
POHTI HT nh nh nh nh cà
Figure 1.6: TOC (%) vs TPH (%) in road runoff locations
Figure 1.7: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (ng/g) dry wt basis vs
percent total organic content in marina locations
Figure 1.8: — Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (ng/g) dry wt basis vs
percent total organic content in road runoff sites
Figure 1.9a Sediment characterization of road runoff sites Nearly
72% of sediments are sandy coarse material and less than6% is Silty SAnd HH kg
Figure 1.9b: PAH concentration from eleven road runoff locations in
three different sieve fractions (2mm-212um, 212 75um, and <75UM) 0 cece cece eect teense eae ene ene
um-Figure Sediment characterization of marinas Nearly 80% of
1.10a: sediments are sandy coarse material and less than 2% is
Figure PAH concentration from six marina locations in three
1.10b: different sieve size fractions (2mm-212um, 212
um-75um, and <7SUm) nh si,
Trang 15Sediments (n=9)with standard error bars
PAH concentrations in engine emission and marina 34sediments normalized to fuoranthene
PAH concentrations in engine emission and marina 34sediments transformed to log and normalized to
fluoranthene cọ nen
The PAH profile in road runoff and marinas in Lake 36Tahoe Mean PAH concentration (ng/g dry wt basis)
and standard error bar§ cc
PAH compounds in road runoff and marina locations 37normalized to fluoranthene Mean PAH concentration
(ng/g dry wt basis) and standard error bars
Catchment basin locations and background sampling 52sites White boxes are vehicle affected sites and green
boxes are sites less affected by vehicle traffic
Descriptions of the acronyms are given in Table 2.1 and102225 cnet nee e eee ne enon ene enennennens
Soil types in the Kings Beach area The sampling site 53consists mostly CaF, JhC and UmF soils from andesitic
sources listed in Table 2.3 Map was obtained from theUSDA Soil conservation service and Forest service incooperation with University of California AgriculturalExperiment Station and Nevada Agricultural Experiment
Trang 16Figure 2.3a:
Figure 2.3b:
Figure 2.3c:
Figure 2.4:
Figure 2.5:
Figure 2.6:
Figure 2.7:
Figure 2.8:
Figure 2.9:
Figure 2.10:
Figure 2.11:
Figure 2.12:
Figure 2.13:
Figure 2.14:
Figure 2.15:
Figure 2.16:
Station Soil Survey of the Tahoe Basin area California
and Nevada, http://tahoe.usgs.gov/files/soil meta.txt
Coon basin covered with snow in WInf€f
Salmon basin in summer
Hwy 28 basin In Spring cce ccc eee eee ene eee een een es Leaching experiment
setup ‹-Total petroleum hydrocarbon vs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons linear regression line for less vehicle affected sampling Sifes cài Total petroleum hydrocarbon vs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon linear regression for sites affected by Ve€hli€Ï€S ce eee ee ene eeeneeneeneneeneeneeaeneeees PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis in soils from Loch Levon and Speckled Avenue vegetation sites
PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis in soils from Trout and Stealhead vegetation sItes
PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis in sites 3-20m away from the road cccc cv: PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis in soils from across the DaSITS nh nhu PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis in three water COLlLECTOLS 0 kee cee cece ee eeseeeeeseeseeeeeeeneeneans PAH concentration in vehicle affected road sides
PAH concentration in InlefS
PAH concentration in ouftlefS
PAH concentration in and next to culverts
Soil samples collected close to lake
Trang 17Total PAH (ug/g dry wt basis) and total petroleumhydrocarbon (mg/g dry wt basis) in Coon basin atdifferent depths cà.
Total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/g) dry wt basis andpercent total organic carbon content in the Salmon basin
at different depths c cà
Total PAH (ug/g dry wt basis) and total petroleumhydrocarbon (mg/g dry wt basis) in Salmon basin atdifferent depths cà,
Total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/g) dry wt basis andpercent total organic carbon content in the Hwy 28 basin
at different depths c cà
Total PAH (ug/g dry wt basis) and total petroleumhydrocarbon (mg/g dry wt basis) in Hwy 28 basin atdifferent depths cà v2
Coon basin total PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis at differentdepths in the three sieve SIZ€S à
Coon basin total TPH (mg/g) dry wt basis at differentdepths in the three sieve SIZ€S -
Salmon basin total PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis at differentdepths in the three sieve SIZ€S
Salmon basin total TPH (mg/g) dry wt basis at differentdepths in the three sieve SIZES
Highway 28 basin total PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis atdifferent depths in the three sieve S1Z€S
Highway 28 basin total TPH (mg/g) dry wt basis atdifferent depths in the three sieve SIZ€S
PAH compounds found in the Leachate from Coon 14cmand 20cm samples ‹
Trang 18PAH compounds found in the Leachate from Highway
28 basin,12cm and 20cm samples
Total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/kg) vs Bioavailablephosphorus (mg/kg) from less vehicle affected areas
Total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/kg) vs Bioavailablephosphorus (mg/kg) from highly vehicle traveled
Total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/kg) vs Bioavailablephosphorus (mg/kg) from Lake Tahoe marina sediments
Total petroleum hydrocarbon (mg/kg) and averageavailable phosphorus concentration in water (ug/L) underanaerobic and aerobic conditions
Available phosphorus and TPH concentration inanaerobic and aerobic sediments (mg/kg) dry wt basis
Trang 19Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Profile and Total Petroleum
Hydrocarbon Loading in Lake Tahoe Sediments
Trang 20released during vehicle and watercraft use and are associated with sediments due to their
high octanol water partition coefficients (Koy) and low water solubility PAHs’ have
toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties, and most species of aquatic biota rapidly
accumulate PAHs because of their high Koy
Significant sources of PAH into Lake Tahoe were considered to be from marine
engine exhaust as well as urban runoff Since PAHs sorb to organic matter, identifying
the concentrations in soils and sediments was found important to Lake Tahoe sediment
dwelling organisms The PAH concentration in the road runoff samples ranged from 163
ng/g dry wt basis (Highway 50) to 28,800 ng/g dry wt basis (Highway 28) This variation
was related to traffic activity Zephyr Cove and Timber Cove are marinas that had lower
PAH concentration 85-300ng/g dry wt basis The marinas with high PAH concentrations
were enclosed (i.e Elk point) and/or had high boating activity (i.e Tahoe keys Home
Owners, Tahoe Keys, and Ski Run) The PAH concentration in these marinas ranged
from 5970 -16800 ng/g dry wt basis
Fluoranthene and pyrene were the two PAH compounds observed at high
concentrations in soils and sediments When the 15 PAH compounds were normalized to
fluoranthene, no significant differences in PAH profiles were observed between the road
runoff and marinas When sediment and soil PAH signatures were compared to engine
emissions the profiles were similar for the high molecular weight compounds, but the
lower molecular weight compounds were depleted relative to fluoranthene This was
consistent with what would be expected based on solubility of each PAH compounds
Trang 21Lake Tahoe is a high alpine lake known for its clear, deep waters and is uniformly
regarded as a scenic recreational resource between California and Nevada However,
increased urbanization and man made compounds have disturbed the natural ecological
systems within the Tahoe Basin, resulting in a decrease in water clarity over the past forty
years (Goldman and Byron, 1986) and an increase in pollutants due to vehicle traffic over
the past twenty years (Cliff and Cahill, Lake Tahoe water shed assessment report, 1999)
Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) consist of crude oil and refined petroleum (petrol
and diesel) The analytical term used when measuring PHC is total petroleum
hydrocarbon (TPH) The lighter hydrocarbons (Ca-Co) in the PHC mixture are soluble
