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Succeed in Online Marketing & Sales pdf

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- 1 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. How to Succeed in Online Marketing & Sales Because of Proven Techniques By Raymond C. Dukes - 2 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. Why read on? Let’s clear the bull. Everyone knows there are more failure-ridden schemes than successful plans on the Internet. More dreams dashed than supported and nurtured to fruition. This is a guide of useful insights into how to succeed in the online world. It isn’t just like every other book you’ve read on the subject. It is similar in some respects. You’ll be told how it has been done – but we won’t be glossing over facts. Internet Marketing, and Online R.O.I. are HARD. Working at a gas station for the rest of your life is easy. Making money on the Internet is HARD. But there’s much more money-making potential, and if you succeed, you have the possibility of becoming a millionaire. O.K. O.K. Millionaire. Got it. You’re right. You probably won’t succeed quite to this point. You’ll hear this figure from time to time: 99% of people who attempt to make money on the Internet don’t follow through. No scientific study of this has been made that I’m aware of, but it is true that most people just download, or at most, glance at the eBooks I or others offer on the subject of Internet Marketing. Nobody succeeds unless they follow through to the result. Those that do read all the articles and eBooks out there and follow through manage to increase traffic to their web sites. I for one am an example of this very thing. Yazooy.com started out in February 2005 with maybe 100 hits a month with my half- hearted attempts at marketing. Most of these pageviews were me, myself, and I. December 2005, I researched online marketing with a vengeance, and January 2006 began marketing using techniques found on just a handful of marketing sites. Within 2 months, I had over 100 pageviews a day. And the views weren’t me. By March, I had 800-1200 unique visitors per day. This isn’t to say that I was making a ton of money. For every 1,000 visitors, I’d have 1 customer signup for service. Every other signup translated into sales. This totaled $50- 200 every month… Pretty good for spending money, or to pay on the car. However, Yazooy.com sold nothing but Adobe Photoshop styles at the time. Talk about your specific niche. The point is, you CAN get traffic. You CAN make sales. If I can receive that much traffic, and at least a few sales in a very narrow niche market, I believe whole-heartedly that you should be able to do at least as well. To start things off, I’ll be sharing with you a number of articles I have published either in my Yazooy.com/Blog or on BestOnlineWeb.Info – the very “secrets” that led to my web site’s dramatic traffic boost. I’m sure it’ll be a help to you, because it was to me. - 3 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. I would like to congratulate you on your successful download of this eBook! You now have permission and rights to Freely redistribute this eBook under the terms that this eBook is left wholly intact, without any changes. This eBook must also remain free and without charges, although it may be given as part of an incentive program. Copyright Notice This eBook, “How to Succeed in Online Marketing & Sales Because of Proven Techniques” is copyright    2006, Raymond C. Dukes, All Rights Reserved. Download The latest version of this eBook may be downloaded for free at the following address: http://www.yazooy.com/catalog/ Disclaimer All efforts have been made for the accuracy of the statements and information within this eBook. Raymond Dukes and Yazooy.com are not liable for any actions that may result from the use of the information contained in this eBook. Raymond Dukes does not hold any affiliation with Google, Yahoo!, or Overture. Google, Yahoo!, and Overture are trademarked terms. - 4 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. - Contents - Getting Rich Quick -6- Internet Marketing Basics -13- Vortals -16- Tag and Ping, Blog and Ping -18- Search Engines and More -20- Submissions -23- Black Hat SEO -34- Spam – Junk Messages in Blogs -36- List of Helpful Marketing Sites -37- But How Do You Pick the Right Title? -39- Froogle – eCommerce’s Friend -41- Shopping Cheaply, Selling Cheaper -42- - 5 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. - Contents – (continued) Affiliates Demystified -43- Breaking Up Pages for AdSense -45- Earning More from AdSense -46- Alternatives to AdSense -47- Free Online Products for Your Store -48- Selling Things -51- The Basis of Online Sales -54- Stay Informed -52- - 6 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. Getting Rich Quick By Raymond C. Dukes 1/22/2006 As anyone