3-4-5 My Book of
If your child can read and write humbet's up to 10
fairly well, then this book will build on that foundation
Trang 2Name Number Puzzle 1 to 5 Butterfly Date
Write your child’s name and the date in the boxes above Teach your child the order of numbers from 1 to 5, Your child's lines may not be steady at first, but will improve with practice, Make sure to praise your child for his or her hard work
«Draw a line from | to 5 in order while saying each number
Trang 3Lemon
Draw a line from | to 5 in order while saying each number
Trang 4Su Counting 1 to 10 =Draw a line from ! (®) to I0 (%) Counting 1 to 10 Name Date To parents
If itis difficult for your child to draw a line from 1 to 10at once, allow him or her to pause at each shell
in order while saying each number
Trang 7Dog
Draw a line from | to 10 in order while saying each number
Trang 8Name Date 4 Number Puzzle 1 to 10 In the Sea To parents
Have your child connect the dots from 1 to 10 This activity will help your child learn the order of numbers If he or she doesn’t know how to do this activity, point to the number 1 to show the starting point
=Draw a line from | (@) to !0 (*%) in order while saying each number
Trang 9A Nice Day for Sailing
=Draw a line from | (@) to 10 (*) in order while saying each number
Trang 10iS Counting 1 to 10 Name Date To parents
Make sure that your child understands the order of the numbers It helps to have your child trace first with his or her finger and then draw a line connecting the numbers
=Draw a line from | to !0 in order while saying each number
Trang 11=Draw a line from | to !0 in order while saying each number
a ®
Trang 12=Write the number | and say it aloud Name Date To parents
Trang 15To parents
First, demonstrate how to write the number 4 which is written in two strokes
Guide your child's hand if necessary, then have him or her start writing from @),
Trang 18— a << —_— “ : io Writing Numbers Name Date To parents
From this page on, the stroke path becomes narrower
Trang 22_ án": 4+ | <7 How Many? 1 to 5 =How many are there? Name Date To parents
In addition to being a sequence, numbers also represent quantities It is important for your child to practice counting in daily activities,
Trang 23=How many are there?
Trang 24How Many? 6 to 10 =How many are there?
Trang 25=How many are there?
Trang 26| q How Many? 1 to 10 Name Date To parents
First, have your child look at the objects and count them aloud Then have him or her trace the numbers
Trang 27=How many are there?
Trang 30a a 95 Numbers 1 to 20 C To parents When your child writes the numbers well, praise him or her
Trang 34_~ W Name Date 23 Number Puzzle 1 to 20 Which One Is Upside Down? To parents
When your child finishes the exercise, talk with him
or her about the things in the picture,
=Draw a line from | to 20 in order while saying each number
Trang 35What Is the Monkey Doing?
=Draw a line from | to 20 in order while saying each number
Trang 40~~ = ee ll eo eo ae eo ae ||) (en) Sa ee mx ` eee Name 26 Writing Numbers 11 to 20 5 To parents
Tell your child the following From 11 to 19, the number in the “ones” part increases by 1, but the number in the “tens” part does not
change When 19 increases by 1 to 20, the number in the “tens” part
Trang 46Numbers 11 to 30 3
Trang 47= Trace the gray numbers and fill in the missing numbers
Trang 49Lion
=Draw a line from | to 30 in order while saying each number
Trang 50Name Date 3 | Number Puzzle 1 to 30 Let’s Have Lunch! To parents
When your child finishes the exercise, talk with him
or her about the things in the picture
=Draw a line from | to 30 in order while saying each number
Trang 51Jack-in-the-Box
=Draw a line from | to 30 in order while saying each number
Trang 53Name 32 Writing Numbers cS) 21 to 30 FC To parents
Trang 54Numbers 11 to 30 =
= Trace the gray numbers Then fill in the missing numbers
Trang 56
YA review 1 to 13 -
=Trace the gray numbers and fill in the missing numbers
Trang 57=Trace the gray numbers and fill in the missing numbers
Trang 58wW- `" fe | eer, ee ES | -: - Review 10 to 22
Trang 59= Trace the gray numbers and fill in the missing numbers
Trang 60Se ES ee ee ae ee ee a a a a ee la ^®S en ee Se aes ——— o> Ae a eet Review 19 to 30
Trang 62cu: Review 1 to 30 Name Date To parents
Trang 65=Fill in the missing numbers Say each number aloud
Trang 68
Review 1 to 30
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