and highly volatile and when TPH is determined on sediments, the lighter hydrocarbons
(<€¡o) are depleted and higher molecular weight fraction (>C¡o) remain, relative to the
low solubility components and persist in the soils High concentrations of TPH create
foul odors, aesthetic problems and adversely affect marine life Studies have shown that
fish exposed to petroleum in the water column and in sediments can readily take up
hydrocarbons into their liver, brain, and muscles (Varanasi et al., 1977; Malins and
Hodgins, 1981) Chapman et al., (1988) showed that gastropods exhibited reduced
activity on exposure to sub lethal concentrations of diesel
A subset of total petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants is the polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAH), and is of concern due to their unique toxic properties These
compounds are products of incomplete combustion, primarily from internal combustion
engines, and are released into the Lake from direct marine engine exhaust and surface
runoff from vehicles
Trang 22of their high log Koy Some of the known effects of PAHs include lethal and sub lethal
responses and changes in survival, growth, reproduction and metabolism, as well as
tumor formation in aquatic biota (Ziccardi et al., 2002) Studies have also reported that
high molecular weight compounds with three or more benzene rings are associated with
carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic responses Low molecular weight two and three
ring PAH compounds are associated with acute (lethal) responses (Brandt et al., 2002)
PAHs associated with oil were converted into epoxy diols in fish, and these diols then
reacted with DNA and produced cancer-like tumors (Varanasi and Gmur, 1980)
PAHs are widespread contaminants and their persistence is dependent on
lipophilicity (Mackay et al., 1992) and other physical and chemical properties Under
direct UV light acenaphthylene, anthracene, fluoranthene, pyrene, and benzo(a) pyrene
are considered phototoxic because they can generate singlet oxygen and cause cell
damage (Oris et al., 1984) PAHs have low water solubility and very low vapor pressure
(Table 1.1) The PAHs listed in Table 1.1 are considered priority pollutants by U.S
Environmental Protection Agency as part of the Clean Water Act, section 301(h) EPA
TSD for 01(h)
Trang 23analyzed in this study (obtained from Syracuse Research Corporation website:
Benzo(a)pyrene 252.3 <3.8x 10° 5.49 x10” 5.97 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 252.3 1.5 x 10” 5.0 x10” 6.12 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 252.3 8.0 x 107 2.0 x10” 6.12 Benzo(g.h,i)perylene 276.3 2.6x 10” 1.01x10”° 6.5§
Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyrene 276.3 22x10” 1.0 x10" 6.58
Dibenzo(a.h)anthracene 278.4 2.5x10°-2.5 x10" 1.0x1019 6.50
Trang 24in soils and sediments, half lifes increases from approximately 23 days to over 6 years.
(Environmental Health Crietria report, 1998
http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehe/ehe/ehc202.htm; Witt, 1995) In sediments and
biota, PAH’s have a strong affinity for lipophilic hydrocarbons and tend to persist in the
solid phase because of their high octanol water partition coefficients (Koy) and reduced
bioavailability The sediment particle size distribution is important to the physical
movement, chemical partitioning and biological fate of PAH’s The clay and silt
fractions contain more PAH than the sand fraction (Krein and Schorer, 2000)
PAH and petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) related to vehicle traffic are released as
oil leaks, engine exhaust and tire wear from highly traveled roads Studies that examined
PAH compounds in gasoline and diesel in New Zealand (Ministry of Transport, Te
Manatu Waka, 2004) indicated that 75% of PAH is naphthalene, acenaphthylene, and
acenaphthene in both gasoline and diesel However, once they undergo combustion, the
exhaust contains 2-8 ring PAH from diesel emission and high molecular weight PAHs
(i.e indeno 1-2-3 [c.d] pyrene, benzo [g,h,i] perylene, and coronene) from gasoline
emission (Zielinska et al., 2004) Analyses of different tire material for PAHs indicated
that pyrene, benzo(a)anthracene, chrysene, and benzo(g.h.i)perylene, were present at
relatively high concentrations (Ministry of Transport, Te Manatu Waka, 2003)
Additionally, road dust may have PAHs from sealant materials Presently most of
highways are constructed with asphalt and, compared to coal tar sealant asphalts release
less PAHs in runoff (Mahler, et al., 2003 and 2005) PAH profiles of coal tar sealant
Trang 25chrysene in abundance.
Boats and ships are sources of PAHs to sediments due to incomplete combustion
and oils leaks PAH concentrations vary dramatically from a low of 52 ng/g dry wt basis
at Chesapeake bay (Foster and Wright, 1988) and Todos Santos Bay 96 ng/g dry wt basis
(Macias-Zamora, 2002) to as high as 61000 ng/ g dry wt basis in Xiamen harbor (Hong
et , 1995) Also, concentrations in Sydney harbor (Mc Cready et al., 2000), and Kitimat
harbor (Simpson et al., 1996) were extremely high, nearly 3.8 x 10” ng/g dry wt basis.
Smaller contributions of PAH to the Tahoe Basin come from forest fires, wood
smoke and atmospheric deposition from distant sources (NRC, 1983) Data are scarce
regarding the PAH signature related to forest fires However, studies have shown that
wood smoke consists primarily naphthalene and phenanthrene, with concentrations nearly
10 to 20 times higher than anthracene, fluoranthene, and pyrene compounds (McDonald
et al., 2000) In addition, acenaphthylene, methylated naphthalenes, and methylated
phenantherenes were detected in wood smoke
Following storm events PHCs and PAHs migrate to Lake Tahoe attached to fine
sediments Our study examined road dust as a major source of these pollutants, because
it contains a combination of vehicle emissions, oil leaks, tires and road sealant materials
that have the potential to degrade water quality
Marinas are also another source of hydrocarbons into the lake In order to
determine the occurrence and distribution of PAHs, samples were collected from a wide
range of marinas with high and low boating activity Also if the PAH is from internal
combustion engines we expect that the PAH profile in the marina sediment should be
Trang 26Lake Tahoe.
It was hypothesized that road runoff and marina sediments will have distinctive
PAH profiles than engine emissions Using PAH and TPH correlation we could identify
if the source is related to vehicle emission, because marinas get PAH and TPH directly
from engine emissions and a positive correlation for both PAH and TPH in marina
sediments will suggest that the source is engine emission than other sources Identifying
the PAH profile in marina sediments and plotting them against the PAH profile in road
runoff locations will positively indicate that the PAH in road runoff soils is from vehicle
emission rather than other inputs (wood smoke, forest fires, etc.) In addition, a positive
correlation for TPH and PAH in road runoff soils will suggest that the source is vehicle
Trang 27(a) Four stroke engine operation to examine PAH compounds from engine emissions
in water
A 4 stroke engine 9.9 hp Mercury Outboard manufactured in 1998 was operated
in a 500L test tank This tank was located at the University of Nevada Reno, Applied
Research Facility (Latitude 39° 32°69” N and Longitude 119° 48°87” W) The engine
was started followed by 5 min idling, and then speed was increased to ~5000 rpm, (90%
of full throttle) for 15min and then stopped The water was allowed to settle for 15 min
and water samples from the engine tank were collected in 1 L amber bottles and analyzed
for PAH compounds within 7 days The engine was operated for two other previous
studies in (August-November 2002; June -December 2003; and June- August 2004) that
examined the emission of PAH compounds in water from 2 stroke and 4 stroke engine
emission (Sufka, 2003) and their impact on C dubia daphnia (Carroll, 2005) The 4
stroke engine emission (n=9) PAH compounds in water was analyzed using EPA method
550.1 modified as described by Carroll (2005)
(b) Road dust and marina sampling
Sediment samples were collected in the Lake Tahoe basin 2002-2005 generally in
the spring, summer, and fall months (Figure 1.1, 1.2 and Table 1.2) A shovel and a
coring device were used and samples were placed in Zip-loc bags and stored at -20C