reading this article undoubtedly knows, becoming a millionaire is hard work. I, personally am fed up with "Get Rich Quick" schemes that don't work. There are some methods in turning the vast riches of the Internet into money in your pocket, but nothing is as simple as placing some content on one web site and some Google AdSense links. You'll receive money in this way, but you won't "Get Rich Quick". In this article, we will examine the ways that work rather than the dozens of phony pyramid schemes and fake RagstoRiches sites aimed at selling you more products. StepbyStep Blueprint of Making Money Online As you may imagine, there are several methods of making money online, but all of them will fall apart if you don't have the appropriate infrastructure and attack plan. Your first step in making money is creating a strategy. Here are some suggested steps in composing that strategy: 1. Pick a MoneyMaking Plan Decide what type of moneymaking plan is doable for you. You may not be able to implement them all, or any of them. 2. Break Everything Down Break it into simple terms and focus on specific tasks, one at a time. 3. Assign Jobs Apply the jobs for specific aspects of the plan to specific people. 4. Decide on an Advertising Plan Proper Advertising is necessary since people need to know about your goods or services to purchase them. 5. This is the big one  Carry Everything Out. 1. Picking a MoneyMaking Plan There are dozens if not hundreds of moneymaking opportunities. Money making opportunities that work, not moneymaking schemes that fail  there are - 7 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. more of those. To succeed, be realistic and pick those that you know you can carry out to fruition. Overwhelming yourself will only breed failure. Below are a list of the plans that are proven to make money. Not all plans are listed since there are hundreds, but some of the more popular ones are. 1. Open a RoyaltyFree Article Website with or without editing rights (with is usually considered better). Either with a membership fee, or with advertisements such as AdSense and affiliates. 2. Create a Coupon Website with associated advertisements and possibly AdSense ads. 3. Create a Niche Website with news and good information on a single topic. Monetize it with AdSense and similar programs. Remember to optimize the articles for better ad clickthrough rates whenever possible. 4. Advertise ClickBank (and similar) Affiliates through AdWords. You advertise and gain commissions  be advised that you may need to invest heavily and that there is a chance of large losses as well as large gains. 5. Create a Marketing Website that offers information such as eBooks on optimizing profits. You either need access to a RoyaltyFree content site, or need to spend long hours researching and/or doing Internet Marketing. Remember to offer an Affiliate program (5075% commissions are considered good selling points.) 6. Write a Computer Program and Market it Online There are largescale problems with Spam, Viruses, Worms, AdWare, SpyWare, and other malicious programs. Creating something to combat these threats and marketing it properly can mean enormous profits. There are many other programs that are popular: P2P software, MP3 software, etc. - 8 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. Remember to use Royalty Free Software Code to speed production  but give credit to writers. 7. Create an Online store Offer downloadable products whenever possible, dropship through a warehouse if you can. Remember that a decent dropshipper doesn't charge monthly fees. It's also best to go with someone reliable and with a low cut on sales. If you're making 200 sales a month with only a profit of $2, you should probably look elsewhere for a dropshipper or close the store. 8. Viral and Startup Websites There are no viruses on these websites, they're called "Viral" because links to your site multiply like crazy. Opening a site that helps push traffic to your site and customers' sites will undoubtedly see a lot of traffic (again, remember to market it properly.) By having links to your other moneymaking sites, and having a few unobtrusive advertisements on it, you can gain revenue. 9. Pixel Advertisement Sites Pixel websites are a fad popular as of the writing of this article. Creating your own can insure good profits over the short term. Remember to create your with some sort of twist in comparison to other sites so that yours stands out. If possible, you can add a small pixel board to some of your other websites. You could also monetize your own free pixel ad website. 2. Break Everything Down As with any job, you have to break everything down to a stepby step process and todo list. If this is done and followed, it is less likely that a person attempting all this will become overwhelmed and have a panic attack. Take your time in following the process, most businesses take time. 3. Assign Jobs If you have more than one person attempting to complete the project, dividing the project down to basic tasks and assigning them out can lessen the burden - 9 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. on a single person. The only problems with this are that all people concerned have to be competent, and people committed to the project. 4. Decide on an Advertising Plan Okay, Scheme is the wrong word. Again, your plan is a strategy you absolutely need and need to follow through. There are hundreds or thousands of Advertising opportunities. You need to identify which of them will give you not only visitors to your websites, but which marketing strategy will give you ROI. Return On Investment is an absolute must. If you receive 100,000 clicks to your site per day, but 0% revenue, the advertising is not successful. The Advertising methods everyone thinks about includes Google SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Google AdWords Advertising, Overture Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Link Exchanges. SEO Let me tell you now that Google SEO doesn't give you sales. It only gives you clicks  YOU CANNOT RELY ENTIRELY ON SEO. A truly large company or popular site will have 100,000 to 1,000,000 clicks per day. Most people won't have nearly that many. We can assume you'll have 100 to 150,000 visits per day if you are #1 on Google, depending on the subject; some obscure subjects may have far fewer clicks. We are almost certainly not going to get #1 on Google. There are millions of web sites now on each and every subject imaginable. A large number of those are attempting to get the #1 spot. You're going to be lucky to be on the first 10 pages. Search Engine Advertisements Google AdWords and Overture Yahoo! Search Marketing (and similar programs through other search engines) usually only gives clicks and will suck your revenue up with costs. YOU CANNOT RELY ENTIRELY ON YAHOO OR GOOGLE ADS. I know what I'm talking about, I've run Google and Yahoo ads and optimized them for thousands of clicks per day for targeted audiences and received far more clicks and costs than revenue. Let me elaborate (bear with me, there are a lot of numbers). - 10 - Copyright  2006 Raymond C. Dukes, See www.Yazooy.com for the most recent version. On a whole, .1% clickthrough on Google is considered "good" and 1% click though is possible. That's roughly between 1:1000 and 1:100 clicktoimpression ratio. Let's say you have 100,000 impressions. That's 100 visits at most. If you are using AdSense as well, you are likely getting up to 2% clickthroughs. That's normally what? $0.10 to $1.25 per day (1 or 2 clicks) on a site with 100ish visits per day. About $3  $37.50 per month. We're spending between $10 and $12 per day on those ads more than likely. If we increase that to between $100 and $120 for our AdWords/Overture daily budget, we get between $30 and $350 per month. See the problem? More Cost per day than revenue per day. This doesn't mean that you should automatically drop Google or Yahoo Ads. You may make a good conversion rate for sales on your Internet Store, but then again, you may not. You'll have to track this yourself since every store is different. Yahoo and Google both give tracking code freely to you, and there are other tracking programs that you can purchase that are well worth it (remember to make sure they adhere to your search engine advertiser's stipulations in their license agreement). I find AdSense Gold helpful. Keywords can be optimized throughout your website to increase the revenue per click on AdSense as well. It is beyond the scope of this article to supply all the words, but there are definitely keyword phrases that give you $75 per click. $75 per clicks will almost definitely pay for a 2Adclickperday web site's AdWords and Yahoo advertising. Audiences must also be targeted. Not only people who are most likely to like the website you are advertising, but people most likely to click the ads. Many Google and Yahoo users that click the ads off of the main search engine, or use one or the other to find your site, are tech savvy. Tech Savvy people are usually pretty tired of ads and can seem to spot them a mile away. These people are almost certainly not going to click your AdSense Ads even if they click your AdWords Ads. Depending on your site audience, they may also be more or less tech savvy and therefore more or less likely to click the ads. Link Exchanges Link exchanges occur when one site places an ad or link to your site on theirs, and you reciprocate with an ad or link to theirs on your site. Reciprocal links such as these are sometimes considered bad for SEO, but can be good for [...]