prior to analysis Road runoff soil samples were collected next to drainage ditches, water
collectors, and highly traveled road sites such as Highway 28 and Highway 50 Marina
sediments were collected from enclosed marinas and marinas that had direct access to the
Trang 28lake (Table 1.2) The specific locations were chosen because they were close to the lake,
and were used as high boating activity areas
(c ) Sediment characterization and TOC analysis
Soil and sediment samples from road runoff and marinas were sieved using
different sieve sizes [>2mm (rocks), 2mm-212 um (Coarse sand), 212um-75um (sand),
<75um (silt)] The sieved samples were analyzed for PAH and TPH using a solvent
extraction method similar to McCready et al., 2000 Samples were extracted with a 1:1
ratio of methylene chloride: acetone and concentrated by evaporating to 2 ml with
nitrogen gas The samples extracted for PAH analysis were used for the TPH analysis
The total organic carbon (TOC) content was examined in soil and sediment samples
using a Perkin Elmer CHNS/O analyzer (PE 2400 series II)
(d) Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) determination
TPH was determined in all marina sediments and Lake Tahoe road runoff
samples The TPH samples were analyzed using a HP 5890 series II gas chromatograph
equipped with a flame ionization detector (GC/FID) The carrier gas helium was set at
2.3 psi and hydrogen and air was set at 30 psi The column used was an HP-1 methyl
silicone 15m x 0.53mm x 0.25um i.d The column flow was 8.54 ml/min (73.6 cm/sec)
The initial oven temperature was set at 100 C and held for Imin, followed by temperature program at 20 C/min to 300 C and held for 15min The inlet and FID detector
temperature were set at 280C.
Trang 29The TPH standards were prepared using a 4 stroke engine oil dissolved in ethyl
acetate The standard range was 0.16mg/ml-8 mg/ml and the retention time for the area
at which the bulk peak appeared for the standard was at 5-9min Ethyl acetate blanks
were placed after every 5 samples and the standards and sample peaks were subtracted
from the ethyl acetate detector response
(e) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) determination
A gas chromatograph equipped with a mass spectrometer (GC/MS Agilent Model
6890 GC with Agilent 5973 mass selective detector and Agilent 7683 autosampler) was
used for the PAH analysis A 30m long HP-5MS column with 0.25 mm i.d and 0.25um
film thickness was used Average flow velocity was 37cm/sec The carrier gas used was
ultra high purity grade helium The pressure was programmed to maintain a constant
flow of Iml/min The oven temperature program had an initial temperature of 65 C for lmin The temperature was increased at a rate of 10 C /min to 200 C and held for 2 min.
It was then increased at a rate of 8 C /min to a final temperature of 280 C and held for 10min The total run time was 36.5 min The post run temperature was 310 C and hold time was 8min The injection was splitless at 250 C and 8.91 psi with a total flow of
The GC-MS was operated in the selected ion monitoring (SIM) mode The most
abundant ion was used for quantification and two other ions were additionally used for
confirmation (Table 1.3) The standards were purchased from Accu Standard, Inc, New
Haven, CT, and prepared at concentrations ranging from 0.005 ng/ul to 5 ng/ul by
dissolving in ethyl acetate
Trang 30Timber Cove road runoff
Elk Point marina Ski Run marina
Figure 1.1: Pictures of some of the road runoff and marina sampling locations
Trang 31Background samples from Kings Beach area
- Highway 28
Carnelian bay
Highway 50 Zephyr cove Elk Point
' Tahoe Keys Timber Cove
Tahoe Key Home Owners Lagoon
Figure 1.2: Lake Tahoe sampling locations
Trang 32Table 1.2: Location of the road runoff and marina samples.