... to make certain that they are paying off Link Exchanges Link Exchanges are big boosts in popularity On search engines, anyway To find who is linking to who, you can load Yahoo.com and use the search: links:domain.com Where domain.com is the site you are checking inbound links to There is also a free service you can add a link or button to in your Blog or site which will tell you who links in I found... www.illumirate.com www.imegamall.com www.indexunlimited.com www.indexwebdirectory.com www.infignos.com www.info-listings.com www.info-places.com www.infoclicks.net www.infopeek.net http://www.infoprobe.net/addurl.htm www.informationdirectory.info www.informativeinfo.info www.infosniff.com www.infotiger.com www.infowebworld.com directory.inmeres.com www.inneedof.co.uk www.iozoo.com www.iqair.us/_directory.html... www.jlinternet.co.uk/directory/ www.joeant.com www.kabooli.com www.keralaclick.com/dir www.kingbloom.com www.kingoftheweb.net www.knowbe.com www.kwikgoblin.com www.l10s.com www.lambshead.com www.landoflinks.com www.link-pimp.com www.linkcentre.com www.linketeria.com www.linkland.info www.linkop.com www.linksmatch.com www.linksnavigator.com www.linkwith.us www.list-directory.info www.look4business.org... once don't continue to highlight a word or phrase in this fashion throughout the entire page This would annoy people and the search engines Advertise People won't find your site unless you have links going to it Link exchanges, banner exchanges, Google AdWords, link directories, tag and ping (social bookmarking), and Blog and Ping methods are the most widely used To find out the links going into your competitor's... www.bluenoserlinks.com www.bramptonlistings.info www.business-listing.com www.businessdir.co.uk www.businessdirectoryofusa.com www.businessplexus.com www.businesspowerusa.com www.businessseek.biz www.buy-modern-art.co.uk www.buzzle.com www.c2000.com www.c2000.com/links www.canadawebdirectory.com www.canlinks.net www.cantufind.com www.cash-for-surveys.com/dir http://www.cheinternet.com/ directory.cipinet.com... 11 - directing traffic to your site Other forms of link exchanges include Link Farms, which are definitely bad for SEO Link farms are sites with thousands of links to other sites Start up websites and viral websites also post links for your pages in exchange for a link to either them, or another site Search engines may frown upon these as well Other Methods Other methods include Advertising on Other... Tag and Ping, Blog and Ping By Raymond C Dukes Wednesday, June 7 2006 Blog and Ping Blog and Ping is a method by which people are indexed by search engines incredibly fast usually within the first week or two This method is much faster than submitting a site to a search engine, which can take 3 or more months The method is fast and easy: 1 Add a Blog to the site 2 Create accounts in search engine home... likely spider your site, indexing it anyway it just may take a few months to years due to the current volume of websites If you manually submit to Google, it may take months to be approved for your indexing, again due to the volume of sites Tag and Ping, Blog and Ping, and Link Trades are better methods for being indexed Remember that placement of your site in search results in Google rely on not only... version - 35 - In the long run, the search engine also loses out if everyone is unable to find information on the search engine, they stop using it Now if we carry this out to the logical next step, we see that the people who were living it large off of cheating the system no longer have a customer base The funds dry up, and the spammer has to find some other way of getting residual income The final end... www.cyborginfo.com www.cyngoseek.com www.cypruspages.com blue.daffodil.uk.com www.deep-directory.com www.depodirectory.com www.deregular.com www.dhundo.com www.digitalseo.info/dir www.dir-submission.com www.direct-o-ry.com www.directory-active.info www.directory-business.info www.directory-directory.info www.directory-free.com www.directory-free.info www.directory-internet.info www.directory-link.info www.directory-list.info . I. December 2005, I researched online marketing with a vengeance, and January 2006 began marketing using techniques found on just a handful of marketing sites. Within 2 months, I had over 100 pageviews. in your pocket, but nothing is as simple as placing some content on one web site and some Google AdSense links. You'll receive money in this way, but you won't "Get Rich Quick" Blueprint of Making Money Online As you may imagine, there are several methods of making money online, but all of them will fall apart if you don't have the appropriate infrastructure and

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Mục lục

    List of Helpful Marketing Sites

    Step-by-Step Blueprint of Making Money Online

    Pick a Money-Making Plan

    Decide on an Advertising Plan

    6. Write a Computer Program and Market it Online

    Finding the Right Keywords