Road runoff sites GPS degrees, minutes, seconds
Cave Rock parking lot
Zephyr Cove parking lot
Elk Point
Kahle Drive
Timber Cove Lake view intersection
Ski run Blvd intersection
Tahoe Keys parking lot
39°.10.13N, 120 °08.48 W 39°.14.37N, 120 °02.40 W 39°.10.20N, 120 °08.54 W 39°.14.21N, 120 °01.85 W 39°.14.27N, 120 °02.65 W 39°.00.4, 119 °56.85 W 39°.02.80N, 119 °56.94 W 39°.00.44N, 119 °56.85 W 38°.58.95N, 119 °56.68 W 38°.58.23N, 119 °56.16 W 38°.58.05N, 119 °56.92 W 38°.57.39N, 119 °56.90 W 38°.56.62N, 119 °58.62 W 38°.56.79N, 119 °57.30 W 38°.58.21N, 119 °59.83 W
38°.57.04N, 119 °57.55 W 38°.56.70N, 119 °58.64 W 38°.59.04N, 119 °57.38 W 39°.00.27N, 119 °57.07 W 38°.13.52N, 120 °08.89 W 39°.10.31N, 120 °08.24 W 39°.08.41N, 120 °09.21 W
Trang 33Compound Quantification Confirmation ions Retention Time
Acenaphthene-d10 164 162 11.85Acenaphthylene 152 151 153 11.48Acenaphthene 154 153 152 11.92Fluorene 166 165 139 13.12
Phenanthrene —d10 188 94 80 15.39Phenanthrene 178 176 89 15.45
Anthracene-d10 188 94 80 15.52Anthracene 178 176 89 15.57Fluoranthene 202 101 200 19.43
Pyrene-d10 212 106 211 20.08Pyrene 202 101 200 20.13
Chrysene-d12 240 236 24.14Chrysene 228 226 114 24.10
p-Terphenyl-d14 244 243 122 20.97
Perylene-d12 264 263 130 28.50Benzo(a)anthracene 228 226 114 24.21Benzo(b,k)fluoranthene 252 126 250 27.30Benzo(a)pyrene 252 126 250 28.28Indeno (1,2,3-cd)pyrene 276 138 274 32.93Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 278 139 274 33.17 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 276 138 274 34.23
Trang 34Results and Discussion
(a) The distribution of PAH and PHC along the road runoff areas and marinas
The total PAH and TPH concentration in road runoff and marina locations varied
by location (Table 1.4) The road runoff samples ranged from 163 ng/g dry wt basis
(Highway 50) to 28,800 ng/g dry wt basis (Highway 28) This variation was due to
heavy traffic activity in certain sites and parking lot use
The PAH concentration in the marinas varied depending on boating activity and
marina use Zephyr Cove and Timber Cove marinas had relatively low PAH
concentration (85-300 ng/g dry wt basis) probably because the sediment texture was
primarily coarse sand in these marinas In addition, these marinas are open marinas and
connected directly to the lake which allows moving water to deplete the marinas of the
fine grained sediments that contain the highest hydrocarbon concentrations Tahoe Keys
Home Owners, Tahoe Keys, Ski Run, and Elk Point had higher PAH concentrations
ranging from 5970-16800 ng/g dry wt basis These marinas are high boating activity
areas and enclosed and because of the latter, the PAHs are highly sorbed to the sediments
and persist
Aside from high PAH concentrations the results also indicated that almost all road
runoff sites and marinas had high petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations The Nevada
Standard for clean up and action level for hydrocarbon (TPH) contaminated soil is 100
mg/kg (Assoc Env Health and Science, 2003) The California standard for action level
is 10-1000 mg/kg dry wt basis for TPH and the clean up level is site specific All the
marinas located in the Nevada side of the Lake exceeded 100 mg/kg dry wt basis for
clean up and the action level of TPH contaminated soils Most of the marinas on the
Trang 35California side of the Lake, had TPH above 1000 mg/kg the California standard for
action level However, Tahoe City and Tahoe Keys Home Owners had <1000 mg/kg dry
wt basis possibly a result of sediment removal
The correlation for PAH and TPH was positive in road runoff (0.85) and marina
(0.74) locations (Figure 1.3 and 1.4) This correlation is important because petroleum
hydrocarbons consist of crude oil and refined petroleum (gas and diesel) and a positive
correlation of PAH vs TPH is an indication that sediments in the sampling sites contain
contaminants from vehicle emission rather than other sources such as wood smoke and
forest fires This is particularly true for marinas because marinas have the direct release
from engines and PAHs are trapped in the sediments
The correlation for TPH vs TOC was 0.98 for marinas when Elk Point TPH and
TOC was plotted When, Elk point was taken out of the calculation, the correlation
dropped to 0.69 for TPH and TOC in the marinas (Figure 1.5) Road runoff locations had
a correlation of 0.75 (Figure 1.6) Although, TPH related to TOC are slightly higher in
marinas (nearly 35%) TPH related to TOC is only 10.1 % for road runoff locations (Table
1.5) Other type of organic carbons such as organic debris and wood chips might add to
the high TOC content in the road dust Road runoff sites in Kings Beach area had high
TPH associated with TOC (10-28%) and conversely Zephyr Cove location had the lowest
content (0.9%)
Trang 36PAH vs TOC
The correlation was highly positive in the road runoff locations for TPH vs TOC
(0.75), and PAH vs TPH (0.85), the PAH vs TOC correlation was poor (0.05) The
marina sediments had a positive 0.81 for PAH vs TOC probably the PAH from engine
emissions sorb and persist in the anaerobic sediments (Figure 1.7) Table 1.6 shows the
PAH concentration and TOC content of the marina and road runoff sites The low road
runoff correlation for PAH vs TOC, might be because certain sites although high in TOC
(6.7-10%) were low in PAH (Timber Cove, Kings beach tunnel area, Cave Rock parking
lot) resulting in very small positive correlation (Figure 1.8) This low correlation may be
in part be related to photooxidation of the roadway particle surfaces
Trang 37Table 1.4: PAH concentration (ng/g) dry wt basis and TPH concentration (mg/kg) dry
wt basis in road runoff and marina locations in Lake Tahoe sediments
PAH concentration (ng/g) TPH concentrationdry wt basis (mg/Kg) dry wt
Kings beach dump facility 8460 7030
Kings beach tunnel area 5710 11400
Speckled Ave 559 731
Steel Head Ave 3090 1650
Golden Ave H20 collector 14500 7410
Salmon H;O collector 2560 550
Trang 38Table 1.5: Percent total organic carbon as a result of total petroleum hydrocarbon in road
runoff and marina locations
PercentTPH TPH TOC TOC from(mg/kg) (%) (%) TPHRoad Run
Kings Beach dump facility 7030 0.70 2.49 28.1
Kings Beach Tunnel Area 11400 1.14 10.01 11.4
Kahle Drive 2920 0.29 2.37 12
Cave Rock parking lot 2540 0.25 7.07 3.54
Brockway Lake soil 50 0.05 0.30 3.33
Trang 39Table 1.6: Road runoff and Marina TOC (%) and PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis
Road runoff TOC (%) PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis
Brockway Lake soil 0.3 518
Cave Rock parking lot 7.07 1760
Kings Beach Tunnel Area 10.01 5710
Trang 40Total PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis vs TPH (mg/kg) dry wt basis
from road runoff sites (n=17)
PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis
Figure 1.3: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (ng/g) dry wt basis vs total petroleum
hydrocarbon (mg/kg) dry wt basis in road runoff locations
Total PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis vs TPH (mg/kg) dry wt basis
from marina locations (n=9)
-PAH (ng/g) dry wt basis
Figure 1.4: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (ng/g) dry wt basis vs total petroleum
hydrocarbon (mg/kg) dry wt basis in marina